Thursday, October 18, 2012



I used to wonder what "the river of life" meant.  Then I researched River of Life in the Bible and was informed that it's mentioned in both the New and Old Testaments of the Bible.  Rivers represent prosperity as the river has fish that provide food for anyone who will take advantage of it.  Also, the Disciples were called "fishers of men".  So what does it mean?  I would just say the line and imagine prosperity flowing through me in lavish expression. 

When I moved to the mountains and started canoeing and rafting I thought about the above line in the prayer, as the Delaware River is always in motion and literally never stops flowing.  As we were doing a 16 mile paddle we would also see plenty of fish swimming in the river.  We also would be in awe when we saw eagles nesting on the banks of the river and Blue Heron and other birds flying near by.  Certainly rivers are giving life to all living creatures, humans, fish, birds and the vegetation that grows at the edge of the river. 

This takes me back to the beginning of the prayer: I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance". Paddling down the Delaware River while reciting the prayer created a calm and peaceful feeling inside of me.  The river is not only beautiful, but it is full of life. 

Yesterday I received an email from a sister who is in this group. Seems she found a quarter yesterday and she imagined that it was $25 as opposed to 25 cents.  That's one way to get in the flow and to jump start the Law of Attraction to bring her more.  We were advised to pick up money when we saw it on the ground and to say "thank you" for the gift.  We were also told to stay in a state of receptivity, especially during times when we're praying for abundance.  When you're saying the prayer at home, make sure that you keep your hands open, palms up.  Keeping your palms up is a physical statement that says "I am open and ready to receive my good". 

Also another sister told me she has recorded herself saying the prayer that way she can listen to it when she's in bed and in that state of grogginess between awake and asleep.  Or she can listen to it as  she's moving around in the morning getting dressed and ready to go out and start her day.
We like the idea of recording the prayer because it will be your voice, not someone else's that is programming your subconscious mind. 


When you commit to refraining from negative thoughts, words or emotions you're on a mental diet or fast.  You've decided to take control of all of it and to substitute the negative for the positive.
Sometimes the ego mind, the rational mind, the conscious mind that thinks, pushes back because it doesn't like to be ignored.  So you're going to have to say "you have no power over me" or as my grandmother used to say "get thee behind me Satan".  This mental fast will work more efficiently and you will get faster results when you stick with it.  If you should slip into conversations talking about the economy and how bad it is,  simply say silently or out loud "cancel cancel", and then say a line in the prayer that makes you feel good.  This might mean that you're going to have to avoid the doom and gloomers, the news, or people who are always complaining about money.  The Truth is, the apple trees are still giving fruit cause nobody told them we're in a recession.  There is prosperity everywhere and you and I just need to believe it and know it deep down in our bones.  Thought for the day:  There is no lack or limitation to the mind of God.
Meditate tonight at 8:00pm and keep the energy flowing.  


  1. Thank you so much for this group Ayehsa :). I'm just joining today and am now all caught up for tomorrow. You have no idea how right on the money this project is for me :)! I noticed myself having negative thoughts recently and was mentally exercising to stop. Reading about the mental fast tonight has helped beyond measure! I asked for HELP and here you are :)! Thank you again and I look forward to the next lesson and meditation session.

    1. I am thankful and grateful for the opportunity to do this. We always teach best what we need to learn, so I'm also reaffirming what I know while practicing what I preach (smile)


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