Friday, May 15, 2015


BELOVEDS, the Sun and Moon will  connect  on Monday, May 18th and we'll have a New Moon in Taurus. However we'll be feeling the energy all weekend. Plus, Mercury will go retrograde in Gemini (till June 25th) later in the day. But some of us have been feeling the retrograde energy a week prior to the 18th and have started moving on cleaning up our act, getting paperwork in order and releasing what we no longer need.  


New Moons are traditionally times to start new projects or to create new habits. New Moon in Taurus, the sign that says "I Have" inspires us to focus on money and financial status.  When I look at my own bank account, and bills, and hear from others who are doing the same, I accept there is a need to create a better relationship with money. Going to take this time to change my attitude and change what I'm thinking on a daily level in order to improve my personal situation.  After doing some honest reflection on finances I realize there are plenty of habits that need to be changed.  The first thing is to recognize that my feelings about money have been fear based. I've been stuck in a feeling of lack and limitation this year especially, even though theoretically, I know better.  So at least for one day I'm going to watch what I think or say behind the phrase "I Have". For instance, "I have enough money to pay my bills", or "I have everything I need", or "I have the talents and gifts to attract more money in my life". Some believe that just saying something positive, that we know isn't true is like believing in magic. The realists among us say "the fact is, bills are coming in and my bank account balance is low".  Even though that might be true on some level, I believe when you raise it up to a higher level, you can magnetically attract to you what you need.  At least the one good side effect of focusing on what you want to be true is that temporarily it raises the consciousness, releases endorphins and makes you feel good. In order to attract more good, we have to feel good in our body. So I'm suggesting that at least for one day, forget about reality and tune into the spiritual truth about money. There is enough to go around, and all my needs are met.  One things for sure is that when we experience the same things over and over again, we should know its time for a change. The first change has to be on the inner levels of consciousness before it can move out to the outer levels.  Rev. Raymond Charles Barker used to say during his lectures at Lincoln Center "change your mind, and keep it changed".  The one good thing about the Taurus energy, which is fixed earth, is that there's a stubborn quality attached to it. Think about the symbol, The Bull, that refuses to move until you dangle a carrot in front of it. The carrot is the potential to change. Taurus is  a consistently hardworking, patient and trustworthy sign. Even if you're not a Taurus, tap into the energy and stay the course.  

Last week, just as Mars the action planet went into Gemini
a train derailed killing 8 people and injuring hundreds more.
The engineer was going twice the allowed speed while in a dangerous curve. He says he doesn't remember what happened, but he did remember to grab his bag  and his phone before leaving the train and lawyered up before talking to police.  You might think I'm playing the race card, but I remember when there was another derailment on Metro North. The engineer was Black, and we knew everything about him, including what he ate for dinner and how much rest he had the night before the accident. Now Amtrak and officials from the agency that investigates train crashes are saying this guy needs time to heal from his trauma.  The difference in how people are treated when a crime is committed in this country is like Black and White. The media jumped all over Mayor Nutter for saying the excessive speed in this latest train accident was simply "reckless".  Uh Duh! Who wouldn't think that traveling 106 miles per minute in a zone that requires half that speed is reckless? Anyhow, my thoughts and prayers go out to the people who died, the people who are injured and the people who  experienced this awful tragedy. When we witness these things it gives those of us who pray, an opportunity to be in prayer mode.  I also pray that the truth comes out so that this kind of accident doesn't happen again. Enter, Mercury retrograde in Gemini...was it the engineers fault, Amtrak's fault or the politicians who refuse to allocate funds to upgrade the system?  We're in the "shift" and the ugly stuff is coming to the surface to be revealed and healed.  Happy New Moon in Taurus, I have love and Light for all of you, Ayesha

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Beloveds, we have two events coming up, i.e. Mars the action planet will move into Gemini on May 12th, until June 25th, and Mercury, planet of communications and ruler of Gemini will go retrograde on May 19th, until June 12th.  This promises to be a busy time for Gemini's and basically the other air signs, Aquarius and Libra.  


Time to think (Gemini says "I think") before you speak. Also a good time to review the power of the spoken word and realize that thought are things.  If you are worrying about something ( and who isn't these day?) you can slow down the busy mind by writing down what's on your mind.  Worry is practicing the worst case scenario for something you don't want to happen. So try thinking the best solution to the problem. Science of Mind practitioners say "change your thinking change your life". If worry is keeping you up at night, try turning off all electronics one hour before going to bed. Right before turning in, write down all the things that went right that day and give thanks.  Mars in Gemini will be impacting our nervous systems, so turn off the television as the talking heads spin stories of doom and gloom.  Some people will be in travel mode as short trips to visit loved ones becomes a priority.  Idea people will be busy as they open up to ideas that come flooding through with the help of Mars.  Mars in Gemini could also inspire arguments that could lead to violence...if you allow it. Try to stay in a peaceful mood and bypass the need to be right in every situation.  If you are right, time will tell because the Truth is that which is exactly so.  A friend told me today that when someone says something that offends her or that she doesn't agree with, her answer is "you could be right". She lets is go rather than get into a heated discussion over who's right and who's wrong.  

Mercury, planet of communications and ruler of Gemini, goes retrograde in Gemini from May 19th until June 11th.
Now the reason why we need to avoid the temptation to make someone wrong, while making ourselves right, is this aspect. Sometimes conversations are totally misunderstood when Mercury is retrograde. It's time to follow the Four Agreements, i.e. Be Impeccable with your word, Don't assume anything, Don't take anything personally, and Always do your best.  Mercury retrograde periods are good times to rethink, review and reset.  The things you've planned months ago might not take place the way you wanted them to.  Go with the flow and just ride the wave.  Set your intentions and let go of the outcome.  Planet earth is shifting and we are shifting too. It's not a bad thing to change your mind about something you thought you wanted.  Right now, yours truly is living day to day and trying to stay in the moment. It's 90 degrees today, but the forecast for tomorrow is only 60 degrees. Oh well, back to the long pants and hoodies,and it is all right.  I try not to worry about the things that are out of my control. My grandmothers words "I'll pray about" is still sage advice.
My bank statement was returned (non deliverable) to another branch, Geez!  I was feeling the retrograde before it hit. Drove to the post office thinking I was going to ream the postmaster out, but when I looked into his eyes and saw fear, I backed down. He said he'd fix it and I said "thank you" and walked out.  Phew!  If I had said all of the mean things that were roaming around in my mind, it wouldn't have made a difference. Just sharing because sometimes stuff happens and we don't have to make anyone wrong, while being right. We do have to realize our oneness with all other humans on the planet.
People make mistakes and I did finally get my bank statement.  In the meantime I'm enjoying watching Agape twice a week, listening to Caroline Changs "Awake2 Oneness" radio show on BlogTalk Radio, and writing in my gratitude journal every night.  There's been a mega Earthquake in India, increased police killings in the US, crazy weather in the midwest, and I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge.  Swimming 3 times a week and just reached a half mile today (yay me). 

Thursday, April 30, 2015



The Moon was full in Scorpio when 5 teenagers were legally lynched for a rape they didn't commit in Central Park, back in the 80's. I watched the whole thing go down and did what I could to inform the community..."don't you see what's happening?" but only a few people "got it" the rest of the people went on with their lives in a trance like stupor as the media acted in concert with lying prosecutors to guarantee that these children would be wrongfully convicted. 

Fast forward to 2015 and this time a young man is brutally killed by police in Baltimore Ohio. But this time many people "got it" as they ran into the streets to protest the latest lynching in a long line of police murders that are increasing on a daily basis.  Whether we'd like to admit it or not, we've all been traumatized by these events. It doesn't matter if the lynching took place in a court room or in the streets. The residual effects are  on on all levels, physically, mentally and spiritually. 


The young man was sitting on a bench next to God and he asked "what are you doing about these police murders, legal lynchings and physical lynchings?" God smiled as he said "funny you should ask, I was going to ask you the same question"  


Full Moons are excellent times to contemplate, meditate and to dig down deep inside to find the answers.  If we keep doing what we're doing we're always going to get the same results. We were taught to sit quietly, breathe deeply, close our eyes and ask "what is it that I'm supposed to do about this?" The answer might not come immediately, but if we keep a watch we'll hear it. It could come from a conversation we engage in directly or indirectly.  It could come from something we see on television, in a bill board, or magazine, or it could come as an idea in your mind.  This is a question about action "what is it that I'm supposed TO DO about this?"  What we should not do is to stuff our emotions so that they create a dis-ease inside of our bodies.  Anger, resentment, sadness and despair are dangerous emotions when repressed.  Repressed anger creates blood pressure problems. Repressed resentment creates cancer, repressed sadness and despair create depression. As my teachers used to say "expression is better than depression.  The negative energies created by these horrible events are everywhere present. It doesn't matter if your turn off the television and try to rise above it...the energy is still there. In fact I heard about the latest police killing while standing in line at the supermarket. The negative thought forms are in the air and only a super human can avoid them.  This Full Moon in powerful  Scorpio is an excellent time to face the truth and then act on what your guides or angels are telling you to do about it. I once heard a story about a woman who put a pot on the stove to boil water for tea. The phone rang and she got involved in her conversation while the water started boiling. Annoyed at the sound of the tea pot's whistle, she stuffed paper in it, then she covered up her available ear to ignore it. As she kept talking the pot finally caught fire and burned down the house.
All she had to do was to turn off the fire or move the tea pot from the fire. Well, the tea pot is whistling, the water is boiling, 
pretending that it doesn't exist isn't going to help it.  Being knowledgeable about what's happening isn't going to help either, except that it may make you feel intellectually superior to others.  When someone wants to pollute my ears with details on our present situation, my question is always "so what are you doing about this?"  They will go on to tell me how busy they are, or how messed up our people are. In other words their ego needs to be convinced that just being superior is the only thing they can do.  If I'm feeling cynical, I'll ask them "so what kind of blood pressure meds do you take?"  That usually ends the conversation.  Full Moons are intense and this one in Scorpio is especially intense.  Use it in positive ways, like the ancients used to do. Find a way to channel the energy in ways that will benefit you, and others.  Loving you unconditionally,
Ayesha (no justice, no peace)

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Trying to make sense of the death of a friend when there's so many unfound rumors going around.  First dealing with the grief and the sympathy for his wife and two sons who loved him dearly, then trying to find out what really happened. My heart is heavy, I pray that he didn't suffer. I know that he's on the other side now and I pray that he's adjusting to his new surroundings. After meditating, praying and talking to a close friend of the family, this is what I know for sure.  It seems Johnny was over the top with joy because he was supposed to perform on the Tom Joyner cruise. He was looking forward to doing the gig and connecting with other friends on the cruise, i.e. Keith Sweat, and others. When he arrived at the ship he wasn't allowed on because he was missing required paperwork. They put him up in a hotel in Jamaica and he called his wife to have her send the paperwork.  When she tried to reach him later that night to make sure the paperwork had arrived, she was told he had an accident and was dead. She is now in Jamaica trying to figure out what happened and to collect his belongings.  I did what most astrologers do...pulled up his Solar Chart to try to get answers from a cosmic perspective.  Here's what I saw:

BORN: AUGUST 2, 1959
DIED: APRIL 16, 2015

The first thing that jumped out at me was the fact that Johnny was a Leo. Jupiter, planet of joy, money and expansion is in Leo, right on his Mercury/Uranus in Leo. He was having a Jupiter transit which in most cases is a good thing. However the flip side of Jupiter transits is it inspires the individual to go too far, to not know when to quit or to overstep boundaries.  Johnny was born with Mercury, planet of the mind and communications close to Uranus, planet of unpredictability and potential genius in Leo. I would say he was a genius. An individual who had the potential to think outside the box. He was quick witted and able to respond faster than most people I know.  This aspect probably got him into trouble with adults or teachers as he was growing up.  Life is in cycles and although I haven't confirmed this with his family, he probably had a similar situation in his life 12 years ago, that forewarned of what was to come. That's because Jupiter has a 12 year cycle and he had this transit 12 years ago.  

Then there is the Mars, planet of action, in Taurus, squaring Johnny's Sun/Mercury/Uranus in Leo (ouch).  Mars in Taurus makes me think about fight, a physical beating, because the Taurus energy is about physical sensation or even boxing with two people trying to win the fight. Taurus is also fixed and stubborn. The bull (Taurus ruler) digs in deeper when you're trying to move him.  The Mars transit could have made Johnny angry. He was refused entrance to the ship because of paperwork? Who were they to turn him away? Didn't they know who he was? Anger is contagious, it also magnetically attracts other people's anger. We were warned by spiritual teachers to never go outside with the anger vibration on us, because it could attract accidents or people who were carrying the same vibration.  So what happened? One day we may know the full truth of the situation.  I believe that Johnny left the hotel, frustrated and angry and somewhere along the way he attracted an angry person or persons who triggered more anger. Words were exchanged and with the help of Jupiter, he didn't realize the potential danger, and said something that started a fight.  Johnny was a physically small person, but a courageous soul who never backed down from a confrontation. Obviously he lost the fight and was dumped into the ocean. Well, that's my theory.  One of the other theories was that he slipped, fell and hit his head in the bathroom on the ship. But our information was this couldn't be true because he was never on the ship.  I don't believe that he just went for a swim and hit his head on the rocks. This story came from hotel personnel. Whatever happened...we do know he's dead, he was loved and will be missed on the physical level.  I will always remember his smile, his kindness towards others, his comedic bent, his beautiful voice and musicality.   I'm sending prayers of love and Light to his family and friends that they will heal from the hurt of his passing. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015



The eclipse on Saturday, April 4th, is called a Blood Moon because it will give off a red glow. However we won't be seeing it in this hemisphere. This Blood Moon will be the 3rd of 4, the last one will be in September. There are many predictions around Blood Moons and I won't bore you or fear you with the details. You can Google it if you want, but nobody really knows the future, even if some "experts" lucked up and ended up putting their finger on the events of the time. The way things are on this planet, even a charlatan could predict doom and gloom, especially in areas where there's already been war and strife. What I do know is that any eclipse comes with an energy of tension, so the unbalanced (crazies) people in our midst are liable to do crazy things. What we need to keep in mind is that our consistent thinking, imagining and words can magnetically draw to us what we want, or conversely, what we don't want. Therefore during  eclipse times it's important to clear your mind of negativity and focus on what you desire.  This can be easy for people who are already meditating, praying and affirming the good. Seems like we've been preparing for these times for years now, reading books, going to lectures, listening to practitioners who share helpful techniques on how to attract the good things in life. If you don't know how to do these things, just focus on thankfulness and gratitude for everything good in your life today. Give thanks for the food you eat, the bed you sleep on and the computer that helps you stay connected with friends and loved ones.  In the end it doesn't matter what color the moon is because it's all an illusion and a pretty object in the night skies. I think of the fear generated by Hollywood regarding 2012. Many people called me who went to be hypnotized by a fearful movie.That was after I warned folks not to see it.  The excuses I got from people as to why they didn't heed my warning were almost comical, but surely ridiculous..."So you paid your money to sit in a darkened room to see images that you can't get rid of that fear you and make it difficult for you to sleep at night?" "I just went to see it because I was curious" or "I wanted to see the technical piece" Balderdash! Hollywood made money while injecting fear into your subconscious mind. None of it was true, we're still here and the Mayans are saying our scientists got the wrong interpretation. But I'm sure, since they made money, they'll try it again.  Now the television demons are spreading fear. If they can't get you one way they'll come another way.  We have to protect our minds from this kind of filth and focus on what we want to magnetize to us.  
Libra is the 7th sign in the Zodiac. When the soul reaches Libra the focus is on "we" consciousness as opposed to the "me" consciousness of Aries, the opposite sign. Libra is the sign of partnerships, ruled by Venus, planet of Love & Creativity. Libra is cooperation, Aries is competition. Libra is about peace, Aries is about war. The beautiful thing about the opposition is that each side came learn from the other.  Libra can learn how to less dependent on others and stand on their own two feet, and Aries can learn that they need others in order to be successful. Libra can be the procrastinator, Aries can be the impulsive one, striking out before considering the consequences. Both of these energies are in effect during this Full Moon in Libra Eclipse.  If you are a Libra you might be feeling a little tired, or drained because of situations around you. It's time to detach from the need to fix everybody, or worse to please everyone.  This is your time to do you. Take some time off to pamper yourself, get a manicure or pedicure, or get your hair done.  Do whatever it is that makes you feel good, even if it's going off your diet and eating a chocolate eclair. Try not to give your power away to people who judge or criticize you. Realize that we are all unique individual expressions of God, so your way is not necessarily the other person's way.  Whether you're a Libra or not, this is a good time to pray for peace on  earth, and to send love to areas on this planet where war and violence are happening. Create peace in your personal relationships by opening up and listening to the other persons opinions.  You don't have to agree with them, but be loving and kind when you disagree. "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me"...


This Full Moon Eclipse in Libra will be opposite both the Sun and Uranus in Aries.  On the personal level watch out for ego attacks that come from anger, resentment and fear. This is a good time to monitor your own thinking and how many times you're tempted to lash out in anger.  We're told that we have a small window of time to decide whether we're going to be offended by something or to just skip the need to answer back in unkind ways.  We were taught to ask ourselves before we react "do I desire peace or do I desire conflict".  "do I have the need to be right, thus making someone else wrong?" or can I promote peace in this situation?" The beautiful thing about being in a human body is we get to choose how we react to others. Therefore if you come in contact wih someone who is having a ego attack, build up your spiritual muscles and refuse to "go there". It doesn't matter whose right or whose wrong, the universe will be the final decider in the matter.  You can disagree with someone without hurting them or worse, hurting yourself. Anger creates pain in the physical body so when you're angry with someone the only person who feels the pain is you.  Walk the path of peace and your body will thank you for it.  The negative expression of Libra is the need to compare oneself with others, or to worry about what others may be thinking of you.  The evolved Libra can learn a lesson from the opposite sign, Aries. Because in truth what others think is none of your business. The Aries energy teaches us to stand in our truth no matter what others think.  


The Sun went into Aries on March 20th and through the first weeks of April it will be in close contact with Uranus. This might explain the many "breaking news" flashes, buildings exploding, planes and trains crashing, etc. etc. With this aspect you never know what could happen, suddenly and unexpectedly. Some of the incidents will be shocking and surprising in a good way and in a bad way, depending on your perception.  The best way to deal with it is to walk in the Light of protection and to listen to your inner voice for direction and guidance.  If something happens and you can do something about it then move on it.  If there's nothing you can do, then pray on it.  These aspects pull out of us whatevers been inside all along.  Witness the passerby climbing up a fire escape to help a woman who was stuck. Then going back up to pound on windows to warn others of the danger.  He would tell you he's not a hero, that he didn't even think about the potential danger to himself. He saw the problem and rushed forward to do what he could to help.  Then there was the group of idiots who ran to the same fire so they could take a selfie in front of the burning building. The difference in consciousness was painfully apparent.  So no matter what side you're on, your actions will tell the tale.   At the end of all our lives we'll have to make an accounting for our deeds, the good, the bad and the ugly (smile)  Stay in the Light, Ayesha

Monday, March 2, 2015


(Agape oath of manifestation)

Looking at the cosmic dance of planets for March 2015 inspired me to get into my spiritual toolkit to stay lifted and optimistic and encouraging to others. The following are just a few highlights of happenings in March:

We start off with a Full Moon in Virgo, the service sign that says "I analyze".  On the high side this is a cosmic message to be in service to others, to give as well as receive.  On the low side, this Full Moon could find us griping and complaining and over analyzing everything.  March started off with yet another snowstorm for those of us living in the Northeast.  Since I decided to give up complaining about the weather for Lent, I sat quietly watching the snow fall through the deck window and then announced to my daughter and great granddaughter "I'm imagining that each snow flake is a $100 bill thats landing in my bank account".  The 6 year old said "yaay! I want them to be in my bank account too, grandma!"  After watching a story on Vince Young, the quarterback from Texas who started giving back and paying it forward to young children in Texas, we decided to watch "The Wiz" again. The music, the dancing and the message is always a feel good adventure, no matter how many times we see it. The Full Moon always seems to bring up the temps a little, so we're looking forward to 30 degrees on Thursday. ( yaay! a heat wave)   


We might as well block out the whole second week of March, from the 9th to the 14th for this one because these planetary energies will be within one degree of one another. Also this will be the last of 7 squares that started in 2012, between Uranus and Pluto. Mars comes along and heats up the energy, or because Mars is a cold planet we could say it freezes the energy. Astrologers have been looking at this aspect for a while now, and none of us have a clue as to what it will bring...really.  We could predict doom and gloom or we could project that this marks the ending of evil on the planet.  But it is an explosive energy that could be violent.  This is the kind of aspect where "breaking news" will be the theme.  However we've had so many of them with corporate media that it's no longer shocking or surprising.  So back to the Oath of Manifestation..."I stay lifted in high consciousness, not matter what the appearances are".  Also my usual advice "Keep the Light Around You".  If you've formed the habit of walking in the Light there's no need to worry.  If you're a "go with the flow" person you'll just be the witness of events and not be negatively affected by them.  Believe it or not, we all chose to reincarnate on planet earth at this time and as Rev. Michael reminded us in January, it's time to show up!  It's time to activate the principles that we've talked about and read about.  Do we really believe what we say we believe?  Or are we just using our belief systems to make others feel inferior?  This is a time when action will definitely speak louder than words.  Pray, Meditate, be in service to others, speak words of love and kindness, walk you talk and keep the Light around you.  

FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015

The 29th degree of Pisces is sometimes called "The Point of Expiation", because it represents the end of the Zodiac before it reboots back to the beginning at 1 degree of Aries.  The Zodiac is in a circle so technically there is no beginning or ending. It's all connected, just as we are all connected to one another, whether we know it or not.  It has been my experience that what happens on Eclipses, New Moons or Full Moons, depends on that you're calling for in advance.  If you expect something bad to happen, you're inadvertently calling it to you, but if you expect something good to happen, you're also magnetically drawing it to you.  Much depends on your consistent thoughts on a daily basis.  "I declare, absolutely, that I'm living in a friendly universe that is always providing for me.". (Oath of Manifestation)  It's all good.  Love & Light, Ayesha

Thursday, February 19, 2015



Mars the action planet will be in Aries, the sign that it rules, from Thursday February 19th until Monday, March 30, 2015.
It's time to put some feet on your prayers The things you were praying about when Mars was in Pisces can be activated now.This is a good time to take action to make the dream a reality. Every successful person I know is an activist in life. MLK didn't just dream about a brighter future. He shared his dreams and visions and then took action to bring the dream into reality.  The same holds true for all the heroes and sheroes of our past and present. Harriet Tubman not only dreamed about being free but she took the steps to free herself and then risked her life to free many others.  Mars in Aries says "it's not what you say but what you do that matters". "action speaks louder than words" my grandmother used to say. So now we have a cosmic boost from Mars in Aries. It's time to be courageous and take those projects off the back burner and move them forward.  Fear of failure or rejection is what stops most of us from doing what we know we must do.  The Bible tells us "The Lord is our strength and our salvation...whom shall we fear?" Marianne Williamson says "we're afraid of our own greatness".  But when we dare to shine our light we give others permission to shine their lights.  OK, so much of this is a reminder to myself to take off the lead shoes and fly.  There are many things to do on my "to do" list and I need to deal with them.  


There's always the positive use of planets, signs and aspects,and the flip side that's not so good,  so lets take a look at them.  We have free will and choice on how we use the energies.  Consciousness is key:

MARS IN ARIES - GOOD: breakthroughs, courage,  right action, facing fears, standing up for what's right, self confidence, grace under pressure, starting something new, trying the untried, fearless, consistent belief in oneself, breaking unwanted habits, starting positive new habits.
THE BAD: arrogance, egotisical, needing to be right all the time, impulsive behaviors, rushing in where angels fear to tread, argumentative, selfishness, pushy, lacking in compassion
THE UGLY: always in a hurry, driving too fast, moving too fast, carrying out a vendetta, impatient with others, misuse of guns, knives or instruments of violence, going beyond limits, inconsiderate of others, fires, explosions. 


 Uranus, the unpredictable one is in Aries now.  Mars in Aries will catch up to Uranus on March 11th but we'll just say that from the 8th to the 14th, these two explosive energies will be  together.  The advice is to be extremely careful around fire and explosive materials and also when driving.  We could witness another big hack on computers owned by corporations, or governments, so do what's necessary to protect your information and stay off sites that are shaky.  This is also for smart phones, tablets and other electronic devices where your personal information is stored.  New York City has the Moon in Aries so if you live there, use your intuition before getting on the subway or buses, and stay aware when moving about the city.  The news probably will be popping with stories of unusual accidents and/or violence.  I would say to keep the Light around you, as we should be doing all the time now anyway.  I'm always interested in the stories of people who miraculously survived potential danger because they paid attention to their intuition. Like the people who couldn't get to work on 911, cars that broke down, people who overslept, folks whose metrocards didn't work so they missed the train.  The woman who went against her supervisors orders to walk out of the building, and once seeing the danger walked all the way back up the stairs to warn her co-workers (who paid her no attention) then ran back downstairs and got out just as the building started falling.  These stories ( and I have plenty of them) just enforce my belief that intuition is real and the Light works everywhere at any time.  So stay wrapped in the protective Light and stay tuned in.  

I gave up complaining about the weather for lent (smile). But because of my training with a talented astrologer on how to predict weather, I'm amazed and disappointed that what I was taught doesn't seem to work any more.  However when I noticed Mars going into Aries six months ago I thought to myself "we're going to have an early spring". Not! Aries is the sign that brings in Spring, plus Mars activates the energy, but what we're experiencing now is just the opposite of what I was taught. Lower temps than usual, more snow than usual and no sign of warmer temps.  It's as if the weather gods are angry with those of us living in the northeast. Witness what's going on in MA, NY, PA, NJ, and places that are totally surprised with weather that has shut down the whole city, and/or state.  My relatives in TN are locked down with ice, snow and colder than usual temps.  This is our time to be patient and to just go with the flow, as this too shall pass.  One conspiracy theorists said an experiment at HAARP went bad so we're experiencing the reverse of what we'd want to happen.  My theory is that the movie Frozen (about an ice queen) went deeply into our subconscious minds and we're creating all this ice, snow and freezing I'm blaming it on Disney (laughing).  So while most of us are planning to initiate projects, we're locked down waiting for the plows to come.  I'm also still going out every morning to get the ice and snow off the car (brrr!). This is a test of my belief that everything is working together for my good.  I'm not fussing to myself as I chip off the ice, but saying a prayer of gratitude that I am able to do it and also gratitude for the sisters and brothers who helped me get the car.  Even with my fingers freezing to the bone, I'm smiling and saying "thank you", "thank you", "thank you!".  It makes me feel better and sends out an energy of positive good to those around me.  It's all good!  Gotta go clean off the car. I love you all, Ayesha 

Friday, February 13, 2015



On Wednesday, February 18th we'll have another New Moon in Aquarius.  The first one was at zero degrees of  Aquarius (on January 20th), and this one is at the very end of the sign (29 degrees). It's like the cosmos is giving us a second chance to get it right. If you started something with the first one, but ran into obstacles along the way, then this time you'll be energized to get it done.  We've had a retrograde Mercury along the way, but Mercury went direct on the 11th, so there's no excuse (smile).  Usually New Moons are all about beginnings, but this one has a completion or endings energy.  


I've always loved the sign Aquarius. It's the 11th Sign in the Zodiac, ruled by both Saturn and Uranus.  It's also a fixed air sign, with the keywords "I Know".  Many inventors were born under the sign of Aquarius, because of inner need to change things for the better. Aquarius people are basically intellectuals because they have a natural energy to explore and to gain information.  Aquarius rules the 11th House of friends and large organizations in the astrology chart. They are known for their volunteerism and ability to organize diverse groups of people. That is because Aquarius usually knows people from all walks of life.  They also love to travel and find it easy to mingle with people who might speak a different language.  Many of my friends are Aquarians.  I love them because there's no pressure in our relationships. We can be out of touch with one another (because we are always so busy) and when we reconnect it's like we never were apart.  They are great conversationalists because their knowledge is so vast.  What I love about them is the if they don't know a thing, they will do the research and educate themselves.  Aquarians are humanitarians by nature  and while some think of them as cold and aloof, I love the fact that they aren't the feely touchy folks who just need to have you around.  I'm thinking the phrase "if you won't there's others who will" must have come from an Aquarian.  


For one thing is means we need to move from our "me" "me"
consciousness and move it up to "we" "we". It's time for all of us to think in terms of how we can use our gifts and talents to benefit others. We all breathe the same air and drink the same water so it's time to consider what we're doing to free Earth Mother from pollution, not only for our own well being but for the generations to come. The other thing is we need to connect with others, form groups and focus on eradicating racism, poverty and violence. It's easier today to communicate with groups of people, through the internet, facebook, twitter, etc. etc. We wouldn't even know about Eric Garner if it wasn't for a man with a smartphone who knew how to upload a video on social media.  The consciousness of the people is changing, hopefully for the better. We need to help one another and the Law of Karma says if you help someone else you'll really be helping yourself.  We need to get back to caring and sharing and loving each other unconditionally.  We could start in our own individual families and the move it out to the people in our neighborhoods. The circle of Light will expand exponentially, as we use it.  On the individual level we need to clean up the pollution in our minds. We can do this by monitoring our thoughts and our words, eliminating hate speech, criticism and gossip about stuff that doesn't matter.  I was blown away when a friend told me about the hate messages on twitter and facebook about the Bobbi Christina situation.  People sending out hate who don't know her and who probably will never ever meet her.  We need to check ourselves when we feel the need to comment negatively about someone who is in crisis.  When we say negative things, our bodies are listening and we're damaging our cells.  When we come from a space of love and joy we're healing our bodies.  Regardless of what media is saying you don't have to sit there like a robot and take it all in.
Use the remote and remove yourself from the danger of ingesting negativity.  The veils between the planes is getting thinner every day.  Take advantage of this cosmic phenomenon and monitor your thoughts and words. As Rev. Charles Barker used to say "think what you want, but want what you think".  

This second New Moon in Aquarius happens on the 18th  at 6:47 pm, at 29 degrees of Aquarius. Then at 6:48pm the moon moves into Pisces. The 18th is also Ash Wednesday, a Christian event signifying the 1st day of lent.  Every year when I was a child we'd make our resolutions to stop a bad habit during lent.  But just like our New Year's resolutions we'd soon lapse into that old bad habit in a few weeks.  This year I'm promising myself that I'll not say another negative word about the weather, which has been brutal this year.  I'm not going to complain about getting up early to clean off the ice and snow on my car. Instead I'm going to silently give thanks that I have a car, due to the generosity of the good people I know.  

On the 19th, one day after the New Moon, we celebrate the Chinese New Year of the Goat.  I think of the goat as the symbol that connects to Capricorn, the sign that is success oriented (climbs higher than any other). I'm not an expert on Chinese Astrology, but I'm thinking the energy is on being successful this year.  The goat is a climber that loves to climb to the top of the mountain.  Maybe the energy is to work on your specific gifts and talents to move it to a higher level?  At any rate Gung Hoy Fat Choy (Happy New Year) I wish all of you much success in your life and more joy, love, happiness and prosperity.  You deserve it.  Peace & Love, Ayesha

Monday, February 2, 2015


Full Moon in Leo, the sign that says "I Will"  has brought us in the Northeast, tons of snow, ice and freezing tempts.  Being a Leo, this is my personal full moon and a time when I try to keep my emotions in check.  Jupiter is in Leo, so whatever happens it's going to be big.  

From my point of view the only Leo that I know who has a good reason to celebrate is Tom Brady, quarterback for New England Patriots.  When I realized the Superbowl was going to be two days before the Leo Full Moon, the thought occurred to me that Brady was going to be overly emotional about something and I wanted it to be because his team didn't win.  But is was just the opposite, and now I'm blaming it on Mercury Retrograde (smile) that seems to turn things upside down. It's all right, I am disappointed that my team lost and have to keep reminding myself that it's only a game. I did wonder why Marshawn Lynch wasn't given the ball in the last minutes of the game?  I'll leave that up to my conspiracy theorists friends whom I'm sure can come up with answers (smile).  But Serena Williams did win another championship at the Australian Open.  I'm thinking she's a Libra with the Moon in Leo. She had a bad cold but dug in deep to get the win...Go Serena, you're breaking all kinds of records and have rightfully taken your place alongside tennis royalty.  


The actual date for the Full Moon in Leo is the 3rd of February, usually we start feeling the effects two days before and one day after the actual event. The Big Storm happened over night up here in the higher elevations.   Right now it's still snowing (Monday, February 2nd). It's groundhog's day and he's predicted six more weeks of winter.  We're snowed in. Nothing is moving, so it's a good time to do some inside work.  I learned from one meta physician to imagine that each snow flake is a dollar bill. She said to imagine that it's money piling up in my bank account (whoohoo!) Also to give respect to the abundance and power of nature.  It  would have to be something bigger than you and me who could create these mounds and mounds of snow. No matter what you call it,   It is beautiful and powerful because it forces us to slow down and to be patient. All we can do is sit and wait for the plow trucks to come dig us out.  Nature is telling us to go inside, to contemplate, meditate and pray.  This is a good time to work on the blockages of scarcity, lack and limitation that try to take over our conscious minds. As Rev. Michael Beckwith says, "there is no lack or limitation to the mind of God which is everywhere present".  Again, we have choice, and I choose to be happy in spite of appearances.  There's about 45 days until the Vernal Equinox...first day of Spring.  This is all going to pass. The   Ice will melt, the snow will be removed and all that will be left is the memory in our minds.  Finally going into the shed to find the sleds I stored there last summer.  Going to get my 6 year old grandchild all layered up and let her play in the snow.  I might even play too.  I used to love snow days, sledding and shoveling off the walks around our house.  It was fun for me until I grew up and started looking at snow as a distraction from my list of things to do.  The inner work is to find joy, no matter what else is happening.  It's a spiritual thing that requires will (Leo) and persistent attention to the thoughts in my mind.  


We don't know what is happening with Whitney Houston's daughter as we're depending on media for information.  What I do know is that she is a sensitive Pisces and she needs our prayers.  The story of her being found unconscious in a bath tub, stirs up the memory of how her mother died.  Someone posted a story on my facebook page that Bobbi Christina had deceased, but I checked the story and found out it was a fake. I immediately deleted it from my page. We should make it a practice to verify a story before we post it.  What we should keep in mind is that this child lost her mother not too long ago. She probably is still grieving and needs our love and support.  So instead of gossiping about what we don't know, lets keep our thoughts and prayers focused on Love, Light and Healing for Bobbi Christina, and her family. I Love You, All, Ayesha

Friday, January 16, 2015



Mercury's first retrograde of 2015 starts on January 21st and ends on February 11th. Mercury the planet of the conscious mind will be in Aquarius, the sign that says "I Know". There will be two more Mercury retrograde periods this year and we'll blog about them as they come up. 


Retrograde Mercury gives us a chance to pause, rethink and redo. This apparent backwards motion of planet Mercury seems to highlight mistakes or make us remember what we forgot to do when Mercury was going forward. Some people fear the retrograde, especially if they are the types of personalities who want to control everything. But the people who've learned to go with the flow don't mind it when things slow down or if they discover something has to be done over again.  What's good about all of it is that we have free will and choice in every matter and we can decide which way we're going to use our time from January 21st to February 11th.  A good way to handle any situation that might come up during the retrograde is to prioritze...what needs to be done first. When talking with a relative last night, it seemed he was in a Mercury retrograde cycle.  I had to remember that sometimes these aspects work days in advance, so I listened carefully to his words. His stepfather had just died, he was worried about his mother, he didn't have a clue about insurance, funerals or burials. In the midst of all this, his car wouldn't start, it was dark so looking for the problem was impossible. He rambled on for minutes and kept saying "I don't know what to do". My suggestion was  to tell him to breathe a deep belly breath. Then I asked him if his Mom (my cousin) was alone. He told me that his wife and other relatives were with her.  So the focus had to be on the car, calling Triple A to tow it to a mechanic.  

Now most of us aren't going to experience major drama while Mercury is retrograde, but if stuff happens it's important to breathe deeply, and to calm down.  It's almost impossible to think clearly when the emotions are out of control.  

On the spiritual level Retrograde Mercury is a good time to slow down your thinking and also to pause before you speak or write.  People have a tendency to get into needless arguments or to say something that they shouldn't have said in the moment. So slow your roll and try not to be impulsive when replying to something or someone you don't like. Wait until Mercury goes direct to write the letter or to finally tell someone how you really feel.  If it's important it can wait.  I don't know how this works but I've found that often during retrograde Mercury I run into people I haven't seen in a long while, or hear from them via telephone or email.  I've also experienced being able to do something that I couldn't do previously because of interruptions or delays.  Years ago when our tenant's organization was in court with our landlord I would help them pick a date for trial using my handy astrological calendar. When we needed a delay I'd pick Mercury Retrograde. When we were ready for trial I'd look for a New Moon or Full Moon when Mercury was going direct.  We have to keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde at least 3 to 4 times every year so we might has well use it for our benefit. 

On January 20th, the day before Mercury goes retrograde, the Sun and Moon will both be in Aquarius, thus the New Moon. While New Moons are good times to start things, we'll have to keep this one in perspective because there might be a change of mind or a changing situation that interrupts our plans.  Talk about the need to go with the flow? This is a time to exercise patience with yourself and/or others as we tighten our flexibility muscles. Case in point...I had planned to start training again in the water and carefully went over the items in my swim bag so that everything was in place. Today I got a letter from the Y stating "sorry swimmers, the pool will be closed for repairs starting the 21st. The letter didn't tell me when the pool would be open again, so I breathed deeply and said to myself "oh well, just have to wait".  The Conscious Mind teased me with negative thoughts..."their maintenance sucks" "it's probably because all those kids or seniors keep peeing in the pool"  "why am I just now getting this letter?" I finally silenced the monkey mind by saying out loud "cancel, cancel" "none of this shall bother me".  After calming down the thought occurred to me that I could always swim at the local college, or in my community, or join the Masters Swim Club again.  After all, if I was really serious about training the Masters Swim Club, with two swim coaches was the place to be.There you have it, I've vowed to start something new on the New Moon, but I didn't know how new it was going to be.  It's all good according to the cosmic plan.

People living in the city should be aware of what's happening on the cosmic level in New York City's astrological chart. Not to be fearful, but to stay tuned in and conscious when moving around in the city.  For one thing, Pluto, planet of transformation or degeneration is hovering over Mercury in Capricorn in the 3rd House of communications, public transportation and community. We all are aware that the infrastructure has been continually breaking down and we've been constantly inundated with media messages about New York being on a terrorist watch, and more recently demonstrations regarding police don't walk around with your ears plugged up, but watch your step and above all Keep the Light Around You. The New Moon  and Mercury retrograde in Aquarius brings up group karma, as Aquarius represents all of humanity and large groups of people from all walks of life.  These Aquarius planets will be moving through the 5th House that rules entertainment, creativity,love and children.  So be aware, stayed tuned in and walk in the Light.  If your intuition tells you not to do something, listen. If the feelings are not there for you to attend a gala event, an entertainment gathering, listen.  In the meantime, you can use your spiritual powers to spread peace and joy and keep loved ones in the Light.  Hopefully the only thing that will happen this time will be that Broadway goes dark, or a power outage,or delays with buses or subways...something that inconveniences people causing delays and short tempers.  

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King we celebrate your loving passion and work to bring equality and justice to all of us.  Love, Light and Peace, Ayesha

Wednesday, January 14, 2015



Beloveds, Mars, the action planet moved into Pisces on January 13th and will be there until February 20th.  I believe that we (Africans living in America) are ruled by the sign of Pisces, regardless of individual Sun Sign.  Therefore this is a good time to get a move on and to seriously put our spiritual beliefs and practices to work.  Of course if you were born with the Sun in Pisces, or have planets in the 6th and 12th House,or the Moon and other planets in Pisces  you'll be feeling this energy more personally.  


Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, is the higher octave of Venus, planet of personal love and creativity. Neptune influences us to move it up higher to Divine Love, and Divine creativity. 
Neptune is also the planet of visions and dreams or escapism and addictions.  With Mars joining Neptune in Pisces it's time to move forward with our dreams and aspirations and to make the connection with the spirit within.  It's time to rise above ordinary circumstances and to make the dream a reality.


Dr. King was a Capricorn with the Moon in Pisces. His "I Have a Dream" speech was not planned for the March on Washington, but a last minute change to his original speech.  Yet every year around his birthday in January, we hear about the dream speech.  Being a Capricorn he was grounded in the reality of the time, but while being a preacher and a team player he acquiesced to the demands of his peers to give a more peaceful visionary speech.  Still we can tap into the inner meaning of the "dream" and use our spiritual gifts to make the dream come true.  


Or, what is your dream for yourself.  Pisces is the sign of Serve or Suffer, so what service are you giving today?  This might sound like a task too big to imagine. However we each have volunteered to reincarnate and be alive at this time on the planet.  As Rev. Michael said last Sunday "you volunteered to come show up!" Each of us came here with individual gifts and talents. I might ask, are you using them to the best of your abilities. Sometimes while counseling others a person will tell me what they've always wanted to do.  Then I'll ask them if they're doing it.  Or what steps they've taken to get closer to their ideal.  I'm always amazed at the answers, or excuses they give.  "I always wanted to be a singer" "well how many hours a day do you vocalize?" "oh I don't have time, I have a job, I have kids, I have a spouse" and on an on they go with the ready excuses as to why they're not following their passion.  I could go on..."I'm not good enough" "I have rent to pay" "nobody believes in me" " I'm too old" " I'm too fat".  Yet if I jar their memory, they remember a time, probably when they were younger, when those excuses never came up for them.  Singers sing, dancers dance, writers write, etc. etc. You see where I'm going with this?  Every successful person that I've counseled has told me about their passion and how they never let outer circumstances stop them from doing it.  


You've probably heard it before, but like attracts like. What we focus on will be drawn to us. But it won't just magically fall into our laps.  With Mars the action planet in Pisces, it's time to activate our gifts and talents and to take steps to move towards our dreams.  If other people are doing it (your dream) then you can do it too.  The internet is an excellent resource of information that can be used to find your way to your dream.  Google it!  The interesting thing about the Law of Attraction is that it acts on everything you think, say or do in an impersonal way.  The Genie is standing beside you and waiting to fulfill your command "Your wish is my command". So if you're busy focusing on all the reasons why you can't be successful at what you say you want to'll get more of that.  It would be helpful to circulate among people who are doers.  You know the whole "birds of a feather" theory? Opt to be around people who are doing stuff and not just making excuses.  MLK had a dream but it didn't stop there. He could have gone back to his church and lived a wonderful life being respected for his talent of oratory.  He had the dream and moved forward on it.  The same holds true for every successful or famous person you've ever heard of.  Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.


If you're tired of hearing about police killings and/or brutality and feel really passionate about it, it must be your spirit, your angels nudging you to do something about it.  I have many intelligent friends who can speak on what's happening and who think they know whose behind it, but they never do anything but talk about it.  I guess their intelligent talk impresses some people as they come up with well researched statistics to prove their point.  I'm not impressed with theorists, unless they have published their findings, or have opted to sharing their knowledge with the unacknowledged ones among us. So when I ask them what they are personally doing about it, they have to get off the phone (laughing).  I don't need another expert to tell me about how bad things are with our community and the police.  I'd much rather spend my time listening to Francis Cress Welsing, who at 80 something years old  is still teaching at Howard University, plus holding community meetings weekly.  The talkers are usually angry and since that anger is internalized it attracts high blood pressure, severe colds and dis-ease. 
The toxic energy destroys the cells in our bodies, lowers the immune system, pollutes the air...
need I go on?  Not telling you to go out and march, or to boycott. Just sit quietly for a few minutes a day (called meditation) and ask your angels and guides for direction.  Mars in Pisces is saying "do something".  That's all folks, Love You Madly (no pun intended) Ayesha

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Time is moving so fast, I didn't realize the Full Moon was upon us until I got a splitting headache on Friday. Then I looked up in the sky and saw grandma Moon shining brightly in the night skies. 

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the keywords are "I Feel". If you have planets in Cancer (like I do) then you're going to be feeling it up close and personal. What was happening with me was I got locked into a super busy schedule on Friday, didn't hydrate, thus the headache.  Cancer is a cardinal water sign and it begins on the Summer Solstice when the day is longer than the night. In fact each of the cardinal signs governs a season, i.e. Aries, Spring, Cancer Summer, Libra Fall, and Capricorn, Winter.  Each Full Moon is in a sign and we look at the attributes for that sign to determine how we'll be effected. So Full Moon in Cancer brings up the emotions for everyone. Healers/practitioners/occultists all say that we need to be in touch with our feelings and to flow with them or channel them in positive ways.  If you deliberately focus on love, joy, enthusiasm, gratitude, prayer, meditation, then this powerful feeling Full Moon will help those energies to bring you a feel good sensation.  However, if you're worried, angry, resentful, scared, those energies will  undoubtedly make you feel bad, and feeling bad negatively effects the cells in our bodies and creates dis-ease. So how do we stay healthy, happy and joyful when the Full Moon is in the sign that governs our emotions? Practice, practice practice.  This Full Moon is an excellent time to let go of everything you no longer want in your life. From trash, to clutter, to thoughts of doom and gloom, that trigger negative feelings.  


You could first do it on the physical level. When I go to the dump to throw the trash away, I imagine that I'm also throwing away all unwanted thoughts and feelings. I throw the garbage bag in and then lift both arms above my head and say "gone!" I know it looks strange to my neighbors, but it is a feel good activity and an opportunity to symbolically let it all go. 
I also like to symbolically cleanse from negative thoughts when taking a shower. I imagine that this magical water is washing away all negative thoughts and feelings while giving me healing energy. Sometimes I sing away negative thoughts and feelings by singing songs with positive lyrics. I love Ricki BB's songs  on Agape..."I release and I let go, I let Spirit run my life..."  I also say healing prayers and affirmations while lap swimming, or jump up and dance to uplifting music. "Happy" by Pharrell, makes we want to move my body. There are myriad ways to bring up the positive energy. But first you must be aware of how you're thinking and feeling and make a commitment to change the negative into a positive.  

I'll be speaking at the Ta Merry Temple in East Harlem on the aspects for 2015, Saturday January 10, 2015, from 12:00 to 2:00pm. For more information call (212) 837-2790. We're at the beginning of an exciting New Year which gives us an opportunity to change our habits, change our thoughts and feelings and thus change our lives for the better.  Use this Full Moon energy to boost and focus your emotions into positive forms. We have the power to achieve our desires and to make this a better world for ourselves and others.  Make up your mind and do it now! Collectively we can make a difference. Say "Yes" to success. "No" to let go (of everything you no longer want in your life). I love all of you, Ayesha