Monday, October 22, 2012



This a good statement to clear out negative ideas in our minds.  The reverse idea is something I've heard from others, "nothing good ever happens for me", or worse, I hear this one from people when they're gambling or buying a lottery ticket, "I never win anything".  Well, if you think that and believe it, the universe will return it to you with the same force that you used when you sent it out.  I even hear people saying these negative statements after winning a prize "I never win anything".  I had a friend who won the lottery so many times that he was hired by the lottery corporation to do a newsletter on winning.  This man said to me one day that when you buy a lottery ticket you should be in a positive mind set and say to yourself "I always win" or we should imagine what we'll do with the money when we win.  He further advised that we should only play the lottery on days when we're feeling up beat and positive. 


Many of our preconceived notions were set into our subconscious minds when we were too young to do anything about it.  While this is not about winning the big prize in the lottery, we would do ourselves a favor to go back into our past to discover the blocks that keep us from attracting something good in our lives.  When I was growing up my grandmother, who was a very religious person used to have a negative attitude about people who gambled.  That created a situation where my grandfather would sneak to play the numbers.  He would give my older sister the numbers to play and the money and they kept that arrangement until he died.  My grandmother was a very frugal Taurus woman who had three secret bank accounts that my grandfather knew nothing about.  She would give me money to put in one of the accounts and whisper to me "don't tell anyone, especially your grandfather".  Therefore I grew up in an atmosphere where lies and deceit took place around money.  My visions of the future were tainted with judgments about gambling and secrets around saving money. 


As an adult I attended many workshops designed to help me live my best life.  In most of them we had to do the forgiveness work based on the negative blocks that we experienced in childhood.  With the help of life coaches and teachers I was able to remember how my present attitude about money was affecting me now.  That required me to call specific people into my mind and say "I forgive you, I release you, I set you free".  In various sessions I recalled hearing my grandmother say "I have to rob Peter to pay Paul".  or "money doesn't grow on trees", or "rich people are selfish and greedy".  These ideas set me up to think that money was scarce, there was never enough to go around and I didn't want to be rich because rich people were no good.
So I lived a life where I existed from paycheck to paycheck and never even thought that one day I'd have more than enough money to fufill my needs and wants.  But one good thing was I eventually began to understand that if I could free my mind I could change my financial situation. 


If you are struggling with a money issue, take some time out to go back to your past and see if you can locate where the attitude of lack and limitation started.  Then forgive all the people involved, i.e. early caregivers, loved ones who didn't know any better.  Realize that these people never meant to harm you.  If they knew better they would have done better.  We don't need to get into blaming or shaming others, but we do need to take responsibility for our financial situation, right here, right now.  Memorize the prayer and say it like you mean it and believe it.  If you're willing to take the time to do the "work" you'll soon realize that "nothing is too good to be true".  "Open your mind to receive your good", because God blesses you and me in myriad ways.  Join us in group meditation at 8:00pm tonight...there is power in the group.

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