Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Family, we're starting off at the beginning...first line in the money prayer is:


Contemplate the truth of that statement all day long.  We do live in an abundant universe and on an abundant earth.  I think about the abundance of this earth every year this time as the leaves start to fall.  The workers in my community come out every other day with their leaf blowers to blow these little gifts of beauty away from the walks.  When I was living in Queens my next door neighbor used to fuss every time October rolled around because he had to sweep the leaves off the sidewalk.  The leaves were coming from a tree on my property and he would try to convince me to have the tree removed.  At the time I was being mentored by an organic farmer who came to visit me one day.  He stopped, looked at the leaves, smiled and said "we live in an abundant universe".  He also asked me "can I have some of those leaves?"  Of course I gladly said "yes" and went inside to get a huge garbage bag to hold the leaves.  The farmer told me that he would use the leaves to cover the soil that we had planted on that summer.  He further explained how the leaves would bio degrade during the winter and then magically turn into rich soil in the spring.  It seems there's no waste in nature and everything has a purpose.  What my neighbor considered to be a problem, a bother, turned out to be a gift to my mentor and the other farmers in the gardens.

Now when I open my door and see the many leaves on the ground I think to myself "I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance".  I've also convinced the leaf blowing workers to leave some of the leaves at the base of the pine tree in front of my house.  Remembering the lessons from my mentor, I explained to them that the leaves would turn into rich soil in the spring and strengthen the roots of the  pine tree. 

If you're fortunate enough to live in a natural setting, or near a park, notice the beautiful leaves as they turn colors and drop to the ground.  There is no lack or limitation to the mind of God which is inside of us and around us.  Thought for Day One:  I give thanks for the abundance of planet earth and for the privilege of living here.  Happy New Moon in Libra!

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