Thursday, October 25, 2012



We break down this next line into two parts because it is a compound sentence and each part has great significance (to me).  Some people just seem to automatically give freely and fearlessly into life, not only
on the financial level but in every area of life. They are the souls whom I call "givers".  They are the ones who will volunteer their time to help others in the PTA or in church or some other altruistic organization.  These are the people who think of the world as a friendly world and because they have that mindset they live a happier life.


When I first heard of the Law of Karma the man who was teaching astrology had a negative mindset.  He scared us to death with stories about the negative use of the law and either he didn't know, or he failed to give us the positive side of the   Law. For months afterwards the students in the class and I would say things like "Karma's going to get you", or if something bad happened to someone we'd say "Karma" like we were talking about something evil.  Thank God for the teacher who explained that the Law of Karma was neither good nor bad.  She explained it in simple terms "if you plant tomatoes, you're going to reap tomatoes at harvest time".  She emphasized that Karma was impersonal and it worked in this world for everyone depending on our actions.  Karma is found in the Bible as the whole "what you sow, you will reap" statements.  It is cause and effect.  Or as we used to say when we were growing up "what goes around, comes around".  The Course On Miracles tells us that  that there are only two energies, fear or love. That we are always making choices based on fear or love. 


The other day while listening to an audio on line, the healer who was being interviewed said that Love was the greatest power in the universe. He went on to say that love requires empathy and compassion. He surprised me when he said that there's a political party in Washington that is operating from the fear energy. That this party was filled with people who were fearful and who felt we were living in a limited existence.  These people don't care about those in need because they fear they will have to write the check to help them.  I automatically thought he was talking about the Tea Party Republicans who went into overdrive when Barack Obama was elected. They went on a campaign to remove him and blocked him with endless fillabusters and speeches that were laced in hatred, lack, limitation and not enoughness.  And surely you must know people who always hang back in the meeting when someone is asking for volunteers, or who have he attitude of "I've got mine, so you're going to have to get yours".  These people are the "takers" in life and they aspire to the whole "no pain, no gain" or "survival for the fitest" belief.  These are the people who will pass by a homeless person and say something negative, like "get a job" or "he just wants money to feed his addiction".  These people are always busy when a family member needs a helping hand. They live in an unfriendly world where they think that everyone is out to get them. 


I say this line of the prayer every time I spend money and it helps me to stay out of the negative mindset that there's not enough to go around.  I have a daughter who always seems to be in good relationship with her money. She gives freely and fearlessly into life and her favorite money mantra is "money comes to me easily and frequently".  I love this prayer because it sets you up to change your money karma as it helps you to embrace the Truth in the beginning of the prayer, guides you into the understanding of the source of all good and then gives you the assurance that the Law of Karma, sowing and reaping, cause and effect will work in your life, if you use it.
So as you go throughout your day, keep in mind that giving freely and fearlessly into life has its positive results.  This is a good day to do little random acts of kindness for everyone you meet.  Periodically when I go out, I set the intention to smile at everyone I meet.  One day while doing this I smiled at a woman who was coming out of the supermarket, she smiled back at me and said "thank you that's the first smile I got all day".  Smiles are free and they not only make the giver feel better but the receiver is blessed as well.  Smiles create less wrinkles than frowns and when we're frowning we're probably thinking about something negative or fearful.  Smiling effects the cells in our physical bodies in a positive way.  Try it!  Meditate with us at 8:00pm and make sure you're smiling when you do it.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  "I LIVE IN A FRIENDLY WORLD"

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