Saturday, October 27, 2012



This line in the prayer reminds us to stay in a state of expectancy or as they say pray believing that your prayers have already been answered.  When we're able to do that then we've developed great faith.  I went on line to see the correct spelling of "unsuspected" and ran into some rhetoric regarding suspected and unsuspected. Someone was asking the question "if we suspect the unexpected then doesn't that make the unexpected suspected"?  Pricely.  This prayer is consistently telling us to have faith in the unseen.  "good comes to me in unexpected ways", or "with God as my source nothing amazes me" or "blessing come in expected and unexpected ways". 


When you are expecting good in every situation your joy level should rise.  Tuesday I had a health scare, texted my daughters (my tribe) and they came back with "call the doctor!"  Now calling the doctor (minor deity) is not my favorite activity but I relented and called his office anyway and much to my surprise they had an opening in the afternoon.  Geez!  So besides having to change a busy schedule to get there I knew I had to change the negative thoughts roaming around in my head.  The rational mind will always try to take you to the worst case scenario, "this could be bad" "what if he prescribes something that I'll have to take for a long period of time".  While in the shower I started substituting the negative thoughts with positive ones.  "it's a no thing, trying to become something, it came but cannot stay"...(thank you Rev. Michael)
Then I started visualizing a good outcome and focused healing Light coming through and surrounding my body.  I focused Light on the nasty rash that seemed to appear over night and imaged it going away.  The doctor and his assistant examined the rash and came up with the conclusion "you have shingles".  Then over the next two days I was engaged in activities to activate my drug plan and to get the anti-viral they prescribed.  It originally cost $200, but when the drug plan kicked in it was $2.60. 


After getting the meds it was later that night before I could sit down and read the instructions on when to take them and to acquaint myself with the potential side effects.  (Yuck).  I quieted my mind again and decided to start the meds but couldn't figure out how to get the safety top off the bottle.  Pushing down and trying to turn the cap at the same time wasn't working for me.  Then  all of a sudden my guides or angels whispered "check your body, the rash is gone".  Another voice said "you don't need it, you've been healed".  Was this too good to be true, or was I just imagining my inner guides.  I hesitated and then lifted up my shirt, felt the area, the nasty rash was gone, completely.  So why was I surprised?  I've experienced healings before and most of them were for ailments much worse than shingles. 

I've been blessed to train with many powerful healers, from Isabel M. Hickey to Henry Rucker. I've seen things erased from my body and from the body of the people I prayed for.  The Aha moment came like this "if you can heal your body you can heal your finances because it's the same energy".  Back in the  80's we had a healing meditation group and it seemed that everyone we prayed for experienced a miraculous healing.  I watched as members of the group became so confident that their prayers were working that I had to caution them about becoming too arrogant. (smile) When someone would come to meditation and ask that we pray for a loved one, members of the group would say "bring it on" or "let's do this".  This was a funloving group of mostly gay people that got stronger with each healing.  I always looked forward to our bi-weekly sessions because their spirit lifted me. 


What I learned from our healing group was to lighten up and have fun with these spiritual principles.  Before these young men came into my life, I was a serious and almost too sober person.  I learned that being joyful was a spiritual activity and experienced many deep belly laughs, hugs and kisses.  I'm a slow learner because when I thought about it, Isabel Hickey and Henry Rucker were fun people who always found a reason to experience some deep belly laughs.  Neuro scientists have found that laughter is a healing energy and that the cells in our bodies respond favorably to laughter.  Even if the situation seems dire or serious try to Lighten up. Somewhere in the Bible we're reminded to become a child again, and children know how to play and they laugh more than the adults around them.  If you believe that you can change your financial situation effortlessly then you should be in a state of joy because it's all good and it's all God.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: EVERY DAY AND EVERY WAY MY LIFE (AND FINANCES) ARE GETTING BETTER AND BETTER. 

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