Thursday, November 1, 2012

16th DAY

You might have guessed, the storm came through my city and blew everything off course (smile) So i'm using my daughter' mac book (slowly) and trying to stay on course with this project. Balancing our finances was the original intent 16 days ago, and it still is. 


I have a friend who told me he witnessed people from a very affluent neighborhood standing in line at a diner, hoping and praying to get in, have a cup of coffee or a piece of toast.  The ATM's weren't working and the diner was forced to only accept cash payments.  Many of the people in line were worth millions, yet the card in their wallet had no value at that moment.  All these folks wanted was some relief from a nightmare storm where they witnessed their homes burning to the ground. Because of the conditions there was nothing they could do but watch the fire leap from one house to the other and burn it down.  Now in this cashless society, hardly any of these people had cash in their pockets, just a useless pile of plastic, representing money, but not money per se.  They had to rely on the goodness of people who they might not have treated so well in the past, waiters, busboys, dishwashers, cooks, the guy who sweeps the floor were in charge of the line and could make decisions as to whom got served and who didn't.  


How many times have you thought about your relationships with the people in your neighborhood, or the local diner or gas station? The guy who cuts the grass or blows the leaves in the fall are important people. Not only do they make your life better, but they also have a life, a family outside of the job.  Were you kind, considerate when a perceived mistake happened? Or were you outraged and ready to have this person fired because they somehow disrepected you? Well I'm here to tell you that we're living at the time when we should be aware of our relationships with others and we should learn to treat each person as if they were family because you never know when some catastrophe could happen and you'll be depending on that person for a piece of toast or cup of coffee.  My grandmother used to say "be careful of how you treat people because you might just be calling that person to bring you a cup of water on your death bed."  Ok that's a little extreme but you get the message.  You don't know when you'll have to call on someone for help so be kind and compassionate to everyone.  And that shouldn't be the only reason why you're being nice to other people. The real reason is because we're all connected so how you treat me, you're treating yourself.  I am you and you are me.  If you're truly wanting to change your life, and change your finances, then open up to new thoughts and new ways of being.  If you fail to change and keep doing what you've already been doing, then be assured that you'll continue to get what you already have.  I'm always surprised when people tell me they want significant change in their lives with regard to money, relationships and health, and they don't want to change anything, their habits, their thoughts, their words, their deeds.  They just want someone to wave a magical wand and then money will appear in their bank accounts.  


HURRICANE SANDY took many of us off guard.  We weren't ready for the power of this storm and for the potential of spending many days in a cold dark place.  Where I live, the houses start to get cold the minute the power goes down and it's teeth shattering cold. It  can be depressing to just try to take care of ordinary things. You realize how much you depend on the light when you try to find your cell phone with a flashlight, or the keys to your car so you can charge your cell phone with  the car charger.  What has happened during this last storm is an idea that could be helpful to all those involved.  We need to buy generators and have them just in case the power goes out again.  Then we need to set up a system for communications, getting in touch with friends or neighbors at the time of emergency. We need to truly change our consciousness when it comes to other people. We need to be more kind and considerate of one another.  Believe me, love is the strongest power in this world.  Some people think I'm lucky because my daughter and her boyfriend came to rescue me from the cold the other day.  I was genuinely surprised, then totally happy that my children had gotten together on text and email and made the decision to "go get mom".  Wowee!!!  It was a decision based on love, not on money, but pure love and compassion, and I'm so grateful.  I think this recent hurricane is just a precursor of things to come, blame it on global warming, blame it on HAARP!, but the next one is bound to be more devastating and destructive.  And it will probably come the same way, with warnings too much hype on television, with  people being over saturated with instructions and changing with Sandy, some will refuse to evacuate, while others will ignore warnings designed to keep us all safe...the Govenor, Mayor and other politicians will be lining up to give updates on the death know, the same old, same old. It's time for a change. Only those who resist change will be negatively affected by it.  Is inevitable (change), because the only constant in this universe is change.  Meditate with us at    8:00pm, or all day.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I AM THANKFUL FOR ALL MY BLESSINGS, BIG AND SMALL.  

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