Thursday, November 15, 2012



Every time something wonderful has happened for me, when I thought back on how it happened, it didn't make logical sense.  It was a series of events that at the time didn't seem connected to the final event.  The Virgo people or people with planets in Virgo find it challenging to forget about the details, the how to's and focus on the the end result.  But we're told not to try to figure out the details, to focus on the "what" not the " how".  When I was asked to do a monthly column for Essence Magazine, it seemed to come out of the blue, a financial blessing that was needed and appreciated.  But how did it happen?  It started with a sincere to make more money without having to leave the house.  You might say it started with setting my intentions and having a clear vision that one day I would open the mail and a huge check would be in it.  I had no idea how the Editor in Chief of this magazine got my telephone number, or how she knew I was an astrologer.  Then one day while in meditation it came to me.  I had counseled an editor at the magazine and slipped my calling card inside the chart I sent to her.  She produced my card while in a meeting as a potential astrologer they could hire to do the monthly astrology column.  Because of this persons financial situation at the time, she didn't have the money to pay for my services so I did it for God, otherwise known as "free".  I answered the call to help another human being that I didn't know, because I had the skills and the unconditional love for someone in need.  The day that I set my intention or said a powerful prayer to find a way to contribute to our household expenses, I visualized in a whimsical way, how good it would feel to receive the check.  At the time I didn't have a clue as to how it would happen, but just "seeing" it in my mind made me happy.  It wasn't about the "how", but the "what" that made me feel good.  I did the prayer and set my intentions when I realized I would be homeschooling my youngest daughter.  I needed to be home to do that and I also needed to convince my husband that it was necessary, even though it might cause a drain on our finances. 


When I share my stories sometimes people will say "oh you're special, or it could never happen for me that way".  But it can and I can sympathize with that feeling because there was a time when I'd read metaphysical books and hear stories about other people's lives and say the same things "that's them, not me".  Some people are still stuck in the belief that money is hard to come by, that you have to work very hard to make money and they busy their minds trying to figure out the details on how they could possibly increase their finances.  My prayer is that somehow during these past 29 days I've been able to communicate to you that this is easy and it only requires you to open your mind, change your thoughts and words and say the prayer for increased finances daily.  You can't attract more if your fists are closed, or your jaws are clenched. 


Here on the East Coast there are still many people suffering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy.  Since the temps have dropped and for many the lights are still off, many people are in the dark and cold.  You might not be living in close proximity of the people who are in need, but in this day and time there are probably people in your neighborhood who need assistance.  One of my friends has asked me to drive with her once a week to deliver meals to shut ins in our area.  I thought for a minute about my too busy schedule as she kept talking "I could drive, you could deliver the meal".  I said yes and made the date to join her on Mondays.  That's the day when I'm usually vegging out, cleaning the house, and cleaning out my in box.  It will be a sacrifice but I know that service is important, not only to the people who need it but to the person giving it.  In a kinda twisted way, doing service for others helps us to realize how blessed we are.  The Agency that does Meals on Wheels is in a desparate situation now, with budget cuts and fewer volunteers.  What you give you receive.  The Spiritual Laws of sowing and reaping, cause and effect guarantees that what you send out will return.  Doing acts of kindness always pays off.  Like when I did the free counseltation for a sister in need, that paid off big time.  At the time I wasn't thinking about myself but thinking that something said could help her through a rough time.  But as my grandmother used to say "every deed is accounted for". or "what you do when nobody's looking is the measure of your character".  So as you're focusing on increasing your finances, why not help someone who's in need today? 

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