Monday, November 12, 2012

DAY 26

If you're still doing this, then good for you.  I'm thinking that your conscious intention is to have a better relationship with your money and that you're consistently saying the prayer.  In Deepak's 7th day of the 21 day Meditation on Abundance, the thought for today is "I use my conscious intention to create my desires".  Conscious intention comes about when we deliberately eliminate unwanted thoughts and focus on what we need and want. 

When "stuff" happens we have a tendency to say it's a lesson, or "its a lesson or a blessing".  Our spiritual teachers tell us that life isn't happening to you, but for you, and therefore every situation that comes up in our life contains a lesson that can help us to grow and evolve.  My first teacher, Ms. Isabel M. Hickey always told us that this earth is a planetary school where we came to learn our lessons.  The higher the grade the student is in, the more challenging the lessons. In other words if you're in 12 Grade math and english is going to be more challenging than when you were in the 2nd grade.  I once asked Ms. Hickey or as we called her "Issie" when these lessons would stop.  It seemed that since the day I was born there were lessons to learn and now that I was in my 30's, practicing meditation, being in service to others, inhaling everything spiritual I could put my hands on and even changing my diet, it seemed there was always something in my life, a crisis that I had to deal with.  "when will it end" was my painful question.  She looked at me and smiled and said "are you still breathing?"  Huh?  What was she saying to me?  Did that mean that as long as I was breathing there would be lessons to learn?  She went on to tell me that if I learned from each lesson or situation, the lessons would resolve more easily.  She was big on taking responsibility for whatever was in my life.  Because the tendency when "stuff" happened was to find someone or something to blame.  This is called resistance. I didn't want to take responsibility because in each instance I could always point the accusing finger or blame earlier circumstances, i.e. my mother abandoned me twice, once when I was 2 years old and again when I was 11 years old.  Psychologists would say this was the reason why I had trust problems, or why I always seemed to attract men who abandoned me.  How could it be my fault that I had trouble trusting people?


When I was first introduced to the concept of reincarnation my early life lessons started to make sense to me.  The first time "Issie" did my astrological chart, she looked at it and said "forgive your mother".  I was a student of astrology and was amazed that she could just take a look at my chart and see the need to forgive my mother.  But I had an answer for her that day.  I started telling her about the whole abandonment thing. My mother had left two babies in a house, one two years old and the other (my sister) 5 years old.  Then after she returned when I was 10, she stayed one year and then left again.  "Issie" interrupted my sad tale with "I don't care what happened, what she did to you, you probably did to her in a previous lifetime". Huh?
She went on with a terse "forgive her and let it go".  Wowee!  Was she saying my mother and I had done this dance before? In another lifetime?  Hmmm!  It seemed weird but somehow true.  It made sense to me that we live more than one life. With so many lessons to learn in this life, this couldn't be the only one.  She went on to tell me that she thought she and I had been together in another lifetime and that rang true to me because when she opened the door to her house, we looked in each other's eyes, started crying and hugging.  The women who were with me that day were confused, when that happened.  It happened spontaneously and the feeling came over me that I had been missing this woman all my life. It was a reunion of two souls that was deep and profound.  Years later while doing the Awareness Techniques that take people back into previous lifetimes, it was revealed to me that many of the people I knew in this lifetime were in my life before.  I discovered that I had lived many lifetimes as a spiritual person, a nun, a priestess who had taken a vow of poverty.  I had lived many lifetimes in service to others and God and came into this lifetime with a detachment for material things.


Issie taught me how to do the Awareness Techniques which is a system for taking people back into previous lifetimes.  Over and over again people discovered that someone in their life today, was an old friend, or an old enemy from another life.  This information helped them and me to discover why we had strong likes or dislikes of people or things.  Why many of us have these "hot button" issues that seem to dredge up deep emotions.  It explained why some situations just seemed to be a repeat in our lives because of unresolved issues.  I know that my detachment for material things has to have come from a previous lifetime.  And further I know that my relationship with money was formed many lifetimes ago.  That's because I always had these questions roaming around in my mind that didn't make sense to me or the people in my life.  Like the total disdain for dressing up on Easter.  I would fuss and fume about having to buy new clothing for Easter, while my girlfriends actually delighted in dressing up.  I would ask the adults in my life, or ministers that I knew why it was necessary to wear new clothes to celebrate the life of Christ.  It seemed ludicrous to me and a bit pagan.  Finally I got my grandmother to agree to allow me to wear something I already had in my closet on Easter.  She gave in but I  would hear her saying "that girl is crazy".  So if there are things in your life that you do or think that you have no reference for in this lifetime, it's probably coming from a previous lifetime experience.  Or something. 


Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, if you're experiencing a troubled relationship with money this is a good time to heal it.  We can't blame our situation on a past lifetime, but can acknowledge that this is where it started and release it and let it go.  Yesterday I had a two hour conversation with a man who had trouble getting paid for his services.  He blamed it on Black people who just didn't want to pay up. But inwardly I felt this was something that was encoded in his dna, a past lifetime experience or a severe lack of self esteem.  We show people how to treat us and the moochers among us are always trying to get something cheaper or for free.  Yet because of the socialization of living in this country, people don't appreciate what they get for free.  Personally I've had the worst problems with people whom I did work for, for free.  It never fails.   The people who pay and do it willingly are never a problem. They respect my time and listen to my advice.  I'm working on myself and on establishing a good relationship with money and I hope you are too.  One way to get started is by never lying about money, or complaining about not having enough. Then I always give freely and fearlessly into life, pay my bills on time and when someone tells me their fee, I pay them with a smile on my face.  I also opt out of conversations about the bad economy, flip the channel, or change the subject because I know what I'm consistently thinking is what I'll draw to me, eventually.  There is enough to go around and as Rev. Michael Beckwith once said "nobody told the apple trees that there's a recession or depression".  Being true to nature, the apple trees keep on producing apples.   It is all good and it is all God.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: THERE IS ALWAYS ENOUGH MONEY IN MY LIFE AND IN MY BANK ACCOUNT! 

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