Friday, November 16, 2012



We're at the end and I am grateful for the opportunity to do this.  In spite of major power failures and having to relocate and use a different computer it seemed the angels were with me and opened the way for me to complete the mission.  I took my own advice and began with the end in mind, set a sincere intention and blocked out distractions to get a message on here for 30 days.  Wowee!  Prosperity and abundance is not just about the money, it's about having what you need when you need it.  I still don't know the blog site that well, and I'm sorry that I couldn't answer questions from people on how to make it work more smoothly.  But the   intention was consistent and came from the heart. 


When we lost power during Hurricane Sandy, I had no intention of packing up and moving into my daughter's apartment.  But one cold night I received a telephone call from my youngest daughter telling me to pack up because she was coming for me.  I resisted and told her I'd heard that the lights were coming on tomorrow.  This turned out to be an untrue rumor circulated by the management's security people.  She simply ignored me and said "mom I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to pack a go bag because we're on our way."  Wow!  when did she become the mother was my thought as I stumbled around in the pitch darkness with a flashlight trying to find the essentials.  However what I resisted turned out to be an impromtu family reunion and a much needed break from my daily routine.  The next morning when I woke up in a strange blow up bed, my oldest daughter told me her laptop was on, in the dining room and I could use it.  Having never used a Mac computer I needed instructions on how to get  past the first page and on to the blog.  I was really out of my comfort zone because my password loads easily on my home computer, but now I had to remember what it was on the Mac computer (sigh).  I got lots of advice from my other daughters who told me to use a notebook to write down all my passwords for situations like this one where I couldn't rely on the easy method of just typing in my name and the password would appear.  I thought it was  interesting that the topic on the blog was dealing with flexibility.  I had to take my own advice.  I had to  "open my mind to receive my good".  When I finally remembered the password and got on the blog my thought was "nothing is too good to be true", "nothing is too wonderful to happen". 


If you're sincere in wanting to balance and increase your finances it's important to change your mind and keep it changed.  I view that as setting a clear intention and staying with it. 


After setting your intention, the next step is to memorize the prayer and to say it every day.  This will help you to refocus your mind on the good that is everywhere present and to set you up to receive the abundance you desire.  All of the time spent saying and memorizing the prayer will be good, because your mind can't think two things at once.  As you're saying and memorizing the prayer your rational mind can't give you fear thoughts of lack and limitation because it can't think two things simultaneously.


Prosperity and abundance experts like Deepak Chopra and Bob Proctor always tell us that our intentions should never be just about getting richer for ourselves but also for others as well.  Chopra always includes the "and others" in his mantras...i.e. "how can I use this to help myself and others".  They remind us that when we raise our financial levels the levels of the people in our world are raised as well.  They tell us and we believe it, that being poor or not having enough negatively impacts the people around us.  But being prosperous positively impacts the people around us.  The idea is that what we do serves as an example to others because our lives on this planet are interconnected.  Our success is other people's success.  When we refuse to engage in negative conversations about money and prosperity we spiritually opt out of the belief system that tells us there's not enough to go around.  Others are watching us so what we do impacts them too.  We teach best through example and not by beating people over the head with our beliefs. 


Children can demonstrate spiritual principles much easier than adults.  That's because they haven't lived long enough to experience the situations that adults have witnessed.  Children hardly listen to what we say but they are watching us and they do what they see us doing.  I remember when my youngest child was 8 years old she sent shock waves through us when we opened the bathroom door to see hundreds of dollar bills that she had washed, drying around the bathtub.  She told us that she had saved the money by not spending what we gave her when the icecream truck came around.  We realized that every time she came into the house saying "the icecream truck is here, we'd just reach in our wallets and give her money, sometimes it was a dollar and sometimes it was a couple dollars.  We never asked for change, so this little girls decided to save what was leftover.  She got the idea from her favorite magazine "Penny Power", the children's magazine designed to help children create better spending habits.  Being a germophobe and slightly obsessive compulsive, she also decided that since money changed hands many times, she'd wash her stash (never knew you could wash money), and let it dry around he sides of the bathtub.  We decided to go to the bank and let her set up a savings account.  She was a generous soul and always shared what she had with her older sibling and with children who didn't have money to buy icecream.  One thing I noticed about her when she was younger was that older people in the neighborhood, some neighbors, would always give her money when they saw her.  I'm thinking that was because for every holiday she would make something creative for them, then knock on their doors to give them a present that was made with construction paper and crayons or macoroni glued into a design.  She came into this life believing that the world was a prosperous place and even today she never complains about money and always seems to have enough.  As I'm thinking about this bright and beautiful soul with the constant smile on her face, that is the energy that I tap into as I'm working on myself to increase my finances.  You might say that as an adult, we have plenty to worry about, the rent, the mortgage, car payment, food bills, but regardless of what you have, it is a good idea to become a child again, so you can open your mind to receive your good.  I had to practice writing the checks for bills, with a smile, and smiling when the teller gave me the balance in my checking account.  Also saying a silent thank you when it was time to pay for the groceries.  Also saying an audible "thank you" when paying in cash. 


This has been a fun ride for me.  And I'm taking my own advice.  While I haven't seen a significant change in my bank account, I am witnessing a change of attitude and counting the blessings of prosperity all around me.  Yesterday I was contacted by the local weatherization people who wanted to make an appointment to come to my house and show me how to make it warmer.  OK, this is a free service, I think for senior citizens, and they're going to tape up windows and doors to keep the cold air from seeping into the house and they told me if the water heater was old (and it is) they'd give me a new one for free.  Wowee!  I love those words.  Can't think of how much money it would cost me to buy those materials designed to keep cold drafts out.  And I am thankful!  It's not cash in hand, but abundance that reminds me "I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance, the abundance of God is my infinite source".  Thanks for the love, thanks for the support and may you always have Bright Abundant Blessings in your life.  LAST THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  I LIVE IN A RICH AND ABUNDANT WORLD, AND SO IT IS!  LOVE & LIGHT, AYESHA

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