Tuesday, November 13, 2012

DAY 27

Three more days to the end. Can you believe we started this 27 days ago?  One of my daughters said to me that she has a quote from Churchill on her fridge: "when going through hell, keep on going".  She sent this message in a multi-text and another daughter chimed in "oh I have that statement on a magnet on my fridge".  That statement seems dire, but afterall Churchill was dealing with a dire situation with the Germans bombing his country.  But the sentiment is taken, when things are rough we have to keep on going, then some way, some how you manage to come through the fire.  I think much depends on your mindset when you start a project.  If you can see the end then you can muster up the energy to get there.  Some metaphysicians actually counsel people to begin with the end in mind. 


I'm a fan of runners and have watched the NY Marathon many times, handing out towels and water to them as they passed by.  One thing I always heard was when running long distance there's a time when the body wants to shut down and the runner is advised to keep on running.  They call this "hitting the wall".  In fact, in NY, the commentators of the Marathon figured out when runners would most likely hit the wall, they watched for it, and then would show it to us.  "her body is shutting down, etc. etc".  But then the African runners started running in the NY Marathon and it seemed they didn't have the experience of "hitting the wall".  In fact the lst African winner in the NY Marathon got a big lead in the race and breezed through to the end with no problem.  The "experts" couldn't believe their eyes and they kept watching this man with the expectation that his legs would get wobbly, or he'd start sweating profusely, signs that he was hitting the wall. But it never happened.  Hmmm!  They blamed it on conditioning and the fact that the African runners, run all the time, through rough terrain, up hills and down hills.  But I thought it wasn't just a matter of physical conditioning, but mental conditioning.  Nobody told the African runners about the "wall" so for them there was no wall.  The other runners were coached to believe that eventually they would have this problem, they believed it, created it and experienced it.  


 Today is a good day to examine your core beliefs about money.  If you think you're going to have difficult times, if you believe there's never enough to go around, if you believe that you were never meant to be rich or prosperous, then that core belief will become true for you.  This project is about changing your mind and adopting a good relationship with your money.  Take a hit from the African runners who love to run, who run all the time and who run freely with a smile on their faces.  Then look at some of the trained runners who seem to be all tensed up, fists closed, pushing and clawing their way past "the wall".  If you believe you live in an infinite abundant world and that God is the source of your supply, then you'll have fun and joy while changing your financial situation.  The more joy you add to the equation the better it becomes.  Giving thanks for your blessings, big and small, sets you up to attract more abundnce.  Acknowledging where you've been blessed, even if that only means finding a penny on the sidewalk, sets you up to attract more money.  It's easier then you think, but first you must open your mind to receive your good.  I've taught myself to smile when the teller gives me the balance in my bank account.  It doesn't matter what amount is in there, I smile and say a silent "Thank You".  Years ago that wasn't the case and I'd be like the runners who are all tensed up, fists closed, and feeling like life was so difficult, and money was scarce.  There were times, long ago when I'd see the balance in my bank account and I'd be depressed all day.  Then the thought came to me "you're going to let some figures on a piece of paper control your moods?"  Well, sometimes you have to fake it until you make it, but I'm urging you not to put bad energy on your bank account.  And that also includes the money in your wallet.  Take it out arrange the bills by numbers, straighten out the folds and treat it with respect.  If you want more of it, then love it and love the good things that you can do with it.  It is all good, it is all love, it is all abundance.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I LOVE MONEY AND MONEY LOVES ME  

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