Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Remember those lines in the prayer?  Was thinking that when I got up early yesterday to come back to the mountains to vote.  Prosperity and abundance came forth in the form of my GodChild, who picked me up at the bus station, and who absolutely refused to take money for gas.  We stopped at the Obama Office and workers were in a tizzy.  Many calls had come in about voter suppression and they gave me a number to call if I had any problems voting.  Wowee!  So those idgits are so bent on winning that they would cheat people or refuse to let folks vote?  Finally I arrived home, checked on the house and picked up my car to drive to the polling place.  As I was driving I kept in mind "nothing is too good to be true", and "nothing is too wonderful to happen". 


When I reached the polling place, I was surprised at how many cars were parked at the side of the road.  They obviously didn't have enough parking space to drive into the polling place.  I could see folks walking back to their cars and most of them had a determined look on their faces.  One woman gave me a thumbs up as she was entering her car.  I found a parking space and immediately saw a long line of people waiting to vote.  It was 30 degrees, but people were waiting patiently to vote.  When I got inside, I asked a poll worker about the numbers.  He told me they had been busy and there had been long lines all day.  My negative mind said "yeah but were they voting for Romney or Barack?"  It seemed the negative news about this being a tight race and in some cases with Romney ahead in the polls, got into my subconscious mind.  Could it be that Romney could win?  I immediately released that thought and remembered what Barack had passed down to us 4 years ago..."no drama" "stay focused on the goal".   That's why we started calling him "no drama, Obama".  Then there was the news report that Black people weren't supporting Obama with the same enthusiasm as last time.  They even dragged out one poor soul who said he wasn't going to vote for Obama...his reasons were vague.  The big surprise came on CNN later that night.  PA did go for Barack and African-American voters showed up in twice the numbers as last time.  Yaay! 


All throughout the campaign people kept sending me writings of astrologers who said that Barack was going to lose this time.  They cited a Saturn in Scorpio square to his Sun as being the main reason why they said he would lose.  But I had to keep reminding myself of what I discovered during the 1st campaign.  It seemed that no matter what was happening in Barack's chart, he seemed to rise above it.  My teacher told us that in our lives we would witness people who would skip over the negative aspects in their charts and turn what we perceived as a negative into a positive.  I saw that with Barack.  During the last campaign we struggled to keep our signs on the side of the road as McCain's people would remove them and replace them with their own signs.  One day I went to the campaign office and wanted to vent on how hard it was to keep our signs up, in fact I needed more signs to put in my truck.  The leader, who was trained by Barack's people simply changed the subject and told me where I could find more signs.  He wasn't interested in my doom gloom stories and softly said "keep the focus".  OK, I had to be reminded that regardless of what others were doing I had to focus on the goal, to get Barack elected.  And it seemed that this time around that laid back energy was even more pronounced with Barack's people.  They were so chilled out that I wondered if he could win again.  No drama, just focusing on the goal.


I learned that you can't buy an election. That even though Romney had plenty of money from super pacs and other billionaires, it wasn't going to matter.  Coincidentally during this time I was teaching piano and a song in the primary piano book was "Money Can't Buy You Everything".  Interesting title, fun song and the little ones loved to play it.  While money is important and it certainly did pay for all those attack ads that Romney's people made, it obviously didn't help him to win.  Maybe it was as much as a turn off for other people as it was for me?  And the lies and deceit coming from the Republicans was sometimes overwhelming.  Thank God for Anderson Cooper's "Keeping Them Honest" because he would point out obvious lies on his show.  But then again, I thought "how many people are actually watching CNN? And aren't these people who keep repeating the lies just out and out racists who can't stand the fact that a Black Man and family was in "their" whitehouse"? 
In spite of it all, Barack kept his cool, and kept telling his workers to ignore the polls and to stay focused on the goal, a 2nd term. 


In spite of the lies and deceit and the polls that showed this was going to be a very tight race, and in spite of the fact that Mercury, Planet of communications turned retrograde on election day, Barack Obama won a 2nd term.  I think the retrograde Mercury came into play in the long wait for Romney to concede.  After all he boasted to the press earlier that he had only written one speech, his acceptance speech.  So we waited until well after midnight for him to finally appear before his supporters and to tell them he lost.  I was on the phone with one of my daughters, it was getting late. We both had to get up early the next morning, but we waited to hear Romney admit defeat and for Barack to accept his victory.  It was worth the wait. It's finally over and we can use what we've learned to help us reach our own personal goals.  Stay the course, don't give up, ignore the distractions that come from negative thoughts and/or people.  Set your intentions, keep saying the prayer and know within your heart that you can achieve financial freedom.  The first thing is to free your mind from fear of not enoughness, lack and limitation.  It begins right there.  In spite of the numbers in your bank account, or the money in your wallet, you and I can skip over dire predictions and come up as winners.  I believe it, and I  hope you do too.  It is all right.  And so it is!  Love, Light and Bright Financial Blessings to all.  Ayesha

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