Tuesday, November 6, 2012

DAY 20

20 Days, 10 more days to go.  Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Meditation starts on Nov. 5th.  We tried to access the meditation and their servers are down.  Maybe they'll fix it tomorrow. It's just time to flow with the changes and be flexible.  We received word that our power is back on and there's also a storm coming, which might mean more power outages.  It's going to be what it's going to be.  


My mind is focused on voting tomorrow.  That means getting up early, catching a bus, having a friend pick me up at the station and driving me to pick up my car, then I'm going to drive to the polling place.  Watching Agape yesterday on the computer, Rev. Michael reminded us that we needed to stay focused on our Higher Selves and not to tie into the mediocrity of the status quo.  He said the password is: "Yes I can", "Yes I Am" and "Yes I am willing".  He also said that there are people who act like vampires and who will attempt to keep us stuck in the doom and gloom consciousness, but not to accept it.  


Yes there are people in the world who act with the consciousness of not enoughness, lack and limitation.  These are the people who don't care about anyone else, as they are focused on keeping things the way they are.  These are the people who seem to forget that after so many years of Bush as president, the fat cats on wall street, free of regulations, got richer. These fat cats preyed on people and have the mindset: "I got mine, so you're going to have to get yours".  These vampires only think of themselves and they blame their victims for not having enough.  They are selfish, mean spirited and out to cut programs designed to help the unfortunate among us.  They received bailouts to keep their companies afloat and at the same time gave hefty bonuses to their CEO's and went on expensive vacations, using tax dollars.  Talk about corporate greed, supported by corporate welfare.  


 Love comes with compassion and empathy, and it is a manifestation of the Most High.  When you come across a group of people that don't care about others, you know there's no love inside of them.  One of the wildest things you can do is to love these loveless creeps regardless of what they do.  We need more love on this planet, love for the people, love for the planet.  It is love energy that lets us know we're all connected. What you do to others will be done to you.  I was sad to hear the story about a mother who lost her two children during the storm.  She knocked on doors and was refused any help.We wonder if the reason why no one would help her was because she was Black.  The whole racism thing is based on fear and a lack of love.  


I'm voting for Barack Obama because I don't suffer from Romnesia.  I remember the state of the country when Barack took office.  We were in a deep hole and almost in a depression. I realized 4 years ago that it would take time for this country to recover from what the Republicans did and I don't want to put another one in power so he can take us back into the same situation we were in when Barack Obama took office.  I'm moving forward and trusting that the love energy will win.  I want a man in office who cares about the people and who isn't just trying to keep the status quo.  I'll also be saying the prayer for increased finances and focusing on things going forward, not backwards.  Happy voting day everyone.  I'm sure the forces of Love & Light will win out against the forces of greed.  I love you all, Ayesha                                     

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