Thursday, November 29, 2012


I'm back (smile) and just wanted you to know that Mars the action planet moved into Capricorn on Saturday, November 17th and will stay there until December 26th (1st day of Kwanzaa).  Capricorn is the sign that says "I Use" and it's ruled by Saturn, planet of discipline ( and karma).  Threats of an increasing ground war in Israel come to mind as Mars moves into Capricorn, the sign that rules the Jewish race.  Already there have been many deaths of Palestinians since the attempted bombing of Israel happened the other day.  Tensions are increasing in that area on the globe as Israel reacts to perceived threats coming from their enemies.  With each death on either side the hatred between Palestine and Israel increases.  We pray for a peaceful solution to the problem and that cooler heads will outweigh the calls to "kill the enemy".  Certainly Israel is more equipped to fight a war and we know from past history that they certainly will retaliate with force when they are threatened.  Nobody really wins in a war and plenty of innocent people will be affected negatively.  Some see this as another reason for Israel to grab more land as their settlements encroach on Palestinian land.  So as we move closer to the holidays with Hannukah and Xmas in our sights we pray for the peace that we're allegedly celebrating.  As Mars moves further into Capricorn it will connect with Pluto, planet of transformation or degeneration in Capricorn and will square (90 degree angle) Uranus, planet of unpredictable and sudden change, in Aries.  These aspects will take place at the end of November.


You might not feel that strife, anger and war have any effect on your daily life, especially since it's taking place so far away from where you live, but the collective sorrow of the families who've lost loved ones is released into the ether and sensitive people will pick it up.  That is why war of any kind, no matter where it is on the planet contaminates the entire planet.  For one thing the media makes it possible to see and hear the accounts taking place in the Middle East, formerly known as Africa.  Daily we'll be receiving vivid accounts of the destruction of homes, women and children.
War is man's way of solving differences, however it never solves anything.  It is the needless egotistical chest beating that stems from the need to prove "I am better than you".  Although it is adult males who create war the behaviors are child like and juvenile in expression.  It seems like two toddlers fighting over a toy "It's mine!", "No it's mine!".  We will pray that these spiritual babies put down their toys and give respect and honor to the women and children who will be negatively affected by their actions.  Regardless of what side you're on, there are people in both areas who want to live in peace and who will benefit from finding a peaceful solution to the problem.
So, While Mars is in Capricorn let us send out throughts and prayers for peace.  Let us remember what we're supposed to be celebrating during the upcoming holidays.


Capricorn is the sign that rules winter because it starts on the Winter Solstice, December 21st.  There will probably be colder temperatures, and winter storms as Mars moves through Capricorn.  So while the weather gets colder, we'll have to bundle up and when we can, stay warm indoors.  Warmth is related to love on the personal and interpersonal levels.  When it's cold outside, reasonable people seek the comfort of going inside to get warm.  This is necessary to our health, mentally, physically and spiritually.  When the temperatures drop I always think about the people who have no warm place to escape.  There but for the grace of God go you or I.  This is a time when doing acts of service, feeding the hungry or donating warm clothes to a homeless shelter will make a difference in someones life.  Being in service to those in need has it's residual benefits for those who give.  We feel good about ourselves when we extend a helping hand to people who need it.  Our consciousness expands and grows as we think about "we" and not just "me".  We're also aware that what we give without thought of return always comes back to us via the Law of Karma, sowing and reaping, cause and effect.  This is an opportune time to increase the spiritual credits in our spiritual bank account.  I would suggest that you tune into something positive like Deepak Chopra's 21 day Meditation for Abundance or (the Wednesday service was fantastic), and to keep your mind focused on Peace and Love.  While there isn't anything we can do about the war or the weather, we can stay warm inside our hearts and project a peace that passes understanding to all the people on this planet.  Love, Light, and Bright Abundant Blessings, Ayesha

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Full Moon Eclipse - Mercury Goes Direct

                                                                   MERCURY GOES DIRECT

On Monday, November 26th, Mercury, Planet of Communications goes direct after being retrograde starting on Nov. 6th, (election day).  I must say this was an interesting retrograde period, much of what we projected never happened.  Then there were things that did happen that seemed to come out of the blue.  Barack Obama seemed to skip over the negative side effects of Mercury Retrograde.  All the traps that were set by the wealthy few, just didn't work.  They tried voter suppression and used millions for attack ads, but obviously people saw through them and were not affected by them.  More importantly Barack never gave into to fear thoughts of losing and urged those of us who were working on his campaign, to ignore the polls, ignore the traps and to keep moving forward.  What I've learned from all of this is that its what you project to happen will happen.  Staying positive isn't just wishful thinking but what thoughts we focus on have energy and can bring the results we want.  It seemed that Romney's camp was steeped in doom and gloom and tried to use fear  and excess money to win.  It didn't work.  Mercury is sometimes called the "trickster" and the "trickster turned things around and brought about the results that was needed to help this country go forward. 


On Wednesday, November 28th, there will be a Full Moon (Lunar) Eclipse in Gemini, the sign that says "I think".  This is a good time to plant seeds of confidence, beauty, love, prosperity, wellness, peace and all those good things.  Regardless of what happens, commit to stay focused on what you want, as opposed to what you don't want.  The Full Moon will be connecting to Jupiter, planet of expansion and joy, which has been in Gemini all year.  This is a good day to follow your bliss and to live in joyful expectation of all good.  Know that the Jupiter connection will amplify your thoughts and make them bigger and stronger.  Do something this day to make someone else's life better, give unconditionally what you want to receive.  As the sages say "if you want more money, give money, if you want more love, give more love".  If you have a Gemini in your life, why not call them up, or send them an email or text them and let them know you appreciate them.  This is the last eclipse for the year 2012.  They happen when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in complete alignment with one another. With the Full Moon Eclipse, the Moon temporarily is darkened by the shadow or the earth passing over the Moon.  Please keep in mind that this too shall pass.  The Eclipse is a temporary thing.  Enjoy your Full Moon period and make it the best day of your life.  Love & Light, Ayesha

Friday, November 16, 2012



We're at the end and I am grateful for the opportunity to do this.  In spite of major power failures and having to relocate and use a different computer it seemed the angels were with me and opened the way for me to complete the mission.  I took my own advice and began with the end in mind, set a sincere intention and blocked out distractions to get a message on here for 30 days.  Wowee!  Prosperity and abundance is not just about the money, it's about having what you need when you need it.  I still don't know the blog site that well, and I'm sorry that I couldn't answer questions from people on how to make it work more smoothly.  But the   intention was consistent and came from the heart. 


When we lost power during Hurricane Sandy, I had no intention of packing up and moving into my daughter's apartment.  But one cold night I received a telephone call from my youngest daughter telling me to pack up because she was coming for me.  I resisted and told her I'd heard that the lights were coming on tomorrow.  This turned out to be an untrue rumor circulated by the management's security people.  She simply ignored me and said "mom I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to pack a go bag because we're on our way."  Wow!  when did she become the mother was my thought as I stumbled around in the pitch darkness with a flashlight trying to find the essentials.  However what I resisted turned out to be an impromtu family reunion and a much needed break from my daily routine.  The next morning when I woke up in a strange blow up bed, my oldest daughter told me her laptop was on, in the dining room and I could use it.  Having never used a Mac computer I needed instructions on how to get  past the first page and on to the blog.  I was really out of my comfort zone because my password loads easily on my home computer, but now I had to remember what it was on the Mac computer (sigh).  I got lots of advice from my other daughters who told me to use a notebook to write down all my passwords for situations like this one where I couldn't rely on the easy method of just typing in my name and the password would appear.  I thought it was  interesting that the topic on the blog was dealing with flexibility.  I had to take my own advice.  I had to  "open my mind to receive my good".  When I finally remembered the password and got on the blog my thought was "nothing is too good to be true", "nothing is too wonderful to happen". 


If you're sincere in wanting to balance and increase your finances it's important to change your mind and keep it changed.  I view that as setting a clear intention and staying with it. 


After setting your intention, the next step is to memorize the prayer and to say it every day.  This will help you to refocus your mind on the good that is everywhere present and to set you up to receive the abundance you desire.  All of the time spent saying and memorizing the prayer will be good, because your mind can't think two things at once.  As you're saying and memorizing the prayer your rational mind can't give you fear thoughts of lack and limitation because it can't think two things simultaneously.


Prosperity and abundance experts like Deepak Chopra and Bob Proctor always tell us that our intentions should never be just about getting richer for ourselves but also for others as well.  Chopra always includes the "and others" in his mantras...i.e. "how can I use this to help myself and others".  They remind us that when we raise our financial levels the levels of the people in our world are raised as well.  They tell us and we believe it, that being poor or not having enough negatively impacts the people around us.  But being prosperous positively impacts the people around us.  The idea is that what we do serves as an example to others because our lives on this planet are interconnected.  Our success is other people's success.  When we refuse to engage in negative conversations about money and prosperity we spiritually opt out of the belief system that tells us there's not enough to go around.  Others are watching us so what we do impacts them too.  We teach best through example and not by beating people over the head with our beliefs. 


Children can demonstrate spiritual principles much easier than adults.  That's because they haven't lived long enough to experience the situations that adults have witnessed.  Children hardly listen to what we say but they are watching us and they do what they see us doing.  I remember when my youngest child was 8 years old she sent shock waves through us when we opened the bathroom door to see hundreds of dollar bills that she had washed, drying around the bathtub.  She told us that she had saved the money by not spending what we gave her when the icecream truck came around.  We realized that every time she came into the house saying "the icecream truck is here, we'd just reach in our wallets and give her money, sometimes it was a dollar and sometimes it was a couple dollars.  We never asked for change, so this little girls decided to save what was leftover.  She got the idea from her favorite magazine "Penny Power", the children's magazine designed to help children create better spending habits.  Being a germophobe and slightly obsessive compulsive, she also decided that since money changed hands many times, she'd wash her stash (never knew you could wash money), and let it dry around he sides of the bathtub.  We decided to go to the bank and let her set up a savings account.  She was a generous soul and always shared what she had with her older sibling and with children who didn't have money to buy icecream.  One thing I noticed about her when she was younger was that older people in the neighborhood, some neighbors, would always give her money when they saw her.  I'm thinking that was because for every holiday she would make something creative for them, then knock on their doors to give them a present that was made with construction paper and crayons or macoroni glued into a design.  She came into this life believing that the world was a prosperous place and even today she never complains about money and always seems to have enough.  As I'm thinking about this bright and beautiful soul with the constant smile on her face, that is the energy that I tap into as I'm working on myself to increase my finances.  You might say that as an adult, we have plenty to worry about, the rent, the mortgage, car payment, food bills, but regardless of what you have, it is a good idea to become a child again, so you can open your mind to receive your good.  I had to practice writing the checks for bills, with a smile, and smiling when the teller gave me the balance in my checking account.  Also saying a silent thank you when it was time to pay for the groceries.  Also saying an audible "thank you" when paying in cash. 


This has been a fun ride for me.  And I'm taking my own advice.  While I haven't seen a significant change in my bank account, I am witnessing a change of attitude and counting the blessings of prosperity all around me.  Yesterday I was contacted by the local weatherization people who wanted to make an appointment to come to my house and show me how to make it warmer.  OK, this is a free service, I think for senior citizens, and they're going to tape up windows and doors to keep the cold air from seeping into the house and they told me if the water heater was old (and it is) they'd give me a new one for free.  Wowee!  I love those words.  Can't think of how much money it would cost me to buy those materials designed to keep cold drafts out.  And I am thankful!  It's not cash in hand, but abundance that reminds me "I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance, the abundance of God is my infinite source".  Thanks for the love, thanks for the support and may you always have Bright Abundant Blessings in your life.  LAST THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  I LIVE IN A RICH AND ABUNDANT WORLD, AND SO IT IS!  LOVE & LIGHT, AYESHA

Thursday, November 15, 2012



Every time something wonderful has happened for me, when I thought back on how it happened, it didn't make logical sense.  It was a series of events that at the time didn't seem connected to the final event.  The Virgo people or people with planets in Virgo find it challenging to forget about the details, the how to's and focus on the the end result.  But we're told not to try to figure out the details, to focus on the "what" not the " how".  When I was asked to do a monthly column for Essence Magazine, it seemed to come out of the blue, a financial blessing that was needed and appreciated.  But how did it happen?  It started with a sincere to make more money without having to leave the house.  You might say it started with setting my intentions and having a clear vision that one day I would open the mail and a huge check would be in it.  I had no idea how the Editor in Chief of this magazine got my telephone number, or how she knew I was an astrologer.  Then one day while in meditation it came to me.  I had counseled an editor at the magazine and slipped my calling card inside the chart I sent to her.  She produced my card while in a meeting as a potential astrologer they could hire to do the monthly astrology column.  Because of this persons financial situation at the time, she didn't have the money to pay for my services so I did it for God, otherwise known as "free".  I answered the call to help another human being that I didn't know, because I had the skills and the unconditional love for someone in need.  The day that I set my intention or said a powerful prayer to find a way to contribute to our household expenses, I visualized in a whimsical way, how good it would feel to receive the check.  At the time I didn't have a clue as to how it would happen, but just "seeing" it in my mind made me happy.  It wasn't about the "how", but the "what" that made me feel good.  I did the prayer and set my intentions when I realized I would be homeschooling my youngest daughter.  I needed to be home to do that and I also needed to convince my husband that it was necessary, even though it might cause a drain on our finances. 


When I share my stories sometimes people will say "oh you're special, or it could never happen for me that way".  But it can and I can sympathize with that feeling because there was a time when I'd read metaphysical books and hear stories about other people's lives and say the same things "that's them, not me".  Some people are still stuck in the belief that money is hard to come by, that you have to work very hard to make money and they busy their minds trying to figure out the details on how they could possibly increase their finances.  My prayer is that somehow during these past 29 days I've been able to communicate to you that this is easy and it only requires you to open your mind, change your thoughts and words and say the prayer for increased finances daily.  You can't attract more if your fists are closed, or your jaws are clenched. 


Here on the East Coast there are still many people suffering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy.  Since the temps have dropped and for many the lights are still off, many people are in the dark and cold.  You might not be living in close proximity of the people who are in need, but in this day and time there are probably people in your neighborhood who need assistance.  One of my friends has asked me to drive with her once a week to deliver meals to shut ins in our area.  I thought for a minute about my too busy schedule as she kept talking "I could drive, you could deliver the meal".  I said yes and made the date to join her on Mondays.  That's the day when I'm usually vegging out, cleaning the house, and cleaning out my in box.  It will be a sacrifice but I know that service is important, not only to the people who need it but to the person giving it.  In a kinda twisted way, doing service for others helps us to realize how blessed we are.  The Agency that does Meals on Wheels is in a desparate situation now, with budget cuts and fewer volunteers.  What you give you receive.  The Spiritual Laws of sowing and reaping, cause and effect guarantees that what you send out will return.  Doing acts of kindness always pays off.  Like when I did the free counseltation for a sister in need, that paid off big time.  At the time I wasn't thinking about myself but thinking that something said could help her through a rough time.  But as my grandmother used to say "every deed is accounted for". or "what you do when nobody's looking is the measure of your character".  So as you're focusing on increasing your finances, why not help someone who's in need today? 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Two more days to go. I'm wondering if any of these messages inspired you to break old habits while forming new ones?  Old habits die hard because they're deeply encoded in the subconscious mind.  It happens so easily that if you're not totally conscious of your daily thoughts and words you won't notice them.  One of the most dangerous habits anyone can have is to speak negatively about money.  Just breaking the habit of saying "I'm broke", or "it costs too much" requires discipline and focus.  Louise Hay, the author of "You Can Heal Your Life", suggests that you ease into changing habits by using the Law of Substitution.  Instead of saying "I'm broke", she said it would be better to train yourself to say  "I don't have the money right now".  Or "when I get the money I'll be able to...".  Louise believes, as we do, that what we think and say becomes true.  I can remember a conversation I had with one of my daughters about going on a cruise.  We had just leafed through a beautiful brochure sent out by a cruise company.  The pictures were inviting, the food on the cruise ship looked delicious, the rooms looked like expensive hotel rooms, the islands were so wonderful with pristine blue waters and tall palm trees.  I closed the brochure and said to her "maybe one day we'll be able to take a cruise".  She corrected me with "when we get the money we'll go for a cruise".  Ok, I thought but when will that happen?  Then days later she came to me with a plan, "Mom, if we start early we can pay for a cruise monthly".  "lets start in January and put something away each month and by August the cruise will be paid up."  And that's exactly what we did. We picked a cruise and figured out the cost and broke it up into monthly amounts and paid for it by August.


The idea of making a commitment to pay for a cruise monthly was kinda scary to me. What if something came up that would prevent me from making the monthly payment.
That was my negative rational mind thinking.  Because once we decided we were going on a cruise in August, a way opened up each month for us to make payments.
Who was it that said set your intentions first and the universe will handle the details? But that was exactly what happened for us and I know it works for everyone.  You might not want to take a cruise, but there might be something else you want to do that's important to you.  However once you fix your mind to do it you've taken the first step towards achieving your goal.   We had fun with this and consistently looked through the brochures to remind ourselves why we were making the monthly sacrifice to pay for a cruise.  We gave ourselves something wonderful to look forward to and imagined how it would feel when we arrived in Florida to get on the ship.  Since I was homeschooling my youngest child, I also made this cruise a teaching situation, but putting up maps of the Carribbean, and showing her the direction we would be traveling.  She learned about longitude and latitude, weather, the equator, and I signed her up for a tour of the captains area so she could see the navigational tools they used to get us from point A to point B.  We also found books about the islands we would visit and learned more about the people in each island, their culture and customs.  I went on a strict budget and eliminated unnecessary spending, and actually started using coupons when doing the food shopping. 


Going on a budget was a new adventure for me.  Previously I just spent money as the situation came up.  Now I was doing comparison shopping, looking for sales and eliminating careless spending.  When we first started this project, a sister friend asked me if we were going to address the whole idea of people taking responsibility for their spending habits.  This is a woman who travels frequently and is always fashionably dressed.  She told me the secret behind all those beautiful clothes she was wearing. She shopped in a consignment store.  Consignment stores sell clothes that were worn before at low prices.  They buy the clothes from people, have them cleaned and resell them.  This woman cooks every day and elminates the expense of eating out. She had three children and the meals she cooks are less expensive and more nutritious then the food sold in fast food restaurants.  She talked to me about the people who will spend hundreds of dollars for a designer purse, or expensive sunglasses or clothes with labels.  We agreed that these people look good from the outside, but inwardly they've bought into the group mind consciousness that says if it has a label in it, it's worth it. 


So does going on a budget, doing comparison shopping, or buying used clothes keep us stuck in a poverty consciousness?  Not at all.  It just means that you're being more responsible with what you have and you're also getting unstuck from the group mind consciousness that tells you it's better if you pay more for it.  Then if you do that you can afford to do something like take a cruise, or buy a better car because you'll be more mindful of how you spend your money.  When you adopt the mindset of saving money and going on a budget, you won't be so easily tempted to run out and buy the latest electronic gadget , smart phone or blackberry when you know the money isn't there to pay for it.  So you max out your credit cards and load yourself up with unnecessary debt.  The idea of opting out of the group mind consciousness that needs to be accepted or that tries to live up to the good opinion of others makes you stronger.  What does it matter to you if everyone is doing it, or everyone is wearing it?
Large corporations depend on people who can't think for themselves to buy their wares, that's why they spend millions on commercials as an attempt to control our minds.  I thought it was funny that the media kept commenting on the fact that Michelle Obama was wearing a dress that she wore before.  I'm sure she could have afforded to buy a new dress to wear when her husband won the election.  But the attitude (which I love) was why should I?  She had only worn that dress one time before, it was still pretty and she looked good in it.  The hidden message was "I've opted out of the group mind", and "my opinion of who I am is more important than anyone else's opinion of who I am"  WhooHoo!  It's all good.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I SPEND WISELY AND SAVE CONSCIOUSLY

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

DAY 27

Three more days to the end. Can you believe we started this 27 days ago?  One of my daughters said to me that she has a quote from Churchill on her fridge: "when going through hell, keep on going".  She sent this message in a multi-text and another daughter chimed in "oh I have that statement on a magnet on my fridge".  That statement seems dire, but afterall Churchill was dealing with a dire situation with the Germans bombing his country.  But the sentiment is taken, when things are rough we have to keep on going, then some way, some how you manage to come through the fire.  I think much depends on your mindset when you start a project.  If you can see the end then you can muster up the energy to get there.  Some metaphysicians actually counsel people to begin with the end in mind. 


I'm a fan of runners and have watched the NY Marathon many times, handing out towels and water to them as they passed by.  One thing I always heard was when running long distance there's a time when the body wants to shut down and the runner is advised to keep on running.  They call this "hitting the wall".  In fact, in NY, the commentators of the Marathon figured out when runners would most likely hit the wall, they watched for it, and then would show it to us.  "her body is shutting down, etc. etc".  But then the African runners started running in the NY Marathon and it seemed they didn't have the experience of "hitting the wall".  In fact the lst African winner in the NY Marathon got a big lead in the race and breezed through to the end with no problem.  The "experts" couldn't believe their eyes and they kept watching this man with the expectation that his legs would get wobbly, or he'd start sweating profusely, signs that he was hitting the wall. But it never happened.  Hmmm!  They blamed it on conditioning and the fact that the African runners, run all the time, through rough terrain, up hills and down hills.  But I thought it wasn't just a matter of physical conditioning, but mental conditioning.  Nobody told the African runners about the "wall" so for them there was no wall.  The other runners were coached to believe that eventually they would have this problem, they believed it, created it and experienced it.  


 Today is a good day to examine your core beliefs about money.  If you think you're going to have difficult times, if you believe there's never enough to go around, if you believe that you were never meant to be rich or prosperous, then that core belief will become true for you.  This project is about changing your mind and adopting a good relationship with your money.  Take a hit from the African runners who love to run, who run all the time and who run freely with a smile on their faces.  Then look at some of the trained runners who seem to be all tensed up, fists closed, pushing and clawing their way past "the wall".  If you believe you live in an infinite abundant world and that God is the source of your supply, then you'll have fun and joy while changing your financial situation.  The more joy you add to the equation the better it becomes.  Giving thanks for your blessings, big and small, sets you up to attract more abundnce.  Acknowledging where you've been blessed, even if that only means finding a penny on the sidewalk, sets you up to attract more money.  It's easier then you think, but first you must open your mind to receive your good.  I've taught myself to smile when the teller gives me the balance in my bank account.  It doesn't matter what amount is in there, I smile and say a silent "Thank You".  Years ago that wasn't the case and I'd be like the runners who are all tensed up, fists closed, and feeling like life was so difficult, and money was scarce.  There were times, long ago when I'd see the balance in my bank account and I'd be depressed all day.  Then the thought came to me "you're going to let some figures on a piece of paper control your moods?"  Well, sometimes you have to fake it until you make it, but I'm urging you not to put bad energy on your bank account.  And that also includes the money in your wallet.  Take it out arrange the bills by numbers, straighten out the folds and treat it with respect.  If you want more of it, then love it and love the good things that you can do with it.  It is all good, it is all love, it is all abundance.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I LOVE MONEY AND MONEY LOVES ME  

Monday, November 12, 2012

DAY 26

If you're still doing this, then good for you.  I'm thinking that your conscious intention is to have a better relationship with your money and that you're consistently saying the prayer.  In Deepak's 7th day of the 21 day Meditation on Abundance, the thought for today is "I use my conscious intention to create my desires".  Conscious intention comes about when we deliberately eliminate unwanted thoughts and focus on what we need and want. 

When "stuff" happens we have a tendency to say it's a lesson, or "its a lesson or a blessing".  Our spiritual teachers tell us that life isn't happening to you, but for you, and therefore every situation that comes up in our life contains a lesson that can help us to grow and evolve.  My first teacher, Ms. Isabel M. Hickey always told us that this earth is a planetary school where we came to learn our lessons.  The higher the grade the student is in, the more challenging the lessons. In other words if you're in 12 Grade math and english is going to be more challenging than when you were in the 2nd grade.  I once asked Ms. Hickey or as we called her "Issie" when these lessons would stop.  It seemed that since the day I was born there were lessons to learn and now that I was in my 30's, practicing meditation, being in service to others, inhaling everything spiritual I could put my hands on and even changing my diet, it seemed there was always something in my life, a crisis that I had to deal with.  "when will it end" was my painful question.  She looked at me and smiled and said "are you still breathing?"  Huh?  What was she saying to me?  Did that mean that as long as I was breathing there would be lessons to learn?  She went on to tell me that if I learned from each lesson or situation, the lessons would resolve more easily.  She was big on taking responsibility for whatever was in my life.  Because the tendency when "stuff" happened was to find someone or something to blame.  This is called resistance. I didn't want to take responsibility because in each instance I could always point the accusing finger or blame earlier circumstances, i.e. my mother abandoned me twice, once when I was 2 years old and again when I was 11 years old.  Psychologists would say this was the reason why I had trust problems, or why I always seemed to attract men who abandoned me.  How could it be my fault that I had trouble trusting people?


When I was first introduced to the concept of reincarnation my early life lessons started to make sense to me.  The first time "Issie" did my astrological chart, she looked at it and said "forgive your mother".  I was a student of astrology and was amazed that she could just take a look at my chart and see the need to forgive my mother.  But I had an answer for her that day.  I started telling her about the whole abandonment thing. My mother had left two babies in a house, one two years old and the other (my sister) 5 years old.  Then after she returned when I was 10, she stayed one year and then left again.  "Issie" interrupted my sad tale with "I don't care what happened, what she did to you, you probably did to her in a previous lifetime". Huh?
She went on with a terse "forgive her and let it go".  Wowee!  Was she saying my mother and I had done this dance before? In another lifetime?  Hmmm!  It seemed weird but somehow true.  It made sense to me that we live more than one life. With so many lessons to learn in this life, this couldn't be the only one.  She went on to tell me that she thought she and I had been together in another lifetime and that rang true to me because when she opened the door to her house, we looked in each other's eyes, started crying and hugging.  The women who were with me that day were confused, when that happened.  It happened spontaneously and the feeling came over me that I had been missing this woman all my life. It was a reunion of two souls that was deep and profound.  Years later while doing the Awareness Techniques that take people back into previous lifetimes, it was revealed to me that many of the people I knew in this lifetime were in my life before.  I discovered that I had lived many lifetimes as a spiritual person, a nun, a priestess who had taken a vow of poverty.  I had lived many lifetimes in service to others and God and came into this lifetime with a detachment for material things.


Issie taught me how to do the Awareness Techniques which is a system for taking people back into previous lifetimes.  Over and over again people discovered that someone in their life today, was an old friend, or an old enemy from another life.  This information helped them and me to discover why we had strong likes or dislikes of people or things.  Why many of us have these "hot button" issues that seem to dredge up deep emotions.  It explained why some situations just seemed to be a repeat in our lives because of unresolved issues.  I know that my detachment for material things has to have come from a previous lifetime.  And further I know that my relationship with money was formed many lifetimes ago.  That's because I always had these questions roaming around in my mind that didn't make sense to me or the people in my life.  Like the total disdain for dressing up on Easter.  I would fuss and fume about having to buy new clothing for Easter, while my girlfriends actually delighted in dressing up.  I would ask the adults in my life, or ministers that I knew why it was necessary to wear new clothes to celebrate the life of Christ.  It seemed ludicrous to me and a bit pagan.  Finally I got my grandmother to agree to allow me to wear something I already had in my closet on Easter.  She gave in but I  would hear her saying "that girl is crazy".  So if there are things in your life that you do or think that you have no reference for in this lifetime, it's probably coming from a previous lifetime experience.  Or something. 


Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, if you're experiencing a troubled relationship with money this is a good time to heal it.  We can't blame our situation on a past lifetime, but can acknowledge that this is where it started and release it and let it go.  Yesterday I had a two hour conversation with a man who had trouble getting paid for his services.  He blamed it on Black people who just didn't want to pay up. But inwardly I felt this was something that was encoded in his dna, a past lifetime experience or a severe lack of self esteem.  We show people how to treat us and the moochers among us are always trying to get something cheaper or for free.  Yet because of the socialization of living in this country, people don't appreciate what they get for free.  Personally I've had the worst problems with people whom I did work for, for free.  It never fails.   The people who pay and do it willingly are never a problem. They respect my time and listen to my advice.  I'm working on myself and on establishing a good relationship with money and I hope you are too.  One way to get started is by never lying about money, or complaining about not having enough. Then I always give freely and fearlessly into life, pay my bills on time and when someone tells me their fee, I pay them with a smile on my face.  I also opt out of conversations about the bad economy, flip the channel, or change the subject because I know what I'm consistently thinking is what I'll draw to me, eventually.  There is enough to go around and as Rev. Michael Beckwith once said "nobody told the apple trees that there's a recession or depression".  Being true to nature, the apple trees keep on producing apples.   It is all good and it is all God.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: THERE IS ALWAYS ENOUGH MONEY IN MY LIFE AND IN MY BANK ACCOUNT! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I'm writing this message two days before the Solar (New Moon) Eclipse in Scorpio, which happens on November 13th, 2012.  Scorpio is the opposite sign of Taurus as these two signs are 180 degrees apart and directly opposed to one another.  We can feel the energy of New Moons, especially eclipses days before they happen.  Taurus is the sign that says "I Have", it rules the 2nd House of money in the astrological chart and it has the tendency to get attached to material things.  Scorpio is the sign that says "I Desire", it rules the 8th House in the astrological chart, and is more connected to sex and power.  You never know whats really going on with Scorpio, because it is a deep water sign.  My Scorpio friends don't like the words "secretive" as they prefer the word "private".  Either way they have a tendency to play their cards close to their chest, and only the people in their inner circles really know what's going on with them.


With the Solar (New Moon) Eclipse in Scorpio looming in the background, a story hit the news of major proportions, it seems the head of the CIA, resigned because he was caught having an affair with another woman (having been married for 37 years to the same woman).  OK, so why is that big news?  What's really going on here?  Do they want me to believe that all of a sudden this married, high profile man suddenly decided to confess he was having an affair?  Or was he outed?  This guy had the reputation of being a straight shooter, never wavering from the course and always following the rules.  It all sounded so Scorpion in nature, a secret revealed, an illicit love affair, and apology and then resignation...hmmm!  So I found the birth information of Gov. Petraeus...November 7th.  Now that all makes sense.  And it also makes sense that you and I will never know the full story cause it's eclipsed, or hidden from sight.
Solar Eclipses happen when there's a perfect alignment between the Sun and Moon, and the Moon moves to block out the light from the Sun.  In mundane astrology the Sun represents a man in power.  The Moon represents women, the public and emotions.  Certainly by the time the media keeps blowing up the story we'll all be tired of hearing it.  One of my friends who is politically astute told me that when Petraeus took over the CIA,  it was unprecedented, i.e. an army man taking over the biggest spy organization in the world (actually). She said the FBI who is always at odds with the CIA (power struggles, ego and control), and she went on to say that he had to be set up.  While she was talking I kept thinking of how many Scorpio characteristics were involved in this scandal.  There was also news that the general was supposed to testify before Congress, but now because of his resignation he's not going to be questioned.  Hmmm, again. 


Not going to give this story any more of my time or energy, I'm tuning out of the doom and gloom news and focusing on what we started 25 days ago.  It's a distraction, it's basically gossip, and in truth we'll never know what really is happening behind the scenes.  But what we do know is we want to change our finances, to balance them and to become free of worry about money.  Today I'm going to recite the money prayer over and over again and use this powerful eclipse energy to demonstrate my desires.  Remember Scorpio says "I Desire".  We must have a clear intention of what we want and we need to add the feeling when we're visualizing our dreams.  We need to catch the joy of receiving answers to our prayers and stay in that mindset.  Ask yourself how would it feel, if your prayers were answered today?  That's the energy we need to adopt.  What I do is I watch the livestreaming on Agape.  Last week they had a computer glitch and we were unable to see Wednesday's program.  Another friend called me up and said "it's back".  Then I'm going to do Day 6, in the Deepak Chopra 21 Day Meditation.  Just going to ingest and surround myself with positive people, programs, music and stay in a joyful attitude.  As we're leading up to the Solar Eclipse, it really does matter what attitude you take with you.  The actual eclipse on the 13th happens at 5:08 pm edt.  This is a good time to be saying the prayer or writing down your intentions.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  I USE THE ENERGY OF THE ECLIPSE TO FOCUS ON MY DESIRES.  Love & Light, Ayesha

Saturday, November 10, 2012

DAY 24

Today I embrace the potential to be, do and have everything I can dream.  That's from today's 21 day challenge with Deepak Chopra.  The idea of dreaming brings into play the imagination.  Do you ever think about your potential.  Do you ever visualize being financially wealthy and free of worry about money?  Well, this is my intention for this whole series, to achieve financial freedom, to be able to write the check whenever the situation calls for it.  As we move closer and closer to the end of this year, the realization has set in that the veils between the planes are getting thinner and our prays seem to be answered more quickly.  We feel the presence of angels and guides working for us and beside us.  The test is to stay focused and to keep the faith.  No matter what is going on in your life now, keep the vision and keep on going.


I share on a personal level to let people know that my life is the same as yours, in one way or another.  Now after the drama of Hurricane Sandy, being displaced, having to spend more money than I had planned to spend, i.e. on transportation, and food lost in my fridge, another situation has come forth causing me to have to walk my talk and be the example of what I teach.  It suddenly became apparent, yesterday, late afternoon, that one of my daughters is in need of an attorney.  Having worked for 20 years in the field of law, I know what this means from a financial perspective.  Attorneys charge high fees for the work they do, and staying positive here, they deserve it.  So as I emailed friends and made telephone calls trying to determine which attorney to hire, I had to stay consistent with my financial prayers, which do keep me calm and expectant of all good.  One side of me says "there's nothing too good to be true".  The other side says "where are we going to get the money to pay an attorney?" The bottom line is this was a test to stop the chattering monkey (rational mind) from taking over and insinuating the worst case scenario.   My prosperity and abundance is in having good friends who support me and my family and who always wish for us what they wish for themselves.   


I believe in the power of collective prayer..."where two or three are gathered..." so please prayer for me and my family. If you don't know what to pray, just pray that the Truth reveal itself, and see the Light surrounding all of us.  I look at this program as our opportunity to download new software into our subconscious minds.  This happens with focus and repetition.  When you download a new program you have to shut the computer off...that means to go within, be still and quiet, say the prayer (do the download) then turn the computer back on.  Sometimes when installing a new program its advisable to uninstall the old program so the new one will work better.  So we're uninstalling the old program of  fear thoughts, the negative thoughts of being broke or not having enough and replacing it with a new program that says "there's nothing too good to be true".  "There's nothing too wonderful to happen".  It's all good.  Love & Light, Ayesha THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  I have everything I need for my work and fulfillment.  And so it is! 

Friday, November 9, 2012

DAY 23


Trying to stay in a peaceful and calm place is "work".  Yesterday while talking to some of my neighbors I realized that they really don't "get it" that if you stick together and confront the electric company we could force them to make amends for all the food we had to throw away.  One woman told me that when we lost power she had to throw away all the food she had stored in two huge freezers in her basement.  I asked her if she was going to ask them to compensate her for her loss and she shook her head "no".  Another neighbor chimed in that the electric company didn't care about our loss and there was no way to make them do the right thing.  Then a elderly man who joined the conversation started defending the electric company saying there was no way they could know we were going to have a black out.  (sigh).  The complacent attitude of my neighbors irritated me because I've witnessed it before and know that the electric company, which is a profit making corporation gets away with what they do because they know nobody's going to challenge them.  I was trained as a community organizer years ago and I've successfully organized people who thought they had no power many times.  My experience has taught me that this type of organizing effort takes time and careful planning.  I also knew that right now I'm not willing to put in the time to convince others to confront this issue on a collective way.


Spirit speaks to us in myriad ways.  Sometimes it will speak to you while watching television, or through conversations with friends or neighbors.  The idea that our electric company was responsible for our losses came to me while watching Gov. Cuomo on television while I was in NYC.  He was angry and said that the electric company had to take responsibility because they had plenty of warning about the storm and they were a profit making corporation that hadn't done anything to upgrade their system to prevent power outages.  He said the transformers that failed during the storm, were old and should have been replaced a long time ago.  While listening to him I thought about our situation up here in the mountains and pushed away the thought that I needed to actively get involved in making our electric company and the politicians who are supposed to help us responsible for the major inconvenience of being without power for 7 days.  My mind drifted back to the days when I would have accepted the challenge without hesitation.  Thoughts keep taking over my mind on how to get started. I thought about my inner circle and mentally reviewed the people that I felt I could trust to help me get the job done. 


One of the things that happen when you start a 30 day fast or set your intentions to make a change in your life is the distractions that could take you off point.  They could  happen through family or through something else they calls for your attention. We have our power back on, but there's also another storm making its way to our area.  The tv news is warning that we might lose power again, so we'd better be prepared.  I've also received numerous texts from my daughters asking me to come back to the city to stay safe and warm.  I also have plenty of things to do, students to teach, blogs to write (smile) and a website that hasn't been updated since November.
Still the thoughts keep entering that I could use my organizing skills to pull this community together and make this power company pay.  One thing that we were taught to do when we couldn't make a decision was to check how it feels in the stomach area or "gut".  Should I just drive to the bus station and go to the city, or hunker down and pray for the storm to pass?  Certainly picking up and leaving is not easy, and the cost of bus tickets is expensive.  What came to me was this new storm was not going to be as bad as last weeks hurricane.  While there was plenty of snow in New Jersey and New York, all we got was a light dusting last night.  There are plenty of things to do today and I know I'll feel much better when I tackle some of them. 


In spite of all the things going on right now, a hurricane, a Noreaster bringing snow and wind, it is possible to give freely, with a word of cheer to others, or to help a neighbor in need, or to help a mother with children who needs a babysitter, or to just lend an open ear to someone who needs to vent.  We are being pulled by the angels to be more compassionate and empathetic to others.  One friend told me he took the day off to take clothes and water to a community that lost everything.  He has been impacted by the devastation and plight of others in need.  As he gives freely and fearlessly, we know that he will be blessed with abundance.  I'm feeling blessed because of all the messages in my inbox and texts I've been receiving since the hurricane.  I even had a cousin who called to say she'd drive up here to bring me what I needed, if necessary.  Just knowing that people have my back makes me feel blessed and full of joy.  This too shall pass and I'm hoping when it does that we don't forget to care about others and to give help when its needed.  I love you all, Ayesha

Thursday, November 8, 2012


We started Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Abundance meditation Monday, and the theme was appropriately designed to remind us that we do live in an abundant universe or world.  When Deepak started naming all of the examples of abundance in our world it helped me to focus on the truth of it.  We can say a thing, and then we can know a thing.  I highly suggest that you go to Chopra.Com and sign up for the 21 Day Meditation series on abundance.  It's all connected and it's all in Divine Right Order.  


We do live in an abundant universe and we realize that when we consider the grains of sand on a beach or if you look up, the billions of stars in the night skies.  As above, so below.  Since I'm a stargazer I can appreciate the analogy of the stars in the night skies.  What I find so fascinating is that every time man thinks he's traveled to the edge of the universe, he only discovers there are billions of more stars out there.  They made a big deal out of the Hubble Telescope and how it had traveled further than any other man made instrument.  Through the years we kept getting reports that soon the Hubble would travel to what man perceived was the edge, and when Hubble arrived it shot back pictures of so many other stars beyond that imaginary edge.  The words endless, omnipotent, omnipresent, come to mind.  And it is all good. 


Also, when Deepak starts talking about the cells in the physical body, it's mindboggling. He says we have billions or maybe even trillions of cells in our bodies, and they are always communicating with one another.  That's absolutely amazing to me.  I think what's more amazing is that man has figured out a way to measure the cells in the body.  That someone came up with a way to even count to a trillion?  However if we consider the vastness of the world around us and then further consider the vastness of the world inside of us, we must live in an amazingly abundant world.  


If you believe that we live in an abundant universe, inside and outside of us, then that intellectual knowledge has got to lead to a belief that makes itself known in our everyday world.  In other words what you believe has to manifest into a real experience.  If you believe it then you can achieve it.  Guessing that's why people who are uber religious and alway spouting off about their beliefs, get on my nerves.  I want to tell them if you believe it then why doesn't your life reflect your beliefs.  Or in actuality, their lives do reflect their beliefs, exactly.  And that's the truth for all of us, those who are religious, those who are not religious, those who call themselves teachers and those who call themselves students.  


The reason why I've decided to do this work again is because I need to thoroughly digest it and put it into my subconscious mind so that I can become the example of these teachings, in a real and physical sense.  I think that on the personal level the place where I need to change is  in not valuing myself enough.  I even know when it started and further know that I have to forgive it and let it go.  If you're looking at anyone's life from the outside in, you might not be seeing the whole picture (laughing), because there are plenty of people who know me who think that I was born rich.  That would be because I've mastered the art of just going with the flow and occasionally demonstrating the spiritual laws of giving and receiving.  But I'm not Deepak Chopra rich, or Oprah Winfrey rich.  I love those two people and believe it when they say "do you", "cause no way you can ever be a better Chopra or Oprah".  On this day I'm going to connect to the abundance all around me, acknowledge it, embrace, live it and breath it, and it's It's all good.  Have a blessed and beautiful day...Love &  Light, Ayesha

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Remember those lines in the prayer?  Was thinking that when I got up early yesterday to come back to the mountains to vote.  Prosperity and abundance came forth in the form of my GodChild, who picked me up at the bus station, and who absolutely refused to take money for gas.  We stopped at the Obama Office and workers were in a tizzy.  Many calls had come in about voter suppression and they gave me a number to call if I had any problems voting.  Wowee!  So those idgits are so bent on winning that they would cheat people or refuse to let folks vote?  Finally I arrived home, checked on the house and picked up my car to drive to the polling place.  As I was driving I kept in mind "nothing is too good to be true", and "nothing is too wonderful to happen". 


When I reached the polling place, I was surprised at how many cars were parked at the side of the road.  They obviously didn't have enough parking space to drive into the polling place.  I could see folks walking back to their cars and most of them had a determined look on their faces.  One woman gave me a thumbs up as she was entering her car.  I found a parking space and immediately saw a long line of people waiting to vote.  It was 30 degrees, but people were waiting patiently to vote.  When I got inside, I asked a poll worker about the numbers.  He told me they had been busy and there had been long lines all day.  My negative mind said "yeah but were they voting for Romney or Barack?"  It seemed the negative news about this being a tight race and in some cases with Romney ahead in the polls, got into my subconscious mind.  Could it be that Romney could win?  I immediately released that thought and remembered what Barack had passed down to us 4 years ago..."no drama" "stay focused on the goal".   That's why we started calling him "no drama, Obama".  Then there was the news report that Black people weren't supporting Obama with the same enthusiasm as last time.  They even dragged out one poor soul who said he wasn't going to vote for Obama...his reasons were vague.  The big surprise came on CNN later that night.  PA did go for Barack and African-American voters showed up in twice the numbers as last time.  Yaay! 


All throughout the campaign people kept sending me writings of astrologers who said that Barack was going to lose this time.  They cited a Saturn in Scorpio square to his Sun as being the main reason why they said he would lose.  But I had to keep reminding myself of what I discovered during the 1st campaign.  It seemed that no matter what was happening in Barack's chart, he seemed to rise above it.  My teacher told us that in our lives we would witness people who would skip over the negative aspects in their charts and turn what we perceived as a negative into a positive.  I saw that with Barack.  During the last campaign we struggled to keep our signs on the side of the road as McCain's people would remove them and replace them with their own signs.  One day I went to the campaign office and wanted to vent on how hard it was to keep our signs up, in fact I needed more signs to put in my truck.  The leader, who was trained by Barack's people simply changed the subject and told me where I could find more signs.  He wasn't interested in my doom gloom stories and softly said "keep the focus".  OK, I had to be reminded that regardless of what others were doing I had to focus on the goal, to get Barack elected.  And it seemed that this time around that laid back energy was even more pronounced with Barack's people.  They were so chilled out that I wondered if he could win again.  No drama, just focusing on the goal.


I learned that you can't buy an election. That even though Romney had plenty of money from super pacs and other billionaires, it wasn't going to matter.  Coincidentally during this time I was teaching piano and a song in the primary piano book was "Money Can't Buy You Everything".  Interesting title, fun song and the little ones loved to play it.  While money is important and it certainly did pay for all those attack ads that Romney's people made, it obviously didn't help him to win.  Maybe it was as much as a turn off for other people as it was for me?  And the lies and deceit coming from the Republicans was sometimes overwhelming.  Thank God for Anderson Cooper's "Keeping Them Honest" because he would point out obvious lies on his show.  But then again, I thought "how many people are actually watching CNN? And aren't these people who keep repeating the lies just out and out racists who can't stand the fact that a Black Man and family was in "their" whitehouse"? 
In spite of it all, Barack kept his cool, and kept telling his workers to ignore the polls and to stay focused on the goal, a 2nd term. 


In spite of the lies and deceit and the polls that showed this was going to be a very tight race, and in spite of the fact that Mercury, Planet of communications turned retrograde on election day, Barack Obama won a 2nd term.  I think the retrograde Mercury came into play in the long wait for Romney to concede.  After all he boasted to the press earlier that he had only written one speech, his acceptance speech.  So we waited until well after midnight for him to finally appear before his supporters and to tell them he lost.  I was on the phone with one of my daughters, it was getting late. We both had to get up early the next morning, but we waited to hear Romney admit defeat and for Barack to accept his victory.  It was worth the wait. It's finally over and we can use what we've learned to help us reach our own personal goals.  Stay the course, don't give up, ignore the distractions that come from negative thoughts and/or people.  Set your intentions, keep saying the prayer and know within your heart that you can achieve financial freedom.  The first thing is to free your mind from fear of not enoughness, lack and limitation.  It begins right there.  In spite of the numbers in your bank account, or the money in your wallet, you and I can skip over dire predictions and come up as winners.  I believe it, and I  hope you do too.  It is all right.  And so it is!  Love, Light and Bright Financial Blessings to all.  Ayesha

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

DAY 20

20 Days, 10 more days to go.  Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Meditation starts on Nov. 5th.  We tried to access the meditation and their servers are down.  Maybe they'll fix it tomorrow. It's just time to flow with the changes and be flexible.  We received word that our power is back on and there's also a storm coming, which might mean more power outages.  It's going to be what it's going to be.  


My mind is focused on voting tomorrow.  That means getting up early, catching a bus, having a friend pick me up at the station and driving me to pick up my car, then I'm going to drive to the polling place.  Watching Agape yesterday on the computer, Rev. Michael reminded us that we needed to stay focused on our Higher Selves and not to tie into the mediocrity of the status quo.  He said the password is: "Yes I can", "Yes I Am" and "Yes I am willing".  He also said that there are people who act like vampires and who will attempt to keep us stuck in the doom and gloom consciousness, but not to accept it.  


Yes there are people in the world who act with the consciousness of not enoughness, lack and limitation.  These are the people who don't care about anyone else, as they are focused on keeping things the way they are.  These are the people who seem to forget that after so many years of Bush as president, the fat cats on wall street, free of regulations, got richer. These fat cats preyed on people and have the mindset: "I got mine, so you're going to have to get yours".  These vampires only think of themselves and they blame their victims for not having enough.  They are selfish, mean spirited and out to cut programs designed to help the unfortunate among us.  They received bailouts to keep their companies afloat and at the same time gave hefty bonuses to their CEO's and went on expensive vacations, using tax dollars.  Talk about corporate greed, supported by corporate welfare.  


 Love comes with compassion and empathy, and it is a manifestation of the Most High.  When you come across a group of people that don't care about others, you know there's no love inside of them.  One of the wildest things you can do is to love these loveless creeps regardless of what they do.  We need more love on this planet, love for the people, love for the planet.  It is love energy that lets us know we're all connected. What you do to others will be done to you.  I was sad to hear the story about a mother who lost her two children during the storm.  She knocked on doors and was refused any help.We wonder if the reason why no one would help her was because she was Black.  The whole racism thing is based on fear and a lack of love.  


I'm voting for Barack Obama because I don't suffer from Romnesia.  I remember the state of the country when Barack took office.  We were in a deep hole and almost in a depression. I realized 4 years ago that it would take time for this country to recover from what the Republicans did and I don't want to put another one in power so he can take us back into the same situation we were in when Barack Obama took office.  I'm moving forward and trusting that the love energy will win.  I want a man in office who cares about the people and who isn't just trying to keep the status quo.  I'll also be saying the prayer for increased finances and focusing on things going forward, not backwards.  Happy voting day everyone.  I'm sure the forces of Love & Light will win out against the forces of greed.  I love you all, Ayesha                                     

Monday, November 5, 2012

DAY 19


Wonder how many of us who started this project 19 days ago, are still on it?  When people tell me they want to change their lives, change their finances, I look for clues that tell me if they will actually be willing to put in the time required to be effective in making a change.  One of the most challenging things to change is our consistent thinking.  What pops up in our minds automatically when faced with a reason to spend money?  I was doing just find when my food shopping was in my local area in the mountains.  Prices were generally the same with an occasional sale  that you'd get if you had the store card.  


After the trip to the yoga center we decided to shop for  groceries before we went home.  So how do you stay positive about money when you're looking at the prices of food in the super market?  I started off good, thinking "God is my supply" or "money comes to me easily and frequently", or "I give freely and fearlessly into life, and life gives back to me with fabulous increases of abundance".  I backslid into negativity when I saw the price of dishwashing was almost triple the amount I was used to paying.  Yikes! Keep it together girl, you're the one advising other people to stay positive, especially when spending money.  


It was the trip to  a New York grocery store that helped me to realize how judgmental I had been in the past with people who couldn't seem to stop negative streams of consciousness from coming to the surface.  "what???" "how can they charge that amount of money?"  "they don't care about people, they just want to get rich"  Oh yeah once you go down that slippery slope the mind can conjure up all kinds of negatives "they're probably into child bondage or something".  OK, I had to remove myself from my daughters, go to a quiet aisle, take some deep breaths and re-center my energies so I could get back on track again.   One catch all phrase for me is "it's all good". And surely it was, and is.  For one thing, one of my daughters paid for everything and did it with grace and style "out your money away, I got this".  She also paid for the cab back to her apartment and gave the driver a generous tip. She said to us as we moved towards the elevators, "those guys are having it hard this week".  This is the daughter who has a good relationship with her money.  I can't take credit for her generous attitude or ability to attract what she needs...she seems to have been born that way.  For astrologers that would be Mars, trine Jupiter.  She brought her tendency to be generous with her from a previous lifetime.


As long as you live, there's always something new to learn.  What I've learned over the past few days is to stop being so judgmental.  We were taught that whatever we focus on and give emotion to, grows and expands in your life.  We're learning that we have to be more understanding and to reserve judgement of things and people that we don't understand.  "there but for the grace of God, go I", was one of my grandmother's favorite sayings (from the Bible).  If we point the accusing finger, there's always going to be 3 fingers pointing back at us.  Some people only learn to be less judgmental if they have the actual experience.  If you don't want to attract the same experience then try not to judge when things seem to be worth judging.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

DAY 18

Be careful what you wish for, because you might get it.  Did I wish for this? A sudden disruption in my daily schedule, and spending more time with my children? Well, kinda sorta.  I remember the last time they came up for a visit, thinking that we really don't spend enough time together, that two and a half days flew by and then I thought how much I really enjoy my children's company.  Now, the Genie who was sitting on the right side of my body said "your wish is my command".  So here I am, quietly updating my blog in my oldest daughter's dining room, on her laptop.  I've learned alot about how to operate a Mac, and over these past few days, I've learned alot about being flexible and opening my mind to receive my good.  Now there's just one more thing I have to face...I'm addicted to coffee, and there's no coffee in the kitchen, therefore I have to wait until the local restaurant opens for business so I can order out.


So, I woke up early this morning, because my youngest daughter has insisted that we join her in her yoga class.  OK, I've taken many yoga classes, mainly taught by spiritual people who were trying to get us to evolve and grow on the spiritual level, so I thought this would e a good idea to join her and sync up spiritually and physically.  But then I found out yesterday that it wasn't just the yoga class that we were expected to attend, but a pilates class that started two hours earlier than the yoga class.  Bottom line is we're all going to have to be up early, take our showers, walk to the subway, and  go to the yoga center to get some exercise.  Hmm, we have to exercise to get exercise? I'm just going to be patient with the whole thing, realizing that time is short on this planet and this may be a good memory that we can take with us on our journey, or  one that we'll laugh about later in life.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012



Flexibility is easy for some people, challenging for others. The mutable signs are flexible, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, were born with a built in sense of flexibility, while the Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio find it hard to be flexible, or change their position.  While contemplating whether to do this project and to commit to 30 days of blogs, the thought came to me, "what if I find myself in a position where I'll be away from a computer and unable to do the blog"?.  And now's the time I was talking about, I'm displaced, staying at my daughter's apt. in NYC, away from the things that make me comfortable and forced to get to know another computer, sit in a totally different room, deal with the noises of other people on the inside, and sirens and buses on the outside.  The things that made me move from the city in the first place.  So here I am, back again, trying to focus and shut out sounds that are distracting, and trying to write something that might mean something to other people.  Oh, what was the subject?  Healing our finances, or balancing our finances, either one will do.  


It doesn't matter where you are, this prayer still works. For one thing  I'll constantly giving thanks for my blessings and the blessings keep happening, one day at a time.  I could be in my quiet space in the Poconos or walking up Broadway and the opportunity to receive a blessing opens up.  A trip to the post office today, seemed to open pandora's box.   The people I met today, were all contacts that have been in my life for over 30 years. Some young enough to be my children, others old enough to be my sibling. One thing that made me happy was the exchange between me and these people had been good. So glad they recognized me and called my name. Memories from the past came flooding in as the young man with a huge smile on his face rushed towards me. Wow! This kid is now a grown man with children, who would have thought?  One thing to keep in mind is that the people in your circles can either open doors for you or close them, depending on your past history.   We were taught to genuinely celebrate and honor every person who enters our lives. It's so much better to connect with someone to share good memories than to try to avoid someone because of a misunderstanding or unsettled grievance. We were also taught to celebrate other people's success and to silently say when we heard about it "I wish for you what I wish for myself".  Or to think "you're success is my success".  Now I wouldn't have met these people if it wasn't for the blackout and Hurricane Sandy.  So I'm giving a shout out to Sandy.  Thank you for forcing me to be flexible and to deviate from my regular routine.  Thank you for pulling me out of my comfort zone.  It's all too easy to get stuck in a rut and to only do what's comfortable.  What's challenging is to face the unknown, do something different, try something different. 
Think I'm getting the hang of the Mac, wouldn't have tried it if I wasn't desperate.                       



Keeping an open mind goes along with being flexible, and sometimes spontaneous. When you keep an open mind you don't get stuck in your point of view, but are willing to listen to someone else's point of view.  What does that have to do with balancing your finances or increasing your financing?  It's all connected.  For one thing if you want things to change in your financial world, then you're going to have to do something different than you've been doing.  If you keep doing what you've been doing then you're guaranteed to get the same thing you've always had.  So keep an open mind, be flexible and receive your good.  Your good could come from various avenues of expression, from the people you know, the people you meet, from a stranger that you converse with in the store, from hearing something on the radio or television.  Try not to discount this if you haven't tried it, because there's nothing too good to be true, and nothing too wonderful to happen.
Stay with it and watch the blessings come pouring down to you.  Meditate with us at 8:00pm.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Walk down a different street, find a new way to go to work.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

16th DAY

You might have guessed, the storm came through my city and blew everything off course (smile) So i'm using my daughter' mac book (slowly) and trying to stay on course with this project. Balancing our finances was the original intent 16 days ago, and it still is. 


I have a friend who told me he witnessed people from a very affluent neighborhood standing in line at a diner, hoping and praying to get in, have a cup of coffee or a piece of toast.  The ATM's weren't working and the diner was forced to only accept cash payments.  Many of the people in line were worth millions, yet the card in their wallet had no value at that moment.  All these folks wanted was some relief from a nightmare storm where they witnessed their homes burning to the ground. Because of the conditions there was nothing they could do but watch the fire leap from one house to the other and burn it down.  Now in this cashless society, hardly any of these people had cash in their pockets, just a useless pile of plastic, representing money, but not money per se.  They had to rely on the goodness of people who they might not have treated so well in the past, waiters, busboys, dishwashers, cooks, the guy who sweeps the floor were in charge of the line and could make decisions as to whom got served and who didn't.  


How many times have you thought about your relationships with the people in your neighborhood, or the local diner or gas station? The guy who cuts the grass or blows the leaves in the fall are important people. Not only do they make your life better, but they also have a life, a family outside of the job.  Were you kind, considerate when a perceived mistake happened? Or were you outraged and ready to have this person fired because they somehow disrepected you? Well I'm here to tell you that we're living at the time when we should be aware of our relationships with others and we should learn to treat each person as if they were family because you never know when some catastrophe could happen and you'll be depending on that person for a piece of toast or cup of coffee.  My grandmother used to say "be careful of how you treat people because you might just be calling that person to bring you a cup of water on your death bed."  Ok that's a little extreme but you get the message.  You don't know when you'll have to call on someone for help so be kind and compassionate to everyone.  And that shouldn't be the only reason why you're being nice to other people. The real reason is because we're all connected so how you treat me, you're treating yourself.  I am you and you are me.  If you're truly wanting to change your life, and change your finances, then open up to new thoughts and new ways of being.  If you fail to change and keep doing what you've already been doing, then be assured that you'll continue to get what you already have.  I'm always surprised when people tell me they want significant change in their lives with regard to money, relationships and health, and they don't want to change anything, their habits, their thoughts, their words, their deeds.  They just want someone to wave a magical wand and then money will appear in their bank accounts.  


HURRICANE SANDY took many of us off guard.  We weren't ready for the power of this storm and for the potential of spending many days in a cold dark place.  Where I live, the houses start to get cold the minute the power goes down and it's teeth shattering cold. It  can be depressing to just try to take care of ordinary things. You realize how much you depend on the light when you try to find your cell phone with a flashlight, or the keys to your car so you can charge your cell phone with  the car charger.  What has happened during this last storm is an idea that could be helpful to all those involved.  We need to buy generators and have them just in case the power goes out again.  Then we need to set up a system for communications, getting in touch with friends or neighbors at the time of emergency. We need to truly change our consciousness when it comes to other people. We need to be more kind and considerate of one another.  Believe me, love is the strongest power in this world.  Some people think I'm lucky because my daughter and her boyfriend came to rescue me from the cold the other day.  I was genuinely surprised, then totally happy that my children had gotten together on text and email and made the decision to "go get mom".  Wowee!!!  It was a decision based on love, not on money, but pure love and compassion, and I'm so grateful.  I think this recent hurricane is just a precursor of things to come, blame it on global warming, blame it on HAARP!, but the next one is bound to be more devastating and destructive.  And it will probably come the same way, with warnings too much hype on television, with  people being over saturated with instructions and changing with Sandy, some will refuse to evacuate, while others will ignore warnings designed to keep us all safe...the Govenor, Mayor and other politicians will be lining up to give updates on the death know, the same old, same old. It's time for a change. Only those who resist change will be negatively affected by it.  Is inevitable (change), because the only constant in this universe is change.  Meditate with us at    8:00pm, or all day.  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I AM THANKFUL FOR ALL MY BLESSINGS, BIG AND SMALL.