Wednesday, January 14, 2015



Beloveds, Mars, the action planet moved into Pisces on January 13th and will be there until February 20th.  I believe that we (Africans living in America) are ruled by the sign of Pisces, regardless of individual Sun Sign.  Therefore this is a good time to get a move on and to seriously put our spiritual beliefs and practices to work.  Of course if you were born with the Sun in Pisces, or have planets in the 6th and 12th House,or the Moon and other planets in Pisces  you'll be feeling this energy more personally.  


Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, is the higher octave of Venus, planet of personal love and creativity. Neptune influences us to move it up higher to Divine Love, and Divine creativity. 
Neptune is also the planet of visions and dreams or escapism and addictions.  With Mars joining Neptune in Pisces it's time to move forward with our dreams and aspirations and to make the connection with the spirit within.  It's time to rise above ordinary circumstances and to make the dream a reality.


Dr. King was a Capricorn with the Moon in Pisces. His "I Have a Dream" speech was not planned for the March on Washington, but a last minute change to his original speech.  Yet every year around his birthday in January, we hear about the dream speech.  Being a Capricorn he was grounded in the reality of the time, but while being a preacher and a team player he acquiesced to the demands of his peers to give a more peaceful visionary speech.  Still we can tap into the inner meaning of the "dream" and use our spiritual gifts to make the dream come true.  


Or, what is your dream for yourself.  Pisces is the sign of Serve or Suffer, so what service are you giving today?  This might sound like a task too big to imagine. However we each have volunteered to reincarnate and be alive at this time on the planet.  As Rev. Michael said last Sunday "you volunteered to come show up!" Each of us came here with individual gifts and talents. I might ask, are you using them to the best of your abilities. Sometimes while counseling others a person will tell me what they've always wanted to do.  Then I'll ask them if they're doing it.  Or what steps they've taken to get closer to their ideal.  I'm always amazed at the answers, or excuses they give.  "I always wanted to be a singer" "well how many hours a day do you vocalize?" "oh I don't have time, I have a job, I have kids, I have a spouse" and on an on they go with the ready excuses as to why they're not following their passion.  I could go on..."I'm not good enough" "I have rent to pay" "nobody believes in me" " I'm too old" " I'm too fat".  Yet if I jar their memory, they remember a time, probably when they were younger, when those excuses never came up for them.  Singers sing, dancers dance, writers write, etc. etc. You see where I'm going with this?  Every successful person that I've counseled has told me about their passion and how they never let outer circumstances stop them from doing it.  


You've probably heard it before, but like attracts like. What we focus on will be drawn to us. But it won't just magically fall into our laps.  With Mars the action planet in Pisces, it's time to activate our gifts and talents and to take steps to move towards our dreams.  If other people are doing it (your dream) then you can do it too.  The internet is an excellent resource of information that can be used to find your way to your dream.  Google it!  The interesting thing about the Law of Attraction is that it acts on everything you think, say or do in an impersonal way.  The Genie is standing beside you and waiting to fulfill your command "Your wish is my command". So if you're busy focusing on all the reasons why you can't be successful at what you say you want to'll get more of that.  It would be helpful to circulate among people who are doers.  You know the whole "birds of a feather" theory? Opt to be around people who are doing stuff and not just making excuses.  MLK had a dream but it didn't stop there. He could have gone back to his church and lived a wonderful life being respected for his talent of oratory.  He had the dream and moved forward on it.  The same holds true for every successful or famous person you've ever heard of.  Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.


If you're tired of hearing about police killings and/or brutality and feel really passionate about it, it must be your spirit, your angels nudging you to do something about it.  I have many intelligent friends who can speak on what's happening and who think they know whose behind it, but they never do anything but talk about it.  I guess their intelligent talk impresses some people as they come up with well researched statistics to prove their point.  I'm not impressed with theorists, unless they have published their findings, or have opted to sharing their knowledge with the unacknowledged ones among us. So when I ask them what they are personally doing about it, they have to get off the phone (laughing).  I don't need another expert to tell me about how bad things are with our community and the police.  I'd much rather spend my time listening to Francis Cress Welsing, who at 80 something years old  is still teaching at Howard University, plus holding community meetings weekly.  The talkers are usually angry and since that anger is internalized it attracts high blood pressure, severe colds and dis-ease. 
The toxic energy destroys the cells in our bodies, lowers the immune system, pollutes the air...
need I go on?  Not telling you to go out and march, or to boycott. Just sit quietly for a few minutes a day (called meditation) and ask your angels and guides for direction.  Mars in Pisces is saying "do something".  That's all folks, Love You Madly (no pun intended) Ayesha

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