Thursday, April 30, 2015



The Moon was full in Scorpio when 5 teenagers were legally lynched for a rape they didn't commit in Central Park, back in the 80's. I watched the whole thing go down and did what I could to inform the community..."don't you see what's happening?" but only a few people "got it" the rest of the people went on with their lives in a trance like stupor as the media acted in concert with lying prosecutors to guarantee that these children would be wrongfully convicted. 

Fast forward to 2015 and this time a young man is brutally killed by police in Baltimore Ohio. But this time many people "got it" as they ran into the streets to protest the latest lynching in a long line of police murders that are increasing on a daily basis.  Whether we'd like to admit it or not, we've all been traumatized by these events. It doesn't matter if the lynching took place in a court room or in the streets. The residual effects are  on on all levels, physically, mentally and spiritually. 


The young man was sitting on a bench next to God and he asked "what are you doing about these police murders, legal lynchings and physical lynchings?" God smiled as he said "funny you should ask, I was going to ask you the same question"  


Full Moons are excellent times to contemplate, meditate and to dig down deep inside to find the answers.  If we keep doing what we're doing we're always going to get the same results. We were taught to sit quietly, breathe deeply, close our eyes and ask "what is it that I'm supposed to do about this?" The answer might not come immediately, but if we keep a watch we'll hear it. It could come from a conversation we engage in directly or indirectly.  It could come from something we see on television, in a bill board, or magazine, or it could come as an idea in your mind.  This is a question about action "what is it that I'm supposed TO DO about this?"  What we should not do is to stuff our emotions so that they create a dis-ease inside of our bodies.  Anger, resentment, sadness and despair are dangerous emotions when repressed.  Repressed anger creates blood pressure problems. Repressed resentment creates cancer, repressed sadness and despair create depression. As my teachers used to say "expression is better than depression.  The negative energies created by these horrible events are everywhere present. It doesn't matter if your turn off the television and try to rise above it...the energy is still there. In fact I heard about the latest police killing while standing in line at the supermarket. The negative thought forms are in the air and only a super human can avoid them.  This Full Moon in powerful  Scorpio is an excellent time to face the truth and then act on what your guides or angels are telling you to do about it. I once heard a story about a woman who put a pot on the stove to boil water for tea. The phone rang and she got involved in her conversation while the water started boiling. Annoyed at the sound of the tea pot's whistle, she stuffed paper in it, then she covered up her available ear to ignore it. As she kept talking the pot finally caught fire and burned down the house.
All she had to do was to turn off the fire or move the tea pot from the fire. Well, the tea pot is whistling, the water is boiling, 
pretending that it doesn't exist isn't going to help it.  Being knowledgeable about what's happening isn't going to help either, except that it may make you feel intellectually superior to others.  When someone wants to pollute my ears with details on our present situation, my question is always "so what are you doing about this?"  They will go on to tell me how busy they are, or how messed up our people are. In other words their ego needs to be convinced that just being superior is the only thing they can do.  If I'm feeling cynical, I'll ask them "so what kind of blood pressure meds do you take?"  That usually ends the conversation.  Full Moons are intense and this one in Scorpio is especially intense.  Use it in positive ways, like the ancients used to do. Find a way to channel the energy in ways that will benefit you, and others.  Loving you unconditionally,
Ayesha (no justice, no peace)

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