Saturday, January 3, 2015


Time is moving so fast, I didn't realize the Full Moon was upon us until I got a splitting headache on Friday. Then I looked up in the sky and saw grandma Moon shining brightly in the night skies. 

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the keywords are "I Feel". If you have planets in Cancer (like I do) then you're going to be feeling it up close and personal. What was happening with me was I got locked into a super busy schedule on Friday, didn't hydrate, thus the headache.  Cancer is a cardinal water sign and it begins on the Summer Solstice when the day is longer than the night. In fact each of the cardinal signs governs a season, i.e. Aries, Spring, Cancer Summer, Libra Fall, and Capricorn, Winter.  Each Full Moon is in a sign and we look at the attributes for that sign to determine how we'll be effected. So Full Moon in Cancer brings up the emotions for everyone. Healers/practitioners/occultists all say that we need to be in touch with our feelings and to flow with them or channel them in positive ways.  If you deliberately focus on love, joy, enthusiasm, gratitude, prayer, meditation, then this powerful feeling Full Moon will help those energies to bring you a feel good sensation.  However, if you're worried, angry, resentful, scared, those energies will  undoubtedly make you feel bad, and feeling bad negatively effects the cells in our bodies and creates dis-ease. So how do we stay healthy, happy and joyful when the Full Moon is in the sign that governs our emotions? Practice, practice practice.  This Full Moon is an excellent time to let go of everything you no longer want in your life. From trash, to clutter, to thoughts of doom and gloom, that trigger negative feelings.  


You could first do it on the physical level. When I go to the dump to throw the trash away, I imagine that I'm also throwing away all unwanted thoughts and feelings. I throw the garbage bag in and then lift both arms above my head and say "gone!" I know it looks strange to my neighbors, but it is a feel good activity and an opportunity to symbolically let it all go. 
I also like to symbolically cleanse from negative thoughts when taking a shower. I imagine that this magical water is washing away all negative thoughts and feelings while giving me healing energy. Sometimes I sing away negative thoughts and feelings by singing songs with positive lyrics. I love Ricki BB's songs  on Agape..."I release and I let go, I let Spirit run my life..."  I also say healing prayers and affirmations while lap swimming, or jump up and dance to uplifting music. "Happy" by Pharrell, makes we want to move my body. There are myriad ways to bring up the positive energy. But first you must be aware of how you're thinking and feeling and make a commitment to change the negative into a positive.  

I'll be speaking at the Ta Merry Temple in East Harlem on the aspects for 2015, Saturday January 10, 2015, from 12:00 to 2:00pm. For more information call (212) 837-2790. We're at the beginning of an exciting New Year which gives us an opportunity to change our habits, change our thoughts and feelings and thus change our lives for the better.  Use this Full Moon energy to boost and focus your emotions into positive forms. We have the power to achieve our desires and to make this a better world for ourselves and others.  Make up your mind and do it now! Collectively we can make a difference. Say "Yes" to success. "No" to let go (of everything you no longer want in your life). I love all of you, Ayesha 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely reminders, Ayesha. Thank you! I share a number of Cancer planets - and was just looking at my chart this evening. I've been a total jumble of emotion (and much of it has been fearful and negative, unfortunately). Time to make a change! Love you - Janine


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