Friday, June 29, 2012



The Moon will be Full in Capricorn on Tuesday July 3rd, 2012.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and the keywords are "I Use".  Also on the 3rd, Mars, the planet of action moves into Libra after a 7 month visit to Virgo.  And of course the 4th of July Holiday comes a day after the Full Moon and Mars entering into Libra.
No matter what's happening in your life now it's time to open up to a new way of thinking and being.  It's time to get unstuck from old concepts and beliefs that may have been holding us back.  It's time to accept that everything is in a constant state of change, or as my grandmother used to say "nothing stays the same".  Many people will be traveling this weekend and many more will be planning holiday celebrations marking the anniversary of the birth of this nation.  With the Moon getting bigger in the night sky, our collective emotions are getting bigger too.  With Mars moving into Libra, the sign that says "I Balance" we're all getting the message to create peace and harmony in our world, internally and externally.  It never ceases to amaze me around Full Moon times, how so many people get caught up in passionate arguments that lead to violence. Yes the violence index and the accident index escalates during Full Moon times.  But don't blame it on the Full Moon, in fact if you want peace and harmony, try going a few days without the need to point the accusing finger at anyone, including you.  In other words be the peace that you want to experience in the world.  We don't have to react to outside stimulai in the same old ways.  We have the power to choose how we're going to react to the people who disagree with us, we also have the power to wish a driver who just cut us off, peace, love and a long life.  We're already feeling the energy of the coming Full Moon as accidents have increased and political arguments are getting nastier.  This is the time to promise not to rush around, drive too fast or get overwhelmed with things to do because this is what you always do during this holiday.  Change the paradigm, and refused to get locked into what you may call tradition.  We can start a new tradition that doesn't require us to do anything that we don't want to do.  We can decide to get through this period peacefully and without overwhelming ourselves and others with "things to do".  "But we always did it that way" can change into "let's try something new".  A wise woman once said "if what you're doing isn't bringing you the results you want, try doing something else".  Every year this time people get hurt playing with fireworks.  This happens even though there are plenty of advanced warnings about the dangers of playing with fireworks.  And every year this time we're shocked by the news of passionate killings or horrific accidents as some people go overboard with drinking or allow their passions to get out of control.  And these things happen usually around the 4th of July. But this year the Full Moon and Mars will be in the mix, as Mars will be squaring (90 degree angle) the escalating Moon  on July 2nd.  If we promise ourselves to flow through this time and to do everything in moderation, and keep the Light around us and loved ones, this weekend and the holiday will be a wonderful time to grow and evolve and to spread the love around.  As the peace movement people used to say "make love, not war".  Change your thinking, change the paradigm and make this an awesome time of new experiences.  It is all good and good is all there is.  Enjoy!


  1. Your insight is always right on time. I am posting a prayer for the new England area as I feel great passion both positive and negative swirling around me. Bless you great guardian.

  2. Thank you so much, Ayesha.

    I'll be traveling to reunion with family in Maryland and will be sure to get plenty rest because if I don't, it's easier for to lose my temper. Thank you for the encouragement to practice peace! --Deborah S.

  3. Thanks for sharing! I find full moons difficult since they make me emotional, so I tend to use them for cosmic ordering. Thanks for explaining what this one is about! Go capricorns!


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