Friday, June 22, 2012


Uranus, planet of change and Pluto planet of transformation or deeper personal change will start a series of squares beginning on June 24, and ending in 2015.  Astrologers have been writing and chatting about these squares (90 degree angles) for years now.  Personally I'm aware of the effects of Pluto and Uranus combinations because I was an activist in the 60's when Pluto and Uranus were together in Virgo.  Some of us had the urge to speak truth to power back then and to put our bodies on the line for the "greater cause".  We put our personal lives on hold and took to the streets to fight for justice and freedom in a collective and sometimes chaotic way.  Since then the movement in the 60's has been written about and talked about ad nauseam by so called experts and people who just wanted to make money from writing a book.  Now, these two planets are going to be hooking up again and whether you were alive during the movement or just read about it in history class, it seems the same issues are coming up again, and many of them are coming up in an "in your face" way.  We older veterans of the civil rights movement have found ourselves shaking our heads and saying "this again?" 


Seems that what we did back then, hasn't made a difference to the consciousness of the people in power and the people who are being controlled by the power.  Pluto represents power and right now it's in Capricorn, the sign that says "I Use".  Pluto in Capricorn is the bankers, the CEO's on Wall Street, the politicians who are controlled by the big money people.  We could just put them all in one category, a bunch of selfish people who only think of themselves and who lack any compassion for the wage slaves who work for them.  Uranus, the planet of extreme change is in Aries now, inspiring us to take leadership roles and to create a change that benefits everyone.  When Pluto and Uranus were close to a square, in 2011, we saw the protesters on Wall Street rise up. They put their lives on hold  lived in tents,demonsrated and gave us a slogan that tells it all "we are the 99 per cent".  They spoke about the corruption and the gap between the haves and have nots and it caught on and moved throughout the country and the world.  But this was just the beginning of a movement that isn't going to change until the hearts and minds and consciousness of the "fat cats" change.  Needless to say the "fat cats" are holding on tightly to their material possessions, power and positions of authority.  And the beat goes on.  What's important now is that each of us take in this powerful energy from Pluto and Uranus and use it to ignite personal change, not the change from external forces, but a change within our own consciousness.  Uranus and Pluto are asking us "what are you doing to create change, and "are you using your gifts and talents to help the people on the bottom?"  While it is  necessary to point out the injustices, it's also vitally important to live a life of service and to get in touch with the power within.  As we evolve and grow individually and collectively the world around us will change.  The power is within and over the next few years we'll have many opportunities to tap into it and use it.   
                                                               WHAT ABOUT THE WEATHER?  

The Pluto Uranus squares will have an affect on the weather, and in case you haven't noticed that weather has been extremely changeable since the beginning of the year. It's either too hot, too cold or too much rain or not enough rain and weather forecasters are scrambling every day to try to give an accurate forecast.  We were taught that the weather represents the collective emotions of the people...wowee!  It's best to stay tuned in and to learn to listen to your intuition, guides and angels who know the truth.  It's also a good idea to elminate fear, worry and anxiety and basically all toxic feelings, thoughts and words.  This can be done systematically by monitoring your thinking and protecting your mind from doom and gloom thought forms that come from movies, television, and other people.  It might be a good idea to go on a fast, get a colon cleanse and make better choices with food.  We've said this all before, hope you're listening.   

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