Sunday, June 17, 2012


                                                                            JUPITER MOVES INTO GEMINI
This is late because Jupiter, planet of joy and expansion moved into Gemini on the 11th and will be there for a year long transit until June 28, 2013.  Reading my teacher's book: Astrology A Cosmic Science about the effects of Jupiter in Gemini:   " Not a good place for Jupiter. The expansiveness and judgment of Jupiter is scattered by the dispersiveness and inability to concentrate of Gemini. Does not attract the abundance of Jupiter for self centeredness shuts off the flow".  Can give a happy carefree disposition.  

With Jupiter in Gemini, the sign of duality, it seems that time is flying by quicker than ever before. The important thing to keep in mind is to focus on the things that are on top of the list.  We're all probably going to learn how to multi-task, doing more than one thing at a time.  Then the other important thing is to practice getting enough rest, because what you don't do today, can be done tomorrow.  Geminis Libras and Aquarians will be directly effected by the positive energy of Jupiter being in a compatible air sign.  Virgos, Pisceans and Sagittarians  will be feeling the squares and opposition to Jupiter in Gemini and they need to lighten up, feel the joy, do some deep belly laughs and try not to wear themelves thin trying to get it all done at one time. Leos and Aries will be receiving the sextile from Jupiter in Gemini. Their success will come through the people they know and from the good karma of helping others.   Taureans, Scorpions, Capricorns and Cancer people won't be directly affected by Jupiter in Gemini, but they can opt to tune into the ability to communicate their needs and desires more clearly.  For all signs, my suggestion is to use the Jupiter in Gemini energy to speak words of confidence, of goodness, of inspiration to everyone you come in contact with, remembering that what goes out, comes back.
This New Moon is in the last degrees of Gemini and will move into Cancer on the same day.  New Moon in Gemini/Cancer could mean that the collective mood swings from the energy of Gemini, which is upbeat and friendly, to a more serious mood where we feel compassion for those in need or might just lapse into a mood of feeling sorry for ourselves.  We can feel the shift in the weather, i.e. it starts off with the sun shining brightly and then the clouds appear and we're ducking to get out of the rain.  In this year of the "shift" we have to be flexible and be ready for what comes. Rain or shine it's all good.  My rain jacket is in the trunk of my car...just in case.  My affirmation for this year:  IT'S ALL GOOD! and it is.  No use complaining about the things we cannot change, but we need to change our attitudes, moods and emotions and use them proactively, as opposed to reactively.  Write down your goals and intentions while the New Moon is happening, and let yourself catch the feelings that you'll have when your wishes and desires come true.

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