Friday, June 1, 2012

Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius 6/4/12/Venus crossing the Sun 6/5/12

Another Eclipse?  Well, yes, they usually come in pairs and the last eclipsewas on May 20th, the Solar(New Moon) Eclipse in Gemini. Then on June 4th, The Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipse will be in Sagittarius and it's time to be kind to the Sagg's in your life.  This is a good day to promise not to judge other people or to get angry with people who don't share your opinions.  I don't know about you, but it seems that Full Moons, especially eclipses make me tired.  Seems I need more sleep or that keeping up with my regular routine tires me out. That could be because usually I'm running at Light speed, going to bed late getting up early, multitasking, etc. etc. Then on the 5th, retrograde Venus in Gemini crosses over the Gemini Sun and it seems that this year things seem to be happening in bunches (smile).  What I keep hearing from people is that they are so busy that it's hard to keep up with their daily schedules.  That being said, guess what I'm going to advise us to do?  Get enough rest!  You don't have to be psychic, or a reader to know that getting enough sleep or taking periodic breaks is what we all need to do.  So instead of taking those energy drinks that you see almost anywhere, on the television commercials and in the supermarket why not just get back to the basics and plan to get into bed at least an hour earlier than usual.  There's also another thing you can do...plan to take a mini meditation break during the day when you might be feeling a little overwhelmed.  Just stop for a minute, breathe deeply (don't do his while driving), and let your imagination take you to some place where you feel peaceful and calm.  Now many people are asking "what about the Venus Eclipse?  For one thing, technically it is not an eclipse, but a regular cycle of Venus that also comes in pairs.  The first pairing was 8 years apart and and this year Venus crossing over the disc of the Sun won't happen again until 2117. It is a cosmic phenomenon that won't happen again for another 100 years.  This is a good day (6/5/12 to tap into the positive energy of Venus, planet of love and beauty.  Purposely be more loving on that day, and give thanks for the beauty in nature.  Even if it's raining, give thanks for the increase of water on the planet. We can't live without it.  I plan to sit by my favorite waterfall and just listen to the water rushing over the rocks. Also I'm going to pray for all the people on my prayer list and give thanks for the opportunity to bring down my blood pressure.  In conclusion, the Gemini/Sagittarius energy is upon us. Spiritually speaking, Gemini looks for the many aspects of God in everything, while Sagittarius says "Truth is one, paths are many".  And it is all good. 

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