Monday, June 25, 2012



BORN: JANUARY 26, 1944

Gerald Arthur Sandusky was convicted of 45 counts of sexual abuse on June 22, 2012. For weeks we watched pictures of Sandusky, the ex football coach for Penn State University, dressed in a suit and wearing a fiendish grin as he walked towards the court house. He seemed oblivious of the charges against him and he gave the impression that he believed he would be acquitted. According to his attorneys, Sandusky never admitted guilt, but consistently told them that he was innocent.

An appeal is in process.

But who is this guy who was accused of raping young boys in the shower? And how could he have done these terrible deeds without being detected by some responsible adult? We had to look at Sandusky's Solar Chart (without time of birth) to find some answers.


What leaped off the page for me was the placement of the South Node in Aquarius touching Jerry's Aquarius Sun. The Sun represents the father, father figures and people in authority positions. The South Node represents the past, what the person did in previous lifetimes, and the habits that are formed throughout many lifetimes.

The South Node also can be the achilles heel, or the weakest part of the chart. Going out on a limb here, I would say that what Jerry Sandusky did to children was done to him. His tendency to abuse small children didn't just happen out of the blue, but he must have learned it from someone else in his life. It's interesting to note that Jerry's father was also involved in organizations with young athletes...I'm just saying...the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.


Every sign has it's good and bad side, depending on the consciousness of the individual. The negative side of Aquarius is “the freak”, ruled by both Saturn, planet of discipline and Uranus, the planet of extremes. Saturn is the law maker, while Uranus is the law breaker. Jerry was born with the Sun, South Node and Moon in Aquarius. He has many friends and is probably a humanitarian at heart.

But his shadow side, the one that was covered up was his freakish attraction to young boys. In fact he used his not for profit organization to gain access to young boys and he used his unsuspecting friends at Penn State to cover up his evil deeds.

He was revered and respected for his charitable contributions and dedication to poor children. He also used his power to threaten his victims “whose going to believe you?” when they threatened to tell.


Jerry was born with three planets in Gemini, the Twins, i.e. Uranus, Mars and Saturn. Uranus and Mars are closely tied together and his sexual impulses were probably uncontrollable. Then Saturn (the law) is what put and end to his abuse

and interesting enough it was the letters he wrote to one victim (Gemini is communications and writing) that convinced the jury that he was guilty. The Gemini connection made him a friendly guy with a playful spirit. Many of his abuses first began with play fighting in the shower. In a sense he's a man who never grew up and he kept repeating early childhood abuse that was done to him.

He has a dual personality, one that is bright and friendly, the other which is dark and moody. Saturn in Gemini is the law maker, while Mars Uranus is the law breaker. Saturn in Gemini can also breed low self esteem and a lack of belief in his own ideas.


With two planets, Pluto, planet of power and transformation and Jupiter, planet of joy and expansion in Leo, I'm sure that Jerry the Freak felt he was above reproach and part of the privileged class. For one thing he always seemed to do things in a big way (jupiter) showering his victims and the children in his organization with expensive gifts and trips. He needed to be admired and was the recipient of many awards for his “work” with children. Jupiter is making a harmonious aspect to his Venus, planet of love in Sagittarius. He was the big giver and his tastes for fine things probably kept him in debt. His gifts to the children he abused were used to make them feel indebted to him and to convince unsuspecting parents that he was a “good guy”.


With all of the evidence against him and at least 8 out of ten victims testifying in court, why is it that Jerry the Freak keep saying he's innocent? You only have to look at Mercury, planet of communications and rational mind in his Solar chart. Mercury is in Capricorn, squaring (90 degree angle) Neptune, planet of dreams, visions, chaos and confusion. The Mercury square Neptune aspect tells of a confused mind, a person who lies and then believes the lies, a pathological liar that might even pass a lie detector test. It also indicates that Jerry was sensitive to drugs, prescribed or otherwise and might have at one time consulted a psychiatrist to help him with his bizarre behaviors, tendency towards depression and abuse of children. His defense attorneys did come up with a scam to justify the abuse. They concocted a term that nobody ever heard about. They threw caution to the wings and threw the term out there in hopes that at least one juror would believe them. Apparently, that didn't work. Mercury square Neptune energy has a tendency to fantasy and maybe while Jerry was raping young boys he imagined that he was a super hero, saving them from something. Not trying to figure out crazy here, but this aspect is what proves to me that Jerry has completely removed himself, mentally, emotionally and spiritually from the evil deeds he committed. He has no compassion or sorrow for what he did, and imagines himself to be the victim (now that he's been caught).


One of the most surprising aspects in Jerry Sandusky's Solar Chart is the presence of a Grand Trine in Air Signs. That's what makes me think, it's not over yet, something could come up to save his sorry soul. The Grand Trine is a major aspect of beneficial energy between his planets in Air Signs. The Sun in Aquarius is trine to his Neptune in Libra, which is in trine to his Mars/Uranus in Gemini. Maybe this was the aspect that allowed Jerry to continue and cover his devious acts for so long. I'm sure there are people in this world who still believe that he's innocent and who will try to help him to escape a long prison term. These people have only seen one side of this man, the friendly guy, the generous giver, the playful spirit. This Lucky Grand Trine is also the reason why his wife of many years took the stand, perjured herself and claimed she had no knowledge that she had been married to a sexual deviant and pervert. She falls in the category of the “stand by your man” generation that believes it's better to turn a blind eye and keep the man then to stand up and tell the truth...poor thing. But we're not letting her off the hook, because it was her denial of truth that allowed many abuses of innocent children to take place. She is his enabler, and also guilty for protecting him. That also goes for the adopted children who swear that Jerry is innocent. What they don't know about pedophiles is that sometimes they'll target one child and leave the rest alone. But there are many other people who obviously covered for Jerry, officials at Penn State, other coaches, his family, people in law enforcement and the list goes on. These people put their jobs and a football program above the need to protect innocent children.

When people ask “how could this creep get away with this for so long?” The answer, (for me) is in his Solar Chart, the “lucky” Grand Trine in Air Signs.

Of course we're living in a time when the truth is coming out, the Light is shining brightly and the deeds of the so called rich and powerful are coming to the forefront. I sympathize with the victims who were young children at the time of their abuse. Hopefully this trial and the subsequent conviction of Jerry “The Freak” will help them to heal and restore their faith in justice.


  1. off with his head. I, too was amazed at how much hubris, how much evidence... it just kept piling higher and higher.

  2. He's a sick person but judgment is at hand. Remembering the verse in the Bible where Jesus said it's better to put a millstone around your neck and jump in the depths of the ocean than to harm even a hair on the least of these my little ones".


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