Wednesday, August 22, 2012

MARS MOVES INTO SCORPIO (Aug.23rd to October 6, 2012)

Mars the action planet moves out of Libra and into Scorpio on Thursday August 23rd until October 7, 2012.  Energetically we're shifting from the light breezy harmonious energy of Libra to a more intense deeper energy of Scorpio.  Mars is one of the rulers of Scorpio, the fixed water sign that says "I Desire" and you might say that Mars is at home when it reaches the sign that it rules.  There's something mysterious about Scorpio because what appears on the surface is not what's going on deep down below. 


The water signs will be energized to move towards your goals with a quiet determination and will to be successful. Also Virgo and Capricorn individuals will be receiving a neat sextile from Mars in Scorpio and they can take advantage of networking and the opportunites that come from the people they know. 


The fixed signs will also be energized and busier and will have to make sure they're getting enough rest and hydrating regularly because of the tendency to push against the grain when Mars is squaring or opposing their signs.  This is not the time to lash out against perceived obstacles or people who seem to be in your way.  Aries and Gemini's and Sagittarians won't be directly affected by Mars in Scorpio, but will probably be making plans behind the scenes for future projects. 


Basically we can't make predictions based on one planetary movement, because that eliminates the influences of the other 9 planets.  What we must keep in mind is that its all energy and it's how we decide to use it that makes the difference.  Mars in Scorpio does bring up passion and overly sexual energy.  When Mars goes into Scorpio we hear more stories in the news about sexual crimes, rape and crimes of passion. That's for the lower plane people who are already perverted and living on the edge.  We have to realize that these types of people are living in the world, and to be aware of our surroundings, keep the Light around us and stay safe.  We can also gather in groups and send out bunches of healing Light to others while keeping the Light around ourselves.  It's also a good idea to be sure that the group activities we decide to participate in has a collective mindset of peace, love and harmony.  We need to listen more to our inner guidance and let our intuition work for us.  There were many people who decided not to go to the Batman movie in Colorado, with seemingly no good reason except their inner voice was telling them "don't go".  Now these people are dealing with the guilt of not being there for their friends who were either hurt or killed.  That brings me to the last advice on how to channel Mars in Scorpio energy...Forgiveness.  This is an excellent period to forgive yourself or anyone else in your world that you may have been holding resentment for. Guilt is "mad at me", resentment is "mad at you".  Either one is destructive on the internal level.  It serves no purpose because it stems from something that has happened in the past.  


It's a good idea to let go and let God, because carrying resentment, or jealousy for someone else only pollutes the air and the people around you in negative ways.  So as this election season heats up, lets try to be for something and not against something.  Be proactive, not reactive.  If you think others are getting away with something, telling lies, using fear to get votes, try not to get caught up in it.  If you think the person you're voting for is the right one, then get up and move your body and help that person to win.  You can either spend precious time trashing someone or spend time talking about the good things your candidate of choice has done.  When Obama won the election 4 years ago, groups of people set out to make sure he'd be a one term president.  No matter what he did, they found fault with it.  They organized themselves with money and ideas that made the "haters" hate even more.  They were able to elect politicians in the congress who were dedicated to blocking any progress that could have been made.  Obama brought out the ugly in the people who couldn't accept a Black man in the whitehouse.  He took over from a regime that made policies specifically designed to help the rich.  Mars in Scorpio will bring out more dirty tactics, lies and deceit by people who want to keep the status quo.  Yet there is an understirring in this country of people who are dedicated to spreading the wealth around.  While you may feel helpless to stopping the "fat cats", just watch the weather and let go and let God.  In the meantime stay healthy, meditate and pray.  There is a power greater than you and me and that power will succeed. I love you all.   


  1. Love the blog! Can we talk about justice along side of forgiveness? When we are surrounded by corruption, justice needs to pay a visit. And justice that is compassionate yet firm is one on of the best healing experiences ive noticed after a trauma like Colorado Dark Knight deaths. Wisdom kept some of them Home and she needs to honored instead of feeling guilty. More need to learn How to hear her voice.

    1. I'm thinking the justice happens when we let go and allow the cosmic energies to work? The "guilty" ones are suffering from survivors guilt..."it should have been me" or "maybe I could have saved him or her if I was there".


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