Monday, October 14, 2013



If you're astro-curious, you already have heard the eclipse in Aries is coming on Friday.  So what's the big deal?  We have eclipses all the time and by the way, another one is coming in two weeks.  An eclipse happens when the Sun/Moon/and Earth are in complete alignment and the light from one of them is temporarily blocked out.  If it's a Lunar or Moon Eclipse it's the Moon that goes dark.  Now I know that sounds a little
ominous or scary but in actuality its a natural phenomenon that occurs 4 to 6 times a year. In fact we've already had 3 eclipses this year, one in April and two in May, 2013.   When I look back on those two daughter died in April, my granddaughter jumped out a window in May, and as a result of her actions I'm now raising her 5 year old, and the family is scrambling to get her 3 siblings.  (sigh) This year has been full of sudden events that changed my life forever.  But, you can't blame it on the eclipses as what happened was in the works for a very long time.  


The wise teachers in my life always reminded me that I can't control the circumstances but I can control my reactions to them.  Rev. Michael Beckwith reminded us on Wednesday that when "stuff" happens and it seems that life is not what it used to be, that we should view it as an initiation. He went on to say (I'm paraphrasing here), that when you're life seems like its turned upside down, its time to let go of all the "stuff" we no longer need.  Hmmm, was he talking to me?  Just this August I let go of a lot of "stuff", gave some away and put the rest in the dump as I moved from a big space to a much smaller space.  Due to circumstances beyond my control I did a massive purging and realized that I was holding on to "stuff" I no longer wanted or needed.  In the meantime I became aware of the people in my life who were always there for me.  The family and friends who stepped up with love donations and others who did the physical lifting, or who just called or emailed words of support made it easier to get through the big change. When "stuff" happens you have to look at the relationships in your life and embrace the good ones.


Aries is the 1st sign in the Zodiac, ruled by Mars, the action planet, with the keywords "I Am".  Have you ever noticed that people who have inflated egos are often just scared little wimps inside?  If you stand up to them you'll see that their bravado was only a front.  Just watched a funny video on facebook, of a dog barking at a cat.  The cat seems to retreat so the barking got louder.  Then the cat comes back and chases the dog who runs to the couch, whimpering in fear.  The bullies in our lives are the same way because usually they push up on people until the person pushes back, refuses to take it and draws a line in the sand.  We're witnessing this today with the Congress (mainly Republicans) who decided to shut down the government as a ploy to push up on the president.  These bullies are only playing political games that they think will benefit them.  But a recent poll by CNN has proven that the people are not buying it and will make them pay for their evil deeds next election.  These egotists are in for a big awakening as their "in your face" activities will turn out to be their demise.   

But for the most of us, what's happening with our egos?  It's easy to point the accusing finger at others, but how are we handling our egos in our day to day experiences?  As the Full Moon Eclipse in Aries is on its way, it's time to check your ego.  Someone once said that ego is actually "Edging God Out".  This is a good time to make sure that your ego is in place when interacting with others.  It's the ego that fuels arguments or fights that could have been avoided, if the ego were in place.  Interesting enough, if your self esteem is in place, then small things won't bother you.  If you're loving yourself completely, then it's easy to love someone else.  This is a good week to try not to take the things people say or do, personally.  In other words this is a good time to work on you and to use the Aries energy to rise above the small things.  The Aries energy is also a good time to start something new, an exercise program, swimming or walking or going to the gym.  Use the Mars energy to benefit your body, mind and spirit. I'm taking my 5 year old great-granddaughter swimming this afternoon.  She's an Aries and the soothing waters will be good for her and for me (smile).  Be creative and make sure your intentions are focused on peace, love & Light.  I love you all, Ayesha  

Thursday, September 19, 2013


The Sun and Moon are 180 degrees away from each other, thus we have a Full Moon. Since the Sun is in Virgo, the Moon is in Pisces, the sign that says "I Believe".  I moved in August, from a big space to a small space, and near the end of the move I released so many things that my head was spinning.  As my helpers held up things "do you want to keep this" my quick response was "throw it out!".  Can't believe how much stuff I accumulated in 11 years.  Now, believe it or not, I feel clearer and free because I only kept the things that were necessary.  If you're tuned in from an astrological perspective, you might have guessed...I'm in the midst of a Saturn square. Saturn in Scorpio is squaring my 3 planets in Leo, while making an opposition (180 degrees) to my 3 planets in Taurus.  The Full Moon in Pisces has me dreaming about being on a cruise, somewhere in the Carribbean Sea, sitting on the balcony watching the beautiful night skies.  But the passing Sun and Mercury in Virgo, brings me back to reality. It's time to get up, shower and dress, then wake my 5 year old great granddaughter so she can get ready for kindergarten.  

It's cold up here in the mountains and the reality that winter is quickly approaching has tempered my mood.  Winter! Yuck!! Did I remember to take my snow shovels out of the old storage space?  The maintenance people are putting out the salt cans and the Sun's shadows are getting longer and longer.  

i'm assuming you all heard about the brother who "lost it" and killed lots of people in Washington DC.  Don't know the details but figure this poor soul got caught up in Full Moon madness and obviously his victims did too.  I did look up his birthdate (smile) and was not surprised to see that he was a Taurus.  I'm thinking that whatever it was that set him off, it took a long time for him to explode.  My neighbor commented "You know he was crazy".  Well isn't anyone who kills multiple people a little off balanced?
I mean, ordinary people just quit, walk away, tell somebody off. They don't go and buy a gun and just start killing folks.  It takes a long time for Taurus people to get angry, but when they do...look out!  The Full Moon has a tendency to bring things to a head and many times it's stuff that has been festering inside for a while.  I'm so sorry for the victims and their loved ones and also sorry for the young man who decided it's better to die than to keep on living with the problems he was facing. 


The Full Moon as it appears in the night skies is a very bright and beautiful Light.  We are advised by many healers and metaphysicians to focus on solutions (Light) as opposed to focusing on the problems.  Basically because what we focus on expands and grows in our consciousness.  Today, I'm going to use the powerful emotional energy coming from the Full Moon to focus on solutions.  Not going to get stuck in blaming anyone or anything for the problem.  Which means I'm not going to allow my ego to be right while making someone else wrong.  Pisces says "I Believe" and I believe there is an answer deep down inside of me that will come to the surface once I quiet my rational mind, center, relax and breathe  deeply.  I've been enjoying the 21 day Mantra Meditations online. We're in day 10 today.  Don't fully understand the Sanskrit language (even though I've studied it years ago), but the tones and sounds are soothing to my soul.  You don't have to do mantras or chant, just listen to some upbeat music that relaxes you while the Full Moon is doing her thing.
In the Native American traditions, the Full Moon is referred to as "Grandma".  She's that loving, caring soul who takes care of everyone.  Also going to pay homage to my own grandma, who raised me and taught me to do my best with whatever's in front of me...thank you grandma Lucy.  There is Light at the end of the tunnel, so tune into it, enjoy it and give thanks for it.  I love you all, Ayesha (grandma)

Sunday, July 21, 2013


The Grand Sextile is a spectacular arrangement of planets that are sextile to one another, while in the midst of two Grand Trines.  If you look at the physical chart with the lines or aspects drawn between the planets it looks like a Star of David and even though it happens on the 29th, we've been slowly moving into this energy for a while now.  However if you Google Grand Sextile, you'll get many different and diverse interpretations of what it means.  Some say it's the opening of the Stargate, while others give technical explanations that even had my mind confused and I understand the astrological language. 


If you remember the hype that was projected as y2k approached, or the super hype over the more recent "end of the world" hype about the end of the Mayan Calendar in
December 2012, my advice is to keep in mind that even though this Grand Sextile is a physically beautiful pattern, try not to fall into the hype projected by spiritual babies who really don't have a clue.  The last time we experienced a Grand Sextile was back in 1945.  If something great and wonderful happened during that time, I don't remember because I was only 5 years old. 


Native elders tell us to invoke our blood memory a mystical way of saying "remember who you are".  Our collective consciousness is being stimulated to shift.   Earth Mother is shifting and those souls who remain flexible and faithful will shift with it. We're all being called to live a life on purpose and to use our natural gifts and talents to help ourselves and/or others.  My life shifted tremendously the day after the New Moon in Aries (April 11, 2013).  My deepest fears came true as I helplessly watched my beloved daughter took her last breath.  It humbled me and brought me to my knees as I begged God for her life.  Then I had to question everything I thought I knew about this existence and my relationship to the Most High.  When I was writing the blog about the New Moon in Aries and how good it would be for all fire signs, little did I know that this Sagittarius was getting ready to exit the earth.  I had pushed back the fears of losing her that seemed to begin when she took her first breath, when she jumped into the deep end of a swimming pool at age 5, when she seemed to be a totally accident prone child that kept us running to the hospital as she aged up.  Each time I would say to myself "I can't lose her, I can't lose her" and then I lost her.  I reverted back to those old teachings I learned in childhood that taught me that God was a man in the sky.  "why did you do this to me" was my ignorant cry.  I questioned everything I had been taught about astrology and healing because in my mind it didn't work this time. 

Then a medicine person came into my dream and said "remember your blood ties"  It was revealed to me that each time we incarnate into a physical body that there is a soul contract that comes with us.  It would seem that my daughter fulfilled her contract and just moved on.  The other thing that came to me was the memory of saying "I can't even imagine the pain of losing a child".  I uttered those words after the school massacre in Connecticut.  The other things that kept resounding in my head was what I read in the 7 Laws for Spiritual Success by Chopra "ask yourself what am I learning in all of this and how can I use it to help others".  I'm not there yet.


I've said it before with aspects that were intense and quite frankly when I just didn't know what was going to happen.  I'm saying it again about the Grand Sextile, which some astrologers say is going to be extremely positive energy.  I do know that when we place our attention on something and then state our intention, with no tension, we're bound to attract to us our deep desires.  Ummm, I've been fearing losing my daughter, deep down inside for far too many years.  When it happened it was like a cord was cut, the burden of the fear was gone.  I'm being honest with you in the hopes that you won't allow deep seated fears to control you, or to attract to you what you don't want.  There are many free modalities on the web, designed to help you clear out the negatives and replace them with positives.  All you have to do is sign up for them and do the "work".  Deepak and Oprah are doing another 21 day meditation cycle starting on August 5th.  Then there's always Agape with Rev. Beckwith and Ricki BB.  The latter is what's kept me going these days as I enjoy the music and the ever powerful messages.  Thinking if it wasn't for Agape and a few great friends I'd be in a fetal position sucking my thumb (laughing but true).  Of course my three daughters have come up strong for me with their unconditional love and support.  Now and again I receive a message that I'm loved and supported and I am forever thankful for Anna Austin, Diane Austin, Mae Jackson, Peter Harper, Sekhmet, Ruqaiyah, Funmilayo, Ramona, Ron, Monife, Nymia Herline, Angelique, Mike,  and all the others who are keeping me in your prayers...thank you, thank you, thank you! 
I am Blessed!  Love & Light, Ayesha

Saturday, July 20, 2013



With the Full Moon in Aquarius the sign that rules large groups of people, volunteerism and humanitarian causes, it is fitting an proper that over 100 demonstrations for Aquarian, Trayvon Martin have been planned the day before the Full Moon takes place.  We feel the energy of the Full Moon two days before and one day after the actual event.  As the mother of one son, four grandsons and two great grandsons the acquittal of Trayvon's killer affected me on both the personal and human level.  It's hard to accept that six white mothers could look at the evidence and come up with a not guilty.  But maybe they were looking through the lens clouded with white privilege, racist beliefs and ignorance of the history of lynching in this country.  And maybe some of these women were descendants of mothers who would pack a picnic lunch for their children as they took them to see a Black man being tortured and lynched. Maybe this form of depraved indifference for the suffering of another human being, is embedded in their dna.  Maybe the only way they'll "get it" is when it happens to their child.  But the probability of a Black man killing a white child and getting away with it is as distant as the planets in our Solar System. 


Aquarius is the 11th sign in the Zodiac. When the soul reaches the level of Aquarius, after traveling through the other ten signs, it has the potential to wake up and realize that we are all connected. Aquarius is the sign that has many friends and associates from all walks of life, all races, all economic levels, all religions.  It is fitting and proper that the people who are crying out for justice for Trayvon Martin are from all races, colors and creeds.  These are the people who "get it" that an injustice to one is an injustice to all.  These are the people who have raised their consciousness to a higher level and who will bypass their own physical safety to get out in the streets and make a human cry for justice. 


My awareness of lynching in this country started when I was 15 and opened Jet Magazine to see the corpse of Emmit Till, who was lynched by white men who were never arrested, but who came forward after the statute of limitations years later to tell how they systematically tortured and killed this young teenager.  From that day on I became keenly aware that lynching in this country started in slavery and continues up to this present day.  The techniques are different but the fact remains the same. A Black man or woman can be killed by police who usually say "I felt threatened", i.e. Amadou Diallo shot down in his hallway as he was holding up a wallet, by 4 depraved member of the NYPD who were acquitted, Sean Bell, shot to death in his car because "we thought he was going for a gun", Michael Stewart, tortured and killed by 12 policeman who "thought he was writing on a wall", Ramarley Graham shot to death in his grandmothers bathroom because" we thought he had a gun".  So as lynching became outlawed in this country the incidence of "legal lynching" escalated and the victims are too numerous to mention here.  So of course when George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, the date stored in my conscious and unconscious mind came forward..."what another legal lynching?" "Surely this time the murderer will pay" But wait a minute, it took thousands of people getting out in the street, demanding justice just to get this wanna be cop arrested.  Based on experience and what I've seen through my lenses...this guy was going to be acquitted.  The killer, George Zimmerman is a mentally low functioning man who couldn't pass the test to get on the  police force.  So he did the next best thing, became a security guard in a gated community.  Surely with the real cops telling him to stand down, which he ignored and surely with his words on tape saying he was following Trayvon and "they always get away with it"...and other racially charged epithets it would be clear to any human jury that he racially profiled Trayvon and he was going to make sure that Trayvon didn't get away.  Even though their was no forensic evidence on Trayvon's hands that he was in a fight...Zimmerman came up with some mysterious, superficial wounds as a part of his defense.  Even though Zimmerman was carrying a concealed weapon, the jury bought the story that Trayvon grabbed the gun (huh what) and that Zimmerman killed him in self defense.  Even a child could see through that story, but the six while women jurors bought it, because they connected with Zimmerman and didn't have the humanity or empathy for a Black child. 


Full Moons effect the tides in the ocean and Full Moons effect humans whose bodies are about 75 per cent water.  This is a scientific fact.  So whether you're going to be out demonstrating tomorrow and releasing rage against a racist judicial system, or George Zimmerman, or just people who don't "get it".  The important thing to remember is to tune into a higher frequency first and then listen to your guidance before you take action.  Those of us who are from the old school, know that agent provacateurs could be among the marchers, urging people to act impulsively and creating justified reasons for police to over react.  Marching can be a good thing, a healthy thing that helps the body release pent up tension that feeds on hopelessness, despair, anger and depression.  It's not over yet, so prepare to be in it for the long haul.  Together, we can make a difference, we can make a change.  On the individual level each one of us can make a conscious connection to our Higher Selves. We can use the humanitarian energy from the Aquarius Full Moon to help the teenagers in our respective communities.  Grace Spotted Eagle, a Lakota medicine woman once told us that when we're in the way of a young person give them something to carry with them in the future, because they're moving into a future that we'll never see and we're coming from a past that they'll never see.  In the name of Trayvon Martin, love the teenagers in your family and in your community.  Acknowledge them, smile at them and talk to them as they are the future.  Stay safe, be cool and know that things are going to get better, day by day, minute by minute.  Aquarius keywords are "I Know". Know that the truth is all there is and Divine intervention is evident.  Love & Light, Ayesha

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Jupiter, planet of expansion will move into Cancer on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 and it will stay there until July 16, 2014.  We can expect that family issues, issues concerning security and emotional energy will increase for a little more than a year.  If you're born a Cancer, or have planets in Cancer expect more joy, more prosperity and more opportunities to be nurturing to youself and/or others.  While Jupiter is known to be a great benefic or the cosmic santa, it also has a flip side, as with everything on this plane of existence.  While Jupiter influences us to expand and grow we also have to know when to quit and how far to go while Jupiter is aspecting our personal planets or moving through specific houses in our astrological charts.  Case in point, after reviewing charts of people who were addicted to drugs or alcohol, my unscientific study showed intense aspects to Jupiter.  These were people who just didn't know when to quit or how far to go and usually there was a mindset that getting "high" was helping them to escape the stresses in their lives.  I've also witnessed people who could smoke marijuana and still live a productive life, while others who used it were living in a fantasy world and not getting their daily needs met.  There is such a thing as having too much of a good thing. 


i'm not a believer in the "new" chart for the United States which gives a Scorpio Rising, so this is based on the old chart that has Gemini Rising.  Therefore, Jupiter in Cancer will be moving through the 2nd House of Personal Money is the chart that I use.  That means to me that there will we a turnaround in the economy and more citizens will be experiencing more money in their individual bank accounts.  There is also a trend towards philantrophy with more not-for-profits finding a way to help the less fortunate, i.e. to feed the hungry and house the poor.  In fact with the increase of interest in metaphysics, we keep hearing "help someone else to make their lives better and the cosmic turnaround will be beneficial to you".  So while there is still a lot of suffering going on in this country, there are more and more people who've decided to do something meaningful to help.   Hopefully the Jupiter connection will bring out the collective kindness is all people.


I've seen strong Jupiter connections in charts of people who like to gamble, and the gamblers who benefit by taking a chance, know when to quit.  Some gamblers have told me they just love to play the game, they win some they lose some, but it's all fun to them.  There seems to be no turn off in their brains that tells them to walk away after a big win.  So for people with planets in Cancer, especially, there needs to be a sense of knowing when you've gone to far and to know when to quit.  And this is in reference to money as well as knowing how to take care of your physical needs.  Remember to get enough rest, to hydrate regularly and to listen to your body when it's showing signs of fatigue.  For all of us, lets just plan to enjoy Jupiter in Cancer and to focus on our feelings as opposed to our intellects. 


Cancer is a psychic sensitive water sign and while Jupiter is in Cancer, there is an opportunity to increase your own individual psychic powers.  Jupiter in Cancer will increase the ability to imagine and visualize and if we use it correctly it will be of great benefit to us.  The sign of Cancer rules the breasts and the stomach and we're told that the seat of our emotions and psychic energy is in the "gut".  Many times we were taught to bypass the rational or thinking mind and to pay attention to what's happening in our stomach area.  Tension or knots in the stomach warns that what we're about to do is a no no, but light airy feelings of well being and joy are giving us a yes, yes, energy.  Actually if you need an answer to a question, you can lie down on your back with your hand on your stomach and ask the question.  Remember that uncomfortable feelings is "no" but upbeat feelings of joy and lightness means "yes". 


Last but not least is the reminder that Jupiter is the planet of gratefulness, gratitude and laughter.  When we're feeling on top of the world, when we're feeling thankful for our blessings, when we're just letting go of a big belly laugh, we're releasing healing endorphins that can heal the body, mind and spirit.  Jupiter in Cancer, the water sign is also saying make your connection to the water, learn to swim, or just pamper yourself with a long hot bath.  My Cancer daughter wrote me a text last week that ended with "Calgon, take me away".  That's because we've all been experiencing stress and confusion over the kinship foster situation and each "expert" has been telling us something different (smile).  We're in between 3 legal jurisdictions and each one has it's own rules.  Her take on it was just take a long hot bath and see what tomorrow brings.  Interesting enough her text made me fall out laughing.  This was a much needed comedic break from some stressing situations.  So remember to laugh, remember to connect with the water and enjoy this transit.  Love & Light, Ayesha

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The Summer Solstice, (longest day of the year), is on Friday June 21, then the Full Moon in Capricorn happens on Sunday, June 23rd, then Jupiter enters Cancer on Tuesday, June 25, followed by Mercury retrograde in Cancer from the 26th of June, till the 21st of July, 2013.  Seems like a lot of stuff to deal with and we're going back to the old saying "take one day at a time". 


Approximately a week before Mercury turns Retrograde we seem to experience signs that the road ahead might become a little bumpy. It might even feel that the retrograde is already in effect with missed phone calls, misunderstandings and potential arguments looming in the background.  This is not the time to make hasty decisions that you might want to change after Mercury turns direct.  It is the time to clear out the negative thoughts in your mind so that you come into this period with clarity and a loving heart.  I've been reminded over and over again to tell myself "it's God's will, not my little will that matters".  I'm also aware that we can't judge by appearances, and that we're not supposed to judge, anyway.  Right now I'm up to my ears with activities, taking care of my 5 year old great granddaughter.  Being in her presence is a constant reminder to stay in the present moment. This is something that 5 year olds seem to do naturally.  When she was running around with my precious Tibetan Singing Bowl the other day, I found myself saying to her "you know, everything is not a toy".  And I realized I've said that to her too many time over the past two weeks. 


The Summer Solstice on Friday marks the beginning of a period that's supposed to be fun.  The days are longer, and the Sun is shining brighter.  We've escaped winter and the need to  wear those heavy winter clothes.  Yaay!  But this morning when I opened the door, Shavon (the 5 year old) said "it's winter again Grandma, we need jackets".  The temperature had dropped to 60, and she was right.  I turned around, grabbed two jackets and said to her "come on let's go, we don't want to be late". 
And that is exactly how we need to be taking it these days, just turn around and do what's necessary to handle sudden change. 

After the Solstice, then we have the Full Moon in Capricorn which is connecting to Pluto, the planet of transformation or degeneration.  This appears to be an explosive energy with people's emotions all over the place.  Expect more weather changes and stories of people who seemed to be sane, going mad (joking), but true.  It's time to remember to take deep breaths when faced with people who are impatient or argumentative and to try not to be the one who "loses it".  Resolve to be the peace in the midst of the storm and to only speak when you are well meaning and thoughtful.
Ego clashes could dredge up old stuff and rage against the system is sure to take place. 


With Mercury, planet of the rational mind turning retrograde this week, the keyword is patience.  While it might seem that something is really urgent, and requires an answer right now, in most cases it's best to wait.  Stay focused, remember to take some deep belly breaths, meditate and let the storm pass over.  Our family drama started with my daughter passing into the next realm in April, then her daughter, my granddaughter jumping out of a window one month later, and then my three remaining daughters and I getting caught up in the bureaucratic craziness of child services in 3 states.  Try getting some clarity when you're speaking to social workers from 3 different states...hahahahaha!  At first we were told that kinship foster care was doable then someone higher up said "you must be kidding".  All we've been trying to do is to keep 4 little children out of foster care as they've been traumatized by the death of their grandmother, and witnessing their mother jump out a window.  They know us, they love us and we love them, so what's the problem?  Ummmm, gonna take my own advice and meditate and pray over the situation.  Our overall goal is to keep them safe from drug addicted parents who are fighting all the time and neglecting them.  Now the 5 year old (Shavon) is asking for noodles, her favorite food so I have to cook while trying to convince her that brocolli is good for you and tastes good too.  Thank you for your prayers and monetary was and still is needed.  I love you all, Love & Light, Ayesha

p.s. most of the advice given above was meant for me as I'm trying to practice what I teach)

Monday, May 20, 2013


This is the 3rd eclipse in a row...exciting isn't it?  The Full Moon Eclipse will be in Sagittarius on Saturday, May 25, 2013.  We (my girls and I) got caught up in the pre eclipse energy this weekend trying to decide who should rent the car we're taking for a road trip to Pittsburgh.  It started with emails, then texts, then emails again and telephone calls.  Why was it taking so long to make a decision? Why is it that one in our group didn't understand we were driving back on Monday? Why does one in our group need to know the make and year of the car that I had locked in for the rental?  Blah, Blah, Blah so much to say and little being settled.  I wanted everything to be a done deal so I could make my plans with lessons, whether to have my hair braided, and packing which is always a disliked activity.  What would the weather be...last time we took a roadtrip, I had to borrow a coat because the weather dropped tremendously. Tensions were building this morning with one in our group saying she just wasn't going because the others got on her nerves.  Geez!  I could also blame that on the Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius which seems to bring out egos and mess with clear communications.


Neptune is the planet that on the high side is ethereal and spiritual and on the other side can add to chaos and confusion and the need to escape from reality.  This Full Moon in Sagittarius Eclipse will be squaring (90 degree angle) Neptune in Pisces.  If not handled correctly the Neptune connection can cloud and disguise what's really going on, and create misunderstandings. But for sure the rational mind is on the back burner and we can imagine what's not being said.  Spiritual teachers tell us that our perceptions of one another are built on our core beliefs and our beliefs are built on past experiences.  Therefore this is a good time to think higher and feel deeper (heard that on OWN yesterday). This is good advice for any time. We need to raise our thinking to a higher level, think the best and then we need to invoke the love principal and love deeper, even when someone is getting on our last nerve (laughing).


A good way to get through the Neptune fog is by giving service to someone or some organization designed to help the less fortunate.  The reason for our trip to Pittsburgh is to help my granddaughter who is grieving for her mother (my daughter). So it's a mercy trip and it came at a time when all of us are short on money.  But the deeper feeling is we must go and wrap our arms around both of my deceased daughter's children.  Isn't that what families do?  They both need to know that we're here for them and that they are not alone in their grieving.  We need to do it for them and we need to do it for ourselves.  While we'd much rather stay at a 5 star hotel, common sense and finances tell us that we should stay with my granddaughter who was closer to my daughter.  She would see her and talk to her everyday.  She has four active children, one of them who cries all the time on a good day, so I'm taking my earplugs because I'm used to quiet and solitude.  But it's all good.  This is our opportunity to walk our talk, to get out of theory and into practicing what we say we believe. 


The Four Agreements tells us not to assume anything and not to take anything personal and that's good advice for always and for this coming week and weekend.
For one thing this Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius can drain energy.  So if you're feeling like your walking with lead weights on your feet, check your thinking.  Our thoughts are powerful so try not to go down that slippery slope when someone says something that pushes your buttons.  Let it pass, take a deep breath and when answering back, ask yourself if you desire peace or if you desire conflict?  The other thing is with emails and especially texts messages you can't know what mind the sender was in, so don't assume the worse.  The sender could just be blowing off steam or reacting to something that has nothing to do with you.  Let it go.  Decide to have a peaceful week and weekend where you can spread the joy and happiness we all have deep down inside, to everyone we come in contact with, including ourselves.


Venus, planet of love and creativity will be close to the Gemini Sun, along with Jupiter, planet of expansion and joy.  Love is the greatest power in the world. It's a great energy that gets stronger as you give it away.  With Venus prominent this week and weekend let love guide you to love unconditionally and to share good conversation with others.  With the weather acting up again, keep in mind that there are people who are suffering right now with housing, finances and some even death experiences.  Be thankful that you're not living in Oklahoma or Texas or in parts of the country that are dealing with violent weather.  I am so thankful for all the loving words, cards and love donations that have been sent to me and my family.  The Love is what's holding us up now.  Yes we're still devastated about the loss of our loved one, but knowing she's not suffering anymore is a help.  We also are so sure she's made contact with others in our family who are on the other side who are happy to see her.  This makes it easier in times when I want to scream and shout and say "why now?"  It's never the right time for a loved one to pass and sadly we're never ready when it happens.  But we're letting love lead the way and going to share love with others who are hurting.  Be Love, Share Love, and let Love & Light surround you.  I am thankful for the teachers who taught me about love.  I love you all, Ayesha

Monday, May 6, 2013


The Solar Eclipse in Taurus will happen on Thursday May 9,  2013.  This is the 2nd of 3 eclipses with the 1st one happening on April 25 (Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio) and the last one happening on May 25th (Full Moon Eclipse in Sagg).  So what does it mean when 3 eclipses come along in a short period of time?  That we have to be in the now moment, accept things as they happen and stop the monkey mind (rational mind) from tantalizing you with worst case scenario fears and dreads.  Like the street sage said as he was standing in front of the liquor store, bottle in hand and obviously too drunk to care "it's gonna be what it's gonna be yo". 


My son wrote a song once called "Life Isn't Easy"..."but we can take it as it comes". His band one a prize while performing this song in Central Park one year.  He over rode advice from other band members and music execs who were convinced they had to do a song that the audience was hearing on the radio because traditional wisdom said audiences are slow to connect to new songs.  But he was a stubbon Leo, it was his band, his song and his call.  Halfway through the song the young audience rushed the bandstand, yelling and cheering and it was clear to us that he made the right decision.  Sometimes we have to go with our intuition and deflect conventional wisdom. That is because nobody has all the right answers all the time. 


New Moons traditionally mean new starts and New Moon Eclipses (Solar Eclipse) means to go within for the energy to make a new start.  New Moon Eclipse in Taurus tells us that we must use our creative energy during this time.  Also since the South Node is in Taurus, it's a good time to release the past while planning for something new.  After all Taurus is the most stubborn and determined sign in the Zodiac and when that stubborn energy is fixed on positive things it  very powerful. 


A few months ago a Taurus friend of mind was found unconscious on the floor after having a stroke, an aneurysm and heart attack.  When I was able to reach him in the hospital he sounded weak and not his real self.  Actually other friends were projecting his death, full of fear and doom and gloom.  Just as I was about to end the phone call, I said to him "I have one word for you...Fight".  Thankfully he heard that. He was a Taurus and not about to give up without a fight.  He's not fully recovered yet, but day by day he makes some progress is in rehab and learning to walk again.  His end goal is to be able to walk up the stairs to his apartment.  He tapped into that Taurus energy and used it to his advantage and I'm proud of him. 


No matter what is going on in your life now, it's time to tap into the bullish energy of Taurus. For me it's holding on to the belief that one day I'm going to stop crying about my daughter's death and I'm going to feel all right again.  On the 9th I'm going to meditate and pray and "see" myself walking again with a spring in my step.  I have good days and days that are not so good.  I am so thankful for good friends who are supporting me now, with cards, calls and love donations.  The love that has surrounded me during this time is healing to my soul.  I'm also working on forgiving my son in law who in my mind made my daughter's life miserable.  I'm not there yet, but as I tap into the Taurus stubborn energy I know it's going to happen.  Holding on to resentment is not good for my body, mind or spirit.  I know better and I have to put into practice the things I've been taught and have taught to others.  It's all good. Love & Light, Ayesha

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


On Thursday April 25th, the first of three eclipses happens.  You might already be feeling the energy now, depending on how sensitive you are.  I'm been feeling like I'm walking around with lead shoes on. My body is tired and my mind is all over the place.
Some would say that because I'm grieving the loss of my daughter that this is to be expected.  Or astrologers would say the Full Moon in Scorpio is connecting to Saturn in Scorpio can be a real drag, regardless of any extenuating circumstances. 


Trying not to be doom and gloom or airy fairy, but this Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio is bound to increase whatever emotional state you find yourself can be very good or it could be very bad.  The good news is that we can make the decision to intensify the good and to minimalize the bad.  When I think about the energy between Sun in Taurus and Full Moon in Scorpio the whole money thing comes up for me.  Taurus is about personal money and Scorpio is about other people's money.  They are tied together by a 180 degree aspect and form an opposition.  How we spend our money (Taurus) affects how we pay it back, especially if we're using credit cards or buying things on timed payments.  If we're responsible in our spending then we don't have to worry about what we owe.  The opposition brings up awareness and the ability to rise above circumstances if we take responsibility for our actions.  When we spend on things we really don't need we reap the consequences of having to pay it back. 


Ancient astrologers and the natural people in the world used to do rituals during an eclipse. They tapped into the powerful energy, either through dance, drumming and singing to focus on what they wanted to happen, whether it was fertility rites or healing rites.  If money is an issue for you now, this is a golden time to use the eclipse energy to heal your bank account.  This is not the time to focus on the past, or to regret your spending habits, but it is a good time to put a powerful blessing on your money, that which you have and that which you owe.  Years ago we were taught to bless our bills and to physically hold them in our hands while saying "thank you" to the people who sent them.  These are the people who trusted us by giving service or extending credit.  We were also advised to write out the checks and to hold the physical check in our two hands and say thank you as we put it in the pay envelope. We might not  be able to put on the stamp and mail it, but the intention to do it was important.  We also were instructed to write ourselves a check in an amount that would make us feel joyful and free. We were told sign it "From God, or From the Universe", and to place it in our wallets. 


My teacher always told me that when money was scarce or bank account numbers were low, she would give some money away and let the law of circulation work for her.  She also made it a practice to not charge people who came to her for a reading on Wednesdays, which became her "working for God" day.  She never seemed to have a problem with money which gave her the freedom to travel to Hawaii and other long distances without struggle.  "you're releasing the money with the faith that the law of circulation will increase it and bring it back to you"


With Full Moon in Scorpio eclipse, there always seems to be something hidden. What you see on the surface is not what's going on underneath.  Keep your spidey senses high and don't judge things by appearances.  Especially when it comes to the news...need I say that again?  There might be news blasts or a bombardment of stories that boggle the mind, and if it doesn't make sense to you, you're probably right.  Common sense and a healthy bit of skepticism will keep you grounded until the real truth comes out.  Above all know that you are blessed and protected with the healing Light.  We'll be saying the Robe of Light Prayer for Protection all throughout this Scorpio Moon Eclipse. 


I clothe myself with a Robe of light,
composed of the love, power and wisdom
from God. Not only for my own protection,
but for all who see it and come in contact
with it will be drawn to God and healed!

Basically we're not in this life for ourselves alone, but we are here to serve the Higher Forces and to a help to other people as well as ourselves.  When stuff happens we always ask ourselves "what am I learning and how can I use it to help others?"  This past week with the passing of my daughter I realized that I was learning something while in the midst of all the chaos and confusion.  I was learning it's all right to cry, it's all right to feel vulnerable, it's all right to express my emotions, and it's all right to accept the love of strangers.  It's all right to let go and let God and/or the universe handle the details. It's all right to say "I don't have the answers".  Thanking everyone who shared love donations, cards and kind emails of support.  Love & Light, Ayesha

Sunday, April 7, 2013



The New Moon will be in Aries on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. Aries is the 1st sign in the Zodiac and the one that says "I Am".  It's a Cardinal Fire sign that is ruled by Mars, planet of action.  This particular New Moon connects with Mars, the action planet and Venus, planet of love which are both in Aries now.  This is a wonderful opportunity to tap into the energy to use it in positive ways. 


Since the New Moon makes the connection to Mars first (9:02am) focus on action, energy and movement.  This is a good time to move your body, exercise, go for a brisk walk, go to the gym and workout, take a swim, take the first steps towards achieving your stated goals. Make the phone call, write the letter, answer the email or draw up a plan for a new project.  Or simply write down your goals, the things you want to achieve in the coming months. 


According to my astrological calendar, Venus connects with the New Moon at 12:25pm on Wednesday and this is a good time to use your creativity, engage in a hobby, or get back to an old one.  Whatever it is that you love to do, do more of it. And if it's more love that you want in your life, write down the characteristics of your perfect mate, while imagining how it will feel when she or he is in your life.  If you've already found your perfect mate, this is a good time to call him or her and tell them how you feel, or write a love letter, or play your favorite love song while imagining that you're with them.  This is also a good time to do some self hugs. Hug yourself when you're in the shower, or look in the mirror and say "I am beautiful (or handsome), I am capable, I am loveable."  Loving yourself, unconditionally is the first step because before you can love anyone else, you must love yourself. 


All day Wednesday, and possibly the day before, be mindful of what you're saying in your self talk and in conversations with others.  The I Am Principle is at work so whatever words you choose to say after "I AM" is important.  For at least two days be sure to say positive life affirming words after "I Am".  So easy to get caught up in the negative, i.e. "I'm so tired, or I'm so angry, or I'm so afraid, or I'm so broke" Thoughts and words are magical things because they bring back to us whatever went out of our minds or our mouths. But you can choose to substitute the negative with the positive, i.e. "I am happy, I am full of energy, I am thankful , I am prosperous, I am Love."   


Use this powerful cosmic energy to start a new ritual. When you wake up in the morning, stretch before getting out of the bed and say out loud or to yourself "this is going to be a good day"..."I am happy, I am thankful and I am looking forward to this day".  David Ji, a practitioner at the Chopra Center gave us the RPM ritual...rise, pee, then meditate.  Been doing that for the past few years, instead of waiting until I had time to meditate.  That RPM went deeply into my subconscious mind and actually it works for me.  When I do the RPM, my day starts off good, and I deal with anything else with the positive meditative spirit that influences me to make the right decisions as I go about my day.  This is much better than waking up, thinking about my busy schedule, jumping in the shower while grumbling to myself "this is going to be a "b***tch of a day" (laughing).  I used to get up that way when I was younger and my self fulfilling prophecy about having a bad day often came true. 


With the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and *Uranus all in Aries now, it would seem that things are speeding up, because Mars ruled Aries craves action, but the action is always better when it's deliberate and not impulsive.  Since last week we've seen the results of negative Aries energy, so many car accidents, hit and runs, so many fires (at least up here in the mountains), so many threats of violence (North Korea), and so many arguments about gun control, gun violence, same sex marriage, etc. etc.  It would seem that what's going on in Washington has infected everyone, including Kim Jung IL who is flexing his military muscles right now.  It is a good idea to just slow it down. Refuse to get caught up in the frenzy, and calmly go about your day, especially while this New Moon in Aries, plus Mars/Venus in Aries is happening.  A good antidote for increased Aries energy is to deliberately slow you roll, and before your think or speak or take action consider how your actions will effect other people.  Evolved Aries people are courageous, stand up people and they realize that they are not alone in this world.    They've managed to move from selfishness to selflessness. March Aries people are getting direct contact from Uranus, planet of change and intuition. The changes that they've attracted in their lives are the direct result of actions taken in the not too distant past.  Uranus says "change is good, and change is all there is".
My teacher would say "without change there is only stagnation and death".  Enjoy your New Moon in Aries and use it in positive ways. 

* Uranus will be in Aries until 2018 and it's inspiring Aries people or people with planets in Aries to evolve and grow. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013



When the Sun is in Aries, the sign of "I Am" and opposite the Moon in Libra, the sign of "we are",  we experience the Full Moon in Libra.  Aries is the sign of war and Libra is the sign of peace.  Aries is the sign of the individual, while Libra is the sign of partnerships.  Aries and Libra are opposite each other in the natural Zodiac.  Aries and Libra are unlike each other, but they can co-exist, and we can learn from each one.  Once a year the Full Moon appears in Libra while the Sun appears in Aries.  We can learn from this opposition and channel the energy in positive ways.  When considering what to write about this Full Moon, the memory of an encounter I had with some teenagers came to mind.  Walking back home (In Queens), from a good swim workout (90 laps), I found myself in the midst of some young males who were talking about a plan to go to someone's house and "jack him up".  Usually people my age would avoid this group of teens and just cross the street to avoid them.  But I decided to walk through them because I consider that all children are my children.  These tough looking young guys could have been my sons or my grandsons.  As I was trying to pass them, I looked at the child who was obviously the leader of the group, gave him eye contact and said "you see the Moon up there?"  He stopped and looked up and I continued, "it's the Full Moon in Libra".  He had a curious look on his face as he asked, "what does it mean?"  I answered "it means you can choose to either make love or make war".  Now the whole group had stopped and they were surrounding me. I went on to explain "it happens every year when the Sun is in Aries, the sign of war and the Moon is in Libra the sign of peace".  The leader yelled "I'm an Aries, so what does that mean for me?"  I had to admit to him and the others that I heard their conversation about what they were planning. I told them if they carried out their plan they would suffer dire consequences,  especially now that the Moon was Full.  As I was talking,  a police cruiser drove by us and I pointed to it and said the police know these things and they expect more violence during a Full Moon."they'd be more than happy to accommodate the prison industrial system by arresting you and putting you in jail. One of them said "yeah I noticed there's more police action tonight".  So on the Full Moon in Libra I was able to share some wisdom with the young people, and the advice I gave them "make love not war" ( a slogan I learned in the 60's.) 


The benefits of being born in a human body is that we have choice in every matter. When the Full Moon comes along there are humans who choose to go off the deep end and allow their increased emotions to over ride making conscious decisions. Full Moon in Libra time is the time to choose to make all decisions with love in your heart. You can choose to be angry with someone or you can choose to treat the situation with love.  While doing a chart in Riker's Island Prison, for one of my students, who happened to be an Aries, I realized that the day he shot and killed a man in a dispute about money, the Full Moon was in Libra.  He explained to me that he had no intentions of commiting murder, but the man owed him money and when they met up in a bar, the man started "beef" (ghetto word for argument) with him and they went outside to "settle their differences".  Then someone threw him a gun because the other guy was getting the best of him in a fist fight.  "Ayesha I had to use it because I wouldn't be able to show my face in the hood again, if I didn't use it".  Hmmm, so the choice he made winded up killing someone and he was now facing a sentence of 25 years to life.  I told him that on that day the  Full Moon was in Libra and his emotions got the best of him.  I also found out that on that same day, his wife was in the hospital giving birth to their child. "why didn't you just go to the hospital to be with your wife?"  He told me his plan was to first stop for a drink and then head to the hospital, but he got diverted by this man who owed him money and who was (in his mind) being very disrespectful.   He also told me during our session that if he had known about astrology and the Full Moons, he might have made a different choice.  We'll never know. 


Back in the 80's I wrote an article for Essence Magazine called "Full Moon Madness".  The research for the article involved talking to doctors and nurses who worked in emergency rooms, emt's who serviced people who needed emergency treatment, police captains in local precincts, and doctors/nurses who worked in mental institutions.  the general consensus was that when the Full Moon was on the weekend, the incidents of accidents and homicides increased.  In fact in all cases, when they knew that a Full Moon was happening they would hire extra staff  to handle the increased activities.   Doctors in mental institutions said they always knew there was a Full Moon, because their patients would become unmanageable.  While my research wasn't exactly scientific, it was enough to encourage readers to be aware of Full Moons and to try to flow through the period without hurting themselves or others.  The Full Moon cycle lasts for two days before and one day after the event.  People who are already on the edge, or angry about something are advised to cool it, just look up and witness the beautiful Full Moon, and wait until after the Full Moon passes to make important decisions. 


I was born with the Moon in Libra and Libra Rising, so I'm really sensitive to this Full Moon.  Listening to many healers on line helps me to stay grounded in the truth of how important our emotions are to our physical health.  One healer commented that if you don't have buttons to push, you won't be impacted by someone pushing your buttons.  Sound a little redundant, but I get the drift.  This particular Full Moon, I've been witnessing my reactions to people who call me on the telephone, or who write me an email.  I'm aware that we're in the energy of the Full Moon, so I'm doing lots of breath work, and breathing deeply before I reply to something that I don't like.   Working on me, I'm eliminating unnecessary buttons and realizing that "if they knew better, they'd do better". (Isabel M. Hickey).  But, I'm making sure not to repress or stuff my feelings as I try to respond with kindness and love to people who act as if I'm on their payroll (laughing).  The beauty of the Full Moon in Libra, the sign of peace, harmony and beauty, is it's a good time to be the witness of my own thoughts and actions.  The particular Full Moon in Libra comes with 4 planets in Aries, including the Sun, in opposition to the Moon in Libra. The Aries energy is assertive, even agressive, and there is a potential to cut people off, or to "go there" in an attempt to win a potential argument.  But I'm reminded that it only takes a few seconds to think about my responses to people.  A few seconds to say to myself "do I desire peace and love or do I need to be the winner of this discussion?"  Alchemists tell us that when you make a conscious decision to choose the high road, you're in a position to turn lead into gold.  You can make a friend or make an enemy, and the choice is purely up to you.  Full Moon in Libra is a good time for romance or to attract a love in your life. You can set your intentions and call for your soul mate at this time, or just spend quality time writing down the characteristics of your Divine Right Mate.  Imagine how you will feel when that special someone is in your life.  Even though there are 4 planets in Aries, which influences us to think about self, or getting ahead, or making new starts, that beautiful Full Moon in Libra is saying "you don't live in this world alone, and cooperation is much better than competition".  This is also a very good time to do some mirror techniques, i.e. looking in the mirror and saying "I am beautiful, I am capable, I am loveable".  The fact is you can't love someone else if you're not loving yourself unconditionally.  Libra rules the kidneys in the physical body, so make sure you are drinking enough water. I just came back from a road trip and realized that I was hydrated, feeling lethargic and extremely tired.  The minute I started drinking more water my energy came back.  Tomorrow I'm going to swim and play and pray in the water and and I'm also going to sage out a friend's house to get rid of the negative energy... it's all good.  Enjoy the Full Moon in Libra and be good to you and/or others.  This week we have Passover and Easter...a good time to celebrate your life.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



The Vernal Equinox, first day of spring, starts when the Sun is at zero degrees of Aries, the first sign in the zodiac.  Years ago before the Gregorian Calendar the Vernal Equinox was considered to be the new year.  On the Vernal Equinox, the day is equal to the night and balance between our inner and outer worlds can be achieved.  


Sometimes our bodies tell us it's time to do a cleansing.  I realized that a cleansing for me was necessary when I woke up angry and thinking about the most recent police killing in NYC.  The spirits of the people who had been recently killed by police came to mind.  When will this ever end?  What is it that we're supposed to do about this?  When will the people be moved to act and make the changes that will prevent these tragedies?  Edmond Perry, Michael Stewart, Amadou Diallo, Ramarley Graham, Sean Bell, and now Kimani (Kiki) Gray, all ruthlessly gunned down by police, with the usual excuses "we thought he had a gun" or "he had a gun".  Whatever, they're really not going to take responsibility, especially when the mayor and police chief say their actions were justified.  Thank God I'm doing my regular spiritual practice, meditation and prayer and thank God for Agape and the spiritually uplifting music and message that lets me know things are changing.  I resolved not to allow present circumstances and anger take over my mind, body and spirit. 


Even though I don't personally know the families or people who've been slaughtered by police, what I know for sure is that we're all connected.  One mother's pain and sorrow is my pain and sorrow.  Kimani Gray could have been my grandchild and it could have been my family planning for a funeral.  I pray for his family and I pray for his soul, and as we were taught (pray for your enemies), I also pray for the police who ruthlessly murdered him.  The "justice" system may forgive them, but in their hearts they know the Truth.  They may have concocted a good story for the press "he was pointing a gun at me", but the Truth is that which is really so as eye witnesses say he didn't have a gun.  Forensics reports say he was shot at least 4 times in the back so how are you fearing someone who has his back turned?" 


Talking to a good friend who happens to be a member of the nypd, helped me to keep my perspective on the murder of Kimani Gray.  How is it that psychotic police feel free to come into our neighborhoods and kill our children?  Bottom line, (for me) is there's not enough love. When we witness kids with guns, killing innocent children and we don't stand up and do something to stop it, when people are afraid to come out of their houses in fear of being shot by one of their teenaged neighbors, when police come to our neighborhood and kill one of our neighbors children and we seem to be immune to it...we're suffering from a lack of love for ourselves and for others.  Collectively we've been dumbed down to act like robots.  If we have a job, we have to get back to work.  We have to continue our daily routine for fear of losing the job.  We'd rather watch the happenings on the news than to get up and join a demonstration.  Sadly, we think that there is nothing we can do individually or collectively to stop the carnage, whether its perpetuated by gangs or carried out by police.  We won't get involved unless the next victim is our relative.  And even at that the involvement is to set up a temporary altar on the street, with candles and pictures of the deceased. 


When we have love in our hearts there's no room for fear.  When we have love in our hearts we won't have to think for a minute about our own well being.  The people who are speaking truth to power are fearless of the consequences.  They do what they do because of the love for their people.  Harriet Tubman was motivated by love and told the abolitionists who were supporting her that she wasn't going to stop even though there was a bounty on her head.  First she freed herself, then she went back and freed her family and then kept going back to free many others.  "I had reasoned in my heart that I had a right to be free or be dead..."  "when it's my time God will take me".  She lived well into her 80's and died in her bed, in her own house. 


This is a good time to cleanse, fast and renew your spirit.  It is the cosmic New Year. Mars is in Aries, inspiring all of us to make some changes, while Mercury is still plodding along in Pisces, causing some confusion or procrastination, and Venus is moving into Aries on the 21st,  telling us to put love first or to participate in loving actions (Mars) on a daily basis.  What I do know is that we need to stay grounded in the Truth, if you eat that cookie instead of the salad your body will not be nourished.  It might be a temporary "feel good" thing, but in Truth your body needs those leafy greens.  We decided to live at this time and we have everything we need to live a happy, prosperous, healthy and productive life.  Please send out healing prayers to the family of Kimani Gray.  Hopefully in the not too distant future we'll collectively say "enough is enough" and guarantee through our actions that this kind of tragedy will be a thing of the past.  Happy New Year, Happy New You!

Sunday, March 17, 2013



Well yes, Mercury turns direct on Sunday, March 17, 2013 and we're expecting that whatever was stalled, blocked or delayed could suddenly move forward.  However, Mercury  traveled backwards from 19 degrees to 5 degrees and we'll probably feel relief when it gets back to 19 degrees and beyond.  Therefore on April 5th when Mercury moves to 20 degrees of Pisces  we'll be feeling much better, telephone calls will be returned, emails answered and for some, the sincere prayer will manifest.  This might sound too technical and complicated, so let's put it like this...stay in prayer, keep up meditation and look for the Light at the end of the tunnel. 


Let's face it, what we've been doing all along is building spiritual muscles, increasing our faith and focusing on doing our spiritual practices on a daily basis.  Thankfully, Deepak and Oprah started a 21 day meditation cycle on the New Moon in Pisces (did they do it on purpose?), which focuses on health and well being.  And many of us are right there with them, tuning in everyday from our computer. 


Once you've made a decision to do something on a regular basis, and you do that thing for 21 days, you've created a habit.  Then if you do it for more than 21 days it becomes an easy thing to do.  If it's meditation or prayer, or just the decision to think positive thoughts all day, then it becomes a life affirming activity that will benefit your body, mind and spirit.  While there are many things in life that we don't have control over, we can control our attitudes  and train our rational minds to think good things.  During  Mercury Retrograde periods we can decide to get back to basics and  retrain our minds to attract what we want.  We can also decide to refrain from kneejerk reactions to situations that seem to be out of our control.  One of the most powerful things I've learned from spiritual teachers was to stay in the present moment.  Even though as an astrologer, I'm always looking ahead (smile), I've learned that our future is created one day at a time.  Even having the knowledge about retrogrades, new and full moons, I've learned that what we're thinking and projecting in the now moment will determine whether the future will be a positive or negative experience.  I've also learned that keeping a joyful attitude and giving thanks for what I have now, can set me up to attract more good in my life. 


From what I heard via email and telephone, this Mercury Retrograde period wasn't easy.  Stuff happened and some of it was challenging to deal with.  I talked to many people who were in crisis, on overwhelm and wondering "is there something happening in the stars?"  Ummm, well yes it was.  I found myself calling on my spiritual guides to help me try to get this person centered, and all the while stuff was happening with me and my family.  Some days all I could do was remember what my teachers and grandmother taught me "this too shall pass".  I also kept telling people that the only constant in this universe was change.  Had to follow my own advice last week when I received a mysterious letter from my Scorpio landlord..."sorry but I'm going to have to sell" and "I'll let you know the move out day".  Huh! What!  That was on the same day that my niece woke me up with the news that my sister was back in the hospital. This time with edema and a blood clot.  On top of that, one of my daughters texted me asking for prayers for her good friend who lost her baby, had 3 transfusions and was still hemmoraging profusely.  She had been up all night in the hospital trying to comfort her friend and her son (my grandson) had a stomach virus that seemed out of control.  We went into prayer mode and I put the shocking news about having to move on the back burner.  I also heard from several caregivers that they were on overwhelm and ready to give up on loved ones who were uncooperative and ungrateful, etc. etc. 


YES, YES, YES!  Tuned into Agape and Rev. Cheryl Ward was saying Yes, Yes, Yes! She reminded us to stay in "yes" mode, even when other stuff was happening in our lives.  Because in actuality, there is Light at the end of the tunnel.  We seemed to collectively go through a dark space, but it's not over till it's over.  Had an alcoholic cousin who used to say that when I was a child.  With a ciggarette in one hand and a bottle in the other hand he'd share his life's philosophy in an assertive (drunken) way.


of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me...".  Funny how the things we learned as children seem to be in our minds as adults.  We used to say the 23rd Psalm at Sunday Prayer and recite it and the Lord's Prayer, every Sunday without fail.  It didn't mean much to me back then, but now when stuff happens sometimes pieces of it come up in my mind.  We'd say it together, (about ten of us), first thing every Sunday morning.Then we'd eat breakfast.  You could smell the sausage and bacon wafting from the kitchen and I was always wishing for prayer time to end, so we could eat food that we now know wasn't that good for our health (smile). Long before I grew up and learned the Robe of Light prayer,   I would always visualize Light at the end of the "shadow of death". I would also "see" a figure dressed in white following along with me through that valley, and the images are still with me today.  


No matter where you are, no matter what is happening in your life right now...the truth is there are other people in this world who have experienced the same things and sometimes even worse things.  The truth is we are not alone.  We can take a look at the cosmic clock to see what time it is and take advantage of that information, and we can decide to live our best lives, love one another, and love ourselves unconditionally. . . no matter what.  Therefore when "stuff" happens in our lives,we can reach out to someone who can inspire us to lift our consciousness to a Higher level.  Mercury will be direct on the 17th and travel over the same territory it backed over when it was retrograde.  You might have changed your mind about something and then decided to change it again...and it's all good.  We're all in this life together, we are not alone and it is all good.  Hopefully you've decided to get serious about your spiritual practices and beliefs, which will support you during this time.  There are angels and guides everywhere and some of them are in human form.  Mercury will go retrograde again in June and again in October.  It is all good and it is all God.  We're in the last days of winter and quickly moving towards spring (on the 20th).  Keep the Light around you and "see" light at the end of the tunnel, or valley. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

New Moon in Pisces/Mars in Aries

Here we go again, two events one day apart. Firstly the Sun and Moon will be in Pisces on Monday, March 11th and then Mars the action planet will move into Aries on Tuesday, March 12th.  Talk about pray then act, well that's what the cosmic clock is telling us. 


Somewhere in the  Bible it tells us to pray without ceasing and that's a good activity for the New Moon in Pisces, the sign that says "I Believe". The New Moon will be connecting with Venus, planet of love and beauty and it's a good day to focus on creativity, beauty, and love.  Writing down your intention for the coming months is also a good idea.  If you don't know what you want, then you'll accept anything.(smile).  But love is in the air and for those of you who are looking for your soul mate, be sure to be specific about the qualities you need in a mate.  It's also a good idea to forgive any past relationships that come up in your mind as hurts and disappointments.  As my grandmother used to say "it takes two to start an argument" take responsibility for what happened, and forgive yourself for allowing this person to get close enough to you to cause you pain.  Sound cynical? Well, kinda sorta, but years of listening to people who are always shaming and blaming the other person, I do have to cut them off and ask them why they let this person get so close to him or her, especially if they were "no good".  However even if things are good in your life now it's always a good time to pray and give thanks for your blessings.  Venus rules two signs, i.e. Taurus the money sign and Libra the sign of relationships.  If money is your focus now and you need more of it, grab on to the principle of giving and receiving and give some away.  We should share what we have with others no matter what.  However if your focus is on accumulating more prosperity and abundance, no matter what your bank account says, try giving some away.  What you send out on the New Moon will come back to you ten fold.  New Moons are seed planting times.  Plant seeds of joy, laughter, love and abundance and witness how it makes you feel and how it helps others to feel good too.  Now if giving away money is too far a stretch for you, then give away some time. Volunteer to help someone in need and that could be just babysitting someone else's children on the weekend, or going to the store for an elderly shut in, or volunteering for a group or organization designed to help those in need.  Check your belief systems, are you living them or just preaching them to others? And when you pray, pray believing that your prayers will be answered.  On another note, our prayers are always answered and sometimes the answer is "no".  We might think we know what we need, but the Most High knows better than we do.  We always end our prayers with "this or something better", which give spirit the opening to give us something better.  So use this powerful New Moon in Pisces to lift your consciousness above the daily routine so you can "see" from a higher perspective.  Praying for others is also a good idea because what we pray for others we pray for ourselves.  I believe (Pisces keyword) that my health has been good because I have a long prayer list and I'm always praying for someone else's health.  I was set up to do this by my teacher, Ms. Isabel M. Hickey who was not only a good astrologer, but a facillitator of healing meditation groups.  Isabel taught us to keep a prayer book where we write down the names of the people we were praying for.  Then when the prayer came true, she told us to go back and write it down in the book.  It's like an "evidence book" that can increase your faith in miracles.  I love looking back into my prayer book to witness the many miraculous healings that took place.  The Pisces New Moon is inspiring us to look beyond the veil and to believe in the unseen.  It's all good.


Mars the action planet is ruled by Aries, and surely when it revisits Aries it's time for action.  Mars will be in Aries from March 12 until April 20, 2013.  When Mars was in Pisces it was time to pray and to work on the inner levels, now that it's moving into Aries, it's time to put feet on your prayers and to take the first steps towards achieving your goals.  One negative side effect of Mars in Aries is that it seems to make people want to move faster, drive faster and push against the grain.  Last time Mars was in Aries I noticed lots of car crashes or situations where speed was the culprit for accidents.  Mars also rules guns and surely the gun debate is heating up, with people arguing either for or against gun regulations.  So Mars in Aries is a time to stay out of arguments, to "never worry, never hurry" and move about your daily activities in a peaceful and calm way.  The good side effect of Mars in Aries is that we have the energy to start that new project or business and to push back negative self talk or thoughts that limit us.  It's also a good time to practice humility and to let go of the ego.  It's not a good time to be impulsive or to rush to judgement, especially since Mercury is still in retrograde (until the 17th).  So move and move with caution. Even though the "force is with you", you still need to watch before crossing the street.  Mars in Aries is a good time for action, but righteous good action.  Make sure that you get enough rest and hydrate regularly.  (as I take a sip from my water bottle).  Stay in the Light and send that Light out to others. If you should find anger coming up inside, ask yourself "what am I afraid of?"  Behind anger is fear.  I've taught these spiritual truths to my children and one day when I was in the midst of yelling at one of them she stood there and said "Mom what are you afraid of?"  I wanted to smack her down but since I didn't believe in hitting my children, I took a deep breath and contemplated her question.  I had to admit that lately since she always seemed to ignore my requests for help around the house (demands) I was afraid that one day she would be running the show.  I was afraid that she would grow up to be a terrible housekeeper.  My rational mind wanted to run away with the worst case scenarios.  I calmed down and told her that I expected her to wash the dishes before I came home from work and that I needed those clean dishes before I could cook and then reminded her that right now, I was the boss and she had to do what I told her.  She might have a different version, but the intention here is to demonstrate how you can cool out a situation without going to jail for a homicide (laughing). Don't let anyone or anything push your buttons and if you're working on yourself and trying to evolve and grow there won't be that many buttons to push.  It is my hope and prayer that all of you use this Mars in Aries energy for your benefit and the benefit of others.  It's all energy, and it's up to you how you choose to use it.  Use it to clear out what's no longer needed, or wanted. Like those negative thoughts that are not serving you, or that broken down (whatever) that needs to be thrown in the garbage.  We are taught that our limiting self talk is what keeps us from manifesting our prayers and goals.  Release them, let them go and replace them with self affirming thoughts like: "I am an unique individual expression of the Creator", or "I am the rich child of a rich father", or (my favorite) "everyday and every way my life is getting better and better"  and so it is!