Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Full Moon in Aquarius - August 1, 2012

The Full Moon is in Aquarius today, the first day of August.  It seems that time is flying by and this Full Moon seemed to slip up on me.  So many things to do, so many good things to listen to and I find I'm on the internet for hours at a time.  This Full Moon is about friendships, and relation ships to groups.  As we are spiritual beings having human experiences it's important that the people we choose to have in our lives are supportive and reflect our value systems.  I just spoke to a friend who is angry because he feels his "friends" have let him down during his time of need.  What's important to keep in mind is that we chose our friends and opened the door to allow them to get closer to us.  This is not the time to make snap decisions on whether or not someone we thought was a friend, is not fulfilling our expectations. 

However this is the time, over the next few days to take a review of our friendships and to be honest with ourselves if we keep repeating the same patterns.  Mercury is still retrograde until August 8th, so reviewing,
observing and renewing, is the way to go.  How can we review our past while staying in the present?  Easy, just take a few minutes out of your busy day and meditate.  Check in your body and mind where you feel uptight or tense.  If you've created stress over a friendship that will come up for you during your meditation. If it does, then its time to be honest and accept your part in the whole thing.  Then it's a good idea to forgive yourself and others for what happened.  Be totally clear, are you angry?  If so, ask yourself why?  Do you want to continue with a friendship that is not supportive?  Are you treating others the way you want to be treated?  Although the Full Moon is today, the energy will last for another day (Aug. 2, 2012), plenty of time to write the letter, make the phone call and straighten out a misunderstanding.  Or to decide that you and a perceived friend are walking different paths, that the friendship was good for a time, but now's the time to move on.  You can make these decisions without getting angry or pointing the accusing finger. 

Regardless of what's happening in your life now, Full Moon and all, decide to stay in a consciousness of love. If you're ending a relationship or friendship, wish the other person love and see them leaving your life surrounded by healing Light.  In other words don't wish bad on the people you feel have let you down. Wish for others, friends or enemies, love, Light, good health, and increased prosperity.  "I wish for you what I wish for myself", should be the mindset.  If you make a conscious effort to stay in a consciousness of love, you'll be opening the door for more love to come into your life.  Love is a powerful attracting force that grows as we give it away.  And love is the reason why we decided to reincarnate in this lifetime.  The thing that we came back to learn in this new body is to love unconditionally, and to add more love to the world.
With the Full Moon in Aquarius, the fixed air sign that says "I  know", we can tap into the energy and learn how to love in a detached way.  Just love for the sake of loving and place no expectations on the person or thing you love.  Agape love is the love that encompasses all things, it's the love the Masters talk about when they tell us to let go and let God, or to love our enemies, it's love for the sake of love. It's the love that a healer has when they help others to come back to health. It's the love that a new mother has for her newborn child.  It's unconditional and comes without expectations or attempts to control circumstances. So bask in this Agape love and connect to each person in your life in a loving way, even your boss, your co-worker or that driver who cut you off (smile).  We can't live in this world alone, so the people we choose to live with, spend time with, talk to on the internet or the phone are important to our peace of mind and the peace in the world.  If we all developed Agape love, there would be no wars, no mass killings...only peace and Light.  Being love, giving love, is a greater protection than owning an assault weapon.  People who put their faith in an instrument designed to kill, may develop an altered state of consciousness that tells them they are all powerful.  But when they awaken from the dream they will realize that their greatest protection comes when they develop an attitude of love for everyone.  Love is powerful, love is free, love heals the body, the mind and the soul.  Love is patient, love is kind, love is devoid of ego.  Embrace it, believe it, and be it.
Note: there are two Full Moons in August one on the 31st...enjoy!

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