Friday, August 3, 2012

Gabby Douglas - Wins Gold!

If you don't know who Gabby Douglas is, then you haven't been watching the Olympics or looking at the news.  In short Gabby Douglas is the 1st African American Woman (child) to win Gold in the All Around event in gymnastics.  Meaning for now, she's the best gymnast in the world.  We looked at Gabby's Solar Chart to see if we could have predicted that she would rise up and take Gold in the Olympics, in a sport that has traditionally been all white. 


On the day that Gabby was born ( 21/31/95) there were 5 planets in the sign of Capricorn, the sign of the achiever whose always climbing to the top.  The symbol for Capricorn is the Mountain Goat climbing up the mountain. The mountain represents "the top".  Capricorn's keywords are "I Use", the spiritual meaning of that phrase is to use one's gifts and talents to the best of one's ability.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, planet of discipline and hard work.  We've noticed in interviews of this 15 year old, that she uses Saturn words to describe her success.  She is a wise young woman who probably came here with the wisdom of an older person.  If you believe in reincarnation you'd say she's done this before in previous lifetimes.  Gabby made the comment "if you work through the hard times then it becomes easier".  Yes, but how old are you?  Like a truly evolved Capricorn Gabby was able to keep her focus and put her years of hard work into practice at just the right time.  She has the Sun/Mars/Neptune/Mercury and Uranus in Capricorn.  The Sun/Mars combo gives her the drive, ambition and courage to accomplish her goals.  The Mercury/Neptune combo gives her a heightened imagination and ability to "see" herself as a champion.  She mentions that she's always dreamed of getting the gold.  Uranus is also next to Mercury and this gives her intuition and the inspiration to break through the mediocrity of the status quo. 

Gabby's Moon (mother/sister) is in Taurus the fixed earth sign that gives her a stubborn disposition and a focus that helped her block out what was going on around her.  When she said that she knew she had won before her final scores were posted "I got this", it was Taurus Moon that helped to stabilize her and to "stick" her landings.  This Taurus Moon will also help her to elevate her financial status and to make life more comfortable for her mother and siblings.  Gabby's sister played a role in her success, when she convinced their mother to put Gabby into gymnastics training.  The Mother (Moon in Taurus) is a hardworking woman who sacrificed, sometimes working two jobs to pay for Gabby's lessons.  Her Moon in Taurus is trine (favorable aspect) her Jupiter in late degrees of Sagittarius.  Many blessings came her way through the females in her life, her mother, her sister, and her host family mother who provided her with a roof over her head, plus love and support. 

Venus, planet of love and beauty is in Aquarius, the sign for all people. We think that it was Gabby's ability to connect to people, her beautiful smile, her outgoing personality that helped her to accomplish her goals.She was able to adjust to moving away from home and living with a family of a different race and culture in order to train for the Olympics.  She said she was homesick and missed her family, her siblings and even her dog, but she stuck it out, managed the pain and kept focused on her goal.  

The square (90 degree angle) between Venus in Aquarius and Moon in Taurus is worth looking at.  Surely, Gabby has developed friendships with people from all walks of life with her Venus in Aquarius, but the square indicates there could be problems in determining who to trust.  There's also a tendency to focus more on goals than on superficial things like fashion and beauty.  While many bloggers spoke about Gabby's failed attempt to pull her hair into a pony tail, her focus was on winning the gold.  Hopefully she won't read the negative remarks on facebook or other social venues about the weird way her hair looked, too much hair grease? too many hair pins, and what was the piece of hair hanging out of the attempted pony tail?  Black people know the deal about hair with little Black girls.  Most have opted to perm it, while others opt for cornbraids to keep it neat in the summer.  While living away from her biological family, her host mother probably didn't have a clue as to how to handle her hair.  In my mind, in the best world, we would teach our little girls to love who they are, their bodies and their hair.  We'd teach them that Black hair grows in coils, is not naturally shiny, and works better when it's in it's natural state.  Hair is one of the reasons why Black women don't swim, as chlorine and perm chemicals do damage to it.  When I started swimming laps my locked hair wasn't a problem.  Black hair swells when wet, white hair collapses when wet.  I don't think that Gabby, with Venus square Moon, gave much thought to the state of her hair do, and maybe we should give her a break and look past it while focusing on her magnificent achievements in gymnastics.  Keep in mind that she's only 15 years old.  Keep in mind that the adults around her might not have the consciousness that says "natural hair is beautiful too". 

I don't think we've see the last of Gabby (Gabrielle) Douglas, so look for her in the next olympics, probably with a new hair do (weave or perm) but with an added confidence in her abilities than ever before. Go Gabby Go!  Regardless of whether she decides to go for a repeat next time, this little girl is going to be successful in whatever area she decides to get involved with.  Maybe she'll start her own company, or decide to coach.  Her future looks golden as transiting Pluto in Capricorn is going to slowly move over all her 5 planets in Capricorn.  And it's all good.  I'd like to thank her mother and sister for supporting her and
encouraging her to believe in herself.  Her "can do" attitude will impress all who see her, especially other little girls who see her and think "maybe I could do that too".  When we do good, we influence others to do good as well.  

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