Wednesday, June 4, 2014


BELOVEDS...wish I had more information, but I'm using the computer at the public library...why, cause mine died two weeks ago.  This has been a grand adventure as it seems that everything I'm familiar with has  gone away.


Blaming and shaming are great when you just don't have the energy to do an internal let's blame all this stuff on Saturn in Scorpio, squaring my Sun/Mars/Pluto in Leo and opposing my Saturn/Jupiter/Uranus in Taurus.  Since Saturn, the Cosmic Creeper (smile) has been in Scorpio I've lost everything that was near and dear to daughter, my apartment, my books, my personal space, and almost my sanity (laughing). It's gotten so crazy that I'm never surprised when something new pops up, like stolen jewelry, missing clothes, but in the end I'm going to sound like those old folks I used to know and say "well at least I have my health".


Sorry I forgot my astrological calendar, so I'm not sure when it ends, but the Mercury Retrograde definitely starts on Saturday, June 7th, and it feels like it's already in process (for me). Since the usual cycle is about 3 weeks we'll figure that Saturn will go direct around the 20th or 21st.  The way my life is going or shifting it really doesn't matter to me as I'm taking it one day at a time, or one hour at a time. Mercury Retrograde is the time to get paperwork in order, to straighten out communications with others, do necessary repairs and to re-think decisions made in the past.  This cycle can also help us to make connections with people we haven't spoken to in a while.  


Mercury represents the conscious mind, how we think, how we speak, how we write.  When it slows down it's orbit we need to slow down also, and think before we speak and most certainly before we put anything in writing (hahahahaha). So I'm writing this blog on the upcoming Mercury Retrograde period on a wacky computer in a public library in the Poconos.   Time is running out and I'm not so sure that I'll be able to get more time, so please excuse all mistakes, in spelling and grammar and give me a pass for making the effort to stay current with this blog (yay for me). That was my ego talking (laughing again and they're getting ready to put me out of here).  


The French Open has shown early signs of Retrograde Mercury, with all of the top players going down in the beginning (Venus & Serena). Usually when there's a competition or sports event that takes place during Mercury Retrograde, it seems the underdog wins.  While we all seem to be focused on the usual winners, out of the blue comes a player or a team that suddenly rises to the top.  I just say "may the best man and woman win" and detach from the outcome.  I used to get so sad when Serena would lose a match, then I started thinking about my bank account and her bank account and reality set in.  She may not be in the finals of the  French Open, but she doesn't have to worry about being able to afford a new computer, a new car, or paying the electric bill, the water bill, the rent (sorry for the digression but I think you get my point.  When Serena loses she can afford to get a nice massage, go to a fancy restaurant, buy a new dress and plan to win again next month. 

Seems all these sports events are happening at one time. Haven't had the time to keep up with the basketball contests, but just assume the Miami Heat is out front??? Don't watch Hockey, but did hear that there was a team that hasn't won for a  long time in contention...that's pre Mercury Retrograde energy happening. Again, keeping everything in perspective they're all millionaires. While money isn't everything, it sure can pave the way to some happy times. The religionists warn us not to put money before God and they tell us to be sure to give some away.  My teacher always said "seek ye first the kingdom and all else will follow".  What I know is money provides freedom that you don't have when you're broke.  Could have said it more elegantly but there's a strange woman looking at me...geez!  Not sure what's up with that, but I'm going to close now and hopefully get the chance to blog again.  Love & Light, Ayesha