Thursday, March 6, 2014



 Mars the action planet is going backwards in Libra, the sign of relationships, love and creativity. This is a good time to reconnect with loved ones and/or talents that haven't been used in a while. Know that love is an action word, and the Mars energy is influencing us to take the necessary actions to attract more love and to actively engage the gifts and talents we were born with.  When we're doing the thing we love to do we are in a state of joy. We all have something we love to do where time is not a thought. We do it because we love it and sometimes we don't even think about the time while doing it. The same holds true when we're with someone we love, be it a child or an adult. This is because love is about doing, it is an action word. 


So much has been written on the subject of forgiving and you don't have to be religious or extremely holy in order to forgive. The first person what we need to forgive is ourselves for mistakes made in the past.  We have to love ourselves unconditionally before we can love anyone else.  Meta-physicians tell us that resentment for anyone is like drinking poison and expecting someone to die.  Louise Hay who wrote "You Can Heal Your Life", says that resentment is the cause of cancer in the physical body.  When we let go of the need to make someone wrong while making ourselves right, it becomes much easier to love everyone regardless of who they might be.


Love is what you do, not necessarily what you say. Doing little random acts of kindness on an everyday basis, can increase the love in your life. The Law of Attraction tells us that what we send out will return.  An act of love, opening a door for someone, smiling at a stranger, letting another driver in, gifting a homeless person with some cash, making a love donation to a charitable cause, etc. etc. will increase the loving feelings in you as well as the recipient of your kindness. Brain Scientists tell us that a dose of serotonin is released in the brain of the giver and the receiver, as well as anyone who might witness the action.  Be love if  you want to attract a loving relationship in your life, or if you want an existing relationship to improve.  


While Mars is retrograde we have a powerful opportunity to reset, regroup and renew. This is especially true for people who are struggling with finances, or a health condition or a love relationship. This is a good time to increase your determination to live a happy and fulfilled life and to take an honest look at decisions made in the past.  We are the sum total of decisions made or not made in the not too distant past.  As we all have free will and choice in every matter, we can decide now to change our lives for the better.  We can increase the love in our love bank account by consistently being loving, patient and kind.  Someone sent me a hurtful email today. Instead of reacting out of fear, I assumed that the email wasn't intended to be hurtful...but then again, if it was I still sent the sender bunches of love & Light...which made me feel better, lighter and happier.

I'd like to thank Angelique, my cyber angel for helping me to get back on the blog. without her expertise and patience (I'm slow to catch on to this technology), I'd still be sending email bulletins.
Love & Light, to everyone 


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