Thursday, March 20, 2014


My calendar says that the Sun goes into Aries at 12:57pm (edt) today...Thursday, March 20, 2014. But when I woke up this morning, it was still cold (28degrees) gray and cloudy.  After spending too much time reasoning with a 5 year old that even though the calendar says "Spring" the weather outside says she has to layer up and wear the corduroys and long sleeve shirt, plus hat and winter jacket, I grumbled to myself "so where is spring?" It seems we've had and are still having the winter that doesn't want to go away. 


On the way to the school bus, I raised my fist in the air and yelled "you forgot to turn on the heat!" This stupid gesture made me and the 5 year old burst out in laughter.  Then in my head I started remembering what signs the planets were in as I tried to figure out "the winter that won't go away" from a cosmic astrological perspective.  Hmmm, Neptune's in Pisces, that would explain the precipitation, snow and rain. Pluto is in Capricorn, that would explain the cold hearted politicians who don't give a fig for the little guy. Uranus in Aries, that would explain why we all need to break free of restrictions, mainly the weather, and then Saturn in Scorpio...the fixed water sign that doesn't like change.  OK, then, lets just blame it on Saturn.  Maybe it is Saturn in Scorpio that has given us the coldest and longest winter in years. Maybe it was Saturn squaring my 3 planets in Leo and opposing 3 planets in Taurus, that took away my daughter, or caused my landlord to sell her house, or created a situation where I had to give away so much stuff, to live in a smaller house.  Lately when people who have fixed signs in their charts (Leos, Aquarians, Taureans and Scorpions) call to ask for advice and they seem to be stuck in situations, I just blame it on the Saturn transit.  There have been all kinds of dramas going on with fixed sign people, death, illness, financial reversals, divorce, etc. etc.  The connecting core with all of them is the feeling of being stuck.  Well it seems that Saturn is slow moving, taking two and a half years to transit a sign.  It  went into Scorpio in October of 2012. It will temporarily move into Sagittarius in December 2014, but will move back into Scorpio from June to September 2015.  


We were taught that resisting Saturn is a useless waste of energy. Spiritual advisers have told me that actually Saturn is an angel in disguise, here to teach us our lessons so we can grow stronger in our spiritual resolve.  Sounds pretty airy fairy? How do you deal with the reversals and restrictions that come with Saturn, with a smile on your face?  The first step is to deal with reality (a Saturn word). Don't try to side step it, or pretend it's not there, but observe it, witness it and then pray for a solution.  Patience is key when dealing with Saturn cause you can't rush the process.  With my own situation I've had to dig in my heels and resolve to get through this cycle. Some days I'm on a roll and other days I just wish it would end. On one of those days when I thought I couldn't take it any more, the weather, the endless list of things to do, car acting up, 5 year old acting up, I sat in a meditation pose on my couch and said "there must be a solution". Then suddenly I remembered that Isabel Hickey once told me that Jupiter was the antidote for Saturn.  Jupiter and Saturn are opposite expressions of the same pole, so to speak. Jupiter is expansion, Saturn is restriction, Jupiter is joy and gratitude, Saturn is depression and sadness.  Jupiter is light and playful, while Saturn is heavy and hard working.  Too much Jupiter is as bad as too much Saturn.  Jupiter is playing at  the edge, while Saturn is afraid to go near the edge. 


Sorry for being redundant, but the answer is to find a balance between Jupiter and Saturn. If you're feeling stuck, get up and move your body, or think about something that makes you happy.
We have the power to change our attitudes and our minds, our thoughts and our speech. If you say a positive affirmation enough times the subconscious mind will believe it. One of my favorites these days has been "this too shall pass, it always does it always will".  Nothing stays the same and with a little will power we can shift the negative energy easily by saying what we want to be true.  Even if right now you're not feeling happy, you can change that by listening to some upbeat music and moving the body.  Thanks to Pharrell Williams, we now have videos of his song "Happy" that we can access via Or if popular music is not your thing there are plenty of opportunities to hear spiritual music on Agape International.Com, thanks to Ricki Byers Beckwith. Right now I'm in love with her chant for people who are grieving. "Oh ee I A, ee i ee oh Yaa", The spirit of God is all that I am now".  This song brings me up out of the depression of losing my daughter...."Don't worry bout me, cause I will be all right...this body of mine has moved into the Light". And it is gonna be all right.  Trust me.


Spring is one of my favorite seasons and even though the weather isn't reflecting it, I still heard song birds this morning chirping loudly.  It seems they know something that I don't know.  They seem to "get it" that sooner or later, the cold weather is going to morph into warmer and brighter days.  It's all good, it is all right, in this year of the horse we're all moving quickly towards our intended goals.  (whether we know it or not). Make your intention to do better, to help someone along the way, to live life to the fullest, to laugh more, dance a get my drift?  Welcome Spring, a wonderful time of the year.  

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