Wednesday, December 31, 2014



2015 Starts off with the Moon in Taurus, the fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus, planet of love, creativity and money.  Taurus says "I Have" and it rules the 2nd House of Money in the astrological chart.  Taurus can be fixed and stubborn and stuck in the status quo belief system.  Enlightened Taureans are highly creative, have pleasant speaking and singing voices (Stevie Wonder), with a talent for music and interior design. With the Moon in Taurus as the new year comes in, you might be thinking about money or allowing your emotions to keep you stuck in an old way of thinking. The Higher Consciousness beings will opt for change in the status quo and focus on spiritual truths that say "there is always enough to go around".We all have to choose what thoughts and feelings we allow in our minds and spirits as they will effect our physical bodies. The New Year is mega new start energy. 2014 is gone forever and 2015 is the opportunity to let go of the past as we begin again. 

Uranus in Aries is in square to Pluto in Capricorn.These long distance planets have an effect on the consciousness of earth people on a grander scale.  If you want to know how they are effecting you on a personal level  have an astrologer look at your chart. Basically the Uranus/Pluto square ignites the collective urge to be free and to rebel against the powers that be.  Uranus in Aries wants immediate change, while Pluto in Capricorn says "not so fast". Uranus in Aries defies all reason as it says "we want it now". Pluto in Capricorn says "I hold the power and you'll just have to wait!". Uranus in Aries energy might not be looking at the bigger picture to determine who is at just wants immediate change. Pluto in Capricorn is like the iceberg that is only showing the tip, while hiding the real power underneath the waters.  Uranus in Aries exhausts itself, yelling and screaming in the cold, getting arrested. In other words it's not about thinking. It's about action.  The idealistic bent is to  stop the injustice now. There's no patience for the procedures that need to happen in order for significant change to occur. The media thrives on reporting this stuff, therefore we see it on the news. But,  Pluto in Capricorn (the real power) is working behind the scenes. There are power meetings and plans by power brokers to silence the activists. 
As we bring in the New Year the square is existing. This is the 6th of 7 squares between these planetary giants. The last one will happen in the spring. 


Saturn, planet of discipline and restriction has moved from Scorpio and into Sagittarius starting on Dec. 24th, 2014. Then in June until September 2015, it slips back into Scorpio, and back again in Sagittarius for two more years. So our new year begins with Saturn in Sagittarius, the mutable fire sign that says "yes I can!".  This changes the undercover energy of Saturn in Scorpio and brings to light many things that have been hidden in the dark.  We could move into an era where people who know the truth, dare to tell it. The whistleblower energy comes from people who have higher consciousness with beliefs that "the truth is the light".  Of course with Uranus square Pluto there will be attempts to silence the truth tellers that would make speaking out a dangerous proposition.  With Saturn in Sagittarius, plus Uranus in Aries, and Jupiter, planet of enthusiasm and expansion in Leo, the sign of high drama, 2015 promises to be a highly exciting year.

2015 comes in with three planets in fire signs, i.e. Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo.  There is a golden opportunity to fully use the spiritual laws, the laws of sowing and reaping or cause in effect with purpose and intention to make our lives better on the personal and impersonal levels.  Even with dark clouds looming there will openings where we can see the Sun behind the clouds.  The light at the end of the tunnel.  We were advised to just turn on the light when we entered a darkened room. Instead of whining and complaining  and fighting the darkness, just flip the switch...turn on the light.  We can do this internally and externally. As within, so without, as above, so below. "I stay lifted in High Consciousness no matter what the appearances are". We can choose to either focus on the problems or to use that energy to come up with solutions.  I'll be meditating and praying when the New Year comes in. Asking my angels and guides for solutions to the aggravating problems in my life and in the world. Going to attach myself to the Moon in Taurus energy and refuse to let my monkey mind taunt me with worse case scenarios.  When doubt tries to creep in I'm going to say out loud, "you have no power over me", or "none of this shall bother me", or "all my needs are met!" 

I wish each and every one  of you a happy and productive year. Full of love, Light and Bountiful Blessings.  Gonna clean and make this house and my mind pristine for 2015.  

Friday, December 19, 2014



When the Sun moves into Capricorn we have the winter solstice, which happesn to be the longest night and the shortest day of the year. This year the New Moon in Capricorn happens on the same day as the Winter Solstice.   The other Solstice happens on the first day of Summer when the Sun moves into Cancer. Ancients used to celebrate the solstices and the equinoxes in the spring and fall when the day and night were equal.  In today's world most people are just busy preparing for Xmas or Kwanzaa and wondering how we let ourselves get into this mess every year.  I tell people they were brainwashed when they were children and what went into their subconscious minds is still controlling them. They look at me like I'm crazy as they mumble "but I have to do it". Metaphysically speaking, the winter solstice is a good time to do healing rituals and/or say prayers/affirmations designed to erase fears of lack and limitation.  It's a good time ro reconnect with the divine source within that is always providing our needs. This is a good time to give as well as receive. When I counsel people around this time who are depressed, we have to talk about Xmas and how it was for them as children. Then we have to talk about the power of the conscious mind and how their expectations of how things should be are triggering negative thoughts. Years of working on the suicide hotline have let me know the downward spiral of depression usually begins around the winter solstice and continues on into Xmas.  That is probably why statistically, more suicides are committed during the Xmas season.  


In spite of what Big Pharma tells you, it is possible to lift from depression without taking harmful drugs. But, if your doctor prescribes them and you believe they can help you, there is no shame in taking them.  In 2013 when my daughter died, and I had to move, and then my granddaughter jumped out a window and I was given my 5 year old great grandchild to raise, I was walking around like a zombie. I finally gave into loved ones pleas to go get a check up from my primary care doctor.  After checking all my vitals and talking to him for a minute he pulled out his prescription pad and told me "you're clinically depressed". Ummm, really? Yes I was real sad, but how could he diagnose me as being "clinically depressed?" He's known me for years and knows how I feel about prescribed medicine. Still he filled out the prescription for a drug while saying "and I know you probably won't take them". He was right. I rushed home googled "natural ways to cure depression" and read for hours.  For one thing, death and moving were ranked high on the list for causes of depression, and I had both. Then I read about serotonin levels and how to raise them naturally. Sunlight, exercise, meditation, connecting with others who share same values, were all listed as ways to raise the serotonin levels and lift from depression.  I felt like I was on a mission from God, as I made regular visits to our outdoor pool to sit in the sunlight, and regular visits to the indoor pool to do laps.  I joined a bereavement group in my community which was a safe place for me to vent and to realize that there were others who were in the same situation, some worse than me.  Also I found out that being grateful for things lifted my spirits, even if those things were small things that I once took for granted.  I made it a ritual to get up in the morning and saying "thank you" then repeating it when the toilet flushed, the shower turned on, when the toothpaste and toothbrush were there for me to use.  I said thank you to the computer as it booted up and thank you for the emails that people sent to me.  Realizing that there are some people in my community who were homeless, didn't have access to a shower or a computer made me even more thankful for what I had. I gave thanks for my grandchild who seemed to get excited over everything she saw "look Grandma there are 5 deer in the backyard!" My search for answers took me to websites on depression and I discovered that I've had low level depression my whole life.  It was my early studies in metaphysics that inspired me to fight depression like an unwanted intruder who might be trying to break into my house.  I found that upbeat music was a lifter, also watching comedians on television or youtube became a favorite past time.  


There are many people that I counsel or just talk to at the school bus stop who say they're up one day, down the next.  I could relate to that because I've been experiencing the same thing.
We could blame it on the cosmos and that intense square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Or bringing it down to earth, we could blame it on the constantly negative news about police getting away with murdering totally innocent people.  I think the most healthy people these days are the ones who took to the streets, yelled and screamed and let that pent up bad energy out.  But if you sat on the energy and gave yourself excuses as to why you didn't join the others, or if you let your addictions take over (no judgment here because we're all addicted to something), you're probably feeling guilt along with depression.  Interesting that Louise Hay (You Can Heal Your Life), says that depression is repressed rage. She talks about letting it out safely by pounding a pillow or getting in your car with the windows closed and screaming loudly. It seems we're living in a world where extremes are constant.  The solution is to try not to go too high and not to go too low. Our quest must be to find a balance, some how, some way.
We can be creative in finding reasons to celebrate our lives. The Winter Solstice, Xmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa are seasonal reasons to be with loved ones, to give and to love uncondtionally. You don't have to go over the top with spending to share love with people...a smile, and kind hug, a blessing, a thoughtful email, a greeting card for someone special, a cheerful attitude which is contagious to everyone around you...these are inexpensive gifts that are long lasting.  The reason why I like the Winter Solstice is because incrementally the days will start to get longer until the Spring Equinox. That means more light coming in day by day.


When I think about how hard my grandmother worked during the Xmas holiday, I also think about how hard I used to work to make this a good Xmas for my children. Grandmother was a hardworking Taurus woman with a Virgo Moon. Everything had to be just perfect during this time. In fact she started doing her Xmas shopping in July and when Xmas came, the presents were already wrapped and stored in her closet.  She also cooked up a storm, making Xmas cookies, washing the good china and cleaning the silverware months before she cooked Xmas dinner. My favorite Xmas memory was the whole family gathered around the piano singing Xmas Carols. My grandmother and Aunt Rebecca would take turns playing the piano. Later I realized they were self taught. But this hardworking Taurus woman died at age 73 with a massive heart attack. I wondered if she had just worn out her body after all those years of planning, cleaning, cooking, shopping to make sure we had a "good" Xmas.  In 2014 there are woman who feel  obligated to wear themselves out as they try to replicate what their mothers or grandmothers did for them. But there are many women who've opted out of the whole thing as they listen to their bodies and spend within their budgets and find creative ways to celebrate without wearing themselves out.  Children learn from our example so don't fool yourself into believing that they have to have everything they see on television. Knowledge is power so most of us know that corporate greed is the reason why every time this year there are many commercials aimed at children who will tell you they want this or that. A curious thing that psychologist talk about...children seem to get sick or act out during this time. I think it's because they are picking up the stress from the adults in their world.  Plus many of them have been threatened since September that "if you don't behave Santa won't give you anything". I've heard mothers warning their children months in advance of Xmas.  By the time the big day arrives children are a bundle of nerves and anxious. Some have eaten too much candy and Xmas sweets and you have a perfect reason why the child is off kilter. Their routine and schedules have changed and basically they are stressed to the max. You can change this scenario by being the calm in the middle of the storm. If you can move easily and gracefully through this season you'll be demonstrating to your children that they can do the same. Also try not to do everything yourself. If you're children are old enough, get them to help you with all the extra chores. If there are other adults in the household enlist their aid in helping you with your things to do list.  The thing not to do is to teach your children that a material thing will bring them happiness. One year when me and my ex spent over the top for our children, he got really agitated when the children spent more time playing with the empty boxes than the expensive latest toys that we bought.  Children are naturally creative and are happy when we spend quality time with them. So become a child again and figure out how to spend your  holidays in a less stressful way.  Enjoy your special day(s) with Love & Light, Ayesha

Sunday, December 14, 2014



I was at the March on Washington in 1963. It was hot. It was peaceful. We were young and optimistic about the future. We claimed it a victory because one year later the Civil Rights Act was passed.  Most of us who marched were unaware that behind the scenes there was a huge disagreement between the organizers and various groups that supported the March.  Some wanted civil disobedience, others wanted a peaceful march, with speeches at the end.  We didn't know at the time that John Lewis and Martin Luther King were forced to edit out incendiary language from their speeches that might fire up the crowd. Later in life, when I started seriously studying astrology, I looked at the chart for the March and saw that Uranus, the planet of revolution and freedom was right next to Pluto, the planet of transformation. This dynamic duo was in Virgo, the sign of work, health and service.  The focus for the 1963 March was jobs and freedom. Uranus and Pluto stayed connected during the 60's and you might say it was the birth of the Civil Rights Movement.  You might say that Uranus/Pluto was the New Moon effect that planted the seeds for what's happening now.  We were young and naive back then because we thought if we did the right thing all the racism and prejudice would be erased so that our children and grandchildren would live in a better world.  What we didn't realize was that racism and prejudice is a disease. The disease had infected  everyone who believed that white skin was superior to Black skin.  Even with all the marching, sit ins, arrests, incarcerations,  assassinations, the  collective pain of a people who were subjected to inequality  was going to get worse. The beast we were fighting only got stronger and bigger. Uranus woke up some of us, Others opted to go along with the status quo, and only hoped and prayed that their lives would get better. What we didn't know was that Pluto was working underneath the surface to make sure that the next rebellion would be quickly put down with military weapons, a militarized police force and a judicial system that would protect their assassins. The activists in the 60's got older and were content to tell their stories to anyone who would listen.  From a cosmic perspective we failed to notice the power of Pluto which can't be moved by yelling and screaming. On the outer levels there did seem to be some change but underneath it all our oppressors only dug in deeper, got elected to political positions and were appointed to jobs on the police force where they could control the underclass more efficiently. Their diseased minds still saw Black people as less than they were. Their superiority complexes made it easier to incarcerate us in greater numbers, kill us and keep us in impoverished conditions.  They had a plan (Pluto) while we were only reacting (Uranus) to their devious plan. 


Bring it up to date, on December 13, 2014, there was another March on Washington. This time Uranus and Pluto are squaring each other, from Aries to Capricorn. But wait a minute there were other marches that same day, in New York City, California and it seems, across the nation.  Not just one group of people but many groups of people protesting the incessant brutal murders of Black men by various police organizations. When Grand Jurys in two cities, Ferguson and New York refused to indict killer cops for the murders of  two unarmed Black men, it was like a tipping point for lovers of freedom and justice all over the country.  People ran out in the streets, yelled screamed, some got arrested, but the crowds kept coming.  Finally the mothers and fathers of the murdered victims decided to go to Washington to demand justice.  Unalike the first March on Washington that took years to organize (no social media) this one was announced on a Wednesday for a march on Saturday. Plus other marches were planned to take place simultaneously with the March on Washington. Interesting the date was 12/13/14 . I'll leave the analysis of the numbers to a numerologist who is qualified to interpret it.  But Uranus/Pluto are square all week, in the signs of Aries and Capricorn, two cardinal signs that are action oriented.  This time people are more informed and can look beyond the surface of the problem to see what's really going on underneath.  The realization has set in that it's not only the degenerate psychotic policemen who are killing our people, but the powers behind them, the prosecutors that make sure there's no indictment and the powers behind them that make sure they keep their position. Even us old heads "get it" now. The disease of racial hatred goes deep into the system. It has infected even ordinary citizens who might serve on the jury, and the powerful ones in office who are there to maintain the status quo.  We look at Uranus in Aries for the reason why these recent police murders have hit the tipping point, making people jump up and move, yell and shout, lay down in the streets and say "this has to stop". But then there's good old Pluto in Capricorn (government, politicians) determined to protect the status quo. One astrologer, Jeff Jawer of described Pluto in Capricorn as the tip of the iceberg. The real strength is underneath the tip. To me that means we have to do more than yell and scream to rid ourselves of this demonic force. While yelling and screaming might temporarily relieve us from pent up stress, the real work has to be done when we're calm and quiet and open to find real solutions.  My youngest daughter sent me a picture of herself and my grandson who is a senior in Howard University.They are holding a sign that says "Black Lives Matter". Obviously they were attending the March in Washington, D.C. I couldn't go to any of the marches, but thought if I did go I'd get a sign that said "I'm tired of this s---t!" But we can't get tired, we have to keep moving forward.  Uranus and Pluto will have it's last square in March 2015 and I don't know what will come up again. We all have to stay in the Light, pray for protection and wisdom while these powerful planets do their dance.  The God I believe in is one of love, peace and righteousness. Uranus and Pluto are acting like a strong colonic for our spiritual systems. It's bringing out all the filth and gunk from our intestines. Some of it is ugly, some of it smells, but our bodies are healthier after the unwanted feces are removed.  Stay strong, keep the faith. Love & Light, Ayesha 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


How many of us are surprised that yet another grand jury has failed to indict a killer cop?  Ummm, this is the time we're living in and just another wake up call for all of us.  With the Full Moon in Gemini building up strength... becoming totally full on Saturday, there's a lot of talk going on, or should I say debate? One side is thoroughly convinced that Eric Garner's death was unjustified, the other side convinced he deserved what he got.  One thing I know is the media is eating it all up and probably frantic to get people on air to share their point of view. 


On Monday I made a vow to stay out of the media frenzy, no matter what happened.  In the past I excused my curiosity by telling myself "I'm just monitoring to see which one is the most racist".  I belonged to a media group and it was my job to report back my findings.  That group no longer exists so I have no excuse for vegging out in front of the evening news.  The test is to stay centered in Higher Consciousness no matter what the appearances are.  If you recognize that sentence, it's in the Oath of Manifestation. The test is to stay away from angry debate or to get angry with people who disagree with me.  The test is to stay focused on what I want, as opposed to what I don't want.  


I want the killing of Black men (and women) to stop now! That would mean to punish the people who are doing the killing. I want the people who have no regard for Black life to be put away for a long time, no matter if they are thugs in the hood or badge wearing policemen.  I want everyone involved in the grand jury process to be held accountable. I want people to stand up against the killers in their communities...cops and the thug next door.  I want to get rid of the fear that something horrible could happen to the young men (or old men) in my family. 

For starters I could get more involved in the election process and know the people I'm voting for when I step into the booth.
The prosecutors in New York and Ferguson were elected, or as my cynical friends say "selected". Either way they got their jobs  through an elective process.  I could also get to know the people in my community, and start going to community meetings. I could get to know the families of teenagers by at least speaking to them when I pass them on the street. Little steps, baby steps but all leading to a good cause.  I could join the thousands of people who are protesting this recent injustice, even it it means being arrested. Been there, done that, too many times to mention. But it appears it's time to do it again. I could write a letter, make a phone call and express my disappointment (or rage) at how things are going in my world.  The spirits of the souls who have been murdered by police are crying out for justice. I can name some of them...Eleanor Bumpers, Edmond Perry, Michael Stewart, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell,  Eric Garner, Mike Brown, and that's just right off the top of my head.  
You might not think there's a spiritual connection but from my vantage point, it's all spiritual.  The angels are calling us up to do what we can do to make this a safer world for our families.
Mothers are grieving, fathers are crying, and families are hurting. We need to sit quietly and listen for the answers. We waste precious energy just talking about the problem, and what we may be directed to do requires stamina.  It also requires courage to stand up for what you believe.  There are many metaphysical techniques I've learned from my teachers that I know will work.  Just two or three highly committed people can call for justice on a Higher level and it will come to pass. The one power that we have is spiritual. It's free, it's perfectly legal and effective.  The problem is we've become distracted from our source and disconnected from our power. There is only one power that comes from one source. Tap into it and miracles happen right in front of your eyes.  This is a wake up call. Are you awake? Or will you just turn over and go back to sleep? Feeling your pain, as I'm feeling my own pain. Keep the Light around you. Ayesha

Sunday, November 30, 2014


The Full Moon in Gemini happens on Saturday, December 6, 2014.  Gemini is the sign that says "I Think". It is ruled by Mercury, planet of communications. It's element is air and it's symbol is the twins.  I love Gemini people because they always seem to have something interesting to say and usually they make me think.  Geminis are great idea people, have friendly personas and a great curiosity about life. 


We've learned that thoughts and words have power so when the Moon is in Gemini it's time to monitor your conversations and your thinking. The slogan for Science of Mind is "change your thinking and change your life". Years ago that teaching came to me and I started deliberately trying to change my thoughts. You have to think it before you say it and people who are living a purposeful life know that to be true.  I personally found that I was talking less and opting out of frivolous conversations that involved hearsay or that was meanspirited. Eventually people who thought they knew me began to comment that I was quieter than before. Actually what happened was I began to listen to what others were saying while trying not to say something I would have to apologize for later (smile). As I progressed in my spiritual studies the realization came to me that although I was talking less, I was still very judgmental and I had to work on cleaning up that habit.  Life on the spiritual path is always full of lessons to learn.  When one of my teachers spent the weekend in my apartment, the phone was literally ringing off the hook.
He pulled me aside before he left and told me not to engage in gossip and to shorten my telephone calls to three minutes.  He said after three minutes the conversation would degenerate to gossip, so get off the phone. In my defense I told him that I wasn't gossiping but just being polite and listening. He told me that listening to things that I couldn't prove were true was encouraging the other person to gossip.  He warned me not to tell the person who was calling what I was doing but to just get off the phone.  Being a "good" student, I did exactly what he told me to do and when he returned a month later,  the phone hardly rang. People just stopped calling me, but the good part was I seemed to have more energy.  I also was able to stay out of the nonsensical dramas going on around me.


Dr. Raymond Charles Barker said that one day in a sermon. It was his way of teaching us to think positive thoughts.  Moon in Gemini is a good time to practice only thinking about what you want. We spend so much time thinking about what we don't want and fearing that it will manifest. And if we think it long enough it will manifest.  For the past three weeks I've been memorizing the Oath of Manifestation given to us by the ministers of Agape, and slowly but surely good things have manifested in my life.  The Oath is on the Agape website if you're interested. The first line in the Oath is "I am open to receive, unexpected good, unexpected money, unexpected love, unexpected kindness, unexpected generosity, unexpected offers, unexpected prosperity, that come to me in unexpected ways from unexpected places in my life and the life of others"...Phew! I say it every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed.  It has helped me to erase the negative thoughts that try to cloud my mind.  

The Full Moon in Gemini happens once a year, so use it in ways that will benefit you. These past two years have not been easy for me and for many others that I know. Sometimes it feels like I'm on an emotional roller coaster, one day on top of the world, the next day Blam! something  happens.  But I'm riding it faithfully and with love in my heart. Also giving thanks for all my blessings, big and small. I know, in truth, this too shall pass, so instead of whining and complaining, I'm taking it as it comes.  Even though the news about Ferguson and New York is off setting, I still have faith that things will turn around. It has to change. At least with social media, camera phones and computers there are more people aware of the situation than back in the day when none of this technology existed. So on Saturday with the Full Moon in Gemini, I'm going on a news fast (again), I'm opting out of the negativity and opting into a Higher Consciousness of all good.  The walls of oppression are coming down, even as the devil tries to keep the status quo.  The Forces of Light and Love and the Angels are working with us, so don't despair. The Truth will never die.  I love you all, Ayesha

Saturday, November 22, 2014


"it was an accident" was the explanation for the latest police killing. Well at least they didn't tell us that the officer behaved correctly according to the manual. The usual story is they thought he had a gun, or he was resisting arrest, or he was selling loose cigarettes on the corner.  But this time they're telling us it was so dark in the stairwell, that the officer couldn't see. All I know is that another Black man has been killed by police. Another Black family is grieving and a protest is planned for tomorrow.  The Mayor promised a thorough investigation of the incident, Al Sharpton has been called by the dead man's family, and nothing has changed as we add this name to a long list of people that were killed for no reason.  

There's problem in Gotham and maybe what we need is a superhero to figure it out.  NYPD and police organizations around the country have  no respect for the people they are sworn to protect and serve...period! 
So the officer was stripped of his badge and gun and made to do administrative duty.  I'm sure his Union and friends on the force are telling him "don't worry, after the "investigation" everything will be all right".  The media is trying to sell the story by showing the dark stairwell and then updating the picture of a janitor changing the light bulb.  They tell us this police officer was a "rookie" and that should excuse his actions.  Now I'm waiting for them to pull up some retired policeman who will say they need better training. My cynical mind says "the training teaches them to kill Black people, so what difference does it make?" Will they teach them to kill better?
My rational mind says if it was so dark in the stairwell then why did this officer have his gun out? If it was so dark then why did this officer shoot a man, without at least calling out to him, or identifying himself? I think the training tells them to shoot first, ask questions later.  

There's no rational reason why these police killings continue to plague our communities. So, with the New Moon in Sagittarius, I'm going to tell the truth and shame the devil. Sorry for all of you who hate it when I pull out the race card. But if you can tell me why the majority of police killings are young Black men, then I'll be willing to listen to your theory.  In the meantime we need solutions that are meaningful and thorough. 


 In the case of NYPD, there needs to be a shakeup from the top down. To quote my daughter "the fish rots from the head". These killings happened on Bratton's watch, so he needs to go. No matter what he says about how it happened, keep in mind that he's at the head of the organization and he should be replaced. Sign a petition or start one demanding change. Write letters or emails
and use social media to rally support. Change has to happen from the top down. 

There also needs to be input from the communities to do their own policing.  I organized a community watch group back in the 70's when living in Harlem. I got all of the young men together to patrol the block. We gave whistles to the elderly people who watched from their windows.  Whenever something was about to go down, the old people will blow their whistles to alert the young men that help was needed. It worked like magic. Soon the word among thieves and thugs was to stay away from that block.   We got to know each other better when we would meet on a weekly basis.  Soon the meetings turned into fabulous networking opportunities for all who attended.  Our block soon became a warmer and friendlier place to be.  But that took work and action. We need to get involved with what's happening on our block, and block by block peace can happen.  


The other thing we could do is to change our spending habits. With the holidays upon us, we need to stop spending with people who support our oppressors.  It would seem an easy thing to think before we spend, as we keep our money in our wallet. Making crafts or homemade gifts is better than buying some expensive thing from the store.
We need to support our own businesses.  It's a feel good high when I spend with someone who lives in the community and who cares about me and mine. 


Ask your preacher to have a congregational prayer over the situation of police killings. If you think that can't happen, then maybe you need to change your church. Or you could have people over and collectively send Light to the situation...where two or three are gathered...miracles can happen.  Whether you're a Christian, Atheist, Muslim or Jew, surely what you believe is not in alignment with police killings.  I don't care what you call it, God, Jesus, Jehovah, Yahweh, Shiva or Buddha, the Universal Forces are about peace and love, not fear and violence. We say, "pray, then act".
Your angels or guides will help you make conscious choices and "measure your steps".  Prayer should never be an excuse to do nothing at all.  Pray then act"  We're in the midst of a crisis and being silent is not an option.
James Baldwin once said "they come for you in the morning and they'll come for me at night". It could happen to any family at any time. Blessings to the grieving family, I pray his death will help us to make signficant change for the better.  Love & Light, Ayesha

Friday, November 21, 2014



Sadly, I have to add Bill Cosby to the list of wealthy Cancerians who've been publicly lynched by media for alleged crimes and  being too uppity (is that a word?) When the stories started surfacing that Bill had been accused of rape, but never convicted and media moguls started canceling his appearances and upcoming shows, plus his old shows, my daughter texted me and asked "are you going to do Cosby's chart?" Well, I've done the other charts of Cancers like OJ Simpson,who was acquitted of murder, but convicted and incarcerated for trying to steal back property that was stolen from him,  Mike Tyson,who was convicted of rape by a woman who had accused others of rape, but who said this time sex with Mike was not consensual, and Michael Vick who did time for alleged dog fighting, a crime that was a misdemeanor until politicians  passed a quick law making it a felony. In all of these cases these very wealthy men lost careers and money as the lynch mobs demeaned them(they'll never get over OJ) and made it almost impossible for them to work again.  Vick and Tyson were taken down in their prime which to an athlete is almost like a death sentence.  Although Vick is working again, he'll  probably never be the same remarkable and talented quarterback that he was before he was incarcerated. Just when he signed the biggest contract in the history of the NFL, the people that he supported and considered friends, threw him under the bus.  So now we have Bill Cosby, who dared to produce television shows with high ratings, that had  my family,( and millions of others)  sitting down in front of the television set every Thursday night. Even with that success, Cosby kept on going, doing stand up and creating more shows. He seemed to be on top of the world until rumors and inuendos about previous alleged  rapes starting surfacing again. 


I'm on a news fast but when people started talking about it, I Googled Cosby's Chart. There's a controversy among astrologers about his actual birth time of birth, but all agree that Cosby was born on July 12, 1937.  

Bill Cosby was born with the Sun, Mercury and Pluto close together (stellium) in Cancer. It's interesting to note that his greatest success (The Bill Cosby Show) was about a Black middle class family living in Brooklyn. Family issues are very important to Cancer individuals.  Jupiter, planet of expansion and joy is in Capricorn, opposite (180 degrees) his 3 planets in Cancer.  We can see why he was gifted with comedy and very organized with his finances.  His Moon is in Virgo, right next to Neptune in Virgo. This makes him highly imaginative, a visionary  and sensitive to issues involving women and children. 


Well actually, it started coming out a long time ago and now it's resurfacing again.  We can blame that on Pluto is Capricorn, planet of transformation or degeneration that is slowly opposing his 3 planets in Cancer.  While the opposition will pass in about a year, Pluto isn't done yet because it will connect with his Jupiter in Capricorn in about 3 years and affect his bank account.  Surely the money he's paying out for legal fees and the money he's already paid out to past accusers is a hefty amount.  Add to Pluto, Mars is in Capricorn now. This shows a push from enemies  to bring him down. If he was just an ordinary person I'd advise him to watch his wallet and not to walk down dark streets.  But the forces that are attempting to "get him" come from high places. Pluto in Capricorn people have mucho power. This could be corporations and/or politicians who dance to the tune of corporate money.  If I had to guess I'd say that something that Cosby was about to do  seemed threatening enough (to people of power) to make them come after him. Since the allegations are over 20 years or more the best thing they could do is dig down deep to drag it up from the past (Pluto in Capricorn) to besmirch his reputation and paint the label of "rapist" on his forehead. We'll probably never know the truth, but every time we look at him, we'll be wondering "did he do it?" With corporate media digging up old files of interviews in order to keep this story alive, all the good that Cosby has done is being least for some people.  We were taught that the stars don't compel, they only influence and that we should rely on common sense and intuition to guide us to the Truth.  My common sense says "why would a handsome young man need to rape anyone?" Surely the women were coming at him from all walks of life, so he didn't need to drug them or force them for sex.  But the stories of rape will be quickly added to his bio. Wikipedia has already added links and links pointing to the accusations. My intuition tells me it's just another legal lynching.  

 I've done plenty of rapists charts while teaching at Riker's Island Prison. Some were guilty, others were innocent. When looking at Cosby's Solar Chart  I had to look at Venus, the Love Planet, and Mars, the Sex Planet.   Cosby has Venus in Gemini, which shows a curiosity about sex and possibly an interest in new adventures that inspires the person to be a little flaky where commitments are concerned.  These people can be flirts and find themselves involved with potential lovers through chance encounters. Now, even though Cosby has been married to the same woman for years, he probably has been guilty of an occasional dalliance, or affair. We could say well that's a man for you, and this one is wealthy and connected. That's not enough for me to consider Cosby as a rapist.
What really tells the story for a rapist is the planet Mars. Cosby has Mars in Scorpio. This placement caused me to raise my eyebrows.  Mars in Scorpio people are intense and have been known to be addicted to sex. But we need more to consider the rape squares (90 degree angles) to Mars from Pluto or Uranus.  But Cosby's Mars is in trine (120 degree angle) to his three planets in Cancer, and sextile (60 degree angle) to his Neptune/Moon conjunction.  He has had many opportunities to find sexual partners and might have been involved with women outside of his marriage, but there's no astrological evidence that supports rape.  Consensual sex, yes, rape no way!

In this country a man is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. That works for some, doesn't work for many other innocent people who are now incarcerated, especially if they're  poor and Black.  It's legal lynching folks, the same legal lynching used in the Central Park Case, where 5 innocent boys were convicted and incarcerated for a rape they didn't commit. There was not a shred of evidence, but corporate media and police made sure the story stayed in the news. This made it impossible to find a jury who hadn't been effected (brainwashed) by the news. But the legal lynching of Cosby won't need a trial because the people who are after him only want to diminish his effect on the masses, and also his financial status. It also will  effect  all of us Black and proud people who hold him in high esteem.  Reminds me of the historical lynchings in slavery and post slavery where other slaves were forced to watch. This created fear in the watchers and was a warning from slave owners to be careful,  or you'll be next.We're the watchers, people and our consciousness is being effected big time.We are witnessing the legal lynching of a powerful man. What is ole massa trying to teach us? I think the message is, "no matter how rich and powerful you are,  we still  can bring you down."   Not saying here that Bill Cosby is a perfect man because I'm sure he has his flaws. I've heard from people who were on the Cosby Show and others who were technicians on the show who've told me he was moody (3 planets in Cancer) sometimes demanding perfection (Moon in Virgo) and sometimes a taskmaster(Mars in Scorpio). We see these personality traits in his Solar Chart, but none pointing to "rapist".  Yet, the story is blowing up with previous sex partners coming out for their 10 minutes of fame. 

This legal lynching is effecting all of us, whether we believe he's innocent or guilty.   I would suggest that you turn off the news and sit quietly, with no distractions and ask your guides or angels for the Truth.  I'm sure you WON'T  get it on the evening news (smile). May the force of Love & Light, be with you. Peace and Bright Blessings, Ayesha 
P.S. Hang in there Bill, this too shall pass!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


The Sun enters Sagittarius early in the morning on Saturday, November 22nd, then 4 hours later the Moon connects with the Sun and we have a New Moon in Sagittarius, the sign that says "I Perceive" or "Yes I Can", or "tell the truth and shame the devil". I got that last one from my Sagg daughter one day when I was trying to explain to her that it's not nice to hurt people's feelings by telling them things that might make them feel bad. As a mother I felt duty bound to teach this little one tact, but sadly, she didn't get it.  "but Mommy, that lady is fat" "yes she is but saying it to her makes her feel bad". After a long lecture about the power of the spoken word she blurted out "oh, I just tell the truth and shame the devil!" Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign with Jupiter as its ruling planet. They are typically happy people, outgoing and active, generous and kind. Their symbol is the Archer riding on a horse that is half animal and half human. My teacher said they aim their arrows but don't care where they fall. They can be impulsive and they can suffer from foot in mouth disease when they blurt out things that were probably better left unsaid.  With Jupiter, planet of expansion and joy as their ruler they often get through sticky situations by the skin of their teeth.  Sagittarius is the ultimate optimist that always seem to land on their feet, or who receive help literally in the 11th Hour.  The Jupiter connection can either be their blessing or their curse because they have a tendency to go too far and no idea of when to quit. They love to have a good time and to liven up a party, often being the last one to leave. They can be accident prone, especially as children because they have to learn to look before they leap.  They rarely will go out of their way to hurt anyone, but do suffer from self undoing. On the spiritual level they came to this earth knowing that "truth is one, paths are many".  (Swami Satchidananda) 

New Moon in Sagittarius is a good time to check into our happiness meter and have some good belly laughs and spread the joy around.  Laughter is contagious. Just try laughing out loud for no reason and see how many people "catch it". I saw a video on facebook of a woman laughing on the subway, apparently for no reason and then other people started laughing and soon the whole train full of people were laughing hysterically. Laughter releases chemicals from our brains that are designed to heal our bodies.  So as you go about your day look for something to laugh about, and let it rip.  Yes, these are tense times on the money level and the health level, but if you get stuck in a habit of whining and complaining about conditions you'll lose the ability to just be happy for no reason. 
You could also start a thankfulness journal and at least for one day, write down the things that you are grateful for. Having an attitude of gratitude should lift your spirits.  Or watch videos of comedians, or funny movies.  It's up to you to stay on point with your level of happiness. You can be happy no matter what else is going on in your life.  What you focus on will surely expand and grow in your consciousness. Temporarily forget about the things that cause you to worry and enjoy your day. Worry and fear constrict the muscles, while laughter and joy do the opposite. 
The Moon will be in Aquarius on the holiday. Aquarius is the sign that represents all of humanity. We're having people over for dinner that come from all walks of life, from in-laws to neighbors and relatives we haven't seen in a very long time. For years we didn't celebrate the holiday on Thursday because we tied into our Native American roots and the true story of that dinner they taught us about in school. Then one holiday we realized that members of our meditation group were sad because they had no place to go. We made a collective decision to cook and invite them over and while saying a prayer for the ones who were lost on that day, we also gave thanks for the blessings we were enjoying now.  We can make this day what we want it to be.  If you're not invited for dinner, how's about inviting someone over and making dinner.  That might mean getting out of your own way and reaching out to neighbors in your community.  Or you could sign up to volunteer in a soup kitchen and feed people who are hungry.  Whatever it is you decide to do, only do it if it feels good. Don't do it if doesn't feel good. Make the decision to be happy for what you have right now, and share it with others.  The old traditions are fading away as we opt for new traditions that are more meaningful.
Interesting that corporations that feed off of our lust for material things named the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. Regardless of the reason why, there will be many people caught in the illusion that if they camp out all night in front of a store (in the cold) they'll get a good deal. Year after year, people actually fight, some have been killed to take advantage of bogus sales. No thought of humanity, no thought of the people who work there and have had to cut their holiday short in order to keep their's just a me, me, me situation, with pushing and shoving, grabbing and getting. There is a move to boycott these Black Friday rituals because of the violence and abuse that occurs. What the materialists among us don't realize is that the so called sales will happen again before Xmas, trust me, I've checked this one.  Don't believe the hype that something outside of yourself is going to make you happy. Happiness is an internal condition, not an external condition.  Make it your plan to be happy, just because you woke up this morning. Many people have gone on to the other side and won't enjoy the privilege of being alive.  Give thanks that the water turned on in the bathroom, that you have food to eat, and people in your life who love and support you. Take a message from Jupiter that constantly tells us "what you focus on will expand and grow in your life".  Enjoy your holiday. I give thanks for all of you who are reading this message. Love & Light, Ayesha

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Is it me or is time moving faster? Seems like I wrote a Full Moon message not too long ago. Well here we are again Beloveds, another Full Moon, this time in Taurus, the fixed earth sign that says "I have".  My sleep pattern changes every time there's a Full or New Moon.  I also notice tension in my body upon waking and that people seem to be driving faster or not paying attention when they're at the wheel.  Yesterday even my grandchild made a remark when someone swerved in front of the car "what's the matter with her?" was her question. I resorted back to the fun thing I used to do with my children when driving in New York and some rude person would blow the horn at us..."oh she's in a hurry, maybe she has to pee!"  That crazy remark would break the tension and bring a comedic element to the equation.  But this time the 6 year old who is sometimes older and wiser than her years answered "well she better be careful cause the way she's driving she's not gonna make it to the bathroom!"  


So I'm taking the advice from the little one.Even though the Full Moon is two days away, I'm going to slow down and remember that others might be driving chaotically because they don't know it's Full Moon time. I'm going to be like the Bull, the symbol for Taurus, and slowly but deliberately stay on point. There's no reason to speed or rush around. I'm going to take my time and do what's necessary to complete my goals.  


The signs that will be feeling the Taurus energy more personally, are Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, the other fixed (sometimes stubborn) signs.   Thankfully, we're in the 2nd day of the 21 day meditation cycle presented by Oprah and Deepak Chopra. I always participate because the daily reminders that come with these free meditations help to center me and keep me focused on spiritual truths.  Taurus is the money sign and it rules the 2nd House of personal resources and money in the astrological chart.  Yesterday I noticed people in the supermarket looking sad as they shopped. Some had lists, others were leafing through coupons trying to get the best price for the things they needed.  My mind went to the affirmation that is always shared at Agape Spiritual Center.  I could hear Rev. Beckwith saying "repeat after me...all my needs are met." Thank you Rev. Michael. This affirmation helped me to switch from feeling sorry or depressed when I thought about the money in my wallet. Yes all our needs are met, one way or another and we need to be grateful for what we have.  Then we ran into a friend from the neighborhood who also has a 6 year old child.  She invited us for pizza and of course my 6 year old wanted to go.  She's friends with the other 6 year old and both  children were jumping for joy at the thought of spending time together.  All my needs are met. I stopped mentally counting up the dollars in my wallet and said "yes".  While we were waiting for our pizza, the 6 year olds used their imaginations to creatively play inside the booths, first hide and seek, then they played "waiter" taking turns and pretending to take orders. My friend remarked "children will always find a way to play". and yes, we're taught that we should be more like them.  They laughed, giggled and enjoyed themselves. They intuitively know that "all their needs are met".  I used to be cynical about the fact that children seem to always want to play, laugh and giggle. "oh they don't have any bills or big people worries". But in fact we do have to lighten up and sometimes remember "all my needs are met".  Children are in the moment, spontaneous and free, not thinking about yesterday or tomorrow...just free.
If we know spiritual truth, we have that option too.  Staying in the present moment is not easy, but it's doable, with practice. 


As you know there are two sides to every sign and we get the choice as to which side we're going to exhibit. Good Taurus traits are that they are steadfast, hardworking, divinely creative, trustworthy and dependable.  The other side can be opinionated, stubborn, judgmental, and attached to material things. The choice is yours and  as my teacher would add, "but choice there must be." 


With the  increased build up of Moon in Taurus energy, you can make it through if you just stay on point. Don't allow someone else's emotions, trigger you.  You can choose to be the calm in the midst of the storm.  Today is election day. I'm going to vote in spite of the things I know about politicians/politics. Instead of joining the ranks of the "inactive-activists" who whine and complain about the "system", I'm going to exercise my right to vote while I still have the right (smile).  Love You All, Ayesha    

Sunday, October 26, 2014


All this year it seems like we're experiencing two things at once. On Saturday October 25, Mercury went direct in Libra. This gives many of us a sigh of relief because the retrograde was very powerful.  We can rest easy because Mercury won't be retrograde again for the rest of this year 2014.


Attention Cardinal Signs, Mars, planet of outgoing energy went into Capricorn, the sign that says "I Use", on Sunday, October 26th. It will stay there until December 4, 2014.  So, if you're a Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra, or if you have any planets in those signs, think of it as a good time to practice patience, compassion, and unconditional love.  This is not the time to push your agenda, or to be impulsive with your movements.

Back in the day when I first started studying astrology I was taught that Mars, the outgoing planet of energy was happy when it was in Capricorn, the sign that says "I Use". The two are compatible because both are goal oriented and work together to accomplish things. But later in life I observed that sometimes we can push to hard, or struggle to be right while making someone else wrong. The push becomes a shove that comes back in full force, as we go against the grain, or pick on someone who can push back harder.  Years of listening to stories from clients about accidents or injuries created when the person was not paying attention, made me change my mind about Mars in Capricorn.  Of course for the person who stays centered and mindful of his or her surroundings, this could be the best time in their life.  So for the Cardinal Signs especially:

CAPRICORN: Focus on personal goals while being patient with people who aren't moving as quickly as you think they should be.  Afterall you're the one with the Mars transit...not them!

ARIES: Treat all authority figures with respect. This is especially true if they have the power to make a decision for or against you. Drive within the speed limits and watch what you say when you're emotionally triggered.

CANCER: Realize that other people can be sensitive too. Do your best to make connections because you don't live in this world alone. Cutting people off hurts you as well as them.

LIBRA: Use Mars energy to rearrange the furniture, or do a thorough house cleaning. Then you don't have to fear having guests over for the holidays. Relax, have fun and enjoy yourself.
Your good mood will effect others in positive ways.  

Or should I say rest of you! Because I have two planets in Cancer, Libra Rising and Libra Moon so Mars will be aspecting all of them. However for Taurus and Virgo Mars will be trining your Sun and it will seem like everything is falling into your lap. Same is true for Scorpios and Pisceans, as you will be receiving a sextile aspect which brings good things from the people you know.  Now for everyone else...Gemini's can breathe a sigh of relief as Mars moves away from an opposition.  Aquarius and Leo you're in the clear for now, as your Mars transit will happen on Dec. 5th. Have no fear, it's all good.  It's not what's happening but your reaction to it that really matters. If we took the advice from the wise ones, we'd all be centered and focused and moving around in a peaceful state of mind.

With Mars in Capricorn, the winter sign, we can expect lower temperatures and maybe even some snow! Right now I'm trying to remember when I welcomed snow...many Moons ago.
Snow meant sledding and snow days when school would be closed. We would shovel and play and play and shovel, not minding the cold and hating it when grandmother would call us in to get warm and dry out our mittens.  It's different now that I've moved into the mountains.  Snow means no driving, stocking up for potential blackouts, cleaning off windshields with chemicals (who knows what's in them?) Slipping and sliding and cursing the maintenance men for not cleaning off your steps.  When the Farmer's Almanac predicted that this winter would be worse than the last I made a wish that at least this time they could be wrong.  Then I looked in my ephemeris and saw Mars going into Capricorn (winter) then into Aquarius (still winter) and I started imaging that I was on a cruise ship in the blue Carribbean Water, sitting on the deck, watching the night skies.  I still have my imagination and can be anywhere I choose to be.  Love You, All, Ayesha

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Beloveds, trying to write a blog when Mercury is still Retrograde has been a trying experience. Taking my own advice (smile) I'm being patient and consistent in my attempt to post this message.  


On Thursday morning EST, the Moon will partially pass over the Sun and we'll have a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio.  I tried to share the link from NASA that was posted on
and it messed up the whole page. So I erased it and started over.  But if you're interested just Google It.  The Eclipse experts are warning us not to look directly at the Sun while the Eclipse is happening because it could be damaging to our eyes.  We're advised to look on the ground, on leaves or some powerful glasses created for Eclipses. However,  it sure will be tempting not to look at this mysterious event.  It will look like the Moon is taking a bite out of the Sun.  During a Lunar (Moon) Eclipse the Moon temporarily passes over the Sun, but in this case it will only be partially, from our vantage point in the Northeast.  This event will take place at 5:57pm EST. 


Earlier in the day around 7:57am EST, the Sun will move into Scorpio, then later in the day, 5:10 PM EST the Moon will go into Scorpio and partially cover the Sun at 5:57 PM.  Just giving the details for people who might be inspired to do rituals, burn sage, write spiritual goals or just do a happy dance.  It will be Scorpio time. A time of renewal, a time of healing and a time of letting go.  Scorpio is a fixed water sign ruled by both Mars planet of energy and Pluto, planet of transformation.  Scorpio people are probably the most determined people I know. If they set a goal you know they're going to do everything within their power to achieve it.  Scorpio is also the most feared sign in the Zodiac.  I have Scorpio friends who never tell people their sign because of the perceived reaction.  I think the other reason why they don't tell is because they always hold their cards close to their chest...Scorpio is the sign of secrets.  You have to know one really well before they will open up to you. Usually that happens after they've vetted you to find out who you truly are (smile).  Yet when they bond with someone through friendship or personal love they are loyal and protective and they will never tell your secrets. Scorpio is a healing sign with the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy. Somewhere in their past lives they might have been alchemists who could transmute lead into gold.  The symbol for Scorpio is the Eagle. The bird who can fly higher than any other bird and the bird with keen eyesight that can spot prey miles away.  Ever notice the eyes on a Scorpio person? They seem to be looking right through you in their attempt to find out who you really are. They make good researchers and investigators as once they've decided to discover the truth they stay on it. The spiritual symbol for Scorpio is the Phoenix mystical bird that can cheat death, rising out of the ashes into everlasting life.  


Disney released a song with the hook...Let it Go, Let it Go, and I was amazed to see how many children connected to it, including my 6 year old grandchild.  Got tired of hearing it all through the summer and when she told me "grandma, every kid in my class (kindergarten) knows this song", I was amazed.  The power of film is tremendous.  But in truth it is time for all of us to let it go, let it go. We need to keep our thinking in the present, release our victim stories, forgive the past and just let it go.  Yes Scorpio time is the best time to do the forgiveness work...not for the one who needs to be forgiven, but for ourselves because of the damaging effects of long held resentments.  It's not easy, but doing the right thing is not always easy. We have to do these things because we're living at a time when these made up diseases are plaguing the planet. We have to protect our immune systems, physically, mentally and spiritually.  Taking mega doses of Vitamin C will help on the physical level, and forgiving the past will help on the mental and spiritual level.  


Just as I thought I'd never again go to a movie, out comes the film by a genius writer and director called, Dear White People. Actually heard about it long before its release because a good Scorpio friend called to say she wrote the musical score for the movie.  Because of my friendship I was going to see it, if only to support her, and to see her name rolling in the credits.
We whine and complain about how bad things are and bad rap Bollywood, and all that goes with it, then Bam! In you face here comes a project that's been in the works for 7 years.  I might have to go to the city to see it though...the title scares away folks who are in fear of the truth.  What this brother did was an amazing accomplishment.  It reminds me of what I was taught years ago "the best way to show up a dirty glass is to put a clean one beside it". I love it when people are solution oriented, as opposed to problem focused.  I also love supporting my own people with time and money.  

Been on this planet 74 years and never heard of these diseases. When I heard that there's no cure for either one, my cynical mind imagined Big Pharma licking it's chops. Seems we're all being set up to get in line for some new vaccines.  But when I prayed and meditated on the situation my angels whispered "Fear Not".  Shortly after that transmission a nurse practitioner texted me saying take mega doses of vitamin C, be sure to get enough rest, and do some conscientious hand washing with soap and hot water. We have to be proactive about our health and do everything necessary to boost our immune systems.  So during the Eclipse it's a good idea to clean out the mental body and release all negative thoughts. Also set your intentions for the future and write them down.  When I have a temporary lapse into negative thinking I imagine a switch in my mind,( like a light switch) and I switch the topic to something positive...I am healthy, I am prosperous, I am loving, I am beauty.  Like that.  Come on Divine Alchemists you can do this, I know you can.  I love you all, Ayesha

Friday, October 3, 2014



Two major events this week, i.e. Mercury turns Retrograde in Scorpio from the 5th to the 26th and a Full Moon Eclipse in Aries on Wednesday the 8th. Both will be in October, and both could have you talking to yourself as you're walking down the street (laughing).  With what I have going on with me now, I'm already having conversations with my guides and angels and anybody else who will listen.  Last week I had a discussion with my neighbors dog, a massive rottweiler who decided to bark at me when I approached my house..."listen Max, I don't want any problem with you....we are neighbors so you just be quiet and bark at the "bad" guys". The dog looked at me, whimpered and stopped barking.  On the positive side I have also been talking to my image in the mirror (called mirror techniques), telling myself that everything is in Divine right order, that the angels are with me and I can accomplish my goals.  Those little pep talks help me to get through a hectic schedule of things to do. In the evenings I make mental notes (too lazy to write) of what I did accomplish and I'm happy if only one of them was finished.  I get up in the mornings and say a prayer of gratitude that I made it through the night because many people didn't wake up that morning.  So with these upcoming cosmic events my advice is to use everything that's in your spiritual toolkit to survive and thrive.  


Mercury starts off a 22 day retrograde period in Scorpio on October 5th. Then it slides back into Libra on the 11th and stays there until it goes direct on the 26th.  From passion, desire and transformation, to peace, harmony creativity.  You may feel passionate about what you have to say in the beginning then rethink it and find a way to communicate more lovingly.  Or if someone says something that arouses your anger, you can turn it around from a yelling match to a peaceful resolution.  What we're learning this year especially, is that we have the power to react to any situation with peace and love in our hearts. We can decide not to be the victim or to victimize anyone and we can still come out on top.  Love is the greatest power and when we opt to become Divine Alchemists we can use that power to turn lead into gold, hate into love. We also need to keep in mind that people can only act with the consciousness they have at any given moment.  If they knew better they'd do better. At least that's what my teachers always told me. It has taken many years for this truth to sink into my stubborn mind.  So glad they were patient and loving with me. They intuitively knew that one day I'd "get it".  


Sometimes during a Retrograde Mercury, things turn around for the better.  A "no" becomes a "yes" or a negative becomes a positive.  That thing you were looking for suddenly turns up, or that person you've been playing telephone tag with is suddenly on the line.  I've had the experience of running into an old friend during a Mercury Retrograde period, after trying for days to get in touch with her...then poof, she's there standing behind me in the supermarket.  So it doesn't have to be all bad but it is what you've been calling for. This is a good time to consciously monitor our talk and our self talk. It's also a good time to do the forgiveness work, to apologize and set things straight.  Bad relationships can end when one of you or both of you realize that heated words from the past was the result of anger and fear.  So go through this period with love as your agenda. Love will always create a win win situation.

Eclipses seem to intensify whatever else is going on. Aries is the warrior, but since the Full Moon is an opposition from the Sun, on the other end is the Sun in Libra.  We can all be peaceful warriors, standing up for what is right in a collective and peaceful manner. With all that's going on in the world now, guns, bombings, people losing their minds and thinking that a gun will settle their dispute only people with peace and love in their hearts will make a difference.  I sent out a movie called "Thrive" which was sent to me by a good friend.  It's a full length (free) movie that explains (their theory) what's happening on the planet today.  The movie gave a good explanation of the banking system, the health system, the energy system and the people who are controlling those vital areas of our lives.  There was also the suggestion to take a stand for what's right and for the good of all earth's inhabitants.  Basically if you don't like the way things are going, keep in mind that we "have nots" are in the majority and collectively we can take a stand (Aries) for what's right.  Early on in our lives we've been brainwashed into thinking we have no power. Our enemies have used fear tactics to keep us docile and slavishly giving into the status quo.  But on the other realms, the angels are encouraging us to wake up and do the right thing. Believe it or not, the angels got our  backs. (excuse bad grammar).When the collective will is focused on what's good for all people, good health, food, prosperity, housing, we'll do the things that will make it better for everyone.  

Up here in the mountains we're living in a cloud of fear.  Well some more than others are fearful because the police can't seem to find the shooter they've been looking for, for three weeks.  This guy killed one state trooper and wounded another one. My neighbors are generating rumors, the news is generating rumors, but to date no one seems to be able to find this man.  Schools and whole communities have been shut down during the search, and now hunting season has been canceled...making many avid hunters angry.  People are also canceling vacation plans in this area  so restaurants, hotels and resorts are suffering economically.  Maybe the Full Moon in Aries will bring this debacle to an end...and maybe not.  This man is a survivalist, a lone wolf personality who is a sharp shooter and gun lover.  Now how can one man terrorize a whole community? Just think what one person could do if their intention was for good.  Well we could change the world if we get past our fears and learn  to love one another.  Not to be redundant, but love is the answer. It always has been and all ways will be.  Love & Light, Ayesha 

Monday, September 8, 2014


Beloveds, the last Super Moon for the year will happen tonight with the Full Moon in Pisces. This is the 3rd Super Moon in a row with the first one in July, second one in August and this one in September.  Technically a Super Moon is in Perigee which is closer to the earth then when the Moon is in Apogee, which is far away from earth.  


Actually the phrase "SuperMoon" was created by an astrologer and later picked up by the scientific community.  Since all Full Moons seem to increase our emotions then the SuperMoon has a bigger impact on our feelings.  That would explain why so many people have felt overly sensitive or that their emotions seem to be on a roller coaster ride...up one minute, down the next.  My advice to people who are feeling these shifts in emotions is to take it one day at a time and to just flow with it.  


Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac and the keywords are "I Believe".  Pisces is also the sign that rules Black people. At least that's what I learned when studying astrology with Kanya KeKhumba at Hunter University back in the late 60's.  When Kanya laid out his theory as to why the Black race in America was ruled by Pisces it made sense to me and I've lectured on the theory and have a book in draft on the subject.  Pisces is the sign that is ruled by two planets...Jupiter, planet of expansion and Neptune, planet of spirituality.  I can remember Kanya saying that Black people are escapists in nature, either getting high on drugs or alcohol or getting high on Jesus.  Either way it was an attempt to excape the harsh cruel realities of life.  Whether you accept this theory or not doesn't matter. However when the Full Moon is in Pisces just look into your own life and observe the things you do to escape from the everyday grind.  For some it would be emotional eating, or listening to your favorite songs, for others it could be sex or football, or tennis (my great escape). Even though I had plenty of things to do yesterday when the Moon first entered Pisces, I vegged out in front of the television waiting for the Women's Final at the US Open, to see whether Serena could accomplish her 3rd win in a row. I didn't take telephone calls, and became completely annoyed when a neighbor rang my doorbell. "what does she want" I grumbled to myself, "doesn't she know the Women's finals are on?"  It was also interesting to note that Serena, who breezed through her match was more emotional than ever when she won. Being an astrologer and knowing the Moon was entering Pisces, I understood.  When her opponent jokingly said "you'll have to pay for drinks", I thought to myself "yes go out and party, but don't over do it.  Because with the Moon in Pisces it's important to do everything in moderation.  Congratlulations Serena for winning yo
your 18th Grand Slam and catching up to the other women who've achieved that goal

Yes, the Full Moon, SuperMoon in Pisces is upon us.  You may feel more lethargic than ever and your imagination might be working over time. We called out for dinner yesterday because no one felt like cooking or getting dressed to go out and eat.  We blamed it on the Moon in Pisces, knowing that this too shall pass.   July and August were high emotional times with the news about police brutality, people marching and upset, funerals and more funerals. So September is a good month to come back to center, to focus on goals and to start getting ready for the winter, which the Farmer's Almanac promises will be worse than last year's.  How could it get any worse, was my complaint. Just thinking of the ice in the parking lot and on my car windows was enough to make me shudder. February of last year I was ready to pack up and move to a warmer climate. But I made it through with two gallons of de-icer, my boots, gloves and winter jacket.  The thought came to me that even though the Farmer's Almanac is usually right, they could be wrong this time.  Or was that just wishful thinking? Either way, if we made it through last year's winter, we'll get through this one.  For one thing let's just enjoy the present moment and stop worrying about the future.  A wise person said we create our future in the present. What we're thinking about now is creating our future. So I'm thinking about swimming laps in a warm pool. Taking a shower in peppermint soap, and putting shea butter all over my body afterwards.  It's all good and it is all right.  Love and sweet blessings, Ayesha

Friday, August 22, 2014


BELOVEDS,  the Sun and Moon will both be in Virgo, creating the New Moon on Monday, August 25th.
New Moons are always best times to make new starts.  Since this New Moon is in Virgo, it's a good idea to clean out the clutter in your house and more importantly in your mind.  Virgo is a detailed and analytical  sign that loves to serve and do the necessary things to make others happy.  Virgo can also be the cynic, the skeptical one that finds fault very easily.  We often find them in the medical field or in professions where details really matter.

Yes, I looked up his birthdate and found that Eric Gardner was born on September 15th. Eric Gardner was lynched in Staten Island by NYPD while some samaritan was filming it with his cell phone. Thus we saw the lynching numerous times, as the police apologists and big brass made excuses.  One even dared to say what we saw wasn't what we saw. In other words "don't believe your lying eyes".  But we saw Eric being choked, stomped and held down while he screamed "I can't breathe".  In spite of their pitiful excuses for lynching this man, their coroner said the death was a homicide.  But before we could catch our breath, a policeman in Ferguson, MO, lynched a teenager named Mike Brown and Ferguson erupted with demonstrations in the face of militarized police and nights of being tear gassed profusely.  Demonstrators marched in the face of the untrained and surely scared police, many were arrested for "failure to disperse". So while we were focused on Ferguson, police lynched another young Black man in St. Louis, and thanks to smart phones that killing was also caught on video. What happened in the video was opposite of what police said when they chose to get "out front" on the story.  So with my count, at least three Black males were killed this August. And that's not the whole story because there were others too, in California, New York (again), and somewhere else in the Mid-West.  These others didn't make mainstream news.


What is going on in this country and why are these lynchings happening now?  When we look at the position of two planets, i.e. Uranus, planet of change, and Pluto planet of transformation or degeneration we astrologers get the picture.  Back in the 60's Uranus and Pluto were together in Virgo, and the civil rights movement broke out.  We carried signs that said "Police Brutality Must Stop" or simply "Freedom Now", We upset the status quo, and some things changed, or were covered over, and we went back to sleep. But now Uranus and Pluto are squaring each other, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. All that  was hidden in the 60's is coming up to the surface. It never went away, but we have smart phones to witness the atrocities against our people.You might say that the 60's was just the tip of the iceberg. We thought it was bad then, with children being attacked by police dogs, beat down by police and knocked over with water cannons.  Now we're seeing police with military weapons, police dogs, and tear gas that is far worse than water.  We also know that what's done to one of us could happen to all of us.  


Neptune, planet of spirituality, dreams and visions is in that sign that it rules...Pisces the Fish that are tied together by a single cord.  . Black people are Pisces People, and that single cord lets us all know that we are connected.  We are a strong and resilient people with a power deep inside that has overcome everything. Pisces is also ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion and joy. Even in the face of the evils of racism we still remain optimistic and dedicated to Truth...well some of us.  Pisces is the sign of the escapist, the one who will do anything to escape reality. That explains to me why so many of our people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs, food, and sex.  Some find pleasure in getting high on Jesus and waiting on the Lord to solve our problems, while others can tap into the power within to find solutions.  I read about a group of African Women who decided their situation was so intolerable that they came together and "Prayed The Devil Back To Hell"...and it worked.  It wasn't magic, it was the mere focus on the power within and the ability to focus on a positive solution.  We all have that power. We can collectively stop and pray at the same time and envision the justice that needs to take place.  I have no faith in secret juries, wicked prosecutors, or people who are allegedly here to protect and serve.  I do have faith that a Divine power is inside of all of us and that power will trump all the obstacles put in our path.  With Neptune in Pisces until 2025, we need to connect to this energy and use it in positive ways.  While we're hating on Daniel Pantaleo (choke hold cop) and Darren Wilson (shooting cop) we could use that energy more productively, in spiritual ways.  I have no faith in man's law, but total faith in God's law...the law of karma, sowing and reaping still prevails.  Directed prayer is better than, staying in anger, sadness, or depression, which can negatively affect the systems in the physical body.  A good time to start a new approach to an old problem is on the New Moon in Virgo.  Remember insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results.  Be open and receptive to a new/old way of handling the pain.  Love & Light, Ayesha