Saturday, November 22, 2014


"it was an accident" was the explanation for the latest police killing. Well at least they didn't tell us that the officer behaved correctly according to the manual. The usual story is they thought he had a gun, or he was resisting arrest, or he was selling loose cigarettes on the corner.  But this time they're telling us it was so dark in the stairwell, that the officer couldn't see. All I know is that another Black man has been killed by police. Another Black family is grieving and a protest is planned for tomorrow.  The Mayor promised a thorough investigation of the incident, Al Sharpton has been called by the dead man's family, and nothing has changed as we add this name to a long list of people that were killed for no reason.  

There's problem in Gotham and maybe what we need is a superhero to figure it out.  NYPD and police organizations around the country have  no respect for the people they are sworn to protect and serve...period! 
So the officer was stripped of his badge and gun and made to do administrative duty.  I'm sure his Union and friends on the force are telling him "don't worry, after the "investigation" everything will be all right".  The media is trying to sell the story by showing the dark stairwell and then updating the picture of a janitor changing the light bulb.  They tell us this police officer was a "rookie" and that should excuse his actions.  Now I'm waiting for them to pull up some retired policeman who will say they need better training. My cynical mind says "the training teaches them to kill Black people, so what difference does it make?" Will they teach them to kill better?
My rational mind says if it was so dark in the stairwell then why did this officer have his gun out? If it was so dark then why did this officer shoot a man, without at least calling out to him, or identifying himself? I think the training tells them to shoot first, ask questions later.  

There's no rational reason why these police killings continue to plague our communities. So, with the New Moon in Sagittarius, I'm going to tell the truth and shame the devil. Sorry for all of you who hate it when I pull out the race card. But if you can tell me why the majority of police killings are young Black men, then I'll be willing to listen to your theory.  In the meantime we need solutions that are meaningful and thorough. 


 In the case of NYPD, there needs to be a shakeup from the top down. To quote my daughter "the fish rots from the head". These killings happened on Bratton's watch, so he needs to go. No matter what he says about how it happened, keep in mind that he's at the head of the organization and he should be replaced. Sign a petition or start one demanding change. Write letters or emails
and use social media to rally support. Change has to happen from the top down. 

There also needs to be input from the communities to do their own policing.  I organized a community watch group back in the 70's when living in Harlem. I got all of the young men together to patrol the block. We gave whistles to the elderly people who watched from their windows.  Whenever something was about to go down, the old people will blow their whistles to alert the young men that help was needed. It worked like magic. Soon the word among thieves and thugs was to stay away from that block.   We got to know each other better when we would meet on a weekly basis.  Soon the meetings turned into fabulous networking opportunities for all who attended.  Our block soon became a warmer and friendlier place to be.  But that took work and action. We need to get involved with what's happening on our block, and block by block peace can happen.  


The other thing we could do is to change our spending habits. With the holidays upon us, we need to stop spending with people who support our oppressors.  It would seem an easy thing to think before we spend, as we keep our money in our wallet. Making crafts or homemade gifts is better than buying some expensive thing from the store.
We need to support our own businesses.  It's a feel good high when I spend with someone who lives in the community and who cares about me and mine. 


Ask your preacher to have a congregational prayer over the situation of police killings. If you think that can't happen, then maybe you need to change your church. Or you could have people over and collectively send Light to the situation...where two or three are gathered...miracles can happen.  Whether you're a Christian, Atheist, Muslim or Jew, surely what you believe is not in alignment with police killings.  I don't care what you call it, God, Jesus, Jehovah, Yahweh, Shiva or Buddha, the Universal Forces are about peace and love, not fear and violence. We say, "pray, then act".
Your angels or guides will help you make conscious choices and "measure your steps".  Prayer should never be an excuse to do nothing at all.  Pray then act"  We're in the midst of a crisis and being silent is not an option.
James Baldwin once said "they come for you in the morning and they'll come for me at night". It could happen to any family at any time. Blessings to the grieving family, I pray his death will help us to make signficant change for the better.  Love & Light, Ayesha

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