Sunday, October 19, 2014


Beloveds, trying to write a blog when Mercury is still Retrograde has been a trying experience. Taking my own advice (smile) I'm being patient and consistent in my attempt to post this message.  


On Thursday morning EST, the Moon will partially pass over the Sun and we'll have a New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio.  I tried to share the link from NASA that was posted on
and it messed up the whole page. So I erased it and started over.  But if you're interested just Google It.  The Eclipse experts are warning us not to look directly at the Sun while the Eclipse is happening because it could be damaging to our eyes.  We're advised to look on the ground, on leaves or some powerful glasses created for Eclipses. However,  it sure will be tempting not to look at this mysterious event.  It will look like the Moon is taking a bite out of the Sun.  During a Lunar (Moon) Eclipse the Moon temporarily passes over the Sun, but in this case it will only be partially, from our vantage point in the Northeast.  This event will take place at 5:57pm EST. 


Earlier in the day around 7:57am EST, the Sun will move into Scorpio, then later in the day, 5:10 PM EST the Moon will go into Scorpio and partially cover the Sun at 5:57 PM.  Just giving the details for people who might be inspired to do rituals, burn sage, write spiritual goals or just do a happy dance.  It will be Scorpio time. A time of renewal, a time of healing and a time of letting go.  Scorpio is a fixed water sign ruled by both Mars planet of energy and Pluto, planet of transformation.  Scorpio people are probably the most determined people I know. If they set a goal you know they're going to do everything within their power to achieve it.  Scorpio is also the most feared sign in the Zodiac.  I have Scorpio friends who never tell people their sign because of the perceived reaction.  I think the other reason why they don't tell is because they always hold their cards close to their chest...Scorpio is the sign of secrets.  You have to know one really well before they will open up to you. Usually that happens after they've vetted you to find out who you truly are (smile).  Yet when they bond with someone through friendship or personal love they are loyal and protective and they will never tell your secrets. Scorpio is a healing sign with the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy. Somewhere in their past lives they might have been alchemists who could transmute lead into gold.  The symbol for Scorpio is the Eagle. The bird who can fly higher than any other bird and the bird with keen eyesight that can spot prey miles away.  Ever notice the eyes on a Scorpio person? They seem to be looking right through you in their attempt to find out who you really are. They make good researchers and investigators as once they've decided to discover the truth they stay on it. The spiritual symbol for Scorpio is the Phoenix mystical bird that can cheat death, rising out of the ashes into everlasting life.  


Disney released a song with the hook...Let it Go, Let it Go, and I was amazed to see how many children connected to it, including my 6 year old grandchild.  Got tired of hearing it all through the summer and when she told me "grandma, every kid in my class (kindergarten) knows this song", I was amazed.  The power of film is tremendous.  But in truth it is time for all of us to let it go, let it go. We need to keep our thinking in the present, release our victim stories, forgive the past and just let it go.  Yes Scorpio time is the best time to do the forgiveness work...not for the one who needs to be forgiven, but for ourselves because of the damaging effects of long held resentments.  It's not easy, but doing the right thing is not always easy. We have to do these things because we're living at a time when these made up diseases are plaguing the planet. We have to protect our immune systems, physically, mentally and spiritually.  Taking mega doses of Vitamin C will help on the physical level, and forgiving the past will help on the mental and spiritual level.  


Just as I thought I'd never again go to a movie, out comes the film by a genius writer and director called, Dear White People. Actually heard about it long before its release because a good Scorpio friend called to say she wrote the musical score for the movie.  Because of my friendship I was going to see it, if only to support her, and to see her name rolling in the credits.
We whine and complain about how bad things are and bad rap Bollywood, and all that goes with it, then Bam! In you face here comes a project that's been in the works for 7 years.  I might have to go to the city to see it though...the title scares away folks who are in fear of the truth.  What this brother did was an amazing accomplishment.  It reminds me of what I was taught years ago "the best way to show up a dirty glass is to put a clean one beside it". I love it when people are solution oriented, as opposed to problem focused.  I also love supporting my own people with time and money.  

Been on this planet 74 years and never heard of these diseases. When I heard that there's no cure for either one, my cynical mind imagined Big Pharma licking it's chops. Seems we're all being set up to get in line for some new vaccines.  But when I prayed and meditated on the situation my angels whispered "Fear Not".  Shortly after that transmission a nurse practitioner texted me saying take mega doses of vitamin C, be sure to get enough rest, and do some conscientious hand washing with soap and hot water. We have to be proactive about our health and do everything necessary to boost our immune systems.  So during the Eclipse it's a good idea to clean out the mental body and release all negative thoughts. Also set your intentions for the future and write them down.  When I have a temporary lapse into negative thinking I imagine a switch in my mind,( like a light switch) and I switch the topic to something positive...I am healthy, I am prosperous, I am loving, I am beauty.  Like that.  Come on Divine Alchemists you can do this, I know you can.  I love you all, Ayesha


  1. Thank you for commenting on the topics that are on everyone's minds. Vitamin C....

  2. Thank you Ayesha <3 We Love you

  3. Do glad to get your email and post. I have been studying the impacts of land and think that I am currently near Scorpio inspired land. However. It happens to also be near this 13th healing sign that has been transforming this area. And artists in Colorado predicted that we would face a hard to swallow truth that was kept secret about how this country was made and move toward a future with international peace and a new seed to lead the way. Sometimes these "viruses" show up to do the cleansing work especially if they are not connected to profits or fear based mindset. I'm just trying to stay focused on sacred homelands, the return of displaced people to their families and tribes and healthy food for our minds, bodies, spirit/souls. Thank you for the information that you share.


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