Saturday, September 15, 2012


The New Moon will be in Virgo, Saturday September 15, 2012.  Virgo is the analytical sign, ruled by Mercury with earth as the element.  Virgo is also the ultimate health sign, concerned with diet and nutrition. It also rules the intestines in the physical body.  When the Moon is New in Virgo, it's a good time to clean up the clutter on your desk and in your head.  On the spiritual level Virgo is the sign of service and people born under this sign are usually the ones who are willing to do the small things that help others to live a better life. Virgo people are often concerned with details and can easily see the flaws in others.  They can also be very critical of themselves and others as perfection is important to them.  What they need to know is that nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes and if we're spiritually conscious, we'll learn from our mistakes.  We're all unique individuals who came to this earth school to learn our lessons.  Virgo people sometimes develop the habit of worrying and once they conquer this habit they are able to live their best lives. We were taught that worry is a useless attitude that keeps us focused on what we don't want.  Rev. Michael Beckwith says that when we worry, we're rehearsing the worst case scenario.  Worry seems to be in a loop so much of what we worry about today, we worry about tomorrow.  People who worry are often fearful and living in the future.  So we say "be here now" keep the your thinking in the present moment which is all there is.  One thing I've discovered about people who are habitual worriers is their underlying need to control circumstances, that haven't happened yet.  Here's how I'm going to use the New Moon in Virgo energy:

1. Clean out the fridge and the rest of the house.
2. Pay attention to my consistent thoughts. and weed out the negative ones.
3. Deliberately keep my thinking in the present moment.
4. Speak words of encouragement and love to others.
5. Catch up on phone calls and emails.
6. Do a healing meditation for myself and people on my healing list.
7. Eat a nutritious meal with plenty of leafy greens.
8. Take a 30 minute walk in my community.
9. Feed the feral cats, squirrels, deer and birds.
And if I don't get to all of the things on my "to do" list, not going to worry about it because tomorrow is another day (smile). 

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