Friday, September 14, 2012


Our president was born with the Sun/Mercury/North Node/Uranus and Pluto in Leo, the sign that says "I Will".  With all those planets in Leo you can see why it seems that he's royalty, as Leo is the sign for people who were royalty in the past.  You can also see why his strong straight backed carriage, seems to annoy his enemies "who does he think he is?"  But in his defense his carriage just comes natural, it's not fake or put on. When working on his first campaign I wondered why in the world Barack would even want to be president. Surely he knew that the racists in this country would do everything possible to bring him down.  Plus the economic situation in this country was horrible and their were two wars going on at the same time.  But, being a true Leo, Barack made a run for it and became the first African American president in the history of the USA.  The Leo keywords are "I Will", so he's gifted with a strong will and determination to take on any task, no matter what the odds.  He's a lion, king of the jungle, fearless and confident that whatever he sets out to do, he'll be successful.  He's also very intelligent and was born with Mars in the intelligent analytical sign of Virgo, and his Moon is in the other intelligent sign of Gemini.  I would say with Mars in Virgo and Moon in Gemini, that Barack Obama is a natural teacher, researcher, and orator.  He also has Aquarius Rising which gives him a connection to people from all walks of life.  When he says "it's not about me" he's tapping into the Aquarian side of his chart.  I do believe he decided to take on the awesome task of leading the country because of his love for people, regardless of race or economic background.  He also has Venus, planet of love and beauty in Cancer, the sign that says "I Feel".  Even though he's a Lion, there are times when he taps into Venus in Cancer and he feels the pain of others.  The Leo connection makes him appear to be cool and unaffected by the hateful criticisms coming from his enemies, but I think he only shows his sensitivity to the loved ones around effect, he cries alone.  He is a masterful organizer and has managed to surround himself with people who also have the expertise to advise him strategically and support him financially.  This we can see from his 11th House of Friends, which has Jupiter, planet of joy and expansion and Saturn, planet of discipline and hard work.  He can easily get along with younger people (Jupiter) and older people (Saturn). Both of these planets are forming a favorable trine aspect to his Mars in Virgo.  Plus both Saturn and Jupiter are trine his Gemini Moon, which is probably why he appeals to most women (Moon is women).  Yet he is a dedicated and loyal husband and father, which is the positive side of Leo. 

Many people have asked me if  I thought the president would be re-elected this November?  One thing I've noticed about Barack Obama and his chart, is that he's moved beyond it.  Early on when he was running for president, there were transits in his chart that seemed to suggest that he'd lose.  But miraculously he seemed to rise above what we've traditionally called "negative aspects".  So as astrologers were putting out bulletins of doom and gloom circumstances, Mr. Obama skipped over them and landed on his feet.  We were taught by our early teachers that if a person was evolved and conscious it wouldn't matter what was in their chart.  We were also told that only a few people would be able to rise to the level of moving past "bad" aspects.  But when Barack Obama won, when he was expected to lose, I realized that astrology wasn't working for him, that he in fact was dealing with a Higher Power that trumped the negative predictions of astrologers.  Will he win again this time?  In my heart and soul I believe he will.  As the days go by I'm thinking that we'll be able to make a clear choice in this years election.  Obama often reminded us not to get involved in the drama of what others were doing, basically to just keep on working and focus on the task at hand.  We began to say "no drama Obama", and in fact this attitude is totally spiritual.  While others might want to discuss what the "evil ones" are doing, we must keep the focus on the goal and re-elect Barack Obama for another 4 years.  As my nephew once said "what is the alternative?"  Geez!  We don't want to go back to policies and people who almost put this country into the worse depression known to man.  But that's my thinking about it.  I do believe we must go FORWARD, or as Marcus Garvey said "Forward always, backwards never".  Now there are some good aspects in Barack Obamas chart that says his campaign is going to catch fire and he will be re-elected.  Even though the "evil ones" have  involved themselves in tactics to suppress the vote, and even though they want to win so badly that they've spread vicious lies and mistruths, directed to the racists and haters in this country, they won't be successful because Truth is on our side.  The Light is shining and it's more powerful now than ever before.  

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