Saturday, September 22, 2012


The Full Moon in Aries, happens on Saturday, September 29, 2012, but most sensitive people will be feeling the effects days before it happens.  This Full Moon will be especially intense as it interacts with the Pluto/Uranus square that has been happening all month.  We think the trouble in the middle east, riots, flag burnings, killings, was the result of the Pluto/Uranus square and I don't see how it could get any worse, but the Full Moon does increase whatever was going on at the time.  On the personal level it's important to move through this week with a calm state of mind, to pray meditate before leaving the house, and to stay tuned into the inner voice of wisdom before making decisions.  You might want to decrease television watching and focus on peace, to create an inner peace.  And in your personal relationships try to let go of the need to be right when interacting with someone whom you disagree with.  The best way to stop a potential argument is by by asking yourself, "do I desire peace or conflict" before opening your mouth. Ego challenges always come when we need to be right in every situation.  Even if you are right and the other person is dead wrong, this is not the time to challenge him or her.  Try to stay away from hot button conversations about religion or politics.  In the end the Truth will be revealed and saying things that are hurtful to others will not change the  Truth.  Decide to be peaceful in every situation and you might find that you become the peacemaker between others who are having ego attacks (smile).  Someone once said that we're never angry for the reason we think.  There's always something else going on in the background of a loud argument.  And usually it's something that happened a long time ago that injured the persons self esteem that makes them angry when you disagree with them. 

People who have planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and  Capricorn will be especially sensitive during the Full Moon in Aries.  These are the Cardinal signs, the action signs that bring in the seasons, i.e. Aries is Spring, Cancer is Summer, Capricorn is Winter.   If you were born under any of these signs or have planets in these signs, don't let the turkeys bring you down.  In other words move through this week with a smile on your face and love in your heart.  This is the time to use the energies in positive ways and to bypass the temptation to do or say something that you have to apologize for later.  Astrologers have been looking at this Full Moon in Aries for months.  We could make dire predictions on the outcome, but for me, I've decided to flow through this time, knowing that my actions will predict the outcome.  No matter what, seek peace and love in your everyday comings and goings.  And I will be doing the same.  Together we can be the peace that passeth understanding.  This too shall pass, it always does, it always will.  Have a blessed week.

1 comment:

  1. hi ayesha. I've had two arguments this week with people and thanks to your blog I think I managed to stop the second one escalating into a worse situation at work with my boss. I decided to choose peace over conflict despite feeling strongly about my point but realised that pushing more world be foolish. felt much better having made that choice so thanks to you x


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