Saturday, September 22, 2012


The Full Moon in Aries, happens on Saturday, September 29, 2012, but most sensitive people will be feeling the effects days before it happens.  This Full Moon will be especially intense as it interacts with the Pluto/Uranus square that has been happening all month.  We think the trouble in the middle east, riots, flag burnings, killings, was the result of the Pluto/Uranus square and I don't see how it could get any worse, but the Full Moon does increase whatever was going on at the time.  On the personal level it's important to move through this week with a calm state of mind, to pray meditate before leaving the house, and to stay tuned into the inner voice of wisdom before making decisions.  You might want to decrease television watching and focus on peace, to create an inner peace.  And in your personal relationships try to let go of the need to be right when interacting with someone whom you disagree with.  The best way to stop a potential argument is by by asking yourself, "do I desire peace or conflict" before opening your mouth. Ego challenges always come when we need to be right in every situation.  Even if you are right and the other person is dead wrong, this is not the time to challenge him or her.  Try to stay away from hot button conversations about religion or politics.  In the end the Truth will be revealed and saying things that are hurtful to others will not change the  Truth.  Decide to be peaceful in every situation and you might find that you become the peacemaker between others who are having ego attacks (smile).  Someone once said that we're never angry for the reason we think.  There's always something else going on in the background of a loud argument.  And usually it's something that happened a long time ago that injured the persons self esteem that makes them angry when you disagree with them. 

People who have planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and  Capricorn will be especially sensitive during the Full Moon in Aries.  These are the Cardinal signs, the action signs that bring in the seasons, i.e. Aries is Spring, Cancer is Summer, Capricorn is Winter.   If you were born under any of these signs or have planets in these signs, don't let the turkeys bring you down.  In other words move through this week with a smile on your face and love in your heart.  This is the time to use the energies in positive ways and to bypass the temptation to do or say something that you have to apologize for later.  Astrologers have been looking at this Full Moon in Aries for months.  We could make dire predictions on the outcome, but for me, I've decided to flow through this time, knowing that my actions will predict the outcome.  No matter what, seek peace and love in your everyday comings and goings.  And I will be doing the same.  Together we can be the peace that passeth understanding.  This too shall pass, it always does, it always will.  Have a blessed week.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


The New Moon will be in Virgo, Saturday September 15, 2012.  Virgo is the analytical sign, ruled by Mercury with earth as the element.  Virgo is also the ultimate health sign, concerned with diet and nutrition. It also rules the intestines in the physical body.  When the Moon is New in Virgo, it's a good time to clean up the clutter on your desk and in your head.  On the spiritual level Virgo is the sign of service and people born under this sign are usually the ones who are willing to do the small things that help others to live a better life. Virgo people are often concerned with details and can easily see the flaws in others.  They can also be very critical of themselves and others as perfection is important to them.  What they need to know is that nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes and if we're spiritually conscious, we'll learn from our mistakes.  We're all unique individuals who came to this earth school to learn our lessons.  Virgo people sometimes develop the habit of worrying and once they conquer this habit they are able to live their best lives. We were taught that worry is a useless attitude that keeps us focused on what we don't want.  Rev. Michael Beckwith says that when we worry, we're rehearsing the worst case scenario.  Worry seems to be in a loop so much of what we worry about today, we worry about tomorrow.  People who worry are often fearful and living in the future.  So we say "be here now" keep the your thinking in the present moment which is all there is.  One thing I've discovered about people who are habitual worriers is their underlying need to control circumstances, that haven't happened yet.  Here's how I'm going to use the New Moon in Virgo energy:

1. Clean out the fridge and the rest of the house.
2. Pay attention to my consistent thoughts. and weed out the negative ones.
3. Deliberately keep my thinking in the present moment.
4. Speak words of encouragement and love to others.
5. Catch up on phone calls and emails.
6. Do a healing meditation for myself and people on my healing list.
7. Eat a nutritious meal with plenty of leafy greens.
8. Take a 30 minute walk in my community.
9. Feed the feral cats, squirrels, deer and birds.
And if I don't get to all of the things on my "to do" list, not going to worry about it because tomorrow is another day (smile). 

Friday, September 14, 2012


Our president was born with the Sun/Mercury/North Node/Uranus and Pluto in Leo, the sign that says "I Will".  With all those planets in Leo you can see why it seems that he's royalty, as Leo is the sign for people who were royalty in the past.  You can also see why his strong straight backed carriage, seems to annoy his enemies "who does he think he is?"  But in his defense his carriage just comes natural, it's not fake or put on. When working on his first campaign I wondered why in the world Barack would even want to be president. Surely he knew that the racists in this country would do everything possible to bring him down.  Plus the economic situation in this country was horrible and their were two wars going on at the same time.  But, being a true Leo, Barack made a run for it and became the first African American president in the history of the USA.  The Leo keywords are "I Will", so he's gifted with a strong will and determination to take on any task, no matter what the odds.  He's a lion, king of the jungle, fearless and confident that whatever he sets out to do, he'll be successful.  He's also very intelligent and was born with Mars in the intelligent analytical sign of Virgo, and his Moon is in the other intelligent sign of Gemini.  I would say with Mars in Virgo and Moon in Gemini, that Barack Obama is a natural teacher, researcher, and orator.  He also has Aquarius Rising which gives him a connection to people from all walks of life.  When he says "it's not about me" he's tapping into the Aquarian side of his chart.  I do believe he decided to take on the awesome task of leading the country because of his love for people, regardless of race or economic background.  He also has Venus, planet of love and beauty in Cancer, the sign that says "I Feel".  Even though he's a Lion, there are times when he taps into Venus in Cancer and he feels the pain of others.  The Leo connection makes him appear to be cool and unaffected by the hateful criticisms coming from his enemies, but I think he only shows his sensitivity to the loved ones around effect, he cries alone.  He is a masterful organizer and has managed to surround himself with people who also have the expertise to advise him strategically and support him financially.  This we can see from his 11th House of Friends, which has Jupiter, planet of joy and expansion and Saturn, planet of discipline and hard work.  He can easily get along with younger people (Jupiter) and older people (Saturn). Both of these planets are forming a favorable trine aspect to his Mars in Virgo.  Plus both Saturn and Jupiter are trine his Gemini Moon, which is probably why he appeals to most women (Moon is women).  Yet he is a dedicated and loyal husband and father, which is the positive side of Leo. 

Many people have asked me if  I thought the president would be re-elected this November?  One thing I've noticed about Barack Obama and his chart, is that he's moved beyond it.  Early on when he was running for president, there were transits in his chart that seemed to suggest that he'd lose.  But miraculously he seemed to rise above what we've traditionally called "negative aspects".  So as astrologers were putting out bulletins of doom and gloom circumstances, Mr. Obama skipped over them and landed on his feet.  We were taught by our early teachers that if a person was evolved and conscious it wouldn't matter what was in their chart.  We were also told that only a few people would be able to rise to the level of moving past "bad" aspects.  But when Barack Obama won, when he was expected to lose, I realized that astrology wasn't working for him, that he in fact was dealing with a Higher Power that trumped the negative predictions of astrologers.  Will he win again this time?  In my heart and soul I believe he will.  As the days go by I'm thinking that we'll be able to make a clear choice in this years election.  Obama often reminded us not to get involved in the drama of what others were doing, basically to just keep on working and focus on the task at hand.  We began to say "no drama Obama", and in fact this attitude is totally spiritual.  While others might want to discuss what the "evil ones" are doing, we must keep the focus on the goal and re-elect Barack Obama for another 4 years.  As my nephew once said "what is the alternative?"  Geez!  We don't want to go back to policies and people who almost put this country into the worse depression known to man.  But that's my thinking about it.  I do believe we must go FORWARD, or as Marcus Garvey said "Forward always, backwards never".  Now there are some good aspects in Barack Obamas chart that says his campaign is going to catch fire and he will be re-elected.  Even though the "evil ones" have  involved themselves in tactics to suppress the vote, and even though they want to win so badly that they've spread vicious lies and mistruths, directed to the racists and haters in this country, they won't be successful because Truth is on our side.  The Light is shining and it's more powerful now than ever before.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Serena Williams is undoubtedly the best woman tennis player in the world.  Born under the sign of Libra, Serena is the proverbial "iron fist in the velvet glove".  She's beautiful statuesque, creative and powerful.  Not only was the sun in Libra but she has 5 planets altogether in Libra, i.e. The sun, Saturn, Jupiter Pluto and Mercury.  It seems that individuals born with multiple planets in one sign are destined for greatness.  Serena came back into tennis after suffering foot surgery and blood clots in the lungs.  Some "experts" said, she might never play tennis again, but she came back this year, won Wimbledon, two gold medals in the Olympics and the US OPEN championship.  Seems that her setbacks made her stronger and more confident than ever before.  Besides her physical superiority which gives her the most perfect serve in tennis today, Serena has learned to control her mind and apparently has gotten over the tendency to worry or to be too self critical.  Bottom line, she believes in herself and what she can do.  Witness the last tournament ( US Open), when she overcame a challenge by Victoria Azeranka, the number one seeded player.  This match went 3 sets, with Serena losing the 2nd set and almost losing the 3rd set, until she dug down deep, remembered who she was ( a great tennis player) and came back to win the championship.  Serena talked about dismissing the negative chatter that tried to take over when it appeared she would lose.  At first she was imagining giving a speech congratulating the winner, then she over rode that negative thought and focused on winning. 
Serena and her sister Venus, have both been the number one seeds in tennis and have won multiple championships.  They were trained by both their father Richard and mother Oracene when they lived in Compton, CA.  Both sisters have their own companies, finished college while on the tennis circuit and in spite of criticism from other tennis players and commentators, have picked their matches carefully according to their own timing.  Their father, Richard once said that he told his girls that they wouldn't be able to do tennis forever so they needed to find a backup for their tennis skills. 
Serena has the Moon in Virgo, the sign that says "I analyze".  She admits watching previous matches to focus on how she could get better.  In essence she is her own worse critic.  However Serena loves center court and loves being the center of attention.  She has Mars in Leo (the star) and a deep pride and will to win.  We can credit Serena and Venus for raising the bar in women's tennis and bringing some style to the sport.  We can also credit both of them for influencing other women in tennis to work out and pay more attention to their physical appearance.  They've both been the subject of much criticism for wearing makeup, earrings and tennis outfits that display their sense of style.  Both sisters are millionaires and they share their monies through their not-for-profit organizations designed to help the less fortunate.  Their ability to shrug off criticism comes from being raised by strong parents who taught them to believe in themselves and their talents.  Now that both sisters have proven their abilities the commentators have changed their story, often speaking of them in glowing terms as opposed to treating them like unwanted guests to the party.  The truth is that Serena is the best in the world and she can only be beaten when she beats herself.  As for Venus who is now suffering from an auto immune disease, she's still winning but it seems that Serena will end up with more winning statistics.  They are still close, won the gold for doubles in the Olympics as they love to play together.  The love between the two sisters is wonderful to witness.  They support each other and cheer for each other. Witness Venus cheering for Serena at the US Open.  Priceless!

Serena is a sweet Libra with a kind and loving persona.  I love to watch her interviews as she's always confident and able to give her opponents a good word.  She also has a good sense of humor and a talent for singing.  Here's a link to an interview she did on the Jimmy Fallon Show.  Enjoy!
Watch Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Serena Williams online | Free | Hulu
Thank you Akosua for sending me the link!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Years ago my teacher stopped a political argument amongst attendees at her annual spiritual retreat, by asking "how many of you are registered to vote?"  It seemed the people who were arguing the loudest weren't even registered to vote.  Then she said "if you're not registered to vote then you have no right to discuss the upcoming election"  Period, end!  Then she told those of us who were registered to vote to just "look at the faces  of the candidates and check how it feels, then make a decision".  Well that kind of talk used to drive the intellectuals craazy.  How can you decide who to vote for by just looking at the faces of the candidates.   Now I totally get it.  Instead of getting into long discussions or arguments over this upcoming election, I'm just going to bottom line it the way my teacher taught me to do.  No intellectual discourses, no attempts to analyze what they are saying, or not saying, I'm just going to suspend my left brain altogether, turn the sound down on the television, and LOOK AT THEIR FACES!!!!  It doesn't even matter to me that Romney and Ryan are born under the signs of Pisces and Gemini, the dual signs that sometimes have difficulty telling the truth (hahahahaha).  It doesn't even matter to me that these two politically ambitious people are being controlled by billionaires who've financed them, or the Tea Party that is out to take back their whitehouse (the nerve of them).  It doesn't matter to me that Romney has refused to disclose his taxes, that he probably played less per centage wise than the average American, or that he's a member of a religion that totally discounts Black people.  It doesn't matter to me that he's a part of a political party that supports rich people. It doesn't matter that his running mate has supported legislation that hurts senior citizens. I just looked at their faces, their body language and then looked at Barack Obama's face and body language and made my decision.  When I worked to get Obama elected the first time, I knew that it would take more than one term for him to fix the mess that was handed  to him.  I had the opportunity to shake his hand and to whisper in his ear "we're praying for you".  I saw the Light energy around his body and knew that he had angels around him.  I also argued with other astrologers who kept sending out doom and gloom messages during his first campaign.  I looked at his chart and saw how he miracously skipped through "negative" transits that made other astrologers wince. As they were calling for his defeat, I was working for his sucess. Maybe because I knew that his success would be our success.  Even as so-called experts told us he could not win, I "saw" him with his hand on the Bible taking the oath.  Maybe it was because he's a Leo with a Gemini Moon, tall, handsome, cool, courageous, intelligent. Or maybe it was the message he sent to workers on his campaign "no drama". Or maybe it was because he married a beautiful, tall woman who matched his intelligence.  Or maybe it was because I looked at his face and saw a man of God who was willing to sacrifice his time, privacy and personal money to become the 1st Black president of the United States.  For those of you who need more information on the astrology of this time, Romney is a Pisces with a Scorpio Moon and Gemini Rising.  When I look at Romney's  face I get knots in my stomach because much of him is hidden from view.  What he's hiding is too ugly to describe and I'm not going to spend too much time trying to figure it out.  From the beginning I always thought Obama would have two terms. He won last time and he will win again.  It's up to you as to whether you'll be a part of his success, or if you decide to stay home shrinking in fear.  Just look at them.  All of them and follow what your gut tells you. 

The republicans have spent much time and money in an attempt to suppress the votes of the people they think will vote for Obama, i.e. Blacks and Hispanics.  They've put in place new election rules that will make election day a nightmare.  My grandmother said that "the devil always dances the hardest when he's being pulled off the stage".  Thanks grandmother I needed to remember that piece of wisdom.  But it's not going to work because your evil ways(karma) will rebound and come back on you.  My grandfather used to say "when you dig a hole for someone, watch that you don't fall in it". 

Mercury planet of communications will turn retrograde on election day.  There promises to be much confusion and many people will be denied the right to vote (again).  This has happened before, when Bush ran against Gore and the election results were held up and the results were decided by the Supreme Court.  Well they're going to try it, but it's not going to work this time.  However I do think that the election results will be somehow delayed because of Mercury Retrograde. 
As I was trying to figure out if I wanted to take precious time interpreting the charts of Romney, Ryan, Obama and Biden, I got an email from an old friend. She was advising me that she was working on Obama's campaign (again).  At the end of the email she said "I'm not worried cause I'm walking on Romney".  That made me laugh some deep belly laughs.  Her comment reminded me of the days when we used to write down the names of our enemies and put them in our shoes so we could "walk on them".  My mind drifted to that time when we were determined to use our magic to deal with our enemies.  I don't even remember where we got the idea to "walk" on our enemies, but remember we did it.  That was a long time ago, before I got involved with spiritual practices or learned about Karma. We did it, we believed it could fend off evil and somehow it did work for us.  Then I remembered listening to a metayphysician who was saying you should put the name of your enemy on a piece of paper, put it in a baggie and fill it up with water and put it in the freezer.  Some of my students did that years ago when I had to testify at a trial.  I had told them that the prosecutor, hated me, and she was going to try to make me break down on the stand.  So without telling me that they were going to do this, they asked for the prosecutor's name and then smugly told me "she's not going to ask you anything".  They came to the trial and much to my amazement, when it was time for the prosecutor to cross examine me, she suddenly became tongue tied. This usually clear spoken, intelligent woman couldn't seem to get her sentences together, much to the annoyance of the judge, but amusement to my students.  She even dropped all her notes on the floor and finally said to the judge "I have no questions".  Wowee!  I asked my students what they did as we were driving home and they said "we just froze her".  Huh! What!  Now I'm not suggesting that you "Walk" on Romney or "freeze" him, as it simply won't be necessary to do these things.  He'll reap his own karma on election day, as truth and Light will prevail.  But do keep it Light, don't get so uptight about it, and whenever possible have some deep belly laughs as these people desparately tell lies, untruths and spread fear among their followers.  This is 2012 and the Light is shining brighter than ever before.  May the Light show all of us what's hidden in the darkness.  The truth will not be hidden for long.  Let's go forward...forwards always, backwards never.