Wednesday, April 18, 2012


The Sun and Moon will come together in Taurus and form the New Moon in Taurus on Saturday, April 21, 2012.  Taurus is an earth sign and ruler of the 2nd House of Money in the astrological chart.  The symbol for Taurus is the Bull, ruled by Venus, planet of love, beauty and creativity.  The Keywords for Taurus are "I Have".  The spiritual mission is to "Seek Ye First The Kingdom and All Else Will Come Unto You".  In other words the Taurus people who are spiritual put God, (or whatever you may call the Divine Force that creates everything), first and material things second.  Even if you're not born with the Sun in Taurus, we all have Taurus somewhere in our charts. 


Since it is the New Moon and a time of new beginnings, you can use the Taurus energy to attract your needs and desires.  Almost everyone I know (except for a few) are thinking about money, what they owe and how to become more comfortable with the idea of having more.  One thing I've learned about the people who always seem to have what they need, and more, is that they've learned the spiritual laws with regard to money.  Some are totally conscious of it, while others just seem to opt into it without thinking.  So here is what I've learned from people who don't think of money as a problem: 

1. Tithing is a habit that people who have a good relationship with their money participate in. Some Tithers send out ten per cent of their income before they pay bills or buy what they need. 
2. Speaking of bills, people who seem to attract money easily are the ones who pay their bills consistently and with a good attitude.  One woman I know, blesses her bills before she puts them in the mailbox.
3. No matter what your situation is around money,  if you're going to attract more money it's important not to think or say anything bad about money.  Instead, if the temptation comes up to say the usual, "I'm broke" or "there never seems to be enough", stop the negative thinking, and substitute those words with one of the following... "God is my supply", or "I always have what I need", or "I give freely and fearlessly into life, and life gives back to me with fabulous increase". Think and say what you want, not what you don't want.
4. Monitor your finances and spending habits and whenever possible put some money away.  That could be just putting change in a jar at night, or setting up a savings account with a bank. 
5. Sit quietly with eyes closed and visualize the amount of money you need right now.  It's important, when doing this to imagine the amount that you can easily see in your bank account. That means starting with a small amount and once you've demonstrated it, then move it up to a bigger amount. Imagining yourself with a billion dollars when you might not even know how many zeros are in a billion is not a good idea. 
                                                      DON'T FORGET ABOUT JUPITER

Finally, the New Moon in Taurus is a good time to get out in nature and enjoy the gifts of flowers, blooming trees and the abundance that is everywhere present in our world.  There is no lack or limitation in nature and in reality there's no lack or limitation in your life.  On Sunday, the 22nd the Moon will connect to Jupiter, planet of expansion, so for this two day period (21, 22) be joyful and expectant of all good coming to you. While you're at it, be a blessing to someone else.  Celebrate the New Moon in Taurus with abundant joy, love, gratitude and bliss.  When you're in that state of mind you open up to the opportunities that are all around you.  Enjoy!

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