Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The Buddhah Full Moon in Scorpio happens on Saturday, May 5, 2012.  It is believed that The Buddha made his appearance on earth when the Sun was in Taurus and the Full Moon was in Scorpio, thus we refer to it as the Buddah Full Moon.  I choose to acknowledge the Highest aspects of the Full Moon in Scorpio on purpose, because what we focus on at the time of the Full Moon is what will manifest.  The Buddah came to earth to bring more Light and he was often referred to as The Enlightened One.  Therefore, this weekend I'm encouraging you to stay positive, meditate, pray and focus on the good that is happening in your life right now.  Oprah Winfrey often says that if you can't think of anything good, just focus on your breath.  The fact that you're still breathing means you're living and you have free will and choice in how you're going to use your life.  For some this kind of thinking is too airy fairy or woo woo.  The skeptics among us always point out the bad things that usually escalate during the time of any Full Moon and they ask "how can you stay positive when this or that is happening?"  One student of psychology challenged me and suggested that I was encouraging people to repress the truth.  My answer is that we can choose to focus on the negative or we can choose to focus on the positive, and we always benefit by focusing on the positive.  Staying in a doom and gloom consciousness generates victimhood and helplessness and it literally funks up the air with a negative energy that effects everyone around us. 

Below is a list of things you can do to stay on the higher levels of consciousness and to experience the Buddha Full Moon in positive ways:

1. Meditate for at least 5 to 10 minutes a day, leading up to and on the Full Moon in Scorpio.
2.  Write down a list of things you are thankful for. Can't think of anything? Focus on your breath.
3.  Plan to be around people who support you and lift your spirits.
4.  Work on a talent or natural gift that brings you joy.
5.   Apologize to someone you've offended, even if the offense was not intentional.
6.  Forgive someone from your past. They don't have to be present in order to do this. You can write them
     a letter or email, or simply sit quietly and imagine they're in the room with you.
7.  Do little random acts of kindness for others and don't tell anyone what you did.
8.  Forgive yourself for mistakes made in the past.  If you knew better you'd have done better.

In earlier times when I was first learning about Full Moons, I used to dread the Scorpio Full Moon, therefore days leading up to it, thoughts of what could go wrong were in my head.  After all, I was a Leo with 3 planets in Leo and 3 planets in Taurus so squares to my Sun and oppositions to my Taurus planets caused me to literally have nightmares.  All this changed for me when I met Isabel M. Hickey, my teacher, mentor and spiritual mother.  First of all she told me about the Wesak Festival where thousands came to celebrate the birth of the Buddha.  Second of all she was a Leo, and instead of staying close to home as this Full Moon was waxing (getting larger), she would be traveling, teaching, going out to dinner and having a good time.  She demonstrated to me that it's going to be what you call for, and that squares energize us and oppositions bring opportunities to increase our awareness.  After having a good scolding from "Issie" I started checking myself and shifted my consciousness so I could totally enjoy the Full Moon in Scorpio. It was easy as pie to start to welcome what I once dreaded.  I slowly came to the awareness that what you focus on is what's important, that the planets influence us but they don't control us.  I give thanks for the opportunity to share this with you, and I give thanks for the fact of free will and choice.  Choose happy, celebrate your life!  

1 comment:

  1. Gratitude lists are great when you are down. THanks for a nice post. I am reading.

    Mimi Torchia Boothby


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