Wednesday, April 11, 2012


APRIL 11, 2012

George Zimmerman is the Libra that killed Trayvon Martin on February 25, 2012.  He was finally arrested after millions took to the street to demand justice.  The following is a brief interpretation of George Zimmerman's Solar Chart (without time of birth). 

George Zimmerman was born when the Sun was in Libra, the sign of justice.  The symbol for Libra is the scales of justice. Libra is also ruled by Venus, planet of love and beauty, peace and harmony. So how could
"sweet" Libra turn into a cold blooded killer?  Well, there's a positive side and a negative side to every sign and from the looks of it, George was dealing on the negative side when stalked and then killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teenager on February 25th.  Negative Libra can believe they are the law, especially if the ego is off balance.  As the scales tip, Libra can move from the sweet loving personality and turn into a self righteous zealot who takes the law into their own hands. 

But we're more than our Sun Sign, and George Zimmerman's Moon (emotions) was moving from Virgo, the critic, to Libra the zealot, on the day he was born.  Regardless of whether his Moon was in Virgo or Libra it's clearly touching (aspecting) Neptune in late degrees of Sagittarius.  Moon squaring Neptune is the inability to discern between fact or fantasy.  This can be an addictive personality, a dreamer, a wannabee cop, who truly believes he's come to save the day.  It's interesting that police did not give Zimmerman a drug test after the murder, but decided to test the dead child.  Mercury is in Virgo right beside the Moon and this indicates that when the emotions are running high, clear thinking (Mercury) goes out the window.  Whether he's addicted to street drugs or pharmaceutical drugs, the Moon/Mercury square Neptune indicates that there's a serious allergy or addiction that will probably come to the forefront if there is a trial.

The other interesting thing about Zimmerman's planets is the Venus, his planetary ruler is in late degrees of Leo right next to Mars, planet of outgoing action, violence and guns.  This guy loves guns, carries one everywhere he goes and he has a hair trigger temper.  Venus/Mars is squaring Jupiter/Uranus in his chart. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Uranus is the planet that attracts unpredictable situations.  This guy was a walking time bomb, with so many pent up emotions based on fears and prejudice that without serious psychological therapy he was bound to end up killing someone. 

But, he also has Saturn, planet of discipline and tests very close to Pluto, planet of transformation. Saturn is in the early degrees of Scorpio and Pluto is in the last degrees of Libra.  These two planets are forming a sextile aspect to Venus/Mars.  He has friends in high places who apparently pulled the strings to get him off the hook the night of the murder.  Both his father and his mother worked in the judicial system at one time. So obviously after killing Trayvon Martin, George must have thought he was home free, case closed, end of story.  What he didn't count on was the tenacity of Trayvon's parents who demanded that he be arrested and charged with the crime.  What he also didn't know (obviously) was that transiting Saturn was right on his Pluto when he killed Trayvon. 

George Zimmerman is going to have his first Saturn return this fall, when Saturn returns to it's place of birth. His impulsive tendency towards violence may come back to haunt him.  His need to be the hero in his community, his need to be loved and respected has brought him to this jail, awaiting a bail hearing and having to depend on relatives to pay an expensive attorney.  His dream has turned into a nightmare. But it's not over yet, he still has the benefit of having killed a Black child in a racist system that hardly ever thoroughly prosecutes killers of Black children. 

I believe George Zimmerman will plead down to a lesser charge and receive either probation or maybe two years jail time.  We'll see. 


  1. I am a Libra myself and with Saturn in my first house for the past two years things have been difficult but I chose to go inward, find a spiritual path that has served me well. Saturn is the taskmaster, it can make or break us depending on our actions. I think Zimmerman will pay. It is Karma/ what he has been doing and thinking the past two years has come to the surface. He will be exposed! And So It Is

  2. Yes Saturn is the teacher and we can learn from her if we're willing to accept responsibility for our past actions. It is akin to pulling back so we can move forward again with lessons learned. Saturn in the 1st House asks "who am I" "what is my purpose" and "how can I use what I've learned about myself to help others". Zimmerman will have the golden opportunity to do some serious self reflection with his Saturn return. Depending on his choices he could become a teacher sharing his life's experiences with others and helping them to make right choices. Or he could become depressed, feel sorry for himself and get pulled into a downward spiral...the choice is his.

    1. He is in custody?? I didn't know that. That's GOOD news. Thanks for an excellent write up.

      Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

    2. Yes after about 44 weeks George Zimmerman is in custody. We'll see how it goes, cause nothing is written in stone...know what I mean?

  3. There is another side to this story...Trayvon received his karma because he could not fill his destiny in this life time....Zimmerman was just the catylst that brought him down.

  4. Travon's karma was being addicted to skittles and Arizona Ice Tea. And not knowing the history of legal lynching in this country. Maybe if he had run back to his father's house...but there are always "what if's" related to untimely deaths. Maybe his soul contract was to bring to Light, the unfairness in our legal system and to help us to realize that nothing really has changed.


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