Friday, April 13, 2012

Mars Goes Direct Today at 11:53 PM (EDT)

Mars, the action planet has been retrograde in Virgo since January 23, 2012, and tonight, right before midnight it turns direct (11:53pm edt).  But before you do your whoopi dance, please keep in mind that Mars will be traveling back over the same degrees. Even though it's going forward it might seem that we're still dealing with the same issues.  For example, finallly George Zimmerman has been arrested and charged with the murder of Trayvon Martin.  But it's not over yet.  Stayed tuned because there's more to come.  I can't help thinking that it took millions marching in this country and other countries, many petitions and many rallies to keep the pressure on officials to do the right thing.  Don't be fooled, the lawmakers and politicians didn't make a move until they realized how many people were emotionally affected by the news of the murder of an unarmed teenager by a wannabee cop.  As the attorneys who represent Trayvon's family have stated "we're on 1st base and there's much more to come".  We can't leave out the fact that Mercury, planet of communications went direct on April 4th and it also will be traveling over the same degrees as it moves back into Aries on April 17th.  A Luta Continua (the struggle continues)

You might be feeling it on a personal level, something you thought was fixed, is revisited again.  The message is to be patient, stay vigilant and focused on getting it right this time.  The physical reactions to Mars in Virgo going retrograde is that increased anger and impatience could affect our health.  Many have told me they're dealing with digestive problems, are experiencing weird dreams, and basically they feel that no matter what they do, there are still more things to do.  Paperwork needs to be organized and disagreements that seemed to take folks off balance are still surfacing.  The usual question is "when will this be over?" 

Mars will be in Virgo until July 3, 2012.  Then it will move into Libra, the sign of peace, love, harmony and justice (on the positive side) or "no justice no peace" (on the negative side).  But the good news is that Mars will go back into its normal rotation and will be in Libra for the usual six weeks.  Also in July we'll have another retrograde Mercury (in Leo) and next month (May) Venus, will go retrograde from May 15 until June 28). 

This is the year that many have feared because the Mayan Calendar stops on Dec. 21, 2012.  We've received many fear messages and doom and gloom predictions on what that means.  My take on it is that spiritual infants always deal on the fear level because they lack the comprehension of the higher levels. This year is golden and we all have the opportunity to grow and evolve into Higher consciousness.  Yes, there will be "stuff" to deal with, but it's our reaction to what's happening that will make us or break us.  It is time to get serious about doing a daily spiritual practice.  To stay tuned to the Higher frequencies of Love, Peace, Harmony and Joy.  We all need to work on our inner selves so that the external world is a reflection of what we feeling deep inside.  We're being called to bump it up, to do what's right, and to move forward in a fearless way.  We must take care of our health and know that our physical bodies are responding to the thoughts, words and feelings we're projecting.  As the Hopi Elders have said "we are the leaders we've been looking for", they also say "take the word struggle out of your vocabulary and move towards the things that bring you joy".  That last one was my paraphrase, but you get the drift.  Come on people let's stay the course, stay on point and do the thing that we were sent here to do.  Peace and Abundant Blessings, Ayesha

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