Monday, May 20, 2013


This is the 3rd eclipse in a row...exciting isn't it?  The Full Moon Eclipse will be in Sagittarius on Saturday, May 25, 2013.  We (my girls and I) got caught up in the pre eclipse energy this weekend trying to decide who should rent the car we're taking for a road trip to Pittsburgh.  It started with emails, then texts, then emails again and telephone calls.  Why was it taking so long to make a decision? Why is it that one in our group didn't understand we were driving back on Monday? Why does one in our group need to know the make and year of the car that I had locked in for the rental?  Blah, Blah, Blah so much to say and little being settled.  I wanted everything to be a done deal so I could make my plans with lessons, whether to have my hair braided, and packing which is always a disliked activity.  What would the weather be...last time we took a roadtrip, I had to borrow a coat because the weather dropped tremendously. Tensions were building this morning with one in our group saying she just wasn't going because the others got on her nerves.  Geez!  I could also blame that on the Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius which seems to bring out egos and mess with clear communications.


Neptune is the planet that on the high side is ethereal and spiritual and on the other side can add to chaos and confusion and the need to escape from reality.  This Full Moon in Sagittarius Eclipse will be squaring (90 degree angle) Neptune in Pisces.  If not handled correctly the Neptune connection can cloud and disguise what's really going on, and create misunderstandings. But for sure the rational mind is on the back burner and we can imagine what's not being said.  Spiritual teachers tell us that our perceptions of one another are built on our core beliefs and our beliefs are built on past experiences.  Therefore this is a good time to think higher and feel deeper (heard that on OWN yesterday). This is good advice for any time. We need to raise our thinking to a higher level, think the best and then we need to invoke the love principal and love deeper, even when someone is getting on our last nerve (laughing).


A good way to get through the Neptune fog is by giving service to someone or some organization designed to help the less fortunate.  The reason for our trip to Pittsburgh is to help my granddaughter who is grieving for her mother (my daughter). So it's a mercy trip and it came at a time when all of us are short on money.  But the deeper feeling is we must go and wrap our arms around both of my deceased daughter's children.  Isn't that what families do?  They both need to know that we're here for them and that they are not alone in their grieving.  We need to do it for them and we need to do it for ourselves.  While we'd much rather stay at a 5 star hotel, common sense and finances tell us that we should stay with my granddaughter who was closer to my daughter.  She would see her and talk to her everyday.  She has four active children, one of them who cries all the time on a good day, so I'm taking my earplugs because I'm used to quiet and solitude.  But it's all good.  This is our opportunity to walk our talk, to get out of theory and into practicing what we say we believe. 


The Four Agreements tells us not to assume anything and not to take anything personal and that's good advice for always and for this coming week and weekend.
For one thing this Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius can drain energy.  So if you're feeling like your walking with lead weights on your feet, check your thinking.  Our thoughts are powerful so try not to go down that slippery slope when someone says something that pushes your buttons.  Let it pass, take a deep breath and when answering back, ask yourself if you desire peace or if you desire conflict?  The other thing is with emails and especially texts messages you can't know what mind the sender was in, so don't assume the worse.  The sender could just be blowing off steam or reacting to something that has nothing to do with you.  Let it go.  Decide to have a peaceful week and weekend where you can spread the joy and happiness we all have deep down inside, to everyone we come in contact with, including ourselves.


Venus, planet of love and creativity will be close to the Gemini Sun, along with Jupiter, planet of expansion and joy.  Love is the greatest power in the world. It's a great energy that gets stronger as you give it away.  With Venus prominent this week and weekend let love guide you to love unconditionally and to share good conversation with others.  With the weather acting up again, keep in mind that there are people who are suffering right now with housing, finances and some even death experiences.  Be thankful that you're not living in Oklahoma or Texas or in parts of the country that are dealing with violent weather.  I am so thankful for all the loving words, cards and love donations that have been sent to me and my family.  The Love is what's holding us up now.  Yes we're still devastated about the loss of our loved one, but knowing she's not suffering anymore is a help.  We also are so sure she's made contact with others in our family who are on the other side who are happy to see her.  This makes it easier in times when I want to scream and shout and say "why now?"  It's never the right time for a loved one to pass and sadly we're never ready when it happens.  But we're letting love lead the way and going to share love with others who are hurting.  Be Love, Share Love, and let Love & Light surround you.  I am thankful for the teachers who taught me about love.  I love you all, Ayesha

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