Monday, May 6, 2013


The Solar Eclipse in Taurus will happen on Thursday May 9,  2013.  This is the 2nd of 3 eclipses with the 1st one happening on April 25 (Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio) and the last one happening on May 25th (Full Moon Eclipse in Sagg).  So what does it mean when 3 eclipses come along in a short period of time?  That we have to be in the now moment, accept things as they happen and stop the monkey mind (rational mind) from tantalizing you with worst case scenario fears and dreads.  Like the street sage said as he was standing in front of the liquor store, bottle in hand and obviously too drunk to care "it's gonna be what it's gonna be yo". 


My son wrote a song once called "Life Isn't Easy"..."but we can take it as it comes". His band one a prize while performing this song in Central Park one year.  He over rode advice from other band members and music execs who were convinced they had to do a song that the audience was hearing on the radio because traditional wisdom said audiences are slow to connect to new songs.  But he was a stubbon Leo, it was his band, his song and his call.  Halfway through the song the young audience rushed the bandstand, yelling and cheering and it was clear to us that he made the right decision.  Sometimes we have to go with our intuition and deflect conventional wisdom. That is because nobody has all the right answers all the time. 


New Moons traditionally mean new starts and New Moon Eclipses (Solar Eclipse) means to go within for the energy to make a new start.  New Moon Eclipse in Taurus tells us that we must use our creative energy during this time.  Also since the South Node is in Taurus, it's a good time to release the past while planning for something new.  After all Taurus is the most stubborn and determined sign in the Zodiac and when that stubborn energy is fixed on positive things it  very powerful. 


A few months ago a Taurus friend of mind was found unconscious on the floor after having a stroke, an aneurysm and heart attack.  When I was able to reach him in the hospital he sounded weak and not his real self.  Actually other friends were projecting his death, full of fear and doom and gloom.  Just as I was about to end the phone call, I said to him "I have one word for you...Fight".  Thankfully he heard that. He was a Taurus and not about to give up without a fight.  He's not fully recovered yet, but day by day he makes some progress is in rehab and learning to walk again.  His end goal is to be able to walk up the stairs to his apartment.  He tapped into that Taurus energy and used it to his advantage and I'm proud of him. 


No matter what is going on in your life now, it's time to tap into the bullish energy of Taurus. For me it's holding on to the belief that one day I'm going to stop crying about my daughter's death and I'm going to feel all right again.  On the 9th I'm going to meditate and pray and "see" myself walking again with a spring in my step.  I have good days and days that are not so good.  I am so thankful for good friends who are supporting me now, with cards, calls and love donations.  The love that has surrounded me during this time is healing to my soul.  I'm also working on forgiving my son in law who in my mind made my daughter's life miserable.  I'm not there yet, but as I tap into the Taurus stubborn energy I know it's going to happen.  Holding on to resentment is not good for my body, mind or spirit.  I know better and I have to put into practice the things I've been taught and have taught to others.  It's all good. Love & Light, Ayesha

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