Tuesday, March 26, 2013



When the Sun is in Aries, the sign of "I Am" and opposite the Moon in Libra, the sign of "we are",  we experience the Full Moon in Libra.  Aries is the sign of war and Libra is the sign of peace.  Aries is the sign of the individual, while Libra is the sign of partnerships.  Aries and Libra are opposite each other in the natural Zodiac.  Aries and Libra are unlike each other, but they can co-exist, and we can learn from each one.  Once a year the Full Moon appears in Libra while the Sun appears in Aries.  We can learn from this opposition and channel the energy in positive ways.  When considering what to write about this Full Moon, the memory of an encounter I had with some teenagers came to mind.  Walking back home (In Queens), from a good swim workout (90 laps), I found myself in the midst of some young males who were talking about a plan to go to someone's house and "jack him up".  Usually people my age would avoid this group of teens and just cross the street to avoid them.  But I decided to walk through them because I consider that all children are my children.  These tough looking young guys could have been my sons or my grandsons.  As I was trying to pass them, I looked at the child who was obviously the leader of the group, gave him eye contact and said "you see the Moon up there?"  He stopped and looked up and I continued, "it's the Full Moon in Libra".  He had a curious look on his face as he asked, "what does it mean?"  I answered "it means you can choose to either make love or make war".  Now the whole group had stopped and they were surrounding me. I went on to explain "it happens every year when the Sun is in Aries, the sign of war and the Moon is in Libra the sign of peace".  The leader yelled "I'm an Aries, so what does that mean for me?"  I had to admit to him and the others that I heard their conversation about what they were planning. I told them if they carried out their plan they would suffer dire consequences,  especially now that the Moon was Full.  As I was talking,  a police cruiser drove by us and I pointed to it and said the police know these things and they expect more violence during a Full Moon."they'd be more than happy to accommodate the prison industrial system by arresting you and putting you in jail. One of them said "yeah I noticed there's more police action tonight".  So on the Full Moon in Libra I was able to share some wisdom with the young people, and the advice I gave them "make love not war" ( a slogan I learned in the 60's.) 


The benefits of being born in a human body is that we have choice in every matter. When the Full Moon comes along there are humans who choose to go off the deep end and allow their increased emotions to over ride making conscious decisions. Full Moon in Libra time is the time to choose to make all decisions with love in your heart. You can choose to be angry with someone or you can choose to treat the situation with love.  While doing a chart in Riker's Island Prison, for one of my students, who happened to be an Aries, I realized that the day he shot and killed a man in a dispute about money, the Full Moon was in Libra.  He explained to me that he had no intentions of commiting murder, but the man owed him money and when they met up in a bar, the man started "beef" (ghetto word for argument) with him and they went outside to "settle their differences".  Then someone threw him a gun because the other guy was getting the best of him in a fist fight.  "Ayesha I had to use it because I wouldn't be able to show my face in the hood again, if I didn't use it".  Hmmm, so the choice he made winded up killing someone and he was now facing a sentence of 25 years to life.  I told him that on that day the  Full Moon was in Libra and his emotions got the best of him.  I also found out that on that same day, his wife was in the hospital giving birth to their child. "why didn't you just go to the hospital to be with your wife?"  He told me his plan was to first stop for a drink and then head to the hospital, but he got diverted by this man who owed him money and who was (in his mind) being very disrespectful.   He also told me during our session that if he had known about astrology and the Full Moons, he might have made a different choice.  We'll never know. 


Back in the 80's I wrote an article for Essence Magazine called "Full Moon Madness".  The research for the article involved talking to doctors and nurses who worked in emergency rooms, emt's who serviced people who needed emergency treatment, police captains in local precincts, and doctors/nurses who worked in mental institutions.  the general consensus was that when the Full Moon was on the weekend, the incidents of accidents and homicides increased.  In fact in all cases, when they knew that a Full Moon was happening they would hire extra staff  to handle the increased activities.   Doctors in mental institutions said they always knew there was a Full Moon, because their patients would become unmanageable.  While my research wasn't exactly scientific, it was enough to encourage readers to be aware of Full Moons and to try to flow through the period without hurting themselves or others.  The Full Moon cycle lasts for two days before and one day after the event.  People who are already on the edge, or angry about something are advised to cool it, just look up and witness the beautiful Full Moon, and wait until after the Full Moon passes to make important decisions. 


I was born with the Moon in Libra and Libra Rising, so I'm really sensitive to this Full Moon.  Listening to many healers on line helps me to stay grounded in the truth of how important our emotions are to our physical health.  One healer commented that if you don't have buttons to push, you won't be impacted by someone pushing your buttons.  Sound a little redundant, but I get the drift.  This particular Full Moon, I've been witnessing my reactions to people who call me on the telephone, or who write me an email.  I'm aware that we're in the energy of the Full Moon, so I'm doing lots of breath work, and breathing deeply before I reply to something that I don't like.   Working on me, I'm eliminating unnecessary buttons and realizing that "if they knew better, they'd do better". (Isabel M. Hickey).  But, I'm making sure not to repress or stuff my feelings as I try to respond with kindness and love to people who act as if I'm on their payroll (laughing).  The beauty of the Full Moon in Libra, the sign of peace, harmony and beauty, is it's a good time to be the witness of my own thoughts and actions.  The particular Full Moon in Libra comes with 4 planets in Aries, including the Sun, in opposition to the Moon in Libra. The Aries energy is assertive, even agressive, and there is a potential to cut people off, or to "go there" in an attempt to win a potential argument.  But I'm reminded that it only takes a few seconds to think about my responses to people.  A few seconds to say to myself "do I desire peace and love or do I need to be the winner of this discussion?"  Alchemists tell us that when you make a conscious decision to choose the high road, you're in a position to turn lead into gold.  You can make a friend or make an enemy, and the choice is purely up to you.  Full Moon in Libra is a good time for romance or to attract a love in your life. You can set your intentions and call for your soul mate at this time, or just spend quality time writing down the characteristics of your Divine Right Mate.  Imagine how you will feel when that special someone is in your life.  Even though there are 4 planets in Aries, which influences us to think about self, or getting ahead, or making new starts, that beautiful Full Moon in Libra is saying "you don't live in this world alone, and cooperation is much better than competition".  This is also a very good time to do some mirror techniques, i.e. looking in the mirror and saying "I am beautiful, I am capable, I am loveable".  The fact is you can't love someone else if you're not loving yourself unconditionally.  Libra rules the kidneys in the physical body, so make sure you are drinking enough water. I just came back from a road trip and realized that I was hydrated, feeling lethargic and extremely tired.  The minute I started drinking more water my energy came back.  Tomorrow I'm going to swim and play and pray in the water and and I'm also going to sage out a friend's house to get rid of the negative energy... it's all good.  Enjoy the Full Moon in Libra and be good to you and/or others.  This week we have Passover and Easter...a good time to celebrate your life.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



The Vernal Equinox, first day of spring, starts when the Sun is at zero degrees of Aries, the first sign in the zodiac.  Years ago before the Gregorian Calendar the Vernal Equinox was considered to be the new year.  On the Vernal Equinox, the day is equal to the night and balance between our inner and outer worlds can be achieved.  


Sometimes our bodies tell us it's time to do a cleansing.  I realized that a cleansing for me was necessary when I woke up angry and thinking about the most recent police killing in NYC.  The spirits of the people who had been recently killed by police came to mind.  When will this ever end?  What is it that we're supposed to do about this?  When will the people be moved to act and make the changes that will prevent these tragedies?  Edmond Perry, Michael Stewart, Amadou Diallo, Ramarley Graham, Sean Bell, and now Kimani (Kiki) Gray, all ruthlessly gunned down by police, with the usual excuses "we thought he had a gun" or "he had a gun".  Whatever, they're really not going to take responsibility, especially when the mayor and police chief say their actions were justified.  Thank God I'm doing my regular spiritual practice, meditation and prayer and thank God for Agape and the spiritually uplifting music and message that lets me know things are changing.  I resolved not to allow present circumstances and anger take over my mind, body and spirit. 


Even though I don't personally know the families or people who've been slaughtered by police, what I know for sure is that we're all connected.  One mother's pain and sorrow is my pain and sorrow.  Kimani Gray could have been my grandchild and it could have been my family planning for a funeral.  I pray for his family and I pray for his soul, and as we were taught (pray for your enemies), I also pray for the police who ruthlessly murdered him.  The "justice" system may forgive them, but in their hearts they know the Truth.  They may have concocted a good story for the press "he was pointing a gun at me", but the Truth is that which is really so as eye witnesses say he didn't have a gun.  Forensics reports say he was shot at least 4 times in the back so how are you fearing someone who has his back turned?" 


Talking to a good friend who happens to be a member of the nypd, helped me to keep my perspective on the murder of Kimani Gray.  How is it that psychotic police feel free to come into our neighborhoods and kill our children?  Bottom line, (for me) is there's not enough love. When we witness kids with guns, killing innocent children and we don't stand up and do something to stop it, when people are afraid to come out of their houses in fear of being shot by one of their teenaged neighbors, when police come to our neighborhood and kill one of our neighbors children and we seem to be immune to it...we're suffering from a lack of love for ourselves and for others.  Collectively we've been dumbed down to act like robots.  If we have a job, we have to get back to work.  We have to continue our daily routine for fear of losing the job.  We'd rather watch the happenings on the news than to get up and join a demonstration.  Sadly, we think that there is nothing we can do individually or collectively to stop the carnage, whether its perpetuated by gangs or carried out by police.  We won't get involved unless the next victim is our relative.  And even at that the involvement is to set up a temporary altar on the street, with candles and pictures of the deceased. 


When we have love in our hearts there's no room for fear.  When we have love in our hearts we won't have to think for a minute about our own well being.  The people who are speaking truth to power are fearless of the consequences.  They do what they do because of the love for their people.  Harriet Tubman was motivated by love and told the abolitionists who were supporting her that she wasn't going to stop even though there was a bounty on her head.  First she freed herself, then she went back and freed her family and then kept going back to free many others.  "I had reasoned in my heart that I had a right to be free or be dead..."  "when it's my time God will take me".  She lived well into her 80's and died in her bed, in her own house. 


This is a good time to cleanse, fast and renew your spirit.  It is the cosmic New Year. Mars is in Aries, inspiring all of us to make some changes, while Mercury is still plodding along in Pisces, causing some confusion or procrastination, and Venus is moving into Aries on the 21st,  telling us to put love first or to participate in loving actions (Mars) on a daily basis.  What I do know is that we need to stay grounded in the Truth, if you eat that cookie instead of the salad your body will not be nourished.  It might be a temporary "feel good" thing, but in Truth your body needs those leafy greens.  We decided to live at this time and we have everything we need to live a happy, prosperous, healthy and productive life.  Please send out healing prayers to the family of Kimani Gray.  Hopefully in the not too distant future we'll collectively say "enough is enough" and guarantee through our actions that this kind of tragedy will be a thing of the past.  Happy New Year, Happy New You!

Sunday, March 17, 2013



Well yes, Mercury turns direct on Sunday, March 17, 2013 and we're expecting that whatever was stalled, blocked or delayed could suddenly move forward.  However, Mercury  traveled backwards from 19 degrees to 5 degrees and we'll probably feel relief when it gets back to 19 degrees and beyond.  Therefore on April 5th when Mercury moves to 20 degrees of Pisces  we'll be feeling much better, telephone calls will be returned, emails answered and for some, the sincere prayer will manifest.  This might sound too technical and complicated, so let's put it like this...stay in prayer, keep up meditation and look for the Light at the end of the tunnel. 


Let's face it, what we've been doing all along is building spiritual muscles, increasing our faith and focusing on doing our spiritual practices on a daily basis.  Thankfully, Deepak and Oprah started a 21 day meditation cycle on the New Moon in Pisces (did they do it on purpose?), which focuses on health and well being.  And many of us are right there with them, tuning in everyday from our computer. 


Once you've made a decision to do something on a regular basis, and you do that thing for 21 days, you've created a habit.  Then if you do it for more than 21 days it becomes an easy thing to do.  If it's meditation or prayer, or just the decision to think positive thoughts all day, then it becomes a life affirming activity that will benefit your body, mind and spirit.  While there are many things in life that we don't have control over, we can control our attitudes  and train our rational minds to think good things.  During  Mercury Retrograde periods we can decide to get back to basics and  retrain our minds to attract what we want.  We can also decide to refrain from kneejerk reactions to situations that seem to be out of our control.  One of the most powerful things I've learned from spiritual teachers was to stay in the present moment.  Even though as an astrologer, I'm always looking ahead (smile), I've learned that our future is created one day at a time.  Even having the knowledge about retrogrades, new and full moons, I've learned that what we're thinking and projecting in the now moment will determine whether the future will be a positive or negative experience.  I've also learned that keeping a joyful attitude and giving thanks for what I have now, can set me up to attract more good in my life. 


From what I heard via email and telephone, this Mercury Retrograde period wasn't easy.  Stuff happened and some of it was challenging to deal with.  I talked to many people who were in crisis, on overwhelm and wondering "is there something happening in the stars?"  Ummm, well yes it was.  I found myself calling on my spiritual guides to help me try to get this person centered, and all the while stuff was happening with me and my family.  Some days all I could do was remember what my teachers and grandmother taught me "this too shall pass".  I also kept telling people that the only constant in this universe was change.  Had to follow my own advice last week when I received a mysterious letter from my Scorpio landlord..."sorry but I'm going to have to sell" and "I'll let you know the move out day".  Huh! What!  That was on the same day that my niece woke me up with the news that my sister was back in the hospital. This time with edema and a blood clot.  On top of that, one of my daughters texted me asking for prayers for her good friend who lost her baby, had 3 transfusions and was still hemmoraging profusely.  She had been up all night in the hospital trying to comfort her friend and her son (my grandson) had a stomach virus that seemed out of control.  We went into prayer mode and I put the shocking news about having to move on the back burner.  I also heard from several caregivers that they were on overwhelm and ready to give up on loved ones who were uncooperative and ungrateful, etc. etc. 


YES, YES, YES!  Tuned into Agape and Rev. Cheryl Ward was saying Yes, Yes, Yes! She reminded us to stay in "yes" mode, even when other stuff was happening in our lives.  Because in actuality, there is Light at the end of the tunnel.  We seemed to collectively go through a dark space, but it's not over till it's over.  Had an alcoholic cousin who used to say that when I was a child.  With a ciggarette in one hand and a bottle in the other hand he'd share his life's philosophy in an assertive (drunken) way.


of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me...".  Funny how the things we learned as children seem to be in our minds as adults.  We used to say the 23rd Psalm at Sunday Prayer and recite it and the Lord's Prayer, every Sunday without fail.  It didn't mean much to me back then, but now when stuff happens sometimes pieces of it come up in my mind.  We'd say it together, (about ten of us), first thing every Sunday morning.Then we'd eat breakfast.  You could smell the sausage and bacon wafting from the kitchen and I was always wishing for prayer time to end, so we could eat food that we now know wasn't that good for our health (smile). Long before I grew up and learned the Robe of Light prayer,   I would always visualize Light at the end of the "shadow of death". I would also "see" a figure dressed in white following along with me through that valley, and the images are still with me today.  


No matter where you are, no matter what is happening in your life right now...the truth is there are other people in this world who have experienced the same things and sometimes even worse things.  The truth is we are not alone.  We can take a look at the cosmic clock to see what time it is and take advantage of that information, and we can decide to live our best lives, love one another, and love ourselves unconditionally. . . no matter what.  Therefore when "stuff" happens in our lives,we can reach out to someone who can inspire us to lift our consciousness to a Higher level.  Mercury will be direct on the 17th and travel over the same territory it backed over when it was retrograde.  You might have changed your mind about something and then decided to change it again...and it's all good.  We're all in this life together, we are not alone and it is all good.  Hopefully you've decided to get serious about your spiritual practices and beliefs, which will support you during this time.  There are angels and guides everywhere and some of them are in human form.  Mercury will go retrograde again in June and again in October.  It is all good and it is all God.  We're in the last days of winter and quickly moving towards spring (on the 20th).  Keep the Light around you and "see" light at the end of the tunnel, or valley. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

New Moon in Pisces/Mars in Aries

Here we go again, two events one day apart. Firstly the Sun and Moon will be in Pisces on Monday, March 11th and then Mars the action planet will move into Aries on Tuesday, March 12th.  Talk about pray then act, well that's what the cosmic clock is telling us. 


Somewhere in the  Bible it tells us to pray without ceasing and that's a good activity for the New Moon in Pisces, the sign that says "I Believe". The New Moon will be connecting with Venus, planet of love and beauty and it's a good day to focus on creativity, beauty, and love.  Writing down your intention for the coming months is also a good idea.  If you don't know what you want, then you'll accept anything.(smile).  But love is in the air and for those of you who are looking for your soul mate, be sure to be specific about the qualities you need in a mate.  It's also a good idea to forgive any past relationships that come up in your mind as hurts and disappointments.  As my grandmother used to say "it takes two to start an argument"...so take responsibility for what happened, and forgive yourself for allowing this person to get close enough to you to cause you pain.  Sound cynical? Well, kinda sorta, but years of listening to people who are always shaming and blaming the other person, I do have to cut them off and ask them why they let this person get so close to him or her, especially if they were "no good".  However even if things are good in your life now it's always a good time to pray and give thanks for your blessings.  Venus rules two signs, i.e. Taurus the money sign and Libra the sign of relationships.  If money is your focus now and you need more of it, grab on to the principle of giving and receiving and give some away.  We should share what we have with others no matter what.  However if your focus is on accumulating more prosperity and abundance, no matter what your bank account says, try giving some away.  What you send out on the New Moon will come back to you ten fold.  New Moons are seed planting times.  Plant seeds of joy, laughter, love and abundance and witness how it makes you feel and how it helps others to feel good too.  Now if giving away money is too far a stretch for you, then give away some time. Volunteer to help someone in need and that could be just babysitting someone else's children on the weekend, or going to the store for an elderly shut in, or volunteering for a group or organization designed to help those in need.  Check your belief systems, are you living them or just preaching them to others? And when you pray, pray believing that your prayers will be answered.  On another note, our prayers are always answered and sometimes the answer is "no".  We might think we know what we need, but the Most High knows better than we do.  We always end our prayers with "this or something better", which give spirit the opening to give us something better.  So use this powerful New Moon in Pisces to lift your consciousness above the daily routine so you can "see" from a higher perspective.  Praying for others is also a good idea because what we pray for others we pray for ourselves.  I believe (Pisces keyword) that my health has been good because I have a long prayer list and I'm always praying for someone else's health.  I was set up to do this by my teacher, Ms. Isabel M. Hickey who was not only a good astrologer, but a facillitator of healing meditation groups.  Isabel taught us to keep a prayer book where we write down the names of the people we were praying for.  Then when the prayer came true, she told us to go back and write it down in the book.  It's like an "evidence book" that can increase your faith in miracles.  I love looking back into my prayer book to witness the many miraculous healings that took place.  The Pisces New Moon is inspiring us to look beyond the veil and to believe in the unseen.  It's all good.


Mars the action planet is ruled by Aries, and surely when it revisits Aries it's time for action.  Mars will be in Aries from March 12 until April 20, 2013.  When Mars was in Pisces it was time to pray and to work on the inner levels, now that it's moving into Aries, it's time to put feet on your prayers and to take the first steps towards achieving your goals.  One negative side effect of Mars in Aries is that it seems to make people want to move faster, drive faster and push against the grain.  Last time Mars was in Aries I noticed lots of car crashes or situations where speed was the culprit for accidents.  Mars also rules guns and surely the gun debate is heating up, with people arguing either for or against gun regulations.  So Mars in Aries is a time to stay out of arguments, to "never worry, never hurry" and move about your daily activities in a peaceful and calm way.  The good side effect of Mars in Aries is that we have the energy to start that new project or business and to push back negative self talk or thoughts that limit us.  It's also a good time to practice humility and to let go of the ego.  It's not a good time to be impulsive or to rush to judgement, especially since Mercury is still in retrograde (until the 17th).  So move and move with caution. Even though the "force is with you", you still need to watch before crossing the street.  Mars in Aries is a good time for action, but righteous good action.  Make sure that you get enough rest and hydrate regularly.  (as I take a sip from my water bottle).  Stay in the Light and send that Light out to others. If you should find anger coming up inside, ask yourself "what am I afraid of?"  Behind anger is fear.  I've taught these spiritual truths to my children and one day when I was in the midst of yelling at one of them she stood there and said "Mom what are you afraid of?"  I wanted to smack her down but since I didn't believe in hitting my children, I took a deep breath and contemplated her question.  I had to admit that lately since she always seemed to ignore my requests for help around the house (demands) I was afraid that one day she would be running the show.  I was afraid that she would grow up to be a terrible housekeeper.  My rational mind wanted to run away with the worst case scenarios.  I calmed down and told her that I expected her to wash the dishes before I came home from work and that I needed those clean dishes before I could cook and then reminded her that right now, I was the boss and she had to do what I told her.  She might have a different version, but the intention here is to demonstrate how you can cool out a situation without going to jail for a homicide (laughing). Don't let anyone or anything push your buttons and if you're working on yourself and trying to evolve and grow there won't be that many buttons to push.  It is my hope and prayer that all of you use this Mars in Aries energy for your benefit and the benefit of others.  It's all energy, and it's up to you how you choose to use it.  Use it to clear out what's no longer needed, or wanted. Like those negative thoughts that are not serving you, or that broken down (whatever) that needs to be thrown in the garbage.  We are taught that our limiting self talk is what keeps us from manifesting our prayers and goals.  Release them, let them go and replace them with self affirming thoughts like: "I am an unique individual expression of the Creator", or "I am the rich child of a rich father", or (my favorite) "everyday and every way my life is getting better and better"  and so it is!