Friday, May 11, 2012


Things seem to be happening in bunches this year, i.e. on May 15th Venus, planet of love and beauty turns retrograde in Gemini until June 27th, and then a Solar Eclipse in Gemini happens on the 20th of May. When a planet turns retrograde it is actually slowing down and only appears to be going backwards because earth is not  slowing down.  However when a planet retrogrades it stays in a sign much longer than usual. Instead of the usual 3to 6 weeks in a sign Venus will be in Gemini for almost 4 months. It entered Gemini on April 4th and will be there until August 6th.  


So what does it mean when Venus retrogrades in the sign of communications?  Spiritually speaking there is a golden opportunity to reset your love goals, to connect with the love energy on the planet, to forgive and let go of all past hurts and disappointments relating to love relationships.  Single people who are looking for love can use this retrograde energy to completely clear out their love closet...the stuff that was stored there long ago that you no longer want or need.  It's time to  create a new paradigm when it comes to self image.  Regardless of what happened to you in the past you have the power to forgive it, let it go and start off brand new.  On the mundane level that could just mean changing your hairstyle or the clothes that you wear.  For some people it could also mean getting back to a talent or hobby that you love to do and doing it more.  As the ancients would say "be the love that you want to have in your life".  Modern day healers are telling people to live from the heart and not the head. Overall Venus in Gemini is saying be more people friendly, smile more and do little random acts of kindness for others.  Sometimes the retrograde brings people back into our lives that we may have forgotten about.  Meeting up with people from our past give us the opportunity to look back on our lives.  Sometimes we may think to ourselves "what was I thinking when I hooked up with this person?"  Or it could be "wonder why I let this person go?"  Whatever it is you have the chance to see who you were, back then and to deal with the situation in a loving way.  This person might not be a good candidate for a love relationship but he or she could just become a good friend.  The flip side of all this loving energy is to love yourself unconditionally.  If you're not loving yourself then you're doing yourself a disservice.  Opening your heart to more love means to forgive yourself for past mistakes or as Iyanla Vansant said on Oprah's LifeClass, "when you're not loving yourself, you're not loving the God within" We are spiritual beings having a human experience and in our humaness sometimes we make mistakes.  We are learning to love ourselves and others unconditionally and we can only do that when we open our hearts to more love.

Solar Eclipses happen when the Moon blocks out the light from the Sun.  This happens on May 20th when the Sun is in Gemini.  In North America we may see (depending on weather) the partial eclipse. I'm sure the news will be sharing pictures of this eclipse, which is the first of two eclipses, the second will be on June 4th and it will be a Lunar Eclipse.  So as the Moon, planet of emotions blocks out the Sun, planet of will and ego, it's time to put our little wills in alignment with the greater will of God.  With all that increased love energy coming from Venus Retrograde, the Solar Eclipse provides the opportunity to put more feelings into our prayers.  Our teacher stopped us in group meditation one day as we were reciting the Lord's Prayer.  She cautioned us not to get into the habit of repeating our prayers in a robotic fashion.  "don't say it if you don't mean it, say it with feeling" were her words.  It's so easy to get caught in the habit of saying a familiar prayer or affirmation in a monotone and robotic way.  When I find myself doing that I'll either say a different prayer or stop and breathe and think about the words I'm saying and I'll deliberately put some feeling into it.  It is interesting that this eclipse is in Gemini, the sign that is usually coming from the left brain, the sign that thinks but has to learn how to feel.  As we progress on the spiritual path and start to develop our spiritual gifts we're taught to connect with our emotions, to  check how it feels in our gut, to forget about so-called facts on a piece of paper but to go right to the stomach and check how it feels.  We all need to start to connect with our feelings.  Intuition is knowing but not knowing why it knows.  Intuition comes from our feelings and the stomach area is the place in the body where the intuition resides.  Years of tapping into my intuition with the guidance of my teacher, I learned to bypass the rational mind and to go right my gut.  Last week the news was blurbing a story that was sensational, in fact all the news stations were blurbing the same story.  My gut told me it was an outright lie.  I don't know why, and I don't have the facts but I just know it was a story that was manufactured and that for some reason the blanketing of our airwaves with the story was setting us up for something else.  My political teachers used to tell me  to ask myself "who will benefit from this story?"  I decided not even to try to figure it all out, I knew it was a lie and after surfing other news, I knew it was a big lie, so I flipped the channel to the tennis matches (laughing).  No use upsetting myself about things that I cannot control.  If we can do something about it, or are directed by our inner selves to do something, then we should listen and obey.  Other than that we know the truth is all there is and eventually the truth will rise to the surface.  In the meantime the match between Nadal and Verdasco was interesting.  Metaphysicians, astrologers are saying this coming Solar Eclipse promises to bring more Light to the planet.  They are urging us to tap into that Light and set our intentions, for a better life, a better world.  That sounds like a good activity that we can all do.  Here's to a better life, more love, more Light on the planet...Love & Light, Ayesha

1 comment:

  1. May 15th Venus, planet of love and beauty turns retrograde in Gemini until June 27th and I am feeling it. People from my past are reconnecting out of the blue, forcing me to not only embrace, but to activate my new paradigm for life. Letting the God light shine in and through me through effective communication of love which is important.

    Iyanla Vanzant's comment quoted is a truism: If I cannot love myself, I cannot love the God within, but if I cannot love me, I cannot love you and ipso facto, I cannot love God because you and I, I and I are One.

    Thanks for taking time to enlighten, to guide, to give some love, while helping to keep us focused. I know it is not easy, but know that I love you for the love you exude and generate, when there are so many eclipses in the lives of our universal family. Thanks for your light.


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