Friday, December 19, 2014



When the Sun moves into Capricorn we have the winter solstice, which happesn to be the longest night and the shortest day of the year. This year the New Moon in Capricorn happens on the same day as the Winter Solstice.   The other Solstice happens on the first day of Summer when the Sun moves into Cancer. Ancients used to celebrate the solstices and the equinoxes in the spring and fall when the day and night were equal.  In today's world most people are just busy preparing for Xmas or Kwanzaa and wondering how we let ourselves get into this mess every year.  I tell people they were brainwashed when they were children and what went into their subconscious minds is still controlling them. They look at me like I'm crazy as they mumble "but I have to do it". Metaphysically speaking, the winter solstice is a good time to do healing rituals and/or say prayers/affirmations designed to erase fears of lack and limitation.  It's a good time ro reconnect with the divine source within that is always providing our needs. This is a good time to give as well as receive. When I counsel people around this time who are depressed, we have to talk about Xmas and how it was for them as children. Then we have to talk about the power of the conscious mind and how their expectations of how things should be are triggering negative thoughts. Years of working on the suicide hotline have let me know the downward spiral of depression usually begins around the winter solstice and continues on into Xmas.  That is probably why statistically, more suicides are committed during the Xmas season.  


In spite of what Big Pharma tells you, it is possible to lift from depression without taking harmful drugs. But, if your doctor prescribes them and you believe they can help you, there is no shame in taking them.  In 2013 when my daughter died, and I had to move, and then my granddaughter jumped out a window and I was given my 5 year old great grandchild to raise, I was walking around like a zombie. I finally gave into loved ones pleas to go get a check up from my primary care doctor.  After checking all my vitals and talking to him for a minute he pulled out his prescription pad and told me "you're clinically depressed". Ummm, really? Yes I was real sad, but how could he diagnose me as being "clinically depressed?" He's known me for years and knows how I feel about prescribed medicine. Still he filled out the prescription for a drug while saying "and I know you probably won't take them". He was right. I rushed home googled "natural ways to cure depression" and read for hours.  For one thing, death and moving were ranked high on the list for causes of depression, and I had both. Then I read about serotonin levels and how to raise them naturally. Sunlight, exercise, meditation, connecting with others who share same values, were all listed as ways to raise the serotonin levels and lift from depression.  I felt like I was on a mission from God, as I made regular visits to our outdoor pool to sit in the sunlight, and regular visits to the indoor pool to do laps.  I joined a bereavement group in my community which was a safe place for me to vent and to realize that there were others who were in the same situation, some worse than me.  Also I found out that being grateful for things lifted my spirits, even if those things were small things that I once took for granted.  I made it a ritual to get up in the morning and saying "thank you" then repeating it when the toilet flushed, the shower turned on, when the toothpaste and toothbrush were there for me to use.  I said thank you to the computer as it booted up and thank you for the emails that people sent to me.  Realizing that there are some people in my community who were homeless, didn't have access to a shower or a computer made me even more thankful for what I had. I gave thanks for my grandchild who seemed to get excited over everything she saw "look Grandma there are 5 deer in the backyard!" My search for answers took me to websites on depression and I discovered that I've had low level depression my whole life.  It was my early studies in metaphysics that inspired me to fight depression like an unwanted intruder who might be trying to break into my house.  I found that upbeat music was a lifter, also watching comedians on television or youtube became a favorite past time.  


There are many people that I counsel or just talk to at the school bus stop who say they're up one day, down the next.  I could relate to that because I've been experiencing the same thing.
We could blame it on the cosmos and that intense square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Or bringing it down to earth, we could blame it on the constantly negative news about police getting away with murdering totally innocent people.  I think the most healthy people these days are the ones who took to the streets, yelled and screamed and let that pent up bad energy out.  But if you sat on the energy and gave yourself excuses as to why you didn't join the others, or if you let your addictions take over (no judgment here because we're all addicted to something), you're probably feeling guilt along with depression.  Interesting that Louise Hay (You Can Heal Your Life), says that depression is repressed rage. She talks about letting it out safely by pounding a pillow or getting in your car with the windows closed and screaming loudly. It seems we're living in a world where extremes are constant.  The solution is to try not to go too high and not to go too low. Our quest must be to find a balance, some how, some way.
We can be creative in finding reasons to celebrate our lives. The Winter Solstice, Xmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa are seasonal reasons to be with loved ones, to give and to love uncondtionally. You don't have to go over the top with spending to share love with people...a smile, and kind hug, a blessing, a thoughtful email, a greeting card for someone special, a cheerful attitude which is contagious to everyone around you...these are inexpensive gifts that are long lasting.  The reason why I like the Winter Solstice is because incrementally the days will start to get longer until the Spring Equinox. That means more light coming in day by day.


When I think about how hard my grandmother worked during the Xmas holiday, I also think about how hard I used to work to make this a good Xmas for my children. Grandmother was a hardworking Taurus woman with a Virgo Moon. Everything had to be just perfect during this time. In fact she started doing her Xmas shopping in July and when Xmas came, the presents were already wrapped and stored in her closet.  She also cooked up a storm, making Xmas cookies, washing the good china and cleaning the silverware months before she cooked Xmas dinner. My favorite Xmas memory was the whole family gathered around the piano singing Xmas Carols. My grandmother and Aunt Rebecca would take turns playing the piano. Later I realized they were self taught. But this hardworking Taurus woman died at age 73 with a massive heart attack. I wondered if she had just worn out her body after all those years of planning, cleaning, cooking, shopping to make sure we had a "good" Xmas.  In 2014 there are woman who feel  obligated to wear themselves out as they try to replicate what their mothers or grandmothers did for them. But there are many women who've opted out of the whole thing as they listen to their bodies and spend within their budgets and find creative ways to celebrate without wearing themselves out.  Children learn from our example so don't fool yourself into believing that they have to have everything they see on television. Knowledge is power so most of us know that corporate greed is the reason why every time this year there are many commercials aimed at children who will tell you they want this or that. A curious thing that psychologist talk about...children seem to get sick or act out during this time. I think it's because they are picking up the stress from the adults in their world.  Plus many of them have been threatened since September that "if you don't behave Santa won't give you anything". I've heard mothers warning their children months in advance of Xmas.  By the time the big day arrives children are a bundle of nerves and anxious. Some have eaten too much candy and Xmas sweets and you have a perfect reason why the child is off kilter. Their routine and schedules have changed and basically they are stressed to the max. You can change this scenario by being the calm in the middle of the storm. If you can move easily and gracefully through this season you'll be demonstrating to your children that they can do the same. Also try not to do everything yourself. If you're children are old enough, get them to help you with all the extra chores. If there are other adults in the household enlist their aid in helping you with your things to do list.  The thing not to do is to teach your children that a material thing will bring them happiness. One year when me and my ex spent over the top for our children, he got really agitated when the children spent more time playing with the empty boxes than the expensive latest toys that we bought.  Children are naturally creative and are happy when we spend quality time with them. So become a child again and figure out how to spend your  holidays in a less stressful way.  Enjoy your special day(s) with Love & Light, Ayesha

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