Sunday, June 23, 2013


Jupiter, planet of expansion will move into Cancer on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 and it will stay there until July 16, 2014.  We can expect that family issues, issues concerning security and emotional energy will increase for a little more than a year.  If you're born a Cancer, or have planets in Cancer expect more joy, more prosperity and more opportunities to be nurturing to youself and/or others.  While Jupiter is known to be a great benefic or the cosmic santa, it also has a flip side, as with everything on this plane of existence.  While Jupiter influences us to expand and grow we also have to know when to quit and how far to go while Jupiter is aspecting our personal planets or moving through specific houses in our astrological charts.  Case in point, after reviewing charts of people who were addicted to drugs or alcohol, my unscientific study showed intense aspects to Jupiter.  These were people who just didn't know when to quit or how far to go and usually there was a mindset that getting "high" was helping them to escape the stresses in their lives.  I've also witnessed people who could smoke marijuana and still live a productive life, while others who used it were living in a fantasy world and not getting their daily needs met.  There is such a thing as having too much of a good thing. 


i'm not a believer in the "new" chart for the United States which gives a Scorpio Rising, so this is based on the old chart that has Gemini Rising.  Therefore, Jupiter in Cancer will be moving through the 2nd House of Personal Money is the chart that I use.  That means to me that there will we a turnaround in the economy and more citizens will be experiencing more money in their individual bank accounts.  There is also a trend towards philantrophy with more not-for-profits finding a way to help the less fortunate, i.e. to feed the hungry and house the poor.  In fact with the increase of interest in metaphysics, we keep hearing "help someone else to make their lives better and the cosmic turnaround will be beneficial to you".  So while there is still a lot of suffering going on in this country, there are more and more people who've decided to do something meaningful to help.   Hopefully the Jupiter connection will bring out the collective kindness is all people.


I've seen strong Jupiter connections in charts of people who like to gamble, and the gamblers who benefit by taking a chance, know when to quit.  Some gamblers have told me they just love to play the game, they win some they lose some, but it's all fun to them.  There seems to be no turn off in their brains that tells them to walk away after a big win.  So for people with planets in Cancer, especially, there needs to be a sense of knowing when you've gone to far and to know when to quit.  And this is in reference to money as well as knowing how to take care of your physical needs.  Remember to get enough rest, to hydrate regularly and to listen to your body when it's showing signs of fatigue.  For all of us, lets just plan to enjoy Jupiter in Cancer and to focus on our feelings as opposed to our intellects. 


Cancer is a psychic sensitive water sign and while Jupiter is in Cancer, there is an opportunity to increase your own individual psychic powers.  Jupiter in Cancer will increase the ability to imagine and visualize and if we use it correctly it will be of great benefit to us.  The sign of Cancer rules the breasts and the stomach and we're told that the seat of our emotions and psychic energy is in the "gut".  Many times we were taught to bypass the rational or thinking mind and to pay attention to what's happening in our stomach area.  Tension or knots in the stomach warns that what we're about to do is a no no, but light airy feelings of well being and joy are giving us a yes, yes, energy.  Actually if you need an answer to a question, you can lie down on your back with your hand on your stomach and ask the question.  Remember that uncomfortable feelings is "no" but upbeat feelings of joy and lightness means "yes". 


Last but not least is the reminder that Jupiter is the planet of gratefulness, gratitude and laughter.  When we're feeling on top of the world, when we're feeling thankful for our blessings, when we're just letting go of a big belly laugh, we're releasing healing endorphins that can heal the body, mind and spirit.  Jupiter in Cancer, the water sign is also saying make your connection to the water, learn to swim, or just pamper yourself with a long hot bath.  My Cancer daughter wrote me a text last week that ended with "Calgon, take me away".  That's because we've all been experiencing stress and confusion over the kinship foster situation and each "expert" has been telling us something different (smile).  We're in between 3 legal jurisdictions and each one has it's own rules.  Her take on it was just take a long hot bath and see what tomorrow brings.  Interesting enough her text made me fall out laughing.  This was a much needed comedic break from some stressing situations.  So remember to laugh, remember to connect with the water and enjoy this transit.  Love & Light, Ayesha

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