Monday, December 17, 2012


The Moon was in Capricorn, the sign equated with coldness, on Friday, December 14, 2012.  At 6:30 am, the Moon connected to Pluto, and since Adam Lanza was born with the Moon in Capricorn at birth, my guess is this was the time when he shot his mother to death while she was sleeping.  Then he loaded up his car with the guns that she purchased and headed towards the elementary school to kill 20 children and 8 adults and then himself.  When a good friend called to tell me the news, my first thought was "wonder if we can get his birth information".  Sure enough after minimal research I found his birthdate (without time), but looked at the Solar Chart anyway.  Please understand that this interpretation of Adam's Solar Chart is deficient because we haven't verified the birth date and because the time of birth is not available. 

BORN: APRIL 22, 1992

Several aspects caught my eye when looking at the Solar Chart.  The first thing was a Grand Trine in Earth, which usually means the individual attracts material wealth easily.  It would seem Adam came into this lifetime never having to worry about  money or the ability to get whatever he needed.  The second thing that caught my eye was a tight stellium (two or more planets working closely together), in Capricorn, The Moon, Uranus and Pluto.  Regardless of what people might say about his "devoted" mother, it would seem that Adam's problem stems from his relationship with his mother.  While you can't trust hearsay evidence, I did hear that Adam and his mother had a "contentious" relationship.  The Moon represents the Mother, Uranus represents upredictable circumstances, Pluto represents power and control.  This powerful stellium is at the root of the problem, and we heard that Adam had a personality disorder described as Asperger's Syndrome, From a spiritual perspective my intuition tells me that Adam and his mother have been together many lifetimes. Their relationship was karmic, ending with him shooting her with a gun that she purchased. 


Friends and neighbors of Nancy Lanza, gave flowery accounts of her, "she loves to garden" she's a devoted mother" "She loves board games" "she loves guns and loves to to to the range"...Huh?  Ok, in this gun loving country there are plenty of people who go to the range and shoot at targets.  I'm thinking that one reason why Nancy Lanza had to many guns was that she was afraid of her child, who suffered from hostile episodes and didn't have the ability to empathize or feel emotions for anyone.  Well that's a part of what Asperger's is all about.  They don't know what causes it, but looking at the three tightly knit planets in Capricorn, I could guess that in Adam's case it could have started when his mother was pregnant or when she was in labor.  Big Pharma has done alot to suppress information on drugs that could have generated autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome.  Then when a child exhibits symptoms of these personality disorders they are often given various drugs to keep them calm or zoned out.  With the Moon/Uranus/Pluto in Capricorn, forming squares (90 degree angles) to Adam's Mercury (the mind) and Venus (the ability to love), his relationship with his mother was a love hate situation and usually ended up with him experiencing uncontrollable violence towards his mother that came in spurts, fits and rages (totally unpredictable).  While Nancy probably did seek help for her son through the medical profession, her way of coping with her son went from smother love, to no love, to giving him material things to make him happy, to angry outbursts and threats to restrict his freedom.   No one really knows, except his brother or the ex-husband what went on behind closed doors.  I think some of Adam's rages were learned behaviors as he witnessed his mother going from high estatic states of joy, to down right rage and violence.  The medical community doesn't have a clue as to how to help a mother with a child who has mental disorders.  Their only method is to drug the child, or to isolate them in a mental hospital.  The meds only work if you're taking them, and there are tons of studies of people who are  on psychotropic drugs who as they age up, refuse to take them. 


The transits in Adam's chart are telling.  Saturn, planet of discipline and restrictions was in Scorpio, opposing his Taurus Sun, and he might have been feeling the energy for the past year.  Saturn oppositions can bring about depression and a feeling that things are getting worse.  I think he was depressed, and remember reading that a side effect of many of the psychotropic drugs adminstered to people like him, cause depression and suicidal thoughts. It seems his brother and his father had moved on and were just living their lives, leaving the mother alone to deal with a son who daily was becoming worse in his behaviors.  Also, Uranus in Aries was squaring (intense 90 degree angle) Adam's stellium in Capricorn.  He wanted to be free of his mother and any other restrictions in his life.  On the day of the horrible event, the Moon was in Capricorn, going over Solar Moon in Capricorn, Uranus and Pluto.  There might have been an argument the night before, or even a week before.  Something was stewing inside of Adam and the Moon triggered it.  Maybe it was the threat from his mother to have him put away?  Or to call the police because he was threatening her.  But this wasn't a last minute decision for Adam, this was something that he had been thinking about for a while now.  We can only say that our belief is that you choose your mother and father before you enter into this earthly plane.  Adam and Nancy have done this dance before, but the pity is their dangerous dance took the lives of so many innocents on that fateful day.  The good that can come from this is that the discussion about assault weapons has come up again.  Also the discussion on how to deal with mentally ill people who are not only a danger to themselves but to others as well.  I am so sure that pharamaceutical drugs are not the answer, as we're living in a time where natural and more holistic remedies can work.  God Bless the victims in this case, including Adam and his mother.  If they knew better they would have done better.  He chose to come back into a world that has a culture of violence and one day in the near future we'll be working towards creating a culture of peace and love.  We all have to search ourselves and see what it is we can do to eliminate the violence in this world.
From video games (Adam was a gamer), to television, to movies, violence is reigning supreme. And let's not forget about the wars that some of us willingly send out children to fight.  Interesting note: The Bushmaster Automatic Rifle that Adam's mother purchased is legal and often used by American soldiers in Afghanistan.  We wonder how many Afghani' mothers have had to bury their children as a result of them being gunned down in the streets?  However, I think Adam's behaviors in the past years worsened, that he was off his meds.  He was a very intelligent young man who probably resented the side effects of the drugs prescribed for him.  Let's see if people who are pinned on this story, are interested enough to find the real truth.  Big pharma has a powerful lobby in Washington.  They've paid off politicians big time to keep the truth from coming out. 


I wasn't surprised to hear that Adam Lanza was a "gamer". He loved to play video games and we could just guess what kinds he liked.  The Video Game corporations are also spending lots of money trying to keep the truth out of the hands of customers.  Studies upon studies have proven that hours spent playing video games disrupts the limbic structure of the brain.  So much easy killing (with rewards) is supposed to be "fun".  While every child who is exposed to video games does not turn out to be a serial killer...these games in the hands of the mentally ill is not a good thing.  Adam was a skilled "gamer" and probably sat for hours killing people in that virtual world.  With his Moon/Uranus/Neptune in Capricorn, he probably had the skills to create his own games, but in the meantime there was a disconnect between fantasy and reality, plus his inability to emotionally connect to other people...a remedy for a disaster.  Certainly a person who is on psychotropic drugs that bring up homicidal and suicidal thoughts, should not be allowed to sit for endless hours pretending to kill people.  I'm just saying.... It was reported that once Adam focused on something he went in deeply.  Can't help but think how this ability to focus could have played out if he was a musician, an artist, a scientist looking for a cure for cancer.  Oh well.  Adam chose a mother who was fascinated with guns, was proud of her gun collection and who often took him and his brother to the range.  No one will ever know what she was thinking as she encouraged the son who would eventually shoot her in her sleep, to love guns. 

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