Sunday, April 7, 2013



The New Moon will be in Aries on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. Aries is the 1st sign in the Zodiac and the one that says "I Am".  It's a Cardinal Fire sign that is ruled by Mars, planet of action.  This particular New Moon connects with Mars, the action planet and Venus, planet of love which are both in Aries now.  This is a wonderful opportunity to tap into the energy to use it in positive ways. 


Since the New Moon makes the connection to Mars first (9:02am) focus on action, energy and movement.  This is a good time to move your body, exercise, go for a brisk walk, go to the gym and workout, take a swim, take the first steps towards achieving your stated goals. Make the phone call, write the letter, answer the email or draw up a plan for a new project.  Or simply write down your goals, the things you want to achieve in the coming months. 


According to my astrological calendar, Venus connects with the New Moon at 12:25pm on Wednesday and this is a good time to use your creativity, engage in a hobby, or get back to an old one.  Whatever it is that you love to do, do more of it. And if it's more love that you want in your life, write down the characteristics of your perfect mate, while imagining how it will feel when she or he is in your life.  If you've already found your perfect mate, this is a good time to call him or her and tell them how you feel, or write a love letter, or play your favorite love song while imagining that you're with them.  This is also a good time to do some self hugs. Hug yourself when you're in the shower, or look in the mirror and say "I am beautiful (or handsome), I am capable, I am loveable."  Loving yourself, unconditionally is the first step because before you can love anyone else, you must love yourself. 


All day Wednesday, and possibly the day before, be mindful of what you're saying in your self talk and in conversations with others.  The I Am Principle is at work so whatever words you choose to say after "I AM" is important.  For at least two days be sure to say positive life affirming words after "I Am".  So easy to get caught up in the negative, i.e. "I'm so tired, or I'm so angry, or I'm so afraid, or I'm so broke" Thoughts and words are magical things because they bring back to us whatever went out of our minds or our mouths. But you can choose to substitute the negative with the positive, i.e. "I am happy, I am full of energy, I am thankful , I am prosperous, I am Love."   


Use this powerful cosmic energy to start a new ritual. When you wake up in the morning, stretch before getting out of the bed and say out loud or to yourself "this is going to be a good day"..."I am happy, I am thankful and I am looking forward to this day".  David Ji, a practitioner at the Chopra Center gave us the RPM ritual...rise, pee, then meditate.  Been doing that for the past few years, instead of waiting until I had time to meditate.  That RPM went deeply into my subconscious mind and actually it works for me.  When I do the RPM, my day starts off good, and I deal with anything else with the positive meditative spirit that influences me to make the right decisions as I go about my day.  This is much better than waking up, thinking about my busy schedule, jumping in the shower while grumbling to myself "this is going to be a "b***tch of a day" (laughing).  I used to get up that way when I was younger and my self fulfilling prophecy about having a bad day often came true. 


With the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus and *Uranus all in Aries now, it would seem that things are speeding up, because Mars ruled Aries craves action, but the action is always better when it's deliberate and not impulsive.  Since last week we've seen the results of negative Aries energy, so many car accidents, hit and runs, so many fires (at least up here in the mountains), so many threats of violence (North Korea), and so many arguments about gun control, gun violence, same sex marriage, etc. etc.  It would seem that what's going on in Washington has infected everyone, including Kim Jung IL who is flexing his military muscles right now.  It is a good idea to just slow it down. Refuse to get caught up in the frenzy, and calmly go about your day, especially while this New Moon in Aries, plus Mars/Venus in Aries is happening.  A good antidote for increased Aries energy is to deliberately slow you roll, and before your think or speak or take action consider how your actions will effect other people.  Evolved Aries people are courageous, stand up people and they realize that they are not alone in this world.    They've managed to move from selfishness to selflessness. March Aries people are getting direct contact from Uranus, planet of change and intuition. The changes that they've attracted in their lives are the direct result of actions taken in the not too distant past.  Uranus says "change is good, and change is all there is".
My teacher would say "without change there is only stagnation and death".  Enjoy your New Moon in Aries and use it in positive ways. 

* Uranus will be in Aries until 2018 and it's inspiring Aries people or people with planets in Aries to evolve and grow. 

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