Saturday, February 2, 2013

MARS IN PISCES - 2/3/13 - 3/12/13

Mars, the action planet moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces on February 3, 2013 and stays there until March 12, 2013. Keep in mind that Pisces is more undercover than Aquarius, so what's happening in our outer world may not be what's really happening in truth.  We feel these aspects weeks before they take place so the whole Lance Armstrong story (pun intended) and the news about the football  player who was in love with an imaginary lover...seems to go on ad nauseam. 


I used to fear that statement, that usually came from my grandmother when she was trying to find out the truth about something I did (laughing).  But the warning comes when Mars is in Pisces...what's done behind the scenes will come to the LIght.  For one thing, personally I don't care about these people that keep coming up in the media.  What they did or didn't do have no direct affect on me.  The only reason why they are big stories is because the media keeps pounding on them.  Who cares?  Really?  Then there was the story about Beyonce...did she lip sink the National Anthem?  Again, who cares?  If she did lip sink she did it to her own tracks, not someone elses. 


We're living in a dimension of duality.  Regardless of what metaphysicians try to tell us, there is always a flip side to everything.  On the negative side, Mars in Pisces says "watch your back", on the positive side, Mars in Pisces says be more faithful and believe in yourself".  The spiritual idea with Mars in Pisces is to put feet on your prayers, to pray totally believing that your prayers will be answered.  Spiritual teachers say pray, then act.  If you want a better life, then you're going to have to change what you did to get the life that you want.  Also there's a need to take responsibility for what's in your life right now. 


I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets tired of hearing victim stories.  I do know people (some of them are related) who always have a victim story. These are the people who are always broke and always begging.  If you dare to tell them that if they stopped buying smoke everyday, they'd have enough money to buy diapers (oops maybe that's too personal), but these "broke" people don't have cable or internet now, so they won't be in a position to hate me for telling the truth (laughing again).  The universe is fair and balanced.  Need more money? Then stop spending on things you don't need. Now there are people who are in need and who need a hand up.  Hopefully the Mars in Pisces energy will inspire good people to come up with a way to make other people's lives better. 


There is power when two or three people get together "where two or three are gathered".  Mars in Pisces should inspire us to work together to achieve a positive result, or to at least pray together at the same time for someone in need.  Taking time out to pray or meditate is not going to cost you anything, except a few minutes of your precious time. Recently I've networked with people who like me, have decided to pray more often and to keep the Light around them.  We should be aware of the groups that we get involved with because we're living at a time of group consciousness, and if you're in a group with low consciousness these days, then expect to receive the same karma.  Yet our Higher mInds always know the truth and before big events happen there is a warning.  It might just be that at last minute you decide not to go to the club or the football game.  You don't seem to know why, all of a sudden you canceled, but the news the next day lets you know that your decision was the right one.  Thinking back to an interview with a man who was supposed to go to that club in Brazil where many people were killed.  He felt sad and even a little guilty because when asked why he didn't go, he simply said  "don't know".  This is the time to be in the right place at the right time, and even if it doesn't make sense to others, we must always listen to our inner voice of wisdom. 


I think it was MLK who said do something good when nobody's watching is a sign of good character.  (not exact quote) But you get my drift.  When you give something away or help someone whose in need, there's no need to tell anyone or to brag about it.  Then as you develop the habit of helping and caring what you do becomes an automatic thing.  Just know that every deed is recorded in the Akashic Records and you'll get to review them at the end of your life. 


With Mars in Pisces, Pisces People (African People), will be moved to use group energy positively (I hope and pray) to stand up for what they believe.  This is not the time to preach, or rant and  rage, but to be the example of what you believe.  Mars in Pisces should bring the love and compassion out of people.  All you have to do in any case is to put yourself in it and question: "how would I feel if this happened to me?" The flip side of Mars in Pisces is the escapist energy.  Some people may hide behind their religion to try to escape from the need to move their bodies in the right direction.
We live in a world where escapist activities are running rampant...from drugs/alcohol, fantasies, games, movies or television, there's always a way to dumb down the brain in order to run in the opposite direction.  Yet the wake up calls are coming fast and furiously.  What about the wacky weather?  One day 50 degrees the next day below zero.  Some places too much rain, other places none at all.  You might say "well what can I do about it?"  But there's so much information in the world today about how we can change and how we can become guardians of this beautiful planet.  The Truth is, we're all breathing the same air so we're all effected by the pollution in the air.  The other day the fog was so intense that none of my neighbors (including me) drove their cars.  The news that night was filled with stories of car accidents, people being killed and maimed because either they or the other person was driving too fast. The attitude of "I've got to get there in a hurry" and "even though visibility is low, I've got to get where I'm going" is prevailing.  For me, I caught up on my reading and telephone calls and writing and cancelled all my appointments...  because my inner guides said "tomorrow is another day".  Stay in tune, listen to the still voice and be safe.  Keep the Light around you and loved ones.  Love, peace and Light, Ayesha

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