Monday, August 27, 2012


BELOVEDS, this Friday there will be another Full Moon. The 2nd  Full Moon in one month is often referred to as The Blue Moon.  This Blue Moon will be in Pisces, the sign that says "I Believe" and from the way things are going, we are being held accountable for what we believe.  It's time to walk our talk and be what it is we say we believe.  Sometimes Blue Moons bring up situations or circumstances that only happen "once in a Blue Moon". They usually come as surprises but somewhere deep inside we had a feeling (moon word) that it was coming.  For me, it happened that "something" told me to get started writing my updated forecasts for my website.  Just a little voice inside my head said "you'll be glad you did this".  For some reason I don't like writing too far in advance, blame it on laziness procrastination or that I've been trained to meet deadlines (or else) by writing for Essence Magazine.  So I got most of it done last week and planned to post it at midnight on the 31st. 


Last night  I got a phone call from one of my daughters telling me that my 94 year old aunt and two cousins were coming up this Friday and they needed someone to meet them at the train station.  Since I'm the only one who's not working on a corporate plantation and can change my schedule, that "someone" would be me.  Usually I try to stay close to home on any Full Moon, but on this Blue Moon my plan was to go to the waterfalls, do some errands and just vegg out, meditate, pray and catch the spiritual energy.  Now the whole thing has changed.  I'll be traveling to the city on the Blue Moon, with all the noise and artifical lighting and obnoxious, crazy people, on the holiday weekend to meet relatives I haven't seen in years, then travel by subway to bring them to my daughter's house and then later go out to dinner. (phew).  Not my plan but one I can't reasonably change..  The way my daughter pulled me in was to keep saying "Aunt Sissie says the only person she really wants to see is you".  How's that for playing the guilt card.  So, I'm rearranging my schedule, cancelling appointments and battling with the negative self talk in my head, i.e. "if I had known they were planning to come I would have...." or "geez I hate the city on any given day, now I have to be there during the Blue Moon?"  Visions of the Port Authority, homeless people, scheming people, the smells, the long walk to Amtrak, the walk to the subway after Amtrak, kept circulating in my head..."why me Lord?" 


Then this morning I started changing the images in my head, imaging greeting my relatives with a smile, laughing and catching up with them, eating good food in a restaurant, hugging them and telling them I love them, singing happy birthday to my aunt, who was always there for me when I was growing up.  I have this one angel who usually fusses at me when I'm thinking negatively "what kind of metaphysician are you?" "you can navigate the city streets easily without incident if you stop thinking negatively"  "you've taught many people how to use the Light of protection that you say always works, so what's the difference now?"  I think you get my drift. 


No matter what surprises the Blue Moon in Pisces brings...just deal with it, and stay positive, and keep the Light around you.  Going to get in bed early every night until Friday, take my vitamins, maybe even go for a refreshing swim, but most of all, I'm surrendering to what is.  Someone once said that we should take note of situations and events that are memory makers, and we should treasure them because they only come up once in a while, like once in a  Blue Moon (smile). 


Hurricane Isaac is barreling down on Florida.   How's that for mother nature doing her thing and forcing people to change their plans.  While the hurricane may not hit Tampa directly, the threat has impacted a group of people whom I believe are meanspirited, elitetists and ideologically distant from the very people they're supposed to be representing.  Ann Romney said she and Mitt  were so poor during college days that they ALMOST  had to sell stocks from their portfolios!!!!  Huh What?  How many young people today who are dependent on Pell grants have ever even seen a stock portfolio? Now the party that's trying to replace Obama is gearing up to eliminate pell grants.  They don't have a clue about how the 99 percent of us are living.  May the wind and water pour down on their egotistical souls.  and so it is!


  1. Wonderful post. Can't help but think the same thing about the RNC. Terrible! Shame on me! Lol! Have a great time with family. Looking forward to the blue moon!

  2. Great post! Do you believe the blue moon in Pisces effects a Pisces mans love? Meaning if he's been distancing himself because of his feelings of love. He today on blue moon finally expressed that he distances himself because he has feelings. Could things change now with him accepting the feelings and not distancing because of fear of the feelings?

  3. At least he recognizes his habitual responses...that's the first step towards understanding himself. The Blue Moon must have effected his ability to communicate brought out something that was hidden deep inside? Once we know we have a problem them we can seek to find the solution. Change comes in time. We're all learning and growing in this planetary school called "earth".


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